bots killing ET

That's right, bots are killing ET

I don't really see why people keep hosting empty servers full of bots playing against each other for eternity. It's just a plain waste of money... 99% of the servers from the global master list belong to that category and it's one of the reason why the game is dying.

I mean, even if you set up the filters correctly to remove the empty servers from the list, you still have all these annoying "bot-filled" servers remaining. And you have to search like 30 min to find a decent server with real players... Most new players don't know about websites like "splatterladder" and such so they are forced to use this old and unefficient global server list and it's one of the reason they leave the game directly instead of giving it a chance.

If new players could find a decent jaymod pub instantly thru the list without having to search for ages, they would pracc there for a bit, then discover ETPro and this website and it would give the competitive scene a boost.
Make ET more noob-friendly instead of the usual "ET IS DEATH" bullshit
content of the year ?
totally agree with you
Toujours en vie toi :D Viens on va pown du noop
come xfire sexy
sounds like etqw
Yes, they discover ETpro out of nowhere, and crossfire aswell.
it's never out of nowhere, but the guys in my first clan discovered both CF/etpro randomly by themselves :) among the clans back then at least, people talked about scrims and etpro etc like it was the "end goal" D:
Well, it may sounds weird, but I discovered ETPro while playing jaymod. Some guy told me about it so I gave it a try.
there's no way anybody new in his right mind would try ET, giving how hard it is to get going with :D probably the biggest issue anyway
Everyone went thru that frustrating state of beeing a noob and getting pwnt by pretty much everyone...
But still the skill level isn't that high among jaymod servers and I think new players could handle it and discover this awesome feeling that has kept us playing this game for years eventho it was kinda dead. Once they discover that feeling they'll never go back to shitty COD games believe me
ok now that I read what I wrote: I mean it's tough to hear about and impossible to install and join an etpro server
ETLive could fix this issue. We'll see how it will end up.
Don't underestimate jaymod ppl, as most of them would prob pwn even ppl from etpro, just cus its some jaymod public, it doesn't mean that they aren't good, for new comers its still very hard to play there, and actually deal with big amount of ppl on the server.
I think it doesn't matter - the game is too old & inactive to attract many new users!
To get a scene boost do some Easy Way of installing erpro and tzac all in 1 Package or so im sure Most dont Even know how to Patch etc. And make it as First search result when u Type w:ET Download. Soz for Mistakes thats shit autocorrect from iphone
Totally agreeing with you mate! Played on some rubbish NQ server today. It was full of bots. It's pretty annoying.
Even I, as an experienced player, got bored really quickly. I can't imagine what newcomers would do...
First of all, new comers from beginning don't even spot the diff from bots and normal players, as most of them don't know about TAB infos, and since new version of omi bots, they re actually quite good, as for them, its the first experience that they will have, and wont get bored at all.

I met some ppl that were newcomers to jaymod servers, and when i asked them, if they like bots, they didnt even knew about it, they thought it was normal players. Prob is that there are to many server spreaded around and not enough ppl to fill em up.
there are also many human servers full with bots
Bots aren't issue most of the time, the problem is, that there are way to many new servers, from random clans or some group of ppl who wants to run a server, and with community as small as et has, without any new comers or barely anyone, its hard to fill all servers up. There are some that are most of the time pretty much full, but then theres plenty of those which are filled with bots to attract new players, but since there's no big income of new ppl, they stay empty.
True :)

There should be fewer servers/communities with a bigger ammount of regulars players on each of them. And all the unncecessary empty bot filled crap shits servers should be removed. It would facilitate new players from trying this game (if there still are any)
splatterladder filters away also bot servers
so np4me
Took me about 20 minutes to realize I was playing versus bots. Thought I was the fucking mean machine...Look at me, I'm an ETPro player..Fuck ye
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