Living in Krakow/Poland

I received a job offer for working in Poland Krakow and the salary would be around 5000-5500 Zloty. Is that a good wage for Polish standards and would I be able to live and party comfortable from it?

What kind of city is Krakow btw? Enjoyable city to live, with lots of cultural things and a nice nightlife, or more an industrial city where not much happens?

No matter your salary, you should say no
Why? And don't give me the standard CF "Poland is 3rd world country"-crap.
it's 2nd world though :D
Poland is 3rd world country
Very good. For example in some small stores like Carrefour Express you earn around 1200 zl. Krakow is not as expensive as Warsaw so I think you can rent a flat for ~1600 zl not in the city centre. It is also a beautiful city, full of history and young people. You can learn a lot and party a lot. I love Krakow. If you want to know more pm me and I will give you contacts to some ET players from KRK.

some prices:
bread ~2 zl
milk ~2 zl
chicken breast ~8 zl
1kg of apples ~2 zl
ham ~4 zl
rice ~2 zl
pasta ~2 zl
Ice Tea 2l ~5 zl
Lucky Strikes ~12 zl
can of Cola ~2 zl
fast food ~10 zl
pizza ~25 zl
beer ~3 zl
beer in pub ~8-12 zl (in happy hours even for 5 zl, in PL there are a lot of pubs where beer, vodka and some drinks are for 4 zl)
shampoo ~7 zl
internet 60mb ~80 zl (you can find some promotions for 40 zl)
media (gas, energy, light) ~depends (I paid ~120zl for two months)
cinema ticket ~18 zl
a private visit to the doctor ~70 zl
paracetamol ~4 zl
sms, calls ~30-120zl (I mean they are "free" for everyone in PL in Play, Orange, T-Mobile etc., one price per month and you can text and call as much as you want)
train ticket ~40-50zl Warsaw-Krakow, 3h, for adults without discount

Many streets and houses like this:
image: Stajnia_pazdz_2011_male
image: Tenement,_11_Krakowska_street,_Kazimierz,_Krakow,_Poland

The Old Town:
image: 16342_wk_1306243111
image: 1220799.3

image: 4af2889db7d0f_o

You can ask Marcus (msh100) about the Krakow. I think he was there two times.
Afaik Zakrzowek is already closed. It is a private terrain - it got closed after a biiig event when one guy got drunk, felt to the water and drowned :D

And surely not many streets and houses looks like on the photo you pasted!
mleko 2 zł : O jade! xd

btw ( never beed but heared a lot ! )

if u write on utube for ex. my trip to cracow ull find many films/ photofilms from Krakow so.. maybe some of them will be useful. gl.
Nice! Thanks for the extensive reply.
Really good wage, shit city though. I'd advise against it.
nicest city of poland ;)
pierdol się Maksio :XD
eat only pizza, steaks and chicken
Your salary is pretty good as for poland, however it also depends what you are doing(but looking up the salary you must have proposition from IT Sector right? I bet Sabre!). Cracow is a nice city, I am living here not very long, just 4 months but i am sure that you will enjoy nightlife here. It also is a students city so here is a really looot of drink&fun occasions, and the clubs are usually crowded.

Among all the conceited fuckers, stupid taxi drivers and toottttallly sick city councilors (better to say totaly sick thieves) it overall is a nice city. Roads aren't very good in Cracow. Public transport is working pretty good but in my opinion there is not enough night trams. Buildings and overall architecture in Cracow in some places is beautiful(like wawel or main market) and in some places very old and looking like it is gonna collapse soon :D There is a reallly nice boulveard that stretches along Vistula River that flows through the Cracow. This is a really nice place for running, riding bike or just chilling.

And as chickita said Cracow is a little less expensive than Warsaw. The problem is you wont rent a flat in city center with urban heating - only gas heating or electric heating. And during winter it may increase your bills pretty dramatically if you like warm. (For the flat I would recommend you Kraków-Ruczaj European Settlement(Osiedle Europejskie). You can rent a flat with central heating for really good price, and from Ruczaj you have really good tram connections (also night trams) to city centre and vice versa(normally you will propably use car but if you would like to go to some party then come back to ruczaj is no problemo). And this settlement is brand new so flats there are pretty comfortable, (lived few weeks at my cousin flat on ruczaj).

Good Luck
You as well, thanks for your extensive reply!
Do you know if it's common to share houses/appartments with a few people to minimize rent costs?
Students do that only like all the time :D
I know, that's a given, but is it also common amongst young professionals in their late 20's and early 30's? I wouldn't really mind living with students, I've done that in Dublin as well, but young professionals have more financial power and are more responsible, I find.
Well I know they do in Warsaw, now idea about shitkow. Sit down with some Polak and ask him to translate for you
Poland sucks,and who gives a damn about historical shit to see,fuck it,also polaks are retarded as hell and they all have a forehead.
BUT I do love the polish chicks,so gentle.

image: if-people-from-poland-are-called-poles-what-are-people-from-holland-called
If I would call isreal shit place to live, with uglynoses retarded peoples you would call me antisemitic cunt.
Also, which polish chick would give her cunt for guy with cutted dick, rotfl.

