mkks statement

So this is the deal: Mkks says he didnt use any cheats in that avi drlagalot posted. He is using high sens so thats the reason for unusual gaming that happened ONLY ONCE in that game.

Finnish et scene fully support mkks in this case.

FinlandSwanidius (ec final team)
Finlandolden (ec final team)
FinlandThomm (et-finland and crossfire admin)
PortugalPunky (girls.rawr)

QuoteYe, its time to say something,, Well ye, Webe sorry, i need a drink now. Am i sober? Or am i drunk as fuck? U decide.. So i wanna first post this shit My saying isnt proof in this case but ive been playing with these guys A long time.I started playing this best FPS game in 2003 and stopped it 2007 january. My friend SR asked me to come play few wars about 1y ago and i wanted to dl et and play again few wars. It was nice and i enjoyed it and its been fun to play again this awesome game. Im not gonna make long statement now, but when IF im continuing playing this game, im going to write journal about this *** whats going on. And everyone who wants to know or they already think they do, i havent cheated and i never will.

So, started playing 03 and stopped it 06-07 and now i have been playing with fintards and european guys. Anyone has some suspicious moments about me? btw. dont link that 3hs link.. its old and makes me go crazy and wild.

Yes yes, i need more excuses.... Well, im not gonna give one, so just take a nice position and watch that avi. U call it cheat? i call it luck.
fintards always want to be clean
i played with mikkis all the last year and he already had pretty nice aim (high sens) !! people need to stop seeing cheaters everywhere just bcuz one guy give 3 hs to others , specially when this come from drlagalot , the guy who banned me on irc after saying : i never cheat , im clean !! he prolly dont trust me and then now im ban from irc channels !! you have the power drlagalot , keep it because this is the single power you gonna have in your life man !!!
pk parce que sur une video de 2 min ya une seul action de obvious ? que dire de weslann alors ou de mec qui 2 semaines après qu'il n'y est plus d'anticheat passe de low+/med à med/+ voir plus !! tu vois des wars ou les plus gros joueurs ce font péter par des mecs dont on ne sais même pas d'ou ils viennent !! je ne defend pas les cheaters , je dit juste que au niveau des teams officiel , ya certainement d'autres joueurs a banned que un mec même pas inscrit sur CG !! Ensuite pour moi mikkis à toujours eu un gros aim , la je ne joue plus vraiment à ET donc je peu pas juger c'est sur !!
"obvious"? le mec avait le bot a fond
Je n'apprécie pas spécialement monkey mais là, si ton pote n'utilise pas de bot faut arrêter ET tout de suite ... Essaie d'avoir un avis objectif er4z et non pas parce que tu es son pote.
ta gueule le turc
ta gueule bamboula <3
ouai mais plus je matte la vidéo plus je me dit que je suis un peu débile en effet , mais ca me soul tellement d'entendre des : toi tu cheat parce que tu met 3hs ou tout simplement parce que il n'y a plus de AC !!
La dernière fois que j ai dit sur GTV pour un offi que je ne cheat pas dans un commentaire , j ai dessuite eu la bande à rigolo Anget et ces ptit chiens qui arrivent pour spam et cassé les couilles avec des : ta un truc à te reproché eraz .... !! Le jour ou les gens comprendrons que ca n'est qu'un jeu on aura fait un grand pas !!!
On ne parle pas dans le vent là, il n'y qu'à regarder l'action simplement pour comprendre que ce mec cheat. Même ce débilt de Kenzi le verrait alors imagine ... :D
Donc arrête de regarder 1000 fois la même vidéo, ce mkks que je ne connais ni d'eve ni d'adam utilise un cheat dans ce .avi, rien de plus
My saying isnt proof in this case but ive been playing with these guys A long time.I started playing this best FPS game in 2003 and stopped it 2007 january. My friend SR asked me to come play few wars about 1y ago and i wanted to dl et and play again few wars. It was nice and i enjoyed it and its been fun to play again this awesome game. Im not gonna make long statement now, but when IF im continuing playing this game, im going to write journal about this *** whats going on. And everyone who wants to know or they already think they do, i havent cheated and i never will.
well too bad u actually did cheat =/
yeah sure u did
SR is gay :D
u guys are fucking blind if u think he wasn't cheating in that avi
add specula ffs :S

