USA BBALL olympics

The usa basket-ball team also called has the new dream-team have just won 156-73 agaisnt Nigeria that is a record for the olympics for points made by a team. The old record was 133. But the most impressive thing is that during that game that USA team scored 66% of their 3 points shots that means 29 of their 46 shots for 3 were in. MVP of the game is Carmelo Anthony, he did 37 points while missing one shot for 3 on 11 try.

Next game vs Lithuania friday

Lithuania have to face the dream team after a recent lost agaisnt France.

Good night peoples and happy olympics!

P.S Usa first in the medals before China :O
ahhh i forgot to watch this game, fck :<
About Lithuanian team, seriously, check this out:

looks more like an american propaganda movie against the big evil russia than a sports documentary
Well, give it a try. It had _way_ much more, though the style was "omagaad, we gonna rise against a big nation and be winrars". Great stories there, lots of invidual stories too.
And about documentaries, watched this today, pure winning <3

EDIT: Trailer isn't even close to the greatness of the doc.
Parent still says China is ahead of USA? wtf

Anyways USA will roll over any team. Must be doping...
I don't get basketball, basically you run near the basket and if anyone tries to stop you, you get free shots....
haha me like ;d
Thats why you have to play the game before talking. You can say shit like that to any other sport
Nigger you mad?
im not even close to being mad, you are just a hater, get outside from your cave and look around, life is not about computer games
I don't get football, basically you run near the goal and if anyone tries to stop you, you get a penalty....
i hate ball!
soccer, NHL, is all about it :)
>olympic games
>any year since the ancient greece

this shit is a farce...
Can you stop posting with
and start typing normal comments? Thanks
shit face needs to learn so history

pls go back to albania
deutsche kartoffel ist mad :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
shit face needs to learn so history

pls go back to albania
sti que t noir
ah Nigeria that well known basketball country
i don´t think usa will loose any match
was fun to watch :) dunno if it was a normal game or just slam dunk/3 point contest :D
Bitch pls, olympic tournament with random teams like Tunisia and Nigeria....
Doping pleasseee well known country for that
Yep, doping helps you scoring 3 points shots!
Seriously, without bein able to run they coudnt score that.
I bet that USA bball team have been disqualified or some players dropped b4 for Doping( serval times)
any way to re-watch the match? missed it :{
It's not that hard when you're the only country that actually gives a fuck about that sport....
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