ClanBase down, not dead

Yes, the ClanBase website is down at the moment. No, ClanBase is not dead.

I have no idea where Kalli's quote in the previous journal came from, but this "Filip 'Godsmurf' Camerman" individual is no longer with CB. Adeto is correct; the website as well as our C&A FTP suffered a DDoS attack (presumably from some rather upset CoD2 players) a few days ago.

Here is a short explanation from Slajer, one of the head admins:

QuoteYes everything is fine but there is a new issue now.
Because of the whole DDoS situation where a specific IP was targeted (ClanBase) GQ [GreenQloud, our host] changed the server IP to avoid the attacks.
Needless to say with new IP we also have to update DNS records, which will unfortunately take some time.

I'm currently away from home, so I don't have any other information.

As soon as things are back to normal, the cup pages will be updated so that the SC 2013 season can continue. EC/OC Fall 2013 will also be announced this month, so stay tuned! :)
Godsmurf is one of CB's founders you newb
go ban more players you dislike "cheaters" from
If I banned players only because I dislike them you'd be one of the first on my list... You're the only league admin who pmmed me accusing me of killing ET by banning cheaters and league banned players off the channel.

Players do what they want on CB and you got 0 control over it. Almost daily cb banned players merc in 3on3 ladder matches and hardly anyone is registered in the team they play for. And all you have to say is "activity"...

Schedules are not being followed, delays all the way in cups, finals being played a month later than scheduled.

Although you are just a volunteer at CB you have no right to destroy ET by your massively weakminded principle. So do your bloody job or let someone else do it
Whiteknight faggot at it again.
Wow, you really are fucking stupid.
Guess we have something in common
Do you really think so?
Imo you are just the biggest retard and faggot on the 'scene'. Discuss
I guess many guys who are banned on share this opinion with you
It's not needed to be banned on this channel to share his opinion tbh
Its so hilarious when all you can do is IP bans, which prevent nothing. It takes less than 5 secs to rejoin the channel after you ban me each time.
Yeah be proud of that... faggot. It helps againt the majority of cheaters
image: You+re+a+real+faggot+huh+_8c618cff0655de5ca7142efb0ae30ef7
Its actually quite amusing when you cannot even argue properly, all you can do is call people either "faggots" or "fucking idiots" while all you do is harvest the amount of players that would actually play the game. It doesn't matter if its just random irc game every once in a while, at least the game would stay alive. But as it seems all you care about is being a dick. (Which you manage to do really well, be proud of yourself.) And just to let you know, what ohurcool said like 10 times already, majority of these so called "cheaters" of yours are players that have had a ban, served their time, made new tzac accounts, which they are allowed to play on in cb games and shit. Instead of being actual cheaters. And one more thing, its not like 50% of people you ban wouldn't just use Irc via proxy and fake ip.

I rest my case.
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTpfwu1cZV23FJl58HjSiT6vnCB5A0ZPP-li130oDZNi1lM3bAS
kalli just quit ET pls
wow.. just, wow. Shut the fuck up already, you're being more and more ridiculous.
So what would you consider yourself as then "Mr. 5 people wait for me and I don't even take the 20 seconds to type them a message on cf before entering the car" ? And then you are surprised I tell you to leave the team when you are not able to stick to appointments? It was funny how you played "Mr. Nice Guy" before I told you that and suddenly "Mr Go Fully Retard" after that towards me.
Who the hell makes appointments through CF messaging? :DDDD
5 guys of the team managed to be online on time, one was 45 minutes late because he was finnishing a tennis game and then had to drive home and that was Snatix. So if he wasn't a fully ignorant and selfish person he would have simply left a message before entering the car that he'll still need half an hour
I actually thought this was about some serious real-lifey stuff like driving people to a LAN or something. Not about being late for an online game. Damn. And you even called him ignorant and selfish.

I don't even want to make fun of you anymore. Now it's just sad. :(
Forgot the CC3(?) drama when Scorch was trying to get his cheater friend (i forgot who) with a new nickname to play at LAN by messaging him through his new account on CF? XD
What the fuck man. Why do you even talk about this? I was late, you started to get all mad, i just told you to shut the fuck up, like i just did and i left. everyone followed my choice cause they all figured out how retarded a kid can be. I was nice to you, cause you didn't do anything bad to me, even tho i could see how retarded you acted on gtv / cf etc..
I didn't think it was possible to fit so much bullshit in one comment, but you have proven me wrong.

QuoteYou're the only league admin who pmmed me accusing me of killing ET by banning cheaters and league banned players off the channel.

