ET is dying?

No only the competitve scene is. You wonder why?

Some people are just too retarded. First of all why would you skillfake? We're playing we 2 players that just installed ET for the first time. We're trying to get a decent war, around low/+ since we wanted to show them the game. The problem is that when we finally we found a game they were clearly skillfaking. Our mates couldn't do shit because they got killed all the time while we pretty much played 3vs5(it was a 5vs5).

And instead of helping them, the opponents are making fun of them. "Dude you suck quit this game", "Do you even have a mouse" or "You shouldn't be allowed to play this game". After the game they didn't want to play anymore and went back to LoL. They said they liked the game but wouldn't play it as long as they pretty much can't get out of the spawn and people are whining/laughing 24/7 at them.

Is that how you try to increase the activity in this game?
its dead since 6 years
Can I has recruition?
bitch please, I had 12+ rating back in the days!
Doe ns niet zo onaardig zeg
je hoort al bij de groep van vet coole kendrick luisteraars hoor!!
dan schijt jij ook maar
Too many douchebags to keep new people here
That's how its always been

Maybe go pub and prac ;s
teamchatonly 1 and its all good, the ppl that usually help you are your teammates.
that doesn't fix the skillfaking problem.

Besides some opponents are kinda nice to talk with
some are but the majority just chooses to act like douchebags.

you can't fix skillfaking, you can just hope for the best i guess...
anyone new i bring to the game thinks the community are pretty retarded which is a real shame.
it's the same when anyone new goes to any gaming community. if i spontaniously decided to ove to the tek9/esr/hltv/cadred communities i'd have a negative impression of them too. :D
as in playing not just the sites. i play cod4.wars with people from several communities or CS:GO pugs etc and people are actually aware of their ability and not total cunts
i played a lot of mixes with thezakje and cupper years ago in cod4 and got shit all the time from opponents. played ql duel for quite a while periodically and players there would rage over basic stuff and even had shittalk bound to their configs. :D
I can see what you mean, however et has been out 10 years now almost? People just don't give a shit about the game whereas cod4 and now cs:go people want to compete and win. It's also important not to make yourself look like a complete tool if you want to go anywhere in the game so from that standpoint I could see why people may refrain from talking shit in game/on forums. They probably still do it on vent/ts though, but there's retards in every game. Just because you have a positive experience in those games doesn't mean everyone else does lol.
Grammar check that before posting next time, probably the worse engrish line i've ever read...
caring about grammar in crossfire comments 8)

image: fx7ir
You're English, no excuses!
CHERYL COLE <3333333

We gave them some time on a pub to play and fix their configs. They don't want to play on publics, they want to play with the rest of us
in almighty we brought fumble into competitive play, we only played internals for like a few weeks and he pretty much learnt basics in that time (HASNT PROGRESSED SINCE THEN THO LOL) and so you should prolly do the same with them. instead of trying to play wars, to begin with just play internal 3on3s, get all 6 of you on axis and shuffle teams, finish map then do it again. it's hard to get new people to play et since it just looks so old and isn't easy to adapt to.

i tried convincing some guys i knew to play back when i was in school (4 years ago).
Sounds good. We could put one of them on one team while the other is on the other. It would be pretty fair and they could learn a lot.

haha didn't know that about fumble. When I played with him some years ago he was pretty decent and a really nice guy :P
we found fumble on a hide & seek server in 2010 =) he probably had played some lowskill scrims already but he was a total public player and we turned him competitive!
good job taking my idea i just gave him u fucking faggot
Some time actually means a longer period of time than you might think.

They just have to accept that they are basically throwing themselves to the lions if they don't want to learn the game on publics.
ET is not dead, its old.
i dont think there are actually low+ skilled or lower skilled teams in ET - most players left are players playing this game for 2 years or more -so its hard for a new player to not beeing raped by someone who knows where to camp and so on
Yeah you might be right. But I remember when I started playing wars like 4 years we did manage to find low skilled opponents almost every time where both teams had the chance to win. If I remember correctly lots of public clans searched low opponents. At that time I really enjoyed this game.
Yeah because there were a lot of new players, not like now. but don't give up! even if you find some retards to play against
Agreed. Actually they want to give the game a chance yet again. We just told them to go play on some public servers and then we could play some wars later tonight if they were ready for it.
Really? Be sure that I'm definitely not low+ !
what m1ke said!
most of the guys who are searching low/+ are hacking or sometimes skillfaking, so try to play with ur mates on some pubs 1st, I also tried it and convinced two of my friends to try et so we played a 3o3 low match but the oppos were clearly hacking so my mates never touched the game anymore :D
also gl and hf with this game
Why would hackers search a low/+ oppo?
I would also know it

