The truth about TZAC

Why you admins of this site delete the journal from unforgiven/iceman ?
It was a nice conversation between unforgiven and kaphljia
No problem, he was so kind to spam pm it around! :)

It's clearly not edited of course by the way
but still - in a conversation could be cleared out its true or fake
Its fake, for the most part, chaplja is a scumbag and should not be trusted whatever he says. He wanted to make free money without having to do anything and didn't get it in the long run.

There is no need to go into detail, but marcus didn't do anything wrong in terms of 'stealing' tzac or anything. About the donater status I don't know, but they probably had a good reason and I cba asking around for that since no one cares anyways.
what happened ??
(back from holydays)
"The truth about TZAC"

yes, make me a short resume of what happened while i was on holydays
unforgiven is an idiot and doesnt deserve to be listened to.

apparently he wrote a pm to everyone with the content of his journal (he at least sent it to me and i dont know him at all, so im assuming he sent it to everyone)
u must be a clever guy - you call him idiot and 3 sec later you say u dont know him - lol
I only know him from his comments on gtv, cf, and even fb. i meant i never talked to him (or argued with him, which seems to be his main way to communicate)
well if you look at his journals he clearly seems to be an idiot. You don't really need to know him to figure that out.
he doesnt have to know him to see he IS acting like a fucking retard
lolz cu at irc gonna download bimbot and own the shit out of you nerds
Challenge accepted
ok no only adawolfas wh man soz couldnt find cracked bimbot
bo unforgiven to retard, a chaplja ma całkiem ciekawe wytłumaczenie dlaczego wziął kasę od peaches i zniknął
So there are 2 sides of the story :
- YCN stole TZAC from Chaplja
- Or Chaplja dropped TZAC, then disappeared, just after peaches donated enough money for him to continue updating the software, so YCN took TZAC over to keep ET alive.

Who to believe ? Marcus or the ex cheat coder ?

Well I think Chaplja is a smart guy, needs money and fooled us all. He disappeared with peaches money pretending to have tax problems or sth like that, then came back some time later selling hacks bypassing his own AC cuz, from his point of view, Marcus "stole" his project while he was actually just trying to keep ET alive. It's all about money imho
whats the point tu run TZAC when no updates can be published?

is TZAC really needed at the current time with ET?
not only updates cannot be published but also you can bypass cheat detection... it's not really working anymore
Have had better wars without tzac. People are just as "clean" and it seems to give a better performance.
It's better than no anticheat...

i'm my own anticheat tool... No Polaks and only known Peoples :D
If we follow your rule, you will never get a game. Huehue.
sup baddie :D
depends, if its such a hassle to install the damn thing and making it actually work
It takes 10 minutes max to register, download, and install. I've never had any serious issues with mine, so I dunno why people complain so much.
then why all the journals about tzac help etc :D? okay maybe ppl are dumb, but you also have to take that in consideration!
Because there is no official support on the TZAC website, so players post here for help instead. :P But yeah, I know what you mean.
"Stole" certainly isn't the right term here. I personally decided to continue supporting a project which has no active maintenance.

I tried to contact Tomislav on several occasions including my phone, and he had not tried to contact me back until very recently, despite being online. Just like unforgiven this guy is entirely delusional, skipping over 99% of the events that occurred in the past for me to decide to keep everything alive, if Tomislav had contacted me before hew manually moved the domain name from our servers then this never would have happened.

The simple point here is that he abandoned everything and deliberately tried to sabotage it since the beginning, and no one is buying this undetected client nonsense, he released this long before yesterday (at least I have been aware of it, as have a lot of other people). Also releasing the code without contacting me? I don't possibly see how I could be in the wrong at this point.

As for your point here about "needs money and fooled us", I don't see how you could be wrong here. Choosing to instantly leave when he has a stable income? That's not a normal move by someone with motivation.
pls, how mucho millions you made with tzac?
And how many millions do you think Chaplja made with all the money he received (or stole) from the community just before he decided to abandon the project and sell tzac proof hacks afterwards ?
he probably received more money from the community (peaches+donations) than what he made selling cheats to some few poor polaks..
yea like poor polaks can afford to buy cheats l0ol0l0l
I don't know how it is possible for anyone to believe chaplja's lies over what Marcus and I have been saying. We literally have nothing at all to gain from any of this, yet chaplja has everything to gain now that he has started coding cheats again.
Besides unfo, (who obviously has personal problems with Marcus) I guess most of the players from the community aren't dumb enough to believe Chaplja's bullshits.
ohmybro can you or someone please update me on whats going on here. it looks like delicious drama but im kinda out of the loop,
Chaplja apparently is accusing Marcus and YCN of stealing TZAC after the events of this incident:
thank V much
See my comments here and here.
what this game has become is just sad and its getting worse every year
cant understand how people still put some effort into this ocean of bullshit
come play LoL
U are confusing community with game.
And thats why i left for good few months ago to play LoL. I was sure i was facing few cheaters, including on publics, but this silent detection and the inefficient way to prevent cheaters of coming back, well.... worthless to play.

