cheaters atm

Yo guys!

I specced two games on ettv:
and this one:

On the first game two players cheated: m1tja and azpilq
On the second game only m1tja.

Seriously, i dont understand why there are so many lame people... like they earn money with it. Whats the point of cheating in ET? These are the players who really kill this game. Sooner or later every clean guy will leave this game because its full of cheaters. Also CB admins should open their eyes and ban all these faggots. You have to be smarter, you cant expect every cheater to shoot walls like idiots, ofc most of them will try to fake that they are clean.

So my question is, what do you think, who are cheating at the moment in ET?

Oh btw m1tja, using wh doesnt change the fact that you are still lowskilled.
Too long list to post
It would be easier to post a list of players who dont cheat.
This is gonna be intredasting
Team Poland
all players who are better than me ofc :(
Uff... Hopefully im clean.
CF forumbased Anti-Cheat, I smell a future.
azpil is sw1ruz

and majority of people are cheating atm. That's why there is a magical increase of skill since Tzac went down :o)))
Really? Haven't noticed. Or maybe Im as shit as always...
1v1 rifle tennis?! I can finally beat ya :XD
no pls have mercy on me
Any way you can make some avis of obvious actions?
happy full m1tja XD
The funny part of that situation is actually clanbase crew doing nothing besides spreading statment about "new AC". They cheated enough obviously to get banned today morning.

Honestly I dont care about that, but that Stary guy is pretty fucking funny with his whining about nazty while hes playing with swiruz. Jumpin on with his binded "merc avi no cheaters", and few hours later hes playing with guy banned few weeks ago. Hes mentally on the same level as kalli, gali, whatever name he took nowdays, I mean hypocrisy level.
if people submit demos to the democrew I suppose they would review them and ban if possible
He is whining about nazty because nazty is cheating:-)
so is sw1ruz, whom he plays with...
And what are you doing? What gives you the right to say that we are doing nothing?

The demos are being reviewed. This may come as a shock to you, but we actually have other things to do as well.
Do not take it so serious, jesus christ. Could you sometimes turn on irc, at least when you are online on CF? I wrote that because im searching for some help for few days.
I'm usually always on IRC when online, but I had to work all day on Saturday and Sunday. You can also PM me here, and there are other admins who could help you too.
Then I am sorry.
:DD ohurcool u are doing awesome work! keep it up pal! :) and dont mind those angry birds ;)
U do realize hes not only admin out there? There's me and couple more u could tell your problems, if ohurcool isnt online.
Yeh we are doing nothing, apart of viewing plenty of demos on daily basis, could u please just stop talking about the things u have no clue at first place, also u are welcome to spend hours on watching demos and reviewing possible cheaters...
just get better and own them :)
you suck btw :D

gib ihm !! un hüüü
excuse me? i bet u haven't speced me a bit
you cheated, nice try tho
i did not actually
nobody cares about polaks opinions
jebane low
cu m1tja
avi or never happened
gg m1tja lol XD

and azp aka swiruz was pretty blatant to the point i dont think he even gives as shit...cb admins react
powi might be right, fucking cheaters everywhere. lets just be patient and wait for new AC :)
is this 2008 all over again?
dont play vs hackers till the new AC comes out

and tbh i rly havent had problems with anyone
i wouldnt play vs azp anyway
you havnt had problems cuz ur always losing anyway LOL OWNED CU GG BB
CB admins react and ban them, thx
yeah bacardi cheated when we played against them too, the whole team actually (at the time it was this m1tja guy, yokoo and upload)
yokoo cheating too? :DDD
What do you expect.. dude made his cb account @2010. what about kaisen.. cb account made @2012

I used to see yokoo (RIp) playing on pubs all the time in like 2008, I know it's not something to say DAYUM OLDSQL about but 5 years (assuming that was even when he started ET.. :dd) is more than enough time for a player to shine. have seen better individuals who've only been playing for a year or two.
Yeah real newtalents. Welcome to Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Prepare To Die -edition.
Ye i remember he was beast with sniper back in times :)
yokoo material :D
dunno. never played there with me. and exitium is dead cause pds is away :(
The Neverending Story.
So many nerds are cheating, CB cba to watch all those demo's.

