Nait at Frostbite against Germany

Well i put it into a shiort Clip with crap Resolution. I dont know why Adobe is actually messing with me and why it change the Resolution into that but you can see all the shit which was going on :P

Maybe i'll upload a better Version when i can figured out what is wrong...
And yes i dont care about my Denglish :>

Side Note: Big Thanks for the great Covergae by Dts and Voice!!
He knows what to do :)
dat quality

A for effort though
like i wrote.. Adobe is somehow messing with me. gonna upload the original files during the nIght so the Resolution should be normal (used 1366 x 768) and atleast 720p :S
thought this sneeky stuff only works against noobs like us :o

btw i would totally hear if someone is stepping on the roof
good job tho
stownage heard him ^^
te miért nem dolgozol ilyenkor?
most suliban vagyok, meg laptopról.
i heared him thats why i went into the corner, but my mates didn't turn around :(
u kitting me ?
what zodiac said
what powi said

Nice graphic bugs there bro
yeah those ETTV bugs are annoying. its like you got a wallhack :P
vid_restart bug! :D
this nait guy

was doing the same sneaky stuff at the hotels @ lan when he was drunk
config link pls
I want the config from Kittet. Enemies are so brighten!
i can link you but its really not that great
its sheep cfg. and its not as great as you think it is.
not rly but i bet 100 of players got the same settings :P
I'll try it out later.

And just to know: why isn't it as great as I think?
enemies only appear brighter in certain environments, and darker in others. it does not provide the "bright" effect everywhere on the map and in my experience i found it to be too dark in general (it is a matter of personal preference though)
i myself only really use it when i still played rifle because it shows clear edges, or i used it in combination with the gammabug which made it a bit more to my personal liking.

gammabug and cfg mentioned can both be found here

the cfg is in banga's comment, however i'd like to point out that no credit whatsoever goes to banga :D
i use to think u were a trolling prick
in my opinion sheep.cfg is very good! i pretty much made the exact opposite experience than dualinity. enemies may not always look bright, but thats mostly in situation where u see them anyway. they always look different to the environment. i tried some of these dark cfg's which make enemies look bright and most of them were bad in darker places, for example at supply up at the controls.

this config is only too dark for b4, but with r_mapoverbrightbits 2 its alright.
smart player doe
makes quite a lot of noise, idk what is so good about that, seen way better ninja's. Leaves team behind and germany doesn't take advantage of this.
rly ? he waited , and reclaimed 4secs before spawn so they could selfkill and take position at docs again while allies spawned since like 10secs , that's brilliant. while a normal player would have rushed obj guy as soon as possible and possibly fucked up his duel.
you maybe, but that is just bullshit. Thinking is not that hard, he made noise, they could've noticed he was missing and there are all sorts of other things that could've gone wrong. It isn't clever play, it is a lucky gamble he made and you are just fanboying him. Stop being such a little fanfag and start seeing the obvious.

e: spec him being useless as a teamplayer, he is just in the team coz he is night and ppl would whine otherwise.
Quote by Exc1tehe made noise, they could've noticed he was missing and there are all sorts of other things that could've gone wrong. It isn't clever play, it is a lucky gamble he made
ye but guess what , it worked , because its fucking Night. useless as teamplayer ? mind to elaborate ? and im quite sure having Night on coms is a big plus for team ee. ET is not only about aim
e: but ye Axis failed too tho
not because of night, beacuse of the stupidity of team germany.
lol wtf?

so if he was with his team they would of held them off longer?

he reclaimed the objective, you dont need to be with your team when you're doing stuff like that successfully
but what if night would have failed that? :Sss
like Night can actually fail something, he is one move ahead of other players, HE READS IN OUR MINDS.
he failed vs finland :(
That's why he oversmarted team GER twice in a single game. Yeah, what a useless and lucky player :D
Looks like your mother oversmarted you when she decided not to put you through any sort of educational system.
Sorry but your sentence doesn't make any sense. What's your point? :P

e: oh you mean that I wrote oversmart instead of outsmart? Lol, like you haven't done any mistakes before :D
tbh if u watched the game properly, he only sneaked through when he took the obj, because krest selfkilled on full. And the retake with the obj, was well played, at the end of the day he did a good job but still lost
Yeah, I agree but we're (or at least I'm) talking about frosbite here not about whole match. Doesn't matter if he was lucky that kresti selfkilled on full, it was a mistake and Night took advantage of it. :)
Who the fuck are you to judge Night's plays ? He's one of the best ETPlayers and I'm not talking about aim or headshots. He has an awesome gamesense and teamplay.

Maybe this action isn't perfect but I think you don't realise he's playing against the best German players, not some med players without brain that you actually play against.

