colt45 boycotting EC

so after seeing EC invite and qualifiers, i spoke to Goldorak but he chose to ignore me :\

i know what's happening here, in order to make these invites/quali's he asked people such as fanatic, saken, etc now obviously they gonna put themselves in the invite list which not very fair imo :((

how come ESL seeded us 2nd?! we finished 2nd in evo challenge and beat mpg twice :\\\ and in EC, we not even top 4? we are in same list with teams that we are much stronger than :x

so due to this biasedness and corruption, i have spoke to all my members and colt45 will be dropping from Eurocup and playing ESL Storm Assault only and preparing for adroits lan.

sorry for disappoint,
mad cause no invite?
damn that sucks ;(
lol afraid to play oc dude

true words from kamz
you know i always talking truth m8 :d
haha, what a bunch of mad nerds :DD

Quotein order to make these invites/quali's he asked people


he wasnt interested in what a four-eyed monkey like yourself has in his simple mind? xD
saken, lesti, lukey and fanatic have won lan. what did you win offline? :D
lans with 0 good teams don't count
a lan without any EC direct invite worthy team at all :XD
They wouldn't stand a chance in a normal lan just that low+ polish lan where they had no match
Sexy voice, Johnson!
thanks, glad to see that my voice changer still works!
Nice rB direct invited then!
Thanks. You guys really deserved the EC Invite.

Good luck in future.

What a night in enemy territory.
and you guys really dont deserve a quali......

Since when did you play a match with that team, active since yesterday??

There are teams more active with better skills than you are....but hey you are invited ;)

I subscribe everything you said,


let the bodies hit the floor!!!
i for one , am outraged! i would like this post to be accepted as my formal complaint against this heinous crime against E-Sports.
I'm not random. I am a great man and a natural born winner, both in real life and ET. If a man such as myself had to play EC quali, you'd belong in 3rd OC league qualifiers if there were such.

You're a bad man and a bad player, you need to change your attitude towards people or I'll drown your face in the Ganges.
The fact that I didn't even know you before you started replying to things I write says it all :(
Man that was fast. You really put up an e-tent here and camp for replies
You just replied within 3 seconds lol :|
I had to escape to my fortress of solitude to rethink my life and come up with an answer. I might have had nothing interesting to say in answer to your comment but at least I was fast. 3-seconds-reply fast.
nothing against real thug law!


we don't give a shit
voice of et community has spoken

oh wait
i'm defintly part of this community and i have the right to speak, unlike you who do nothing but constant flame/whine and "boycott", guess what, this ec with or without ur team ( so called good?) doesn't change anything. You're just fucking up qualifiers.

And if you were not that ego everything would be fine, u call urself good, then play this fucking quali and win it.

sure u can speak, but u can't say "we" like you're a big voice in the community when most people don't know who you are

clearly in this journal, most people do give a shit, so you're kind of sitting there on your own :(
they do not give a shit at all, the only thing they say is that u're miss behaving and nothing more.

I'm not that known indeed, but i made my steps in this community and i know quite some people i had the chance to chat with, so i'm able to say we as I please.
that all counts as giving a shit btw

maybe u need to start understanding what u post :(
disappointing , i thought you guys were more mature than that.
but honestly lol , if you guys base the whine on "names" for the invite, IYA would still deserve more the invite than c45 and more than tmoe, but since it is based on results ....there is nothing to rlly whine about..
imo would just be better to take ego apart and consider playing this is ec , since IMO is one of the last if not the last semi-decent EC. (imagine et next year lol, but hey its ur choice!)
i will think about it
Sqzz,ross,olbaa = a half of colt45 for esl cup where they finished 2nd = half of pinkpluffy now = invite.
'so after seeing EC invite and qualifiers, i spoke to Goldorak but he chose to ignore me :\'

who dont ignore you
'Who doesn't ignore you'

Sorry, I'm in English class at the moment ;P.

