Where's my respect bitches?

so today I came home from club and wanted to play some game before sleep so I do amsg et merc avi so then I was gonna play with bNm8 (or is he??) but then he say he going to play with night and night don't want play with king kamz when I speak with him other day and he interested in my lan team :x wtf two faced???

Then I pm some Germans who say need 3rd then I join their teamspeak and Hummel is there and he ban me for nothing:s luckily I not mad cos not really caring about community for years now:o so we move comms and play..

So we play 3o3 and we got raped but I enjoy playing there with lower skilled guys because they dont really have ego, look at ALMIGHTY, so much more fun playing with cool guys like mixer, fumble, etc than these gay "highskilled" drafts, where i was always best player even when inactive (apart from when olbaa played:(). I mean 24/7 gamer saken banning me from #topsikrits on irc (where bunch of nerds play about 50 hours a week), cos I hurt his feelings by flaming him on irc lool and said it to antho and antho pasting logs like real homo french faggot, and then u have bandwagon dickrider oxy who is licking everyone's ass then left channel in rage and made new channel #drafters, then I started to get more guys in old channel and take over, then they more mad cos they losing "e-war" rofl, kill new channel, rejoin old and ban (kevin to blame here). oh and i forgot mr oldschool potter, omg kamz hacked my server 8 years ago, dont like him, shit hasbeen players

Cannot even get started with this fanatic nerd taking forfeit wins cos I trollied him on gtv once and rejected his application to join colt45 and now he wants to be admin of ec and make european allstars event xD when everybody is calling him retarded n shiiit but one can clearly see he is kind of bit disabled

Then u have other random fags like unforgiven and bozar who have no problem showing everybody their retardation to public, random asslickers like oxy(mentioned already i think) and weslan, sucking up to better players to play with them.

Wtf is this community man???

Point is. This is how u treat gamescom silver medalists? I played in front of thousands, i didn't have to come back to this shit. I've done more for this community than everybody here :s think about what u get with me, u get a community like almighty who is always most active and clearly has the best personalities in a community full of anti-socials, a highskilled team to play tournies like colt45, a respected moviemaker who is helping people on daily basis with moviemaking stuff, site contributor, etc

Finland ENSAM was right, there is too much disrespect in community:? U will force influential figures and loyal players such as myself to go inactive again and game will suffer, gtv and this site will become more boring than it already is and u will only have urselves to blame;( even now im meant to be working with sean to do a promotional clip for adroits lan and already losing motivation to do this cos of community actions:/

tbh at this rate u will bring back old kamz and all matches will get hacked and ddosed :\ and irc priv channels will get hacked again like cb.priv (ask killerboy) and cf.priv (ask krosan).

change your ways now.


i aint even mad tho, lol making journal wall of text, must be mad???????? stupid fat homos

deal with it

image: 267508_2217882130761_3210049_n
Quoteso today I came home from club

stopped reading there, soz kamzm8 (or is he??)
you read the whole fucking journal

everybody reads what i write, im the most interesting person in this community and im also quite modest
When I wrote that comment I actually hadn't read more than the first sentence, but since I'm bored as fook I did read it all about 5 mins ago :3
i knew it


gnite meight
dat kamz :D
"U will force influential figures such as myself to go inactive"

ding ding, winnerrrrrrr
oh stop it :D
I should have bookmarked everytime it has happened on cf and gtv :D
hey invite me to those channels i wanna play now:<
what are your asslicking skills like?
cry me a riverrrrr
I think I watched this for 5 minutes, lol.
lol this is one fucked up gif xDD
Quotegtv and this site will become more boring than it already is

impossible bro.
didnt read lol

pic for nerds

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Sorry but, explain : "and weslan, sucking up to better players to play with them."

How is he sucking up to better players ? Just because he played a few matches with BDSM?

I was in the TS channel when Flop asked him to merc since they didn't have players.
Something else that's missing besides this then?
Did you try to take kamz"s journal seriously ? Wut ? :SsS
Have you tried reading my comment seriously before replying on it?
tl;dr parrot nose is upset

image: 6TCgx
neither did ur mom

i aint even mad tho, lol making journal wall of text, must be sad???????? stupid fat homos

he s not mad loekino

I not mad cos not really caring about community for years now:o
thats why i changed the word mad to sad!

same here frits, some people still do apparently so be gentle

I actually read the whole post.. but since you are this 'mastertroller' I don't know if you are serious.
If you are, you could take a look at how you are behaving towards people before judging how people behave towards you :)
Quotepoint is