Just wait for new AC
Well he loves you :>
uac is crap on cod4, doubt it'll be good on ET
please tell me its not going to be uac
I was hoping that they contacted Sol and helped him creating an etpro port for the new public AC, but they didn't. Best thing at this point would be to contact splash damage and bani in order to ask for the source code of ETPro, the license that came with it back in the day no longer applies since both RTCW and ET are fully opensource. Then we could make ETPro 2.60D and 3.00 compatible and all that good stuff the pub scene has been doing over the years..
as far as i know bani has always been refusing to release the source code :(
not sure what his reasoning was, just know that he never intended to release it
as far as I know he had some license or contract with splash damage coz etpro does some shit to ET internally, something which normal mods don't or can't. This is immediately why you can't use ET:L ( ET + bugfixes, see it as 2.70 ) isn't compatible with ETPro, but is compatible with the rest of the pub mods.

The anticheat they're making for the pub scene seems to be a pk3 file with a binary which is loaded into ET. Works on every mod except on etpro, as etpro's built in anticheat stops it. Some guy called msmc once wrote an AC for nbs public which used the same mechanism, so its definitely possible, the AC itself was pretty good too but no admin wanted to listen to the busts it made.
i got the feeling that when AC comes ill be one of the best players xDDD cus every1 will skill drop and that is just so sad
keep dreaming :D
sometimes dreams comes true :DDDD
even nightmares? :'(
And u are = ? (just asking cause never seen ur name at offis, no offence).
oh bitch pls :DD even ohurcool knows that and u dont :DDD what a helll
I just know that Polandfanatic and Brazilolavol are/were cheating
and i always reject to play vs this cheatercuntteam arnold and co
e: and its sad when people r still shit as fuck even when they r using a wh, that says alot about these people...
but imo there arent that much cheaters
did u watch the replay of olavol ? hilarious xD
well i just watched missille one more time. it wasnt needed to watch the other maps since i played with him and this was fucking obv
It's like everybody uses cheats now, when we play with my team, 1 out of 4 team we play start saying some of us are cheating and then they say "ok now I turn on because you're cheating" and then the magic comes but still they can't deal with the teamplay because they are bad :S

Example: deryyn's mix has so many cheaters (Weslann etc... I guess) and they are claiming it but they can't handle medskills anyway, so better uninstall this game already you fat-fucks.
i suppose ur just mad coz u lose, cant handle the fact you lose 2 me so its easier 2 accuse. im pro ur low and WHAT?

cant help sore losers :))
if by "lose" you mean we didn't end missile in less than 3 mins then we're losers yeah, 4mins is a bit long against such pathetic players :)

get your facts right fatty, and keep playing with cheaters if it's ok for you.
LOL the fuck that profile pic
helelo fagget =)
saken cheats for sure!

Anyone who thinks that a player is cheating (and has actual evidence) should send a PM to me or Aniky so that our democrew can look into it.
I think u need more ppl into ur troops.
did u receive my pm? cuz u were off when i pmed u
Yes, thank you.
who knows
that NetherlandsL4mpje is obvious as fock, no idea who he is tho

oh and ViKO/rapz obviously
dont even start to discuss how obvious u r
tbh I think that Canadarito guy is obvious as fuck
e: is this the same guy as rapz?
yes i think so! I think Viko was busted aswell back in 2008 or smthing..
I dont know if u use wh on officials or not, but i remember there were some practice games, where you were just so fuckin suspicious.