is it bad if u dont know 80% of posted ppl? :s
That's why you're fucking useless piece of shit admin, exactly for this reason
damn boy, ur moma has to give u some education, might as well send kapot on ur way, since u both re like what, 13-14?
naaah, i am with u bro :D
i dont even know why in the fuckin dirty hell my name is there ROFL, seriously?
It's pretty obvious in the demo.
Im really sorry man, removed your name now from the post. Someone told me to put your name there yesterday. Sorry.
Im still trying to spot the funniez from this journal.
add me bro

hes not cheating

im doing this everyday its not obv just good,stable dpi and sens beeefbeeeeeeeeee
Busted as fuck. Look at that proof. Watched it over and over just to clear my mind. No way this is legit.

On the .avi, you are watching an engi defusing but then switch on someone else with a none human speed. The none human speed is not the problem. Why would you kill someone else that u can't see when the primary objective is the guy defusing?
Well, aimbot m8
Watch couple of times and u see that engi isnt defusing.
Yeah, just as he was going to defuse you flipped to the other guy and then went on with defending the dyna..
He is going for the defuse and once you are dead you can see he is actually defusing. You should instead say why on Earth did you insta turn to kill that guy coming from nowhere.
That's my point, I'll rephrase it, he is guarding the dyna, waiting for the engi to go for defuse for an easy kill and BOOM insta flip to another guy who came out of nowhere. Explain that. We're on the same side here bro. mikkis busted.
he didnt came out of nowhere , he jumped from the 2nd floor and you can even see that in the avi lol.... also good players kill medics first engi after, whats the point if you kill the eng he gets revived while that medic on your right kills you..., he did a good play imo not anything suspicious in my opinion is just low whine.
Yeah, jumped down from there, we all see that, but hey that flip. Not fucking possible. High sens or not, still not possible. Would like to see night, deadmeat, interface or gza commenting on this. No way. Been here for too long to get that kind of bullshit. Hax is hax, deal with it.
Well that flip doesnt look so perfect or surprising to me.... and I am sure better players than those you mentioned have snap 3hs a million enemies... , as I said in my opinion I cannot say that guy cheats only by watching that single action, I have seen this many times and the clip doesnt even have audio, you can clearly hearthat guy running towards him after he jump from the 2nd floor, so the snap or flip isnt weird at all to me.
Txh torM m8 :)
I have my doubts indeed, cause I want to hear ingame voice sounds, so far this "proof" has proven me that this is indeed a humanized aimbot. No offence mikkis, since, this is is actually not my thing to prove, just according to video, seemed obvious.

humanized aimbot you say. Humanized aimbot doesnt look like that
the problem with this avi is that it is only one action. it looks suspicious but I wouldn't call it a "proof".

I had those kills a hundred times, together with in-game sound and a bit of sense what is going on in this game, it actually is not that hard to do so.
all guys talking about "i had this actions like 100 times" but no one showed us something similar to this not even in 80% - show us
sorry I dont make demos since 2010?
I made that on a daily basis, but i don't have my demos and I am not playing anymore, sorry
so for u a 3 hs flip isnt perfect ??? what else is a flip where you kill 3 opponents with 9 hs ?
i did that flip with 4 enemys and 12h like 100 times already :S
it was a guy turning and 3hs an enemy that he saw jumping there, that he knew he was there and that was running towards him (no audio in the .avi) , so he could see him, he was aware where he was and he could hear him, what else in this game is needed to turn and 3hs the enemy? IT didnt look like an aimbot to me also because the next kill wasnt anything like an aimbot (the engy)
Also all this finnish community defending this guy, I get it, but just look at the facts boys. This flip came out of the blue for no obvious reason. Busted as fuck I'd say.
i bet most of the names he posted there are fake, i didn't suport anyone and he put my name there wtf
Your mates told to put your name on the list
who the fuck are "my mates"?
Im really sorry man, removed your name now from the post. Someone told me to put your name there yesterday. Sorry.
rdy up ffs
:D wait a sec bro :)
same story applies to smirzz!
yo koi de 9
link to avi?

e: looks obvious
so basically every time someone gets busted we can ask our friends to say that it isnt a hack?

doesn't matter these dumb shits say the guy was clearly cheating, end of story....the fact that they are defending him just baffles me