Oh Manjiboy, LAN's gonna be epic this year
nice read 10/10

would read again
Nothing lives forever and every person is free to have any opinion from you even though you are part of this community for a long time. And as you already mentioned, the old kamz formed most of the antipathy towards you by behaving like a dick. There are not many ppl who dont give a fuck about someones online appearance. especially if you met them offline.

e: would write more, but I have to go to the group meeting
I must say you're out of shape :l

rather dull + you didnt come up with anything new

4/10 for the effort

quite nerdy btw

piece out

reminds me of ensam's posts btw :) I see you're a huge fan of his copying his text
yo at first in england they don't allow pakis to enter to the good clubs. Your trolling skill is terrible man.. even the same April fool every year on this site is something that i more believe
Quoteyo at first in england they don't allow pakis to enter to the good clubs.

where did you hear this? xD
from my english friend he told me you treat them like slaves
No, thats the Polish.
more like your country is slave for us XD we treat you all like animals from slovenia, easy bitches, you show them 5 euro and they do everything
Don't know any Slovenians that would go live in Poland :_D

You just can't handle the truth and you just spam sensless stuff just like seareal :_D
i know many of them, i was at vacation in lublana when i showed that i got a lot of money every slovenian whore was asking me to buy a drink, go to hotel together
Whores usually do that. And what is lublana?
as far as i know its your capital, i call like this your girls they werent proffesional whores
So if i come to waršava and i show a girl money, she won't be asking me to buy her a drink and go to a hotel with her ?

What a stupid logic.
yep maybe if you were american, spanish they are not really looking into poor slovenian
Oh you got me. I'm hurt. :(
yep maybe if you were american, spanish they are not really looking into poor slovenian
haha this is actually true, a lot of polaks dont get in because they look like tramps ;d
look at your face man, you're half nigger and nothing will change it even if you will try to make a joke of it, you're still a fucking half nigger
getting flamed by skinny polaks with no money

only @ cf
im very rich, skinny? buahah stfu half nigger
well you're polish so rich in poland is poor in uk

i know all about them, my town is full of asians and polaks, the asians are doctors, accountants etc and the polish cleaning cars and fixing fences :D

but it's internet i guess, u can be whatever u want! but we both know the truth
so you live in very poor neighbourhood, im travelling all over the world, got money for everything i only want no matter if i live in uk or here. But still if i want to get something i can buy it buy you will never buy white skin, you will always be a fucking paki - half nigger half human race, piece of shit
polak mad cos cannot into money lol, u can come wash my windows when i open my business
as i said im very rich
And instead here you are, trying really hard to look stupid on the internet, while you have all the money in the world to be doing anything and being anywhere you wanted.

But hey atleast you got white skin.
No, thats the Polish.
well whoever this "english friend" is, he's lying to you. :P
... reply to my fucking msg...
Shit effort tbh.
You dont deserve any respect at all, and the fact that you mention my name in every post of yours have to mean something. Your just jealous cause ive been playing for a short period of time and you've been playing since the release and you're still shit.
And i dont know whats sadder, that you sit at 2 at the night writing shit loads of bullshit text or that you say your going inactive and still more active then me rofl.
Shoutout all the pakis.
yo weslann, coming to LAN?
sup gymhitter, wont go to lan cause i couldnt find a team lol :P
inb4 koop gets all happy and shit xP
I can find you a team easily, I can even build a team around you.
He won't come because he is afraid since he threatened koop. That is a true story and not a fabrication. I have heard it from good sources.
I am told these things in confidence. Just know that I know this is the case. There is no need to make threats to people if you cannot back it up. I'm sure if you did attend lan that koop wouldn't do anything to you and neither would I. We are friendly people who just want to have a good time. I know that you are only 16 years old? and I would never attempt to hurt anybody that age.
I am 17 and yea i know you wouldnt do anything rofl.
And if koop took my "threat" seriously, hes just a moron tbh.
QuoteWe are friendly people who just want to have a good time.

PS: Would like to play with you + agree with your journal mate.
sure can play some time =)
looking forward to that (no assliking)
Ah you so pro and so good. Ego of better players so high these days it gets annoying.
I am glad you find comfort in the fact that I mention you in a list with retards.

None of my posts are about you unless I'm referring to somebody being retarded/shit. No need to lie about your activity neither, you are playing ET everyday, i've played once this week and hardly touched the game for half of this year. Regardless of activity, let's not ever compare your skill level with mine ever again :x
I dont lie about my activity, yea i play a game alot that i enjoy, i dont see the problem here?
Idd bit embarrassing for me comparing my skill to urs:o
Is oxy still spinning on potters dick ? why am i even asking....