it makes no sense but idk
ET died long time ago..
the community is yet not,there are just computer thugs,haters and trollers all around,but that's tbh quite funny sometimes.
Let it die,stop mention that,newcomers will not come,people will keep on leaving because no one is getting younger,just enjoy of what is left of it.
e: My touchpad hero z3R0 would beat the shit outta your rude, faker oppo's
I doubt people installing ET for the first time could even handle low+
Probably not. But they're not that bad either. They've played a lot of FPS games and they've watched some fragmovies before they actually installed the game. The fragmovies were the main reason why they actually wanted to try this game. When they fixed their configs and some other stuff they were able to kill people(only on the public server since they basically didn't get out of our spawn in the war).
How can they have FPS experience and not be able to handle low/+ in ET? We started playing low+ at cod4 at that was just easy as fuck (about 4 years ago)
Maybe they could. But we played against skillfakers. That was the problem.

Also I think it's easier to go from ET to cod4 than from cod4 to ET imo. A guy I knew irl said that I should play with him and his team. Alright I did and had no problems playing against low+ or even med in cod4. Then we got bored of cod4 and I told him to play ET with me. He agreed and we started playing. The problem was that he sucked really hard(we only played public at that time) because he didn't know how to do anything at all. You actually had to move while shooting and so on which was impossible for him.
Without competition an online game is dead
still a better love story than twilight huh?
yeah man half of these guys are faggots however you should try playing some 3v3s with your new mates meaning in teamspeak like guys split ur 6 guys into 3v3 and teach em
gl nice to see you bringing new players
Actually thats not a bad idea at all. They could learn a lot . We might try to do that, thanks :-)
no prob
its loads of fun laughing at each other and shit
Polaks are the reason, they are killing this game.
I'm from poland myself and I'm not sure if they're the reason, but some of them are really retarded I have to agree on that.
Talked with w1lko about it, he's kinda ego in game and doing retarding jokes + insultig worse player than him..

But when we were on the same ts and he found im from czech, he started to call me pepiczek (obviously) and was really nice to me and we talked about poland/czech etc.. Like normal people do..

Dont know why are polaks so retarded on internet, was in Wroclaw twice and the people there were outstanding, so friendly..

PS: i remember we played one game 3months ago with my 2 friends and we searched med- and some guys contacted us so we went to play and they were new and really bad.. We said like we dont have to play against you, we dont need to grow our ego.. Gave them a few advices and then they said to us, that we are actually first guys, that were nice to them..
+ they know, that the best way would be to go to pub, but they cant, because its forced and they dont want to play retarded jaymod where it is 24vs24....
It's not limited to a country, as I said some ppl just chose to be douchebags untill you are on the same team as him.
I've met french guys, germany guys, uk guys.. a lot, but they were all pretty same in game and in reallife (dont mean specific players from community..), but Polaks are just completely different persons in rl and in games...
I know a lot of polish guys that are really nice. Both irl and on the internet. But there are some poles that just dont know how to act. On the internet some of them seem pretty retarded. And idd when you're in poland the people are so friendly and even tho my polish isn't that good they're always up for a talk and wants to know more about denmark. I really love that country.

I can tell you a funny story. I was shopping some time ago and I was waiting to pay for my stuff. There was two guys infront of me who was laughing at the shop assistant(she was a bit young than me, probably around 15-16) because she had some problems with a price or something like that. The funny thing was that they were making fun of her in polish and laughing. I was so ashamed because everyone else in the store was looking at them. No one said anything tho. When they had to pay they didn't even try to talk english with the girl and were looking at eachother(didn't even look at her once I think) and saying that she was a "pierdolona suka" while laughing. But she was calm and told them how much they had to pay, she kinda ignored them. They paid for their stuff and left the store. When it was my turn to pay I told her that she did a good job ignoring them. She smiled and said "thanks" and told me that she's used to that when drunk people wants to buy something. I paid for my stuff, wished her a good weekend/day and left.

