thanks fusen

thanks to fusen that now everybody can play with nexus

you busted some players, now we have more than ~600 new cheaters

next ec we have 100 teams more imo

wp fusen
it will be exciting
imo go whine @ pb that they havent detected this one yet and dont go and whine @ fusen who just did what i think everyone else would do in his situation =O
yes, you´re right, its funny to play vs cheaters, its nearly the same fun as when you play vs players that have skill
dont blame fusen, blame the coders
cheater ...
cant go to war without taking any risks, if u think fusen did a bad job, here is a site for u!
"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same"
wasnt nexus already public? anyway it doesnt have clean pbss so it isnt a problem.
open up the binary and you can see that the bot still tracks your ip, besides it doesnt give clean pb_ss

And netcoders did get a serious blow, as they are unable to keep their security and protect their customers. The fusen edition is just a rerelease of an opensource hack that isnt made for competition anyway.
Ooooooo my god!!! Where all gunna DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope i can see u suffering before i die too xD
HAhah rofl !!!!!!!!!
you should be thankfull stupid retard plz die
hoi, whos the girl @ profile?
if you would look at the path, you would know.
roflnub :D

nexus is dirty ss, everyone will notice

And blame the people who make it or download it and play with it,

'denk verder dan je neus lang is'
omg, you see on a picture when somebody is aimbotting without wallhack?

you notice that fast enough if someone's aimbotting or not
hahaha what a fucking moron ^^
says the uebercheater
really get your facts straight, fusen did a great job. Dumb journal
Quotethanks to fusen that now everybody can play with nexus

everybody already could.
didn´t they release a newer, better version of it when nc was hacked?
they want you to believe that, while infact its just a simple build from the source code, a code they didnt even wrote themself. i personally think it might be a trap or something, as they were against cheating in competitive play and only the players who did have a problem now.
like its new that there are free undetected haxs
Echt ma Fusen cheater busten ist wirklich böse.
are you a tard ?

Fusend did a big work so stfu or do something for the community instead of your retarded whine ..
yeh lets all blame fusen!!!!
think outside the box my friend

outside the box --- > * [ -+-+-+ ] <-- box
never read so a bullshit as u wrote
its BuLL's Shit
haven't noticed any difference tbh
omg geh kacken junge >.<

Was bei einer Einstellung wie der deinen herauskommt, hat man vor 60 Jahren gesehen :l
omg, wie viele schuljahre hast du hinter dir?
er wurde schon im kindergarten immer verfolgt.
Dont talk shit about my God!
Fusen rulez!!
fusen = god
fuck you fusen
fucking rich tards die of aids you cant cure that with money !
haha lol who is this retard called bh? nooob...
omg fusen,du hast cheater gebustet. wie kannst du nur ;)

warning useless thread detectet....
er hätte es ja auch nur den cb admins geben, dann wären sie in stille gebusted worden und kein coder hätte es gemerkt

aber nein, fusen muss halt damit angeben
idiot detected
lmao its a normal fuckin pub bot without clean pbss get the fuck over it
yes, you can see if someone is aimbotting on a pbss

fucking retard
sometimes not "fucktard"
it was sarcasm

how stupid a human can be :(
a lot as u prove
lal at you u remmo everyone lol'in at ur journal, + you reply to almost everyones comments exec life.cfg plz
most retarded journal I have ever read.
idiotic journal
go and cry in your corner kiddo
Wow you made new friends...

cause Fusenn ofcourse with busting cheaters he wants to have more people using nexus... ye that was his intention fo sho...

So imo we shouldnt bust cheaters... its better if they use netcoders then nexus... duh !!
he could have done it silently, i mean he could have just give it the cb admins and no coder would know now, think, isn´t it right what i say?
Ye sure... They wouldnt notice when tons of costumers complain cause they got banned all of a sudden...

Besides, now their clanmanagers etc etc can do something bout it too
Well... if he didn't go public with it, nC wouldn't have lost thier business and thier customers trust.
you really think that would have worked?

You SERIOUSLY think there wouldn't have been hundreds of journals saying where is the proof?!

pansemuckl took an already open source bot created by chaplja+co and renamed it then releases it as this amazing "clan player undetected bot" yet a week earlier pansemuckl had said in the original nexus release thread "this bot sucks"

he's doing nothing here except making a big fuss over nothing.

I couldn't care less if random shitty publics have more cheaters, at the end of the day if you saw the reaction that the comp community gave to those who were busted, do you seriously think a clanned player would risk cheating?
fusen, the thing is:

you cannot see humanized aimbot on a pb screen but nexus provides humanized aimbot, a pretty good one. how to bust players playing with nexus, wh off and aimbot on?
with the right settings you can adjust it in a way nobody recognize it
dont u think this one becomes detected in near future???
its very easy for pb-staff to get free bots, dont u think?
if someone send it to pb its no prob for them
me for example sent some
Whatever happens, Fusen is still an ET hero!
He follows saddam
lol, more whine plz! :D
i lol everytime i read something like that:

A few days ago, an article has been published on GGL about the attack on nC.
Since it's some interesting reading, I'd like to share it with you. Afterall, I
must admit: nC has never ever been that popular. Thank you fusen!


now we will spread cheats n stuff. thanks to you dusen

its just making good smile to the bad situation, trying to show that the hurt you did to them was actually good to them and they bless you for that :D
rofl wie retarded kann man bitte sein... np
well... bh is not totally wrong. fusen & runner shouldn't have brought this information to the public. I guess it would have been smarter to ban the cheaters without letting anyone know.
this just doesnt work

if a cheater gets caught, banned or just complained about:
its always: where is the proof!!!!111111 omg u fucking noob
then some random friends( most hax themself) come and say: he doesnt hax, i know him, saw him in rl, u r just low- and jealous.....
then the cheater tells he got a friend, pet,fanboi,headset or dynamic ip and nothing will happen.
if the proof is as solid as fusen's is, then I wouldn't even discuss with the cheater or his friends---> just BAN
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