Eindhoven crimineeltjes
23 Jan 2013, 10:28
Smile to the camera!
for those who don't get it: these 8 'people' attacked a random guy on the streets earlier this month and kicked the shit out of him and left him there to die (gladly he didn't)
Here is the video again for those who hadn't seen it:
death penalty gogo
for those who don't get it: these 8 'people' attacked a random guy on the streets earlier this month and kicked the shit out of him and left him there to die (gladly he didn't)
Here is the video again for those who hadn't seen it:
death penalty gogo
He was hit by 2 guys with a baseball bat walking home from a party.
1 +18 guy got 6 months in jail , the other one (-18) got evening clock for a year...
He must be home at 8 PM + can't leave the house after.
Tom Kantelberg
Stefano Bruggink
Jordy Moeskops
Ismail Bouziane
Bob Sloots
die tom:p
go flame him on facebook
like +10 guys (16yr~) came on him to ask light and then started to beat him..
he got away and chaced one of the guys and started to choke the guy and then police came and took my friend to jail and the ones who started it took his beer and ran away.
you can go to prison for that ? :O
in your line of thinking: the opening scene of American History X is 'justified' (a guy tries to steal another mans car, the guy wakes up and kicks the thief till he's dead)
in your line of thinking: we should reconsider on using the law system used in primate times.
E: and i dont remem that did he just catch him and was about to hit him or was he gonna choke the guy a bit
Een advocaat van een van die gastjes zei dit: "Hij heeft deelgenomen aan de mishandeling, maar snapt zelf niet waarom hij het heeft gedaan."
Gruwelijk grote kneus, nu ineens "in shock" zijn en de slachtoffer rol aannemen? Schei toch uit, als justitie daar intrapt dan zetten ze zichzelf wel heel erg voor schut.
Heel de avond stoer lopen doen en als ze aangeklaagd worden kruipen ze in hun miezerige schulpjes en nemen ze de slachtoffer rol aan om een zo min mogelijke straf te krijgen.
Als ze echt ballen hadden nemen ze de volle straf op. Maar ze zijn bang om in de gevangenis hun sterretje kwijt te raken ziele pootjes :x