You aren't killing ET, but you're certainly not helping. Banning players from searching wars in when they are not even actively cheating is absolutely ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with N!ke, sk1, etc. being banned, but you take it way further than that. You ban players who just happen to be banned on TZAC or CB or ESL (lol) only because you don't like them, then you try to defend your bullshit with weak excuses like "Well, if they can't respect league rules, why should they be allowed on"

You do realize that the majority of players with C&A profiles at ClanBase are clean now, right? And that dozens of ex-cheaters are now playing clean on new TZAC accounts? The point of getting banned on CB and TZAC is to prevent players from playing competively for a while, not to prevent them from creating new TZAC accounts and playing IRC wars. Who the hell are you to decide who gets to search wars and who doesn't? Are you above TZAC?

The fact that you brag and gloat about banning clean players is sickening. What is wrong with you? Do you even know what happened with harmen's case? The "harmen69" account doesn't even belong to him. It belongs to Keithh, and Keithh cheated on it. Keithh is also the one who cheated on the "nemrah" account. So you're banning harmen from searching 3on3s because Keithh cheated on his TZAC account? What? Why isn't Domi banned then? He shared his account with a NL player who then cheated on the account. Is it because you dislike harmen, but not Domi? Sure seems that way to me.

I realize that I'm not affiliated with in any way (which is why I "accused" you via PM, not here or in global on IRC), but I am simply dumbfounded by the fact that someone like you was given OP in that channel. I would rather see kApot in your position, and I am not joking.

QuotePlayers do what they want on CB and you got 0 control over it. Almost daily cb banned players merc in 3on3 ladder matches and hardly anyone is registered in the team they play for. And all you have to say is "activity"...

Almost daily? Who? Give me names. Give me proof.

No one mercs in offis unless the opponent agrees. Yes, activity is more important. Would you rather see players get CB banned for mercing? Then you'd be able to ban them from too! Great success!

QuoteSchedules are not being followed, delays all the way in cups, finals being played a month later than scheduled.

Schedules are followed as closely as possible, but shit happens. We won't give a bunch of noshow/forfeit wins just so that a schedule which was made before signups even opened can be kept and so that Kalli is happy.

The EC final was delayed due to the teams/players, not us. Not that we have to explain ourselves to someone like you anyway.

QuoteAlthough you are just a volunteer at CB you have no right to destroy ET by your massively weakminded principle. So do your bloody job or let someone else do it

Uh, yeah... I'm a volunteer. Just like Aniky, GoldoraK, t4Mj, szczurek, MerlinatoR, Artstar, Marcus, and several others. We spend our free time helping out with ET so that this game can continue to live for as long as possible. We don't get paid, and we don't enjoy every aspect of it. But we do it.

What are you? What have you done for this game? Congratulations, you banned kApot a few times from

Let someone else do it? Like you? We were just recruiting ET admins at CB a couple months ago. Where was your application?

Think before you type, moron.
Harmen is not only banned for the 2 TZAC busts but also for flaming others in quite excessively. And it is your job to do pressure on the team and/or have the courage to give teams a forfeit defeat when not managing to be able to play in time. And I did not apply for the CB because I don't fully agree with their policys, nor I have the time for it, nor the current ET crew is consisting of persons I would like to work togheter with
That's all you have to say? You claim that I'm destroying ET, call me weak-minded, and tell me to do my job, then reply to me with one single line of bullshit?

What a joke. Permanently banning a player from the sole IRC channel for searching 3on3 ET wars with the reason of "excessive flame".

EDIT: My "job" is to keep ET alive, not hand out forfeits/noshows to make idiots like you happy. You do realize that half the teams this season are having lineup problems, right? Would you like to see 75% of the matches end in a noshow or a forfeit?

I don't give a shit if you agree with our policies or if you would like to be a part of CB. I wouldn't even look at your application if you applied, because you're an absolute moron with no common sense who is completely blinded by his hatred for a select few players to do anything useful for the community.