LoL seems alot better.
We all know unforgiven is an imbecile. No doubt about it. But he has a point: some grey areas must be clarified. Why was his donator status removed?
Et pourquoi Chaplja a soudainement décidé de laisser tomber TZAC et de mettre le code source du programme sur un site de cheat JUSTE après avoir reçu assez d'argent de la part de peaches pour qu'il puisse continuer à travailler dessus ? Il avait besoin d'argent (pour lui, pas pour TZAC), il a fait croire à la communauté qu'il avait besoin d'argent pour continuer à mettre TZAC à jour, et dès qu'il l'a eu, il s'est barré avec et a fait croire qu'il avait des problèmes de taxes. Après Marcus reprend le programme pour sauver ET, Chaplja revient et fait genre qu'il s'est fait voler son anticheat, et pour se "venger", il vend des cheats qui ne sont pas détectées par son propre programme... Il avait juste besoin d'argent ce gros connard, Marcus y est pour rien, il voulait juste sauver ET
Limite je m'en tape de tzac et du chablilatruc, ça m'a l'air d'être un sacré trou de balle. Maintenant je sais pas si les gens qui s'occupent de l'anti cheat maintenant valent mieux. Unforgiven est un débile qu'on a laissé tomber à terre à ka naissance mais il a raison quand il dit que Marcel ou je ne sais qui n'avait aucune raison valable de lui virer le statut de donateur. C'est pas hyper important puisque ça ne change rien à ma connaissance, mais la pratique n'est pas réglo pour autant.
some1 sends me conversation in pm im bored
Envoi le moi quand tu l'as, s'il te plaît
someone needs to create another anti-cheat. pretty sure i didnt even put my regular password into this anti-cheat because i can't trust khaphlija
At this point ET needs to be rebranded, balance changes and some other minor enhancements. An AC alone is not what we need, integration is key here, but I don't have the money for such a project at this time.
with integration you mean something like steam ?
Yeah a bit, but not entirely. Access to ET should be easy for everyone.. not having to help the non-geek installing TZAC with shortcut bullshit, download patches and all that bullshit.. while doing so I'd also like to add some game modes to spice up the pub gameplay..
is it that hard to make an .exe file which will install all needed from alone like other games do ?
i have no clue about coding but i doubt its that hard
and yes i think this is the biggest prob for many users to start this game - i mean i play since 10 years but every new installation is hard for me to keep it running
Its not hard as in rocket science, but requires some time and dedication as you can't just do it really quickly, it needs to have a sense of quality and simplicity..

I already know how and what I want to do, I just don't really know how I can make it a viably project.
How about ETUI? (ET Ultimate Installer), make version 2 and add some kind of anticheat in that, then ppl can just dl that instead of ET, tzac, maps, etpro etc etc separately.
though ETUI comes a little bit closer to integrating ET properly it would be far inferior to said app / service.
Ask peaches
tzac doesn't work most hax anyway and most are fake busts.... n tzac is so hard to get working its killed off new players
'n tzac is so hard to get working its killed off new players'

totally agreed
Having to play versus cheaters in every war - something which TZAC has very much helped prevent - kills off new players too.
so tzac made the community smaller from 2 sides, awesome xD
clearly since he was ''fake busted'' all busts must be fake.
??? fake busts? Yours was automated and legitimate ...
his brain is on par with unforgiven so just ignore
Robert your a idiot no one likes. Msh and me spoke and he got wrong end of stick. Tzac is very hard for any new player and has a lot of issues getting it set up. We need simple download and done.
what happened?
what chlapja did?
what Marcus did?
i second zis
you can restart teeeh cheattts /!\
unfoGYPSYgiven strikes again
Dat ET drama is just too much for me to take,Im really cnfoused tho,
I used to talk to Tomislav long time ago in serval times,he probably won't remember,but I do remember him as a nice guy,polite and someone who's willing to help and do as he can,all this shit going on with Tzac is odd as fuck,I mean,if he did acted that way,hes a total dick,but still I found this whole crazy ass case kinda wicked.
And about YCN and mash,well,all you can do while now,is just thank him.
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