Sorry, I am an idiot :D
"Sorry, I am idiot :D"

I am an idiot
we know

poucz sie angielskiego smieciu
leczymy kompleksiki leczymy ? : D: D : D
Thank you guys :D

nerds got rolled by daGGer & co

ja znam jezyki obce wiec jakie kompleksy?
to juz drugi raz jak probujesz udowodnic mi swoja wyzszosc(leczenie kompleksikow) w postach na crossfire, i jestes poprostu zalosny

bardzo smutny jestes z powodu bycia znolifionym 16latkiem?
:D nudny jestes, co do wieku to widze ze Ty jeszcze nie wyrosles z krzykactwa takze zastanawia mnie ile Ty masz lat :D
:D ale :D czemu :D nie :D odpowiadasz :D na :D zadane :D pytanie
gdyz pytanie jest blednie sformulowane
on your request colt45 will be removed, and every your team wont be accepted to EC anymore. kkthxbb
rofl that's a kick in the nuts for them! :D
oh no, no more EC?!
Why bother posting everyone knows it
riddle this little riddle..................
pm ramoz / Germany mMonkeys are ready to take this spot!
The second part of the sentence is wrong but my opinion beside that is that you can accept his boycott(aka not playing) but you shouldn't ban him from EC, that's kinda ridiculous.
its not ban, and its not up to me:D im just trollin around :)
Just like Goldorak, if you have a position at CB you shouldn't do that ( maybe in a chat but not on a forum/publicly). Correct me if I'm wrong about your position at CB.
Colt45 will be replaced, so in fact i was right :)
should've been direct invite tbh.
I don't see why CB (admins) shouldn't be allowed to refuse him participating in their cups after the behaviour shown in this journal.
Would show that they can't handle critizsme (when either right or wrong) plus it's just ridicioulis if he decides to stap out his choice, the attenwhoring part might be a bit annoying but I clearly don't see that as a reason for a ban from furture ECs
Even though it's joke, if me and my team was banned, who do u think it would effect more?
EC is your life.
Tru dat ;(
You never played (publicly) with your team.
saKen and his team been playing together for some months and placed 3rd last ec with around the same Lineup.
tMoe placed 2nd, won lan and have been playing together since team PL? (at least if they use the same lineup as LAN). Knowing these polish people they will start playing again pretty soon.
Pinkfluffy, all star lineup, can't argue with that.
PDEG been preforming good when they need to. And they play a lot so its a good example for a team to be in EC.
indeed squid...
true that, i didnt think about it like this
I don't get it.
Tough man.
another proof of your retardnes -- but i forget "you just dont read"
so after seeing EC invite and qualifiers, i spoke to Goldorak but he chose to ignore me

lololol want me to paste the log we had yesterday ?
and lol again they ask me to select their team !!!!

Once again you save my day and honestly i didnt talk so much with saken, long time ago i didnt
oh pls, google translator will crash
still not speaking much English eh?
not important when i reply to cheater or whiner
your comment makes so much sense, oh wait it actually does not :D
same as 99,9999% of yours
nice try madski :)
me mad ho lol ....kamz mad ok, he drop out so sad for ET we lose a so much decorated player ^^
it actually hurts to read your attempts at English. just stick to french and leave English to people that can actually use it.
sure im so glad to read that your life is so amazing
you're starting to make even less sense now.
ho yes im so happy now, keep the faith go on sleep on CF and post hundreds of useless comments
I usually dont shoot against the clanbase since I've been a part of that "club" aswell but I really thing that you should either change your attitude and ofc. learn English or leave that position to someone who has actually contributed to the community.
Robert might not be the easiest person to deal with, especially on CF but with his effort for teams, the community and his LAN(s) he has prooved himself to be an important part of the ET community recently.
Cant say that for your person.