I didn't play ET for 5-6 months and yesterday I came on ETTV and saw this... That just made me smile to see Night rolling like he used to do with dignitas/idlee/mamut.
c est pas un jeu ou y a beaucoup de joueurs avec un cerveau, il a du avoir le temps de spawn et avec un spawntimer ça aide, t'attends 10s que les plots soit loin et hop tu cours, mais bon logiquement y a un ou deux gars en side qui doivent l'attendre..

quand ta un mec qui manque pendant une minute, et que t'y vois rien, c'est tout simplement que ta une team de nobrain ou qui se font ouvrir en 6v5

bref c'est juste un joueur avec un cerveau, et c'est rare sur ce jeu :D
i would like to see some ninja action in a nations cup match against a skilled team
or any other big tournaments
nait noob 1xp l2p gg
not convinced about this play, more an enemy fail than anything else :p
you haven't seen the match, have you? ;)
You are absolutley right about this, since i said 1 min before this happened "check the fucking backway, i expect an attack there" but kresti was like "OmG n00b i got this!" :D
but kresti was like "OmG n00b i got this!" :D

Kresti selfkilled on full there when Night was about to get through so the question is, why didn't anyone else fall back to cover backway? Kresti didn't call it or people just didn't bother to do it like on your attack when stownage called that there's someone in your spawn trying to reclaim docs? :D

In any case I still think that it was a brilliant play by Night as he noticed that Kresti was playing really aggressively at back and he took advantage of it. Sneaks like this always require a mistake from the other team so that can't really make the play any worse.
brainless man

was really bad playing from kresti there yeah, but still atleast someone from the team should've realized to fall back when kresti selfkilled on full (as he was the only one covering backway)

not sure if you were pointing the comment only at kresti or at the whole team though :D
well yeah it should of been called on comms
and they should of rotated

but its still silly none the less!
Bla bla, like we dont know it by ourselfs. We, and especially me, playing long enough to know that. Anyway, it got called on coms, so stop trying to be super smart. The players just moved to slow, thats it.
ok calm down mate

lol if you guys have been "playing long enough to know" surely you would or moved quicker? no?
Maybe mistakes just happen during a game, even to the experienced ones.
of course they do, they happen to everyone

but i was just saying to twidi what should of happened, im not saying that the germans didnt call it on comms etc
this duke guy just randomly getting mad and flaming me
it's ok son don't cry im here for u! :)
He wasn't really being subtle about it and they should have really heard/seen/found him if they were being more concentrated. Which is why this could (and should) have backfire really badly.

I'm not dissing Night, just calling like I see it. It's not because it's him that I have to be impressed :)
I was talking about the 2nd play on the vid (EST as allies), not about the 1st one.

On the 2nd play there was no German player that could've heard/seen/found him as they had noone covering back at the moment.
Ah, I was talking about the first one :D
But the second one is also a mistake, but yeah that's a nice play by Night aswell.
Dont get me wrong,i dont want to steal someones honor there. But it was not that special how people claiming it to be. Actually i've expected this and even called it at the coms, just our switching was to slow to prevent this from happening.

And about the offense docs return... Stownage wasnt paying attention to his radar since he thought its someone from our team on the roof. This game at the high end is not about who is the better team, its only about decisions and who is doing less mistakes. On Frostbite, we did more mistakes than them, thats why we lost it. :-)
This game at the high end is not about who is the better team, its only about decisions and who is doing less mistakes

Kresti has no voice!
That was nice play, I particularly enjoyed the sneak when he retrieved the documents on defence as well.

Very patient play that really paid off in the end!
Germany won this game, didn't they? So that play didnt really pay off at all :)
How did it pay off when they lose the game? :P
It obviously paid off for Frostbite?^^
Erm, his patience paid off because after sneaking around for a bit it ended up with him retrieving the documents?
and in the end, they lost the game...I bet if you ask him about it, he'll say it doesnt matter because they lost eventually.
I don't understand whether you're arguing for the sake of arguing or just being stupid.

He sneaked down to where the docs were and then retreived the docs directly because of his actions. His sneaking was PAID OFF when he reteived the docs. This isn't a matter to be argued, nothing I said was incorrect or open for debate.
lol wtf... he won frostbite tho
Estonia won frostbite btw
Whats the point in winning a map if you lose the game?
Carlos, are you trying to act like an idiot.....
I dont know what you mean, ipod mate.
i guess he just answered ur question
dat block
what a nubblock
Really nice :)
Can you give the demo pls ?
dont have it anymore.. so you have to record by yourself etc :/
fuck you then :{D
Fucking arabs....
nice gfx bug !
Estonia Subbi fucked such a perfect action!
well played :)
lol stfu all he won them frostbite gg
lol was gonna comment that
nerds mad cuz night>them
nait new seareal
Mr.ET Night
this video needs a remake plsssssssss
He's the best, deal with it !
german nerds mad coz troled :DDDddddXXDDDDD
It's not sheeps config it's mine,and config doesn't look like that while you're in game,only when you record and take screenies looks dark ingame it's brighter i even use r_mapoverbrightbits 0

note to kitt when you record turn on gammas ;)
Where Can I get that config ?
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