ET and Steam?

sup /cf/
i remember reading some time ago here on cf journals and news about a project which wanted to see our beloved ET on steam. i really liked this idea, and i was quite happy to hear it because there are a shitloat of free fps on steam but most of them are horrible. the community could've had also become bigger.
But all of a sudden everything disappeared and nobody talked about it anymore.
I'd like to know what happened if anyone has some infos.

image: 45VEI
Epic timing
Yeah and sup about ETLive ?
etlve got fb profile :P
image: 45KOG

yea but at least it may got some visibility :D
I think baggiez requested it on their forums, but got turned down. sad day for et. go ahead and give it a try again, cant hurt anyone
Not going to happen because ZeniMax gets the final say and they do not care about ET.

You can try contacting them directly but I doubt you will receive a response.
they want to sell their new wolf and dont want to support a that old game like et i think....
would be cool getting a remake of et or rtcw mp in that new wolfenstein tno only for PC
ETPro is way too complicated to install (with all the patches and especially TZAC), installing has to be made much easier in order to get ET into steam.
It's not hard to make a package .setup file of all the latest ET stuff? and if something gets updated... update the .setup file and steam will automatically updatE?
Well, it is just, that it should be easier to install it, one setup file, nothing more and you should be able to play 2.55 and 2.60b.
we could provide the express install, the one that was was made by somone here on cf, now i dont remember who was it.
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