You act unprofessional most of the time I see a comment from, the times you dont act unprofessional, I'm simply not able to understand the comment due to the limited english skills on your side.
change my attitude is it my fault if he mad due to a quali spot ? and you've been a part of the club, now you're no more so i personally dont care on what you can say.
Not only your attitude towards Kamz, I can understand that people dont get along well with him, he isnt an exactly easy person to deal with.
It's your attitude in general, you don't face the problems people point out.
I seldom see you replying to a comment faced towards you and or clanbase(.et) with an actuall answer or solution.
That even goes for my comment, I pointed out several problems and you only answered to my entrè sentence and not to the actuall content of my comment.
i reply enough, kamz got a quali spot and, as i said before : he mad.....but ok what should i do ? replace Decerto or PDEG or pinkfluffy with colt just for kamz ?
just tell me who u asked for invites/quali's and why u asked only these people, it's not rocket science

instead of calling me mad and whiner
I'm not only refering to the current situation, its been going like this for quite a while now.
I see people taking an influence on CB decisions who wouldnt even have been allowed to open their mouth a few years ago.

More transparency wouldnt hurt, as for the moment, I dont see any and that makes it easy for people like Kamz to assume that not everything CB(.et) does is based on objective arguments by non-influenced people.

Maybe you should just try to get some "new faces" into CB which arent that new to the ET scene (that polish admin who messed around in CB for a few months and only had a two years old CF and CB account isnt a good example for that ;) )

But at the moment, CB is a mess and I dont see any attemps to change that.
For example I remember Kamz distributing some quite nice ideas for a new EC layout before EC but I guess they didnt even make it into consideration due to them coming from Kamz
im quite easy to deal with actually

i asked him about who is asked for the invites/qualifiers and i get no reply, so this leaves me with loads of questions which results in a journal like this

it's simple, just address the points that people have and u have no trouble, when u ignore and try to hide away from it, you make it harder for yourself
me hiding !! :)

you're the only one to blame in here, there is enough teams who want your spot, you got a chance to prove something so take it and play or show only useless comment as usual. The only things you can do till now
and still u don't answer my question, which tells me you have something to hide here
Are you talking about Joke ?
Honestly you know my reply and i dont have to justify myself, especially to you
Since I can't get answers from u or tamj, u leave me no other choice but to go to higher authority.
pm ramoz / Germany mMonkeys are ready to take this spot! :{D
i know and dont say that they will claim CONSPIRACY and corruption.
Dont forget that hes a " decorated player " ....still wandering of what
Are you home yet?
Besides the English I think this comment is horrible, specially because you are ET supervisor of CB. In my view that comes with a certain responsibility and attitude which you clearly don't show in this comment.
i had nothing to prove, qualifiers is online he dont want to play ok deal with it
Yet you have an important role and if you really don't understand my post feel free to contact me on irc.
22:38 Kamz • the question i asked
22:39 Kamz • was did u ask them for their opinion on invites/qualifiers?
23:11 Kamz • [CB]GoldoraK
23:45 • [CB]GoldoraK is now known as [CB]GoldBNC
lol why did u paste the end of log ?

[11 11:08:32 ]   Kamz - hi
[11 11:08:40 ]   Kamz - what was the panel for invite/qualies
[11 11:22:02 ]   Kamz - hello
[11 11:22:18 ]   [CB]GoldoraK - sorry busy building qualifiers
[11 11:22:20 ]   [CB]GoldoraK - why ?
[11 11:22:37 ]   Kamz - im just curious that's all
[11 11:22:52 ]   Kamz - because if people like saken and fanatic are asked, surely it's biased?
[11 11:23:49 ]   Kamz - i mean they will say their own teams should get invite
[11 11:24:21 ]  [CB]GoldoraK - no
[11 11:24:31 ]   [CB]GoldoraK - dont think things like that
[11 11:24:40 ]   Kamz - so they were not asked?
[11 11:24:43 ]   [CB]GoldoraK - no
which is pretty much the same log as i posted since u didn't answer my question
mad :D you sholud take a part in this competitions and roll random polak -.-
lol noway i already contact chief of cup about this case " biasedness and corruption " :)
your attitude has been very poor, instead of addressing the points you instead call people whiners, etc
talking about my attitude is really easy regarding your " troll " post, im quite sure that it was NOT really a troll.
As i told you and to the others, you got a quali spot, you're mad with it, you decide to boycott the EC.
Ok thats your choice.
And its really easy to edit and add " this post was a troll " when its quite to late, i'm not here to be treated like that. If it was really a troll why did you make it public ? just to laugh on my face ? you did it funny
what an idiot :D
u dont even deserve quali spot
Your team has been performing shit (just by checking the results of your games lately on GTV) so why should you deserve direct invite? PDEG is playing like every day so I guess they deserve the invite, same goes for tMoe and saKens gang.