And about poland its depends, I earn smth about 2500 euro here in Poland, living in Katowice and its not enough. But i have credits for flat, and car, so gg.
10000 zł Kim ty kurwa jesteś politykiem i jeszcze nie wystarcza
Zasadniczo to większość zżera mi własna działalność gospodarcza, która pożera kupę kasy, a narazie nic z siebie nie daję. Wcześniej spłacałem auto, więc teoretycznie na czysto zostawało mi 2/3tys. na 2osoby/miesiąc. Nie uważam, żeby to był jakiś highlife.
No to teraz już wytłumaczone,Ave Silesia
marnotrawienie pieniedzy

ja wlasnie sie wybieram na pierwszy rok studiow, pracuje od czerwca za 1200zlotych i kurwa oplacam mieszkanie, zywie sie i przy okazji pare razy sie napierdole.
jak po 2 piwach leżysz to nic dziwnego :XD
no leze ze smiechu jak mi ktos powie ze jestem pijany
If you would call Israel that way,you would be wrong,unless you count the situations when sand monkeys shots rockets at you,Israel is a cool place to live at,and "uglynoses retarded peoples" is generalization,when I said "retarded and has forehead" I truly said what I felt while visiting
Poland,have you ever been in Israel?
If some foreigner stole some part of polish territory I would shots rockets too. Easy as that. But jews are historicaly blind, or just shrewd in that wrong way. Theres few bright sides of jews like well educted part of your community, but political side is just greedy.

QuotePoland,have you ever been in Israel?

No. Why? Theres civial war for over 50 years.
You seem like the typical TV watcher who thinks he digs that shit,guess what? you don't.
65 years ago,Israel was nothing but sand and more sand,we made Israel what it is,and we didn't steal anything,we have been attacked by 4 arab nations armed forces at once,we won and when you win a war you conquer shit,never the less we already gave most of the territories back to their owners for peace,what arabs gave us? nothing but violence,and you won't tolerate violence forever.
I dont see why Pala's should or want to stay in gaza and etc,I mean,I don't care either as long they live there peacefully,and won't spread violence and hate to their youth sending them with bombs to blow all over the place,Israel is in the middle of 5 and more arab nations they can go too,but seems like its good for people who don't like Israel putting their money and efforts to keep them there,and the wheel keeps on spinning.
The problem here is neither Israel or the Palestine's,is the world not understanding the conflict right,and fucking it all over.

And that's not a civil war,that us kicking terror in the ass,seriously,is more safe here then you may think,just dont let TV mind fuck you.
Here some video that should make you feel better,
lolz that's actually quite funny,and yea the orthodox community dont really likes cameras,they act the same even with the Israeli TV crews,but I think in this video the guy asked them some questions they seems to dont like.
"Poland, have you ever been in Israel?" There were no Jewish Poles when first settlers came to Israel, yea.
Omg what an imbecile you are
how suprising some fucking jew wrote it. Yes you only know poland from the bad why but the reason of that we only show you our 'assholes' because we fucking hate you jewish peace of shit and you're not welcome in my city
fuck you and your city,I dont need you both.
omg rhand kurwa XDDDDDDDDD
I also applied for a job in Malta, but I haven't heard anything yet ;-)
w krakowie jest juz duzo bezpieczniej niz kiedys. kto Cie teraz napadnie, teczowe pedaly w rurkach :D? chyba ze jakis stary kibol-wyjadacz jeszcze bedzie chcial kogos dojebac
rurkowce się rozmnożyły? jak u Turkiego byłem w listopadzie to mało tego ścierwa się panoszyło
co ty kurwa pierdolisz pajacu, byles kiedys w krakowie?
no mieszkam tu, nie chcac Cie urazic to poprostu w krakowie jest bezpieczniej niz kiedys. Nawet na hucie jest znacznie spokojniej. Aczkolwiek kurdwanow wieje hardkorem. A chyba nie powiesz ze w krakowie jest malo rurkowcow.
u nas wojna 24h na dobe czy to wjazdy, czy na wrzuty podobnie jak na woli, kozlowku, biezanowie, prokocimiu, azorach, grzegorzkach, hucie, pradniku, olszy pomijajac juz wieliczke i skawine wiec nie bardzo wiem w jakiej ty rzeczywistosci egzystujesz chyba ze mieszkasz w jakiejs dzielnicy willowej na strzezonym osiedlu
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