Also your attitude makes me think that you are just another idiot cheater.
I think ViKo is clean, however i didnt spec him, and im not sure about rapz.
Sometimes offi, sometimes prac, sometimes both depending on the oppo's mood

u might want to watch this one, there were couple funny moments on both sides imo =)
I've got no idea about before slac/tzac because I think Azur was playing with woDka/heya and the faggot crew around that time, but he seemed pretty legit in the times I've played against him in recent years!
L4mpje has been good for a very long time already, there were just no high teams who realised it until a few years ago
Finland fantax/kyrpae or whoever, wallhacking obviously

check this out:
well first of you call wallhack 90 seconds into the game and secondly you outdamage this wallhacker by 5k

but it must be wallhacking obviously :)
But he is a legend, wtf
1. didnt know wallhack walks hand in hand with highest dmg
2. it doesnt take long to spot someone whos this obvious
u get naded from most obvious camping places in whole maps and cry. gg gamesensing dude!
Only if the nades were obvious :)
1st. u are stupid enough to not change spawn to backspawn in gr
2nd. u are stupid enough to sneak out from the spawn while the tank is still in front of the spawn door
3rd. there is usually always someone so i do spam there a lot (lucky nade tho)
4th. after u die because of your own fuckup it seems u cry a lot

i'll hold on to my comment in that war: u played fucking stupid in that game :D
u knew our spawntime, yet I wait 5 seconds in the room, i start to walk out and u LUCKILY give me a 5secs nade, how surprising
and its only 1 situation out 15 on that match and yet u "smart player" couldnt out dmg me, LOL
riiiiight. i see your just the same little whiny cunt u were few years ago.. didnt know team with most damage wins :o btw u heard of "teamplay"?
so ur trying to change the conversation. you are low with wallhack, end of conversation
is there any porn of her? desperately looking for it.

e: why did your site disappeared?? what the fuck happened? it was awesome
e2: nevermind, it was nuggan website.
Porn is basically people having sex.. on camera. and its really really inappropriate. Is it bad? Yea I think so. I mean looking at it from a worldly perspective, its bad (specially if your under 20 or even 30 for that matter) but looking at it from a Christian perspective, its horrible. and honestly, its like drugs. if you never start it, you never have to stop it. my best advice is to stay far far away from it. Well do you watch Bad Girls Club? that show is rated G compared to Porn... so yea. I've never ever seen it but I know enough to know, Christian or not, you should stay away.
Thank you for your brief explanation of the term "porn", I would have never guessed. How awful! I wish more people were like you and would stay abstinent in any and all forms. This surely isn't what our lord and savior has died for.
Trough the wormhole with morgan freeman > bible
The host got reset, the site and radio is very likely to come back soon!
oh cool, you were informed aswell, ty
we need killerboy
killerboy is by far not enough, we need


BULLDOG !!!!!!!!!!
no offence, but bulldog is the secret love of my life :(

Please refer to this journal I wrote several months ago. More specifically the last part.
only 3.5 years until unban of Switzerlandarrow

haha diggah was los
8 : ]

alles gut! bei dir auch? und ja, 2017 darf er wieder spielen :D
stownage was cheating in a random 3on3 yesterday :S
cheaters in ET?

image: aj10tom

Killerboy come back pls...

man i wasted so much time on this game already lol
killerboy pls
killerboy pls
killerboy pls
killerboy pls
killerboy pls
killerboy pls
killerboy pls
killerboy pls
killerboy pls
no stay away from this game. it isnt worth trying mate.

live your life and get more chicks.

Yeah, m1tja was clearly cheating in that official, I even confronted him about it later in ts. But I got news for you, so was upload. As much as I love playing with those guys, they are fucking retards. I'm done with him since he cheated against me and denied it.

