
Im a legend, there is no way around it. That's not the point of this journal though.

I have lately noticed increasing trend of mistreating legends in this community. There are many instances of this sort of behaviour lately but lets use this as example now.

There you have it. Noname polak calling me an idiot. I realize due to being Polish Poland fanatic probably doesn't have full understanding of what he is doing, but it doesn't change the fact of days of glory being long gone.

Now I have been in this community for long time - I remember the rise of Parodia like it was yesterday and back then I wouldn't even have dreamed of calling Finland Raveneye an idiot. Apparently things have changed around here.

You all talk about reviving ET and getting new players, now think about this; if a new comer sees a legend like me being treated like this by some piece of shit, is it really motivating to him to try to become a legend? No it's not and this is exactly why ET is dying, or maybe even death already.

Even the absolute bottom of the oldschool, United Kingdom Kamz, knows how treat legends, maybe you all could learn something from him for change.

"This is how you threat EC players?"
23:20 +ENSAM • what the fuck mental?
23:20 +ENSAM • first you give forfeit and now you ask us to play?
23:20 +ENSAM • what the fuck really?
23:20 +ENSAM • this is how you threat EC players?
23:20 +ENSAM • what the fuck admin?
was waiting for this :XD
its all vercancert
Cool Story Bro.

What did you expect from polaks anyway? They are always flameing before they think so.
fanatic does what he wants to, thats his attitude towards everyone i believe nowadays

watch your words fanatic or fins will rape you!
enksgam pls
If you want to be a legend you should attend a lan and make huge money.

when we gonna own again?
I'm always ready to own!

My main computer almost exploded so I had to change back to my old one. And I'm serious, it almost exploded man, I came back to my room after some time outside and suddenly I could smell smoke and when I turned the computer on it was making some weird sounds all the time. So I opened my computer and it was so damn hot inside. I couldn't even touch my graphic card for more than one sec because it was SOOOOO HOT.

Now I'm just installing everything on my old computer, LoL, ET, Dayz, TS etc. Probably going to use it for a while now. Have to figure out what to do with my main computer...
aw sounds crazy:D

I'm almost level 12 so I can flash. Need lvl 20 for the runes man!
finally we know why et is dying, legendary discovery!
Without taking a side here, i must say that the respect has been lost for ages to be honest :P Everyone's ego is way too big.
Even with 3medals around my neck, I keep being an awesome guy with ETplayers. I consider myself as an example for everyone.
yeah take kevin for example, djeez :D
My fingers are not enough to count all the egoish pricks out there :D
we are the only gentil souls left!
nah ,there is some more cool guys and girls out there!
true. I remember my first time on cf, i was overwhelmed with the negative thinking on here, like my first journal when i released supply for rtcw, instead of being grateful they all whined at me like crazy


but then you get used to it
Hey man.. we are not selling for you.. too drunk

Old good times.. brings tears to my eyes :,)

Legend Ensam.
hah, well at least he got up to the counter unlike mind :D
ensam legendary gamer!
stfu idiot
KRP is a team full of ledgends. I demand fantatic says sorry or I will stomp on his face if he turns up at LAN (which he won't because he is poor)

you will stomp someone in the face? sorry but i saw your pics and you look like 30+ yo skinny 40kg faggot so nigga please
the secret is in the chocomel
And you are a poor faggot who wouldn't dare come up to e because you know you'd get slapped down like the bitch you are.
poor faggot? im very rich tbh i could buy your fucking mom or wife to clean my toilet
Why this poor-hate towards Poland?
It wasn't directed at poland. I didnt mention the country at all tbh. It was a jibe at this moron.
yeahh budddddddddy daddy wants to stomp on my face :DD Cracow is a beautiful city, you should totally visit it when there is next CGS LAN and stomp ony my face really haha
I have absolutly NO desire to goto poland. I mean, why would I? I come from one of the greatest cities in the world. You should learn to respect people like me and ENSAM. True ledgends of this game while you are just another number falling in line trying to make a name for himself by flaming people as boss as me and ensam.
Quotepeople like me and ENSAM. True ledgends

image: c29652a42f03806eaa5b9463b47248db
come down to earth dude. you are fucking horrible at this game :DDDD

why would you? to beat me up. or get knocked down in 2 seconds. i wouldn't count on the first option though
I know fuck all about you, because you are truely a no namer. Yet you seem to know I am a dad and I am an old man. Therefore you proved yourself wrong before you started this discussion.

When you are on my level you can then talk to me. 'till then you are just another wannabe. Keep aiming for stars because you might one day get on my level.
This noob was just taken to school by one of the top dawgs in this community. Feel free to laugh at his ugly face.
Kamz for president!
actually I kinda get what you're talking about
good for you, I mean, most likely more than half of the people reading this won't get the actual message, rather concentrating on the layout of words in stead of the content.
It's a bit harder to understand when coated in krp-form.
tldr, just wanted to comment in this journal
Question is : WHO CARES?
Modern society stinks.
Quoteyou dont tell KRP what to do we play whenever we want poland faggot

Ego +321285464; free racism

Why would a "legend" deserve more respect than a random low+ player like me?
Don't be so big headed, you simply could have sent a message to his immediate superior instead of coming here with your good old time blablabla.
It's just a game. It's the Internet. Once your RJ 44 is cut, you're nothing but a finnish citizen.