The point was that you should keep your mouth shut if you aren't willing to do anything to help. And no, banning clean players from is not helping.
If you don't like it pm r0t3n at and make a complain about me, but don't be surprised if he does not agree with you
I have much better things to do, thanks. But I do find it quite amusing how you tell me I don't have "the courage to give teams a forfeit defeat" then push all of your own bullshit onto this r0t3n person instead of actually defending your actions.
You were the one starting to discuss about this. I am done with "defending" myself against retards on the internet. So if you want a chance to actively do something against me pm r0t3n
How convenient that you are done "defending" yourself before you've actually "defended" yourself. That was a close one!
kalli u sad fuck
You are a dickhead. I really hope for the sake of ET that you fuck off.
A stoned 30+ man who hasn't achieved too much in life yet, it'd be for the sake of your own life to concentrate on something different than flaming someone over the internet
afaik he is happily married and has kids, if he enjoys whatever the fuck he does in life who are we to judge that? :p
yet everyone knows he was pretty much stoned everytime he been to enschede, that's deffinitely a responsible dad then
What are you a Muslim? Who the fuck goes to LAN just to play video games?
I'm a witness of jehovah
thats pretty fucking disrespectful, buddy.

I see you defending yourself against prettymuch everyone here and im pretty sure thats why you're getting picked on.
You seem to get provoked quite easily and i suggest you'd actually smoke one too.

sincerily yours,
dual "master of zen" inity
thanks for the tip master dualinity, but when I started to workout I gave my growbox away :D
As long as his kid is at home being taken care of by the misses, he can do whatever the fuck he likes on his vacation.
Howcome i remember u posting something that included drug usage when u were 15 years old? Setting good example to other kids, arent u?
And? I don't have any responsbility for anyone
Not even 30 yet first off. Secondly, I have a well paid job and I own my own house. I have a partner and 2 children.

I have achieved MORE than you'll ever achieve and I am only 25. I expect you'll be a millionaire at 25 though with your really good comebacks on here.

One more thing. You are truely a cunt. I hope you fall off the edge of this world and hit a floor very hard. One more thing... Fuck off.
Challenge accepted
Stop digging yourself even deeper, just stop.
I playedw ith N!ke few days some random 3on3... an he was cheating... my mate and myself told him to stop or we go...

Like other players like getDMG and his crew...
Why do you even tell that to ohurcool? It's not like he ever gonna stop having a heart for retarded cheaters
So don't play versus them?

As I said, there is nothing wrong with banning players on who are actively cheating, but that's not what Kalli does. He bans those who he dislikes AND who happen to have a ban on TZAC or CB or ESL (lol).
ye people can't change their names... i avoid to play vs polaks nowadays... that the best way to get atleasta bit fun out of a nearly dead game...
You forgot the part where he also bans people with new tzac Id's if they do even decently-well ingame, because "no new player can win over him" so he just bans the guy from the channel as a cheater (even if it was not)
(not talking about myself here)
agree - this game is almost dead no need to cry about some delays - you do a good job go on with this
One of the reason games die is when the top tier teams don't want to compete in cups anymore because of the fucked up schedules
Seriously, this is starting to get really fucked up. Please stop. :(
I bet you're even agreeing with me but don't want to admit that because you dislike me
No, not really. I'm guessing these so-called "top tier teams" are still the #1 cause of delays in ET. It has basically been like that since 2006 or so.

Also, I don't disagree with you because I dislike you. I disagree with you because you say stupid shit.
Cant you just frop this kalli guy the fuck outta here.
and why do you think that is? Jesus christ man.

You're on this crusade to get "cheaters" out of this game, so you should either leave or ban yourself, massive hypocrite.

Besides that, you're simply a child, every negative reply towards you, you respond by saying "no you!". How childish can you be? Grow up, please.
I'd be glad if u can explain him my case :D! Good job anyway, enjoyed :D
hey m8,
dont worry, you are doing a good job. just one thing: why is sw1ruz still allowed to play cb offis?
No actual link of proofs to his old acc :p
well demo busts dont either deliver 100% guarantee, however some things are for sure
Did I ban sw1ruz a few months ago? Did it expire already or was it removed?
Arnold/sw1ruz is still banned (10-year ban), but there is a "new" player named azpiliqueta who many suspect to be the same player. He probably is, but there's no proof of it. :P
ah damn my isp hasn't updated the new dns yet, I'll have a look at it in the morning maybe I could find something, did you try matching the old/new account with them CF IPs? :p
Yes, I tried that. :P He's using a completely different ISP.

And don't worry, the website still isn't working - I just happen to have his HID saved. :P
aha well then, unlucky, nothing really you can do if he has done so much to change his identity :p

oh well at least he ended up wasting a lot of money on a free game to play on a new account ;-)
Indeed, quite a loser if it's actually him. :D
Easy way to prove his innocence, get him and sw1ruz to go on teamspeak at the same time, like Pasta and mAus.
he's playing again under "azpiliqueta" account with exactly same people that swiruz did. of course he claims that he's some jaymodder than has been playing on etpro for few months xD everyone knows its swiruz, but I heard there are no real proofs though
sounds like the gnajda case, but gnajda was tooooo greedy and would pm me with his new account to unban his old account lol... :p
unban gnajda mate, he never did anything wrong. I would have told you at lan but I ask my girlfriend and he dont let me go.
Unfortunately, there is absolutely no proof that azpiliqueta is the same player as Arnold/sw1ruz; otherwise he would be banned already.

