23 Aug 2012, 17:36
Most of the people who flame poland never really been here, 80% of society lives here on pretty decent level it's pretty impressive tbh after what we survived 1st world war, 2nd world war, 30 years of soviet occupation, while countries like france surrendered. But it all doesn't matter since you all haters know better.
Only one thing is really interesting for me, how the fuck people like kamz or this k0p gay or whatever his nickname is can flame about someone nationality? They're descendants of immigrants, PEOPLE WHO COULDN'T STAND ON THEIR OWN GROUND and then some half-black human like kamz is talking about polish immigrants in england. Face the truth you're trying to judge someone else while you know you're poor immigrant aswell, whole england was hating on the pakis like you, your parents and whole family and friends in 90's.
Before you will try to flame someone again look at yourself at first, at least we got enough balls to stand right here always ready to fight for our country, families with face, pride and honour.
Only one thing is really interesting for me, how the fuck people like kamz or this k0p gay or whatever his nickname is can flame about someone nationality? They're descendants of immigrants, PEOPLE WHO COULDN'T STAND ON THEIR OWN GROUND and then some half-black human like kamz is talking about polish immigrants in england. Face the truth you're trying to judge someone else while you know you're poor immigrant aswell, whole england was hating on the pakis like you, your parents and whole family and friends in 90's.
Before you will try to flame someone again look at yourself at first, at least we got enough balls to stand right here always ready to fight for our country, families with face, pride and honour.
dit is het trieste moment uit je leven
I would take my family and run away, I wouldn't kill myself with 0% chance of surviving. Fighting would be just stupid, but you can call that patriotism or what ever you want.
Had to check it down.
btw can u link me with this article?
The first thing that really struck me was "while countries like france surrendered".
... Yeah watch a documentary on ww2 before you make yourself look like an idiot.
Anyhow, Poland wasn't the only country who suffered in both world wars and soviet occupation. I do feel sorry for the jews though.
The polish pride shouldn't be of it's survival of hardship but for it's culture and heritage. Heard of Chopin or Paderewski? I bet by name, max. Study your culture and stop blaming others for your corrupt government.
i like other poles :(
when would you like to run? Without any means of transport, without possibility to cross the country border because of continous control, without money?? It was rarely when a Pole managed to escape from poland, usually escapers were ending in concentration camps...
My ancestors were fighting till they die but it wasn't just a fight without any sense. There were chances to get help from abroaders like england but the help just came 2 late.
It was according to my history teacher.
anyway I don't want to start a new world war, so let's end the conversation here since it's pointless to talk, because I have zero knowledge what happened there.
i do
karjala takas!!!!
funny how every stuff about Poland somewhat gets to WW2
"If I had such soldiers as Poles, I would conquer the whole world"
At least they died with honor and noone can say that Poles ever gave up. Unlike paki or french pussies.
And +1 for johnny. Looking back to our history we have great economy - and I think that if our governement will come to some changes (we have hopeless politics atm) Poland will become strong and a significant country on the international arena.
They managed to defend 28times longer(7 days) than hitler expected. So yes, I think he could be a bit devastated
Niemieckie wojska lądowe były też wyposażone w dużą liczbę ciężkich samochodów pancernych ADGZ, 65 dział artyleryjskich (20 mm działa przeciwlotnicze FlaK 30, 37 mm armaty przeciwpancerne PaK 36, 105 mm lekkie haubice polowe Feldhaubitze18 oraz 211 mm ciężkie haubice holowane Mörser 18), ponad 100 karabinów maszynowych oraz nieznaną liczbę średnich moździerzy i miotaczy ognia Flammenwerfer 35.
Niemieckie wojska lądowo-morskie w szturmie na Westerplatte wspierały także dwa dywizjony Luftwaffe, a były to StG 2 "Immelmann" i 4.(St)/TrGr 186, które to posiadały od 40 do 60 bombowców nurkujących Ju 87 Stuka oraz 7 innych samolotów (Heinkel He 51 i Junkers Ju 52).
Załoga placówki uzbrojona była w broń ciężką – 4 moździerze 81 mm, 2 działka przeciwpancerne 37 mm i działo piechoty 75 mm. W wyposażeniu obrońców znajdowało się także 18 ckm, 17 rkm i 8 lkm. Żołnierze dysponowali ok. 160 karabinami, ok. 40 pistoletami i około tysiącem granatów[1][6]. Zapasy żywności mogły wystarczyć na miesiąc. Według planów Westerplatte miało bronić się przez sześć godzin, a w rzeczywistości broniło się aż 7 dni[6].
... go back to school plz
and he'd break ur legs bro
check out this pic of me in shades indoors
have a good day
as a side note, polish ppl are not very friendly in general, i have just met 2 or 3 in this game that show the opposite..
rafek disagrees
like Decerto|mikEHHh ofc
lets all do it!
he gave me the permission to post this admins(frop)
Kijk eens hoe ik hak-hak
Lekker uit me dak
Tot in de vroege morgen
who's that cool guy on the right with his 3000 £ camcorder
I bet girls are scared of him and call him a creep.
And goodjob on his 50 year old mom bringin another paki to life. Birthcontrol anyone?
i dont know why
"if none one know anything about polish history etc. do not say anything about "us" :)
i nigdzie nie zalagadzam tylko widac masz problemy z rozumieniem
Do you really think that Germany/Austria or w/e would be on the same economy level as now if they would be totally robbed during both world wars, if they wouldnt even exist for 123years not that long ago and if there would be comunism for many years :D? It is just 20years after fall of communism - give Poles a bit of time, current postcommunist governement is retarded but it is... postcommunist, we have to wait 20-30years till they will dead/go retire and new ambitious and smart polish people will take the authorities.
Combined with your retarded logic from replies on some other journal I have concluded that you really need some help.
Keep ignoring the haters since they don't know shit about your country. They should take a look at their own country first.
I answered but then you were offline allready..
I don't know much about pc hardware..
Should make a jounral, I bet there is tons of people here that can help you out
Yeah was thinking about making a journal but then I just asked some other friends. It's like 50/50. Some say that I should buy it, others say that I should just get a new computer :/ Now I don't know what to do...
can someone, anyone, give me a boom g5 player?
Fuck you jonny once again, you fucking spastic.
Now let's all hug no matter the color, disability, ethnicity, gender, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristic.
gg johny
After nerdish amount of LoL games i have learned to hate them.
I only know few polaks thare are c00l.
I think thats pretty much it.
i feel ashamed for a lot of polish people in league of legends, when i play with some randoms they are flaming more then actualy playing, thats why i try to chose wise with who im playing with :)
i know ur trying to copy me with these kind of journals, but i dont have the entire community laughing at me and feeling sorry for me xdd
you must have so fucked up taste :D:D Most of polish girls wouldnt even look at you
ah and polish flag is white-red btw
You can always try to be an exception but I can tell you, you are not in the right path.
nowadays every kids (10->25years old) are acting like fuck belgium, we are from arabia/serbia/ watever else eventho they were born in belgium...
besides. I dislike racists to a great extend