Without necessarily saying Fanatic is a good guy/admin.
Isn't it the scientific name of the Ethernet cable?

e: RJ 45, my bad.
It's called RJ 45!
Wanted to play it cool you know, it's not my kind of knowledges. Miserably failed :p
Not a big deal anyway :D but i was like "wtf is rj 44? do i suck that much as a Networks Graduated guy?" xD
fanatic flaming? cannot be
yeah, that's exactly the reason why ET is dying :D:D:D:D
i love ppl calling themselves "legends" or feeling too pro to talk to other ppl who aren't known..I hate this high egos.. saw some of them on LAN (dont wanna call names). That "legends" are treated like that wouldn't even be in the Top 10 of the reasons why ET is dying. just try to talk to ppl like u would do irl.
i love u mztic :D
same opinion here!
reduce ur fucking ego and thats it
This post brought tears to my eyes :')

Good old days. I award this post with 5 golden pocals out of 5.
With all due respect legendary perforator, those are medals not pocals!
Fuck. I knew I messed up somewhere!

I blame Crossfire 4.0.
Grow the fuck up
You are legend in computer game. Wow. You archieved everything in ur life and u can die in peace now.
No offense but he should have kicked you without further ado for insulting admin.
he should be kicked for insulting players :x
Hmm so lets kick both of them and get rid of this problem.
Joking, let them enterain us 8D
Yes i agree with you, legends should be treated with respect
You mean licking asses to get in BSDM should be done?

e: KRP next clan you want get in :D?
I dont lick ass, im just a nice guy too the guys who deserves it.
tbh i didnt play this game for more than a year since i had a break and i think i saw your nickname in some decent clan. The question is who the fuck are you or what is your real nick?
This is my real nick, dont blame you for not knowing me cause i've only been playing etpro for 2years.
Just because someone has played this game for a long time doesn't make him a 'legend'
Neither does pocals

It's your attitude that demands respect from other people

that being said
I agree that fanatic is a retard
inb4 he deletes your comment :D
Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the ET legends burn.
hahahah YES fucking great
people taking this shit way too serious
i think you are great
I'm a legend. I'm the Drift King.

Too much irony in this journal, legend and ensam in 1 sentence. Fanatic > you. LAN winner vs EC winrar, lolol
you've got a point
you're the lan winner for me cousin :D
Quoteyou dont tell KRP what to do we play whenever we want poland faggot

get lost srsly, dickhead.
po angielsku nie napiszesz bo boisz sie odpowiedzi?
na lanie mu powie po angielsku

oh wait
nie zesraj sie cwaniaczku
actually i get ur point, but in this specific example theres no reason to treat u any other way than fuckface (due to ur behaviour against other players, people respected players like raveneye cause they acted like a mature persons)
You are the one without respect here, being a legend (and for me you aren't a legend) doesn't give you the right to talk to admins like that, indeed fanatic also made a mistake by replying like that but you started first.

And no matter if you're a legend or a random, everyone has to be treaten with respect, but you're too idiot to understand imo !
are you actually believing in what he is saying?

He is trolling m8 ;)
is he serious :p? or just trolling?
Not sure if stupid or just trolling? :D
Even if its trolling (which probably is), there's a point out there : back in the days new players dreamed about being as good as top teams, now a newcomer only sees the community of half retards and whiners (well, maybe cause there's not many players left, but its like that since couple of years already)
and good players could act like assholes & everybody agrees that they could because they are so high on the internet et game ladder? thats retarded man. Its just a game, if you get an ego because your good at something on the internet (or other sports or so, or actually anything competitive), in my eyes your just a person with a sad personality
nah it wasnt my point :P
I meant back in the days top players didnt act like that (at least not all of them:P), thats why they were so respected and everyone wanted to be like them:P now u get community (or more likely whats left of it) full of retards, so newcomer can be easily discouraged
even if krp are my biggest enemy into this comunity and i hate them from the bottom of my heart,i must admit that talking strictly et bussiness,krp are legends due of 2 simply reasons:they are very long time in this game,and they have lot of achievements,even if they miss the most important 1,which is winning a lan competition,however u can t possibly denie their contribution on et pro.

now they dont have to much of a legend attitude,but nobody is perfect.

fanatic is a nice guy,probably.

i think u guys should shake hands like real legends does ,drink a bear,and talk bout a possible colaboration between the 2 countries
for me u are still fat nerd without any plans for life :D u just proved it by journal like this
ex cheater, online only player, disrespectful fagott talking about being a legend, meeeh... going back to my beers
Still achieved a lot more than you will ever do. How can you expect to be admin of EC when you are disrespecting the very people that made EC what it is?
easy there Usain Bolt.
long live ensam
Disliked both attitudes really. For as much as I admire ensam, and I do, I strongly believe that stupid little arguments like this are quite a contributing factor to the killing of the ET scene.
If this was at lan, I would force you two to give a handshake, serious.
i honor your credits you have put in the game on this polak and benelux kiddy dominated community. heil ensjqm
lol u allow a polak to insult u?! :X:D:D
For me are players like Switzerland gifty and Germany urtier are true legends.. they played all what ET had and won competitions were we dream about to play atleast !
And those both players still playing a "dying" game because of fun and they dont care about talking to randoms/nonames whatever, they just help if they can or being nice to everyone ... i had with both short speaks at lan and online and both players are ET's finest .

im sure there are some more people like these both but this are 2 perfect examples for me who can tell himself a LEGEND.

edit: engrish deluxe sry :(
seanza legend
Ensam makes a journal, crossfire activity flies up to unknown heights.

You have your very weird form of e-admiration right there.
nobody gets reaction like me still soz ;s
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