If it is indeed the same player, then he is using a new PC with new internet.
this is so retarded :D whole "scene" knows its him
It is how it is - can't ban without evidence. Just because so many players think he is sw1ruz doesn't mean we can simply go ahead and ban him for it.
Quote The fact that you brag and gloat about banning clean players is sickening. What is wrong with you? Do you even know what happened with harmen's case? The "harmen69" account doesn't even belong to him. It belongs to Keithh, and Keithh cheated on it. Keithh is also the one who cheated on the "nemrah" account. So you're banning harmen from searching 3on3s because Keithh cheated on his TZAC account? What? Why isn't Domi banned then? He shared his account with a NL player who then cheated on the account. Is it because you dislike harmen, but not Domi? Sure seems that way to me.

im surprised u still know the case , kalli thinks he knows it like you saw in the other link you posted , but he doesnt know any shit about it .
go ban more players you dislike "cheaters" from
gg stary
good job and tnx ^^
Any idea about how long the 'repairs/adjustments' will take or?

Also, not to hate on ClanBase or anything, it would still be a nice thing to have CrossFight's back on CF, actively.
delegation of dns addresses may take up to 30 hours. however usually it doesnt take as much time

it sbeen down for 2 days i think? :P
so they are clearly pissing around :)
You miss the 3o3s so bad :S

Plz nerd, go play mg or LoL :S

image: tumblr_mk4tjrsL5B1ry6msio1_250
rip clanbase
image: clanbase%20%281%29
R.I.P. 1998 - 2013
And nothing of value was lost
getting popcorn brb
anyone else

image: tumblr_m6xaor13Da1qat4duo1_500
during the kalli vs rest case, yea
_froSt was kicked from by DrLagAlot [You are not welcome on this channel.]

Why doesn't he ban himself from as he is busted cheater as well?
_frost aka motyl aka fat busted polish cunt face
Well u are just like kalli :D You have no idea whats happened but still talking bullshit, and im not fat :C Look @ my profil pic ://
ban a polish save an ET player my motto
image: 419Kq

mfw reading this thread. good old flame!
Rarely do I ever come across so much stupidity accumulated in a single journal, especially so without banga or seareal being the main participants. You've outdone yourself, yet again. Almost applaud worthy at this point...
Exactly how is banning them from channels going to help at all? I used to play with a guy named zabi who was banned due to "flaming" and we just searched the war instead of him. Its really pretty pointless to ban when it literally doesn't change their ability to find that same war at all. That would go the same for a cheater.

As for flaming being the reason for a ban. Kalli, bro, how many wars have we played in the past year where you spent the majority of the time trolling instead of actually playing. Purposely delaying the game and shit just so you can be the last guy to ready up as we listen to you play the flute on team speak. To me that shit is more annoying than some guy messaging me on IRC where I have the choice to ignore it or close the browser. How do you have a great sense of humor when it comes to you playing (and trolling), but not when it comes to people doing the same type of shit?

ohurcool is a decent guy who does a good job.

Hardcore Hackers, I like do Hardcore things also
good read xD
love how it went from "cb website is down" to "kalli is very stupid , everyone knows it and he is proving it with every comment he does here"
Aparently the admin "r0ten" got his dick suck very very very very very hard by kalli, that no matter what stupid shit he says and does , he continues to have op
excuse me butting in here but if I may say so myself, that's quite a shitty situation to be in.
Follows (55)

Seems like he has sucked your dick in the past too xDD
Don't mind him as a person, but how can you have the power to ban people for acting childish when you do nothing but act childish? senseless
you should click the REPLY button to reply to specific comments :)
See that now, thanks broski
cf is fun again!
5/5 would read again
Amazing read.
To much to read :<
Dude, the whole point is to enjoy reading the whole flame war (and the rest), you forgot? :P
ye I know but when its like and whole a4 im not gonna read that haha :D but obvius kalli got his ass smacked.
Good read, missed this very much
What is this clanbase thing you speak of?
That Kalli guys sounds like a really nice person!
I'll rape your snail and bondage your frog, beside that... nothing wrong there, is there?
Nah, nothing at all!
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