Mitja, if you read this, go fuck yourself. Id have been okay with it if you had just told me instead of bullshitting.
Hey man, did u come to friends/admins this time and say: hello im cheating. If u did, u can blame mitja now.
As you're new to the scene I'll take the time to actually reply to you. This was in 2.55 etpro and happened in 2009 august, and the truth is I only cheated once and that is something pretty much everyone who played there at that time knows. It's not like I cheated against my teammates and lied about it when confronted. To be honest, I wouldn't have problem with his cheating if he had not lied to me about it. I've a history of playing with cheaters (while being clean myself) so I don't think I'd have had problem with it.
me2 Tohaj was also ex-cheater which made multis. Oh where are those times when slac was on xD
i played many 2v2's with tohaj when he was clean and his brain/aim was awesome
Did u cheat once? Where is the proof that u didnt cheat more times? it was 2009? Nice excuse, mitja can say the same in 2017 ( if he rly cheated). And the lastone, do u rly think im new cause i never get banned, or didnt start to play official games on pokemon lvl like u did?
It is irrelevant whether I just cheated once or more often since the whole point of this is that m1tja cheated against his teammates and lied about it when confronted and that's something I did not do. As I said earlier, you must have somehow amazingly missed it, I don't have a problem with playing with cheaters. I just don't like to be lied to. I've absolutely no intention or reason to provide you any kind of proofs that my bust took place in 2009 and it was my only time.

Even your last sentence gives it away that you haven't been around for long. I was dominating the 2on2 scene (shoutout to sungi and his mother) before you even registered your crossfire account. I wouldn't call that "pokemon lvl", would you. You seem to be really insecure, uneducated & arrogant person. Those three qualities are hard to find in just one single person. Oh, and just for laughs, I would like to bring up that you got a gay voice.

Last of all, please come up with something better for your next reply or I won't even bother replying to it.
Insecure? arrogant? Seems like u descibing himself. Gay voice? I havent problems with it, since girls calls it "sexy" instead of "gay". Anyway it doesnt change a fact, u are med skilled tryhard, who get carried in most of decent games.
EDIT: i think u should read carefully, ive been talking about first official games, not whole career and achievement, i didnt insult u just its a fact, that u played ur first cb ofis against random lows and i played my first cb offis against teams like bacardi, dead ringers and noble
ah the good old times! I think you lost once vs rakji and me :D
Most likely true :D I remember playing against you guys multiple times, was always fun at least.
yeah, it was fun until you got too good and raped us :D
Cuz you carried hard :-)
OC 2o2 bissl rocken??
keine lust mir mein skill wieder anzutrainieren :(
dont bother using logic and explaining yourself to that retard, he feels the need to spew his dribble everywhere on CF and GTV...just another retarded fucking polak who thinks he actually knows what hes talking about.
u got rolled haha
The money argument is really bad, it would be way worse if they did!
Not surprised, Id cheat as well just to see nerds spraying tears over a 10 years old dead game.
Then you are an idiot also. The game and its age has nothing to do with cheating, its not acceptable no matter what.
Why the fuck do people cheat? lol, u seriously have fun like that?
It is actually very fun sometimes. You should try if you haven't yet =)
+1 to powi! bigup!
mAus so piece of a shit vs apzi or something whats your .pl called by nowadays.
you re sober
greejtsjot cheated against polarbeers today
Checked demos seems like pure skill and no hacks, what you think guys?
just watch another Demo from that Day and you will see m1tja shooting walls and then his brain starts to work and he is preshooting every fucking corne..

hilarious to watch :S
preshooting is wallhack, ok got the picture now, INCOMMING ban m1tja enjoy
read again...

he was shooting walls then he started extrem preshooting every corner after his brain got the message that is too obvious to shoot on walls :S
the thing is I did not even check demos since I dont care xD don't take this to serious bro
why you even replied to my post?
2013 ; cheating. Lack of education, selfishness, stupidity,
Dumbs as motherfucking bricks.
You dont say, /!\
QuoteSo my question is, what do you think, who are cheating at the moment in ET?

Most likely fewer than you'd think.
adze imo with his power finger ! :D
the days have finally come, when buying cheats is cheaper than buying cigarettes.
oh cmon choose me! I've been trying to fake wh for long time :(
what the fuck cf so boring... only 2 people asked for avi...

I dont understand why these cheaters are not kicked out of clanbase,crossfire and other sites. Doesnt admins have balls to do anything these days.
This Denmarkretsev guy
swiruz czysty gracz,chuj wam w dupe
bitches pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
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