True story btw.
Dont forget that imo Danish people use to be the most arrogant and cold personality...
and yes polish people are the most retarded indeed.
Some are. Just like I said people are very different. I've met a lot retarded danes that doesn't accept us poles and are retarded as well. And I don't think polish people are retarded at all. There are retards in every single country. When I am in poland the poles are awesome and soooooo kind. Depends of what kind of personalities you meet.
Don't get whats wrong with jaymod, most of ppl started there before they moved on etpro.
true, same happened to me last year when I tried to persuade my uni buddy that ET>CS:S ..
not even low- :P
I only got one reaction every time I tried to persuade people I know to start playing ET in the past (I was telling them it's the best free online FPS game ever, it's not very known because it wasn't marketed but you should try getting in a public and you will love it et cetera):

They have never heard of it or read about it on the internet, so they just get this look as if it's the most insignificant thing in the world (kinda like if you tell your buddies if you are a linuxnerd "Don't install Windows, go for Linux"), then proceed to persuade me to stop being a faggot hipster and start LoL (and CS/Battlefield before that).
So my conclusion is that it was very badly marketed to the more mainstream population of gamers. Personally, I came across it totally on accident on one of those PC game magazines' CD's when they were popular.

Lately people didn't want to start playing it just because it has very old graphics, and they have alternatives such as Call of Duty etc.
Well ET was hardly marketed at all because it was released incomplete (and it was a free to play game). It was Bani and crew that took over and made etpro, which made it playable. Imagine playing et barebones? Fuck that lol. They were supposed to release the game with a single player and a multi player like rtcw afaik, but for whatever reason the sp wasn't finished. I agree with the rest though, why play an old game when there are newer games? Only the addicts come back for more lol
storytime with krys
5on5 - there's the problem
Well said! Sad that there's no fair play on this community anymore ... like it use to be years ago.
I never came across a gaming community which was not retarded...
But yes, the game is dead.
Everyone who is really low/+ stays away from etpro because of the simular group of people you wrote about. No point in playing a game you can't enjoy if almost every single game you get on irc turns into a trollfest. The ET community died long time ago when crossfire turned into facebook/twitter
Dead since 2k7
hehehe good story :)
Jaymods are also retarded, got banned twice this week cause of retarded admins and for "wh+aimbot", cant even find a public to play, where its not 100++ ping and shitty admins
TM etpub Nodownloads (there are actually downloads):
Several etpro players here, always crowded, no bots, etc.
/ad off
Thanks, I'll check it out when I have time
Honestly cant be arsed to read all above, but simple thing is:

Quote2 players that just installed ET for the first time

What on bloody earth were u thinking of bringing them directly to etpro wars and thought that there will be anything else but massive buttrape thro entire game??...

This isnt CS or some bs game where u dont need any aim at all, if u are bringing a new ppl to game, put them on jaymod pubs first of all, etpro is not the place to start at beginning, never was, never will.

Noone from newcomers will do any good in etpro war at first time, specially playing 5on5, knowing even ppl who are playing for years this game, have sometimes problems to get the basics of game... Try again with them and go with them on some jaymod pub server, with around 20-30 ppl max, so it wont be to messy and let them try the game this way, otherwise u and them are wasting time.
They actually aren't that bad. Besides they want to play with us. We've always been a competitive team. I don't see the problem with giving them a chance to play etpro wars from the start as long as the opponents aren't too good. And we already told them to play on public, dunno if they did tho.

We just played against low and yeah their damage wasn't really good and so on but they could kill people and even do the objectives. They did a good job and without them we probably wouldn't win. The game isn't that hard to learn when you have a team telling you what you have to do. We basically did all the work for them; they probably know more now than they would by playing publics. We did a 3vs3 against eachother where they probably learned a lot.

Maybe they will suck in etpro wars and so on but it will still increase the activity. We probably even got a third guy joining us soon. As long as we play against low or even low+ we can play with them and have a decent match. As I said we just want to play together since we have a lot of fun(we don't like publics since they're boring in our opinion). We don't care that much if we lose but we can't stand playing against skillfakers.
Well nowadays finding a proper war at the skill u searching is kind of hard, i disagree that publics are boring, they re by far a lot more fun than normal wars are, simply because u put a group of ppl on teamspeak and u put them on the server and there will be so much fun around, laugh and joy, that they would def want to play it over and over.

As for starting, i don't really find it appropriate to put them straight on at wars, at least give them some basics of game, so they can feel it up, get the sense of game, maps, movement, shooting and so on, as finding real real low war today, is quite hard, as there will be at least one guy per team ,who will be doing a lot more damage than a normal low would do. Bring them to some jaymod pub, get on teamspeak and test it out, u will see, they will like it.
etpro is obviously for pros only
also cf 4.0 kills ET
everything is ruined!
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