life of pi

sup cf
i just watched life of pi and i must say that its a really nice movie imo.
Beautiful pictures, cool story and a bit of an unexpected ending with the other (real?) story he tells at the end.
I watched it in english and indian accent is just so funny =DDDD
what do you think about this movie?
can you recomment me any other good new movies?
image: 3ph7zf
i wont watch it because it has an annoying name
its really worth it.
not an average movie
I had this same feeling with the movie IP man
is IP man actually a good movie? I saw the name coming by on TV once but never bothered..
It is a _great_ movie. "Rent" it immediately. Or even buy.
iTunes account is giving issues at the moment, will have to wait till I sort that out :-P
Didnt like it as much.
Felt like it was just a bubble - a movie made of nothing.
That fucking tiger... WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T HE LOOK BACK?
Probably faked images all movie long and shit 3D, paying 1, 2 euros more just to make me pay more: won't go.
No, actually they really put a fucking tiger in a boat with a human
Looks fantastic and is over all very decent. Of course it doesn't deserve the oscar nomination for best motion picture considering the not nominated movies. Also the religious/spiritiual brainhammering hurt after a while (whereas I didn't mind about it at Cloud Atlas).

Overall an awesome movie year by the way (last year something like Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close was nominated).
watched it yesterday.

really enjoyed watching it. It made you think about your interpretation and faith...
awesome movie , but i felt a bit sad when that fucking hyena killed the zebra and the chimpanzee.
great movie :)
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