Why so serious?
second in evo challenge, beat mpg twice

won gmen cup beating queens and pdeg
missing olbaa, ross and sqzz from evo challenge lineup
me + olbaa mercing in gmen cup

like I said, too many lineup changes. no stability, no direct invite.
read comment below
Hmm ok, sounds reasonable! But you get to play some extra games if you go through qualifiers, if you like to play whats wrong with it?
hmz.. why are u so amd about a quali? I mean you will do it anyways and will for sure come as 2nd seed.. dont be so mad about it mate..

but well too bad, gl at the esl cup tho!
lagz bind

but its very funny ! :d:d
It's funny so see when people like kamz complain about CB everyone is pro-clanbase. When they do something against their team or friends CB is once again SHIT in their eyes... Hi robert, you are truely a fucking moron.

Clanbase has been shit for a few years, accept it and move on. ESL is around and has been doing a good job for the last few years.
Oh you. You're just blinded with your CB love <3
I hate CB and over the last few years its gone from bad to worse. You clearly hate it, yet, when someone like kamz makes a journal like this, Clanbase is amazing and has never set a foot wrong. You belong in the same group of people with seareal, outlaw and unforgiven.
Well the invites are actually handled well since it's fanatic (who is not part of CB) doing them. Also I'm just upset with CB.ET which fucked up many times (mainly in person of Goldorak), the rest of Clanbase admins I encountered were usually helpful.
Firstly, Leader of a team in with a running for EC handling invites? Fucking awful move to be honest. Not saying I disagree with tmoe playing EC or anything but its like giving man utd the rights to chose the CL groups.So my point is that, kamz has a completely vaild point here. fanatic should have absolutly NOTHING to do with which teams get what. It should be down to a person who is involved with ET that is not expecting to play EC.

As for other CB admins, they are mainly all sheep following whatever they get told to say.
I think dialer is the leader :D
Leader or not, he is playing a main role in a team that has been given a direct invite.
Yes, I do get your point. I'd tell you why it is like that but can't write in the public about it :<
So are people like "oh your cool" and "goldorak" unable to make a their own minds up?
leave John out of this! he's actually nice, just a bit sheepish. and goldo can't make a proper decision of he's own
whats the diff if im a leader of one of EC teams or not? If I didn't have C&A profile, I would be able to apply as ET Game Supervisor and I would create and play in EC as well. Anyway when you would take a look at signups list and then check "my" invites/qualis, its pretty obvious who to pick to this EC because it's not like there are 500 teams that are ec worthy and everyone waits for an official announcement. And also i didnt do them on my own. i dit this together with cb crew + i asked several players about their oppinion who shuld get quali/invite etc. also I can give you a reason why this team plays in EC of any of invited/quali teams. because it's not like I give tMoe #1 seed and will give tMoe the easiest group. I will make a suggestion of groups and will give them to few people to get their feedback.
The fact that clanbase admins are going to someone with a C&A profile says it all really. Clanbase is a fucking mess.
ah so if you cheated on publics 3+ years ago, you can't do anything for the community? it's not like that I have got 1000000 cb accounts and 100000000 cb bans on them.
also if you say something like this, check latest battle for berlin tournament where i was one of refs/admins and just because it was BFB by CF no one complained right ? :D pff
I wouldn't of cheated on a public in the first place.
i don't care as long as i didn't do this in any official game.

