It's been 4 months !!!

Hey fucking computer addicts!!!

image: BlackMustache

Yes, it's me MarseilleLeFrancis also known as MarseilleRetired Colonel LeFrancis aka MarseilleBestest driver in electronic history aka Marseille3rd CF journal poster of the year 2012 aka Marseille Francis Bolt.

If I post today another journal it's because I dreamt of something choking last night. A Romaniaguy, the one who has 9001 accounts on this website, was running buttnaked in my bunker and he said he would piss all over my room if I don't post a journal. As you all know... better prevent than cure or maybe it's just a France thing.

Anyways, I remember all the love you guys gave me...

QuoteBlindi REPLY 31 May 2012, 20:34
you're damn dull.

QuoteKamzREPLY 16 Aug 2012, 15:31
lol i see an attempt of my journal style here but somehow it's still fucking boring, maybe ur just boring dunno

QuotegambitREPLY 29 Jun 2011, 16:43
the only thing youll be rolling is the wheelchair of your retarded mother

QuotemanaREPLY 29 Jun 2011, 16:44
Kill urself faggot, none cares :DDD

... That's why I decided to get my old habits back.

Over the last 4 months of my amazing life, I haven't had the chance to play computer games much however I leveled up irl and gained XP since I'm 13 years old now and it makes me a very mature man so you won't see jokes about penises and pussies anymore.

Well, I didn't write journals but i tried to follow ET scene and if you guys remember my great ideas aka how to solve 5v5 versus 6v6 problem -> play 5v6 you won't be suprised by this one. Recently, I read you guys don't have an anticheat atleast not for a long period of time... Here I come with a brand new idea :

Everybody should buy 5 € camera, and put it in front of screen while playing. Polish people and ex-cheaters should buy a more expensive camera like HD 1080p, it's just common sense...

As you can see, I still take care of you and if you are a faggot too lazy to read more than 2 words then you probably didn't read this otherwise here's a short version :

I'm a very busy man nowadays but will write more journals than I did last 4 months.

As usual, I end this journal with music and content for wankers :

Very underground french rap my wiggas :

Find&fap :



Electronically yours,

MarseilleLeFrancis - A CF journalist back on this website.
ur life must be really boring lol
if u could live 1 day of my life youd be happy for the rest of your entire shitty nerd life eheheheheheeh
yea cuz my life consists of me sittin on front of my pc to write long ass journals on a gaming forum. tryna make ppl believe yu got a life lol go bak to ur cubicle
:x::d:x:/D:d:x:d:d:x::D: oh stop it please i cant breath
if u had one hundredth of francis' style u could get laid some day, even if its with a dead horse, still better than with ur 6 fingered inbred hand
oh this is what u do with cocks
no need to try :s u already mad, i win
u tell them brother
1st best journal poster of 2011 is replying to your journal

hi 1st cf journal poster of 2011 when will be next 2013 chicks journal so nerds from this website can have selfsex intercourse
you never had sex so shut up francis :)
oh uve just hit the soft point :s
Omg you still play!
nope. uac is shit ... i just idle on crossfire from time to time
lol nice using UAC as an excuse not to play ET :) you weren't playing in cups before I brought UAC to ET, so don't act like you aren't playing now because you think it's "shit"
I am not playing ET right now, because i am tired of installing every now and then tons of new programs that i dont know to my computer. Even for me,a former active ET player, it is hard to install all the needed stuff. Register here, Register there. Install this program, add this part to that folder. Write down this command in that line. Then i am just able to join this server, but not the other server blablabla. I didn't mean the program, but i meant the annoying installingpart
what are you talking about? which "tons of new programs" are you referring to?

it literally takes less than 2 minutes to download UAC and register an account
somehow i always imagine your texts with tomoyo´s voice
i dont remember his voice is it hot?
Vas te pendre tu dis que d'la merde
That .gif is from Supernatural Season 5, Changing channels! (know im a supernatural nerd :()
...don't really see the interest of this
implying my journals always had a real purpose :XDDDDDDDDD
je comprend mieux :p
The gambit quote is kinda funny tbh
scrolled up to read, was not disappointed :)
you are have writtened always shittbul in journall -.-
dont know if troll or serious with this english :s
nice english you are is written
this is the best journal i've ever seen!
thx bro its going straight to my e-heart
de rien! i hope you'll keep posting journals!
I just can't help it, I just gotta read all the way and then I wanna kill myself for being so stupid :(
i had some nice quotes from you maybe in a next journal oh and fuck you (gently) (:
yo friend sup as u can see i followed ur advices to repost some journals from time to time and enjoy e-rage from nerds all over this website lol
should have made a journal about my team rolling nubs on ettv :(
does it mean you want me as your official journalist for your team? :o
means a lot to me!!!
LeFrancis, peu tu me parler un peu de ton club de coeur, L'OM. :)
ça reste notre club pas celui du Qatar :x::d:x:/D/:d:x:/D:d:d::x///DD
Woa, deeper and deeper...
this is so idiotic its almost funny
france = 100% gay faggots

prove me wrong!
remember me where you come from image: bth_Kappa
cant prove me wrong lol :D:D:DDD means i right u wrong lol mad? mDDDDxDD
Tu prends tes cliques, tu...

Had a good laugh though
dont get it why that chick with bra and panties, where is the real material?
gambitREPLY 29 Jun 2011, 16:43
the only thing youll be rolling is the wheelchair of your retarded mother
QuotegambitREPLY 29 Jun 2011, 16:43
the only thing youll be rolling is the wheelchair of your retarded mother


QuotemanaREPLY 29 Jun 2011, 16:44
Kill urself faggot, none cares :DDD

and this
good rap is good image: bth_Kappa
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