Need to get real almighty oldschoolers to kill some clans/chans again, clean up the scum.

Oxy is a massive dick rider who has some issues.
im here for you kamz xoxo
nerd and ugly walrus whining here

nothing to see

PS. nice shirt X:X:D:DD
This game will never be the same as before. You'll always have disrespectful players and internet heroes, just ignore them and keep enjoying the game by playing fun matches with some mates.

~ Big mouths but small hearts ~
QuoteThis game will never be the same as before.

that's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard in my life. since I started ET there have been "disrespectful players and internet heroes" all over the game. but here's the thing, it's not about ENEMY TERRITORY, it's about the INTERNET. people like the fact that it's not face to face arguments and therefore they argue a lot. I'm sure you've played CoD4/BF3/CS:S/CS 1.6 in your life and these are filled with the biggest retards known to online gaming.
Yeah ok thats true, but the amout of disrespectful players is growing, thats just how it is.
no it's not, simply just how you see it. it's just much easier to spot retards.

proof = USA. massive population, surely filled with smart people, but the ones that grab the attention of the world are the idiots.
you've gotta admit it's true! :D in fact, I'm sure you've been called 'dumb american' once or twice in the past. :P
haha yeah, I agree :P
Best journal @ cf 4.l0w
Was gonna hate but after having seen the photo all I feel is this blue feeling towards you Stamfordbro 8)
i would love playing with you and learning ET from you : ]
you're boring ..

ive never lost an ec game .. aprentice > master!
Me niether.
i dont remember posting any of this :s

too drunk taking chicks back to your crib, teach me man :s
Dun dun dun, another freshy bites the dust.
image: 5140032_700b

is that you?
nah i dont have yellow cushions
ok was just wondering... oxy said it was you :/
i'm not white

it's nice that u guys spend ur evenings talkin about me tho
one tip for the future: change your attitude ;> maybe some ppl more will respect you in the future.... you prolly not hacking or ddosing that much anymore but reading your disrespectful comments over and over again on gamestv and here, acting like you are the ET god for ages.... and i got proven again that you have not changed at all when u got buthurt a couple of weeks ago and started ddosing our ts.

start beeing nice to ppl and they start beeing nice to you!

already u r accusing me of ddosing teamspeak without valid proof, ddosing is a technique i used like five years ago, it is quite shameful that if i was to lame in some way that i would still be doing this, anyway i dont have time for that crap, i have far more important things to do than waste time on this, i shouldn't even have to justify these false accusations anymore.

thanks for the advice but here is mine to you:

my advice to u is to drop the ego, stop taking the internet so seriously and stop judging people like u know them, and also to drop the past, we are in 2012 now and you are in a small minority of people clinging on to the past, you remind me of tosspot a little

i'll consider ur advice if u consider mine,

dont know how that is done whatever... but well 8 ppl on ts only oxy saken and me getting flooded... which is coming from uk... probably bad luck i know and i dont care

my ego? i cant remember that i ever acted like iam the best of the world or smth. sorry i really cant. have not played et seriously for like 4 years but you probably know that already. as i see in your post your are not forgetting the past yourself but why should we? are you not happy you got 2nd at gamescom? I am for getting 2nd at quakecon.
iam taking internet seriously? iam not the guy who is sad cause he doesnt get respect on the INTERNET.

Be fast with your reply... the only reason why u got my attention is because i dont have anything to do at work... and iam leaving in 25mins

one of my advice was to stop taking the internet so seriously.

this is mostly a troll post, it doesn't bother me if i get respected or not, 2nd @ gamescom is just a joke, it's easy to see that :D

it is generally the case that the people that like me and ignore the troll stuff are people who got social lives (most of community) and dont care so much about what i write, and the ones that hate me seem to be more serious guys, im not saying this is the case with you, don't know you so cant make that judgement

the only reason u got my attention also is because im coding whilst on laptop :]
ok i get it because i hate you and lets say because i dont want "to hang out" on the internet with you...i take it too serious?! or am i wrong? i cant know that cause i was too busy working and buying my own house and boat the last couple of years....

shouldnt have taken internet too serious :( in my next life i will be on cf 24/7 aswell and trolling ppl all the time... maybe then iam the master of social live like you aswell :>


ps: work finished, good night
you very much misinterpreted my comment

i don't particularly want to hang out with you neither but that doesnt mean i would ban you or decline playing with you because i have never spoke with you before

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