im sure that you cheated in any of free games in the past. i also cheated in fifa, gta, football manager and many many others. same goes for W:ET it's a free game, cheats are free, so it was fun to try some wallhack and aimbot stuff (how does it work etc) after seeing some youtubes about it.
How can you prove you didnt cheat in any official game? You can't. Therefore you are a usless resource and clanbase admins should not have asked you to do anything.
I can't so you only got my word and a fact that my cb ban is for cheating in a public server. but it seems like you only focus on my ban, than on actual things that you mentioned to robaciek. so nothing to do here
Try get brown on your cheeks as well as your nose.
why? am I some kind of goku? :D
Typical third world mind resorting to racist slurs.
Dude; I haven't been online for three weeks and yet you mention me in the first journal I open
cuz it's journal by Kamz :D

always thought more of you
omg but you invited yourself ":D"

hold up, you're helping making the groups?
Since Killerboy left CB?
Yes I would say that was about the time it went really bad.
no he leave because of whiner like you or kamz
I think he left due to the lack of interest he has for ET. If I go get caught cheating can I choose next years EC invites and qualies?
hm....let me think about no you're to good for that job
indeed, no idea what he's talking about.. me and Killerboy got on kinda well and he was an admin I had a lot of respect for
Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on goldorak or blame it on fanatic.
lol he got a quali spot and he decide as a decorated player to leave the cup, sorry but wrong target
saKen wins again, cu lan kamz
If you are so good as you claim why you don't just play qualifiers and win the whole tourny?
Who honestly gives a fuck, not as if the Eurocup even matters anymore.

Btw you should play you will easily be qualified. Corruption has always been present.
kamz you can't say you didn't see this coming.

pointing out the obvious again: colt45 has been active, yes, but seeing the major lineup changes (50% of the team or what) since the last proper tournament the admins had the right to drop you out of a direct invite.

And yeah, I was surprised that ESL did seed you as second, I wouldn't have done that.

I'm with CB on this one.
the admins weren't even aware of the lineup changes :D
even if the admins weren't, I'm quite sure that the guys who were asked for references were. be it saken, fanatic etc or whoever they asked.
nobody knew anything :p
yet everybody could've seen it just by looking colt45's lineups on gtv.
the only offi we played was after the invites were announced, as far as everybody knew our lineup was me chry jere stownage xperia nuggan squid, now although that's not our lineup anymore, it's ridiculous that teams like tmoe get invited before us :d
yes but compare that lineup with the lineup in evo cup final.

I see only one name in common.
ye i know, but if i keep making teams that finishes 1st and 2nd, surely that means something and it's not just the same as "one member", all colt45 lineups have been pretty successful ;/
that's not how it works and you know it.
maybe so but either way, with the perception of what the lineup was, the team was invite worthy regardless, now i know this is irrelevant since the lineup is not like that, but i find it funny still :p
it would've been invite worthy if you had had some stability with that lineup. I think cb's system worked really well and invited the teams that actually deserved the invite in the end.
maybe so, but my point stands about asking for opinions on invites for only a selective members of certain teams such as fanatic from tmoe and saken from decerto who both said their teams deserve invites adding to the count
After all these years people still QQ about Clanbase. Maybe use your brains and switch over to ESL. their admins might be the same, but at least you can fill in a complain when shit happens and the ESL admin crew will take actions Regardingly.
lmfao this is great
you wanna win this content competition or something? :D
that was made after i made this journal? ;o
ah to bad, you would've won though :P
have I got a direct invite ?
depense on fanatic feelings.
ye u have

et is dead man
ok cool otherwise i would of dropped out aswel ;)
ego too high to play quali? ppl getting mad about not getting direct EC invite in da dead game.. welcome to 2012 :DD
You try to make out your a bit of a troll, but I know that deep down you are actually hurt by this type of shit, as it clearly means so much to you
delete this SOOOO funny joke and then we can talk back about your team.
et si t'es pas content on le fera en français pour voir comment tu te débrouille
this post was a troll

Nice edit...but after you insult my integrity - after all the whine and useless comments ( around 190 in here ) toward me and or CB, im not taking this as a joke.
Tu te fout de ma gueule en fait mais ça ne prend pas
you mad faggot!!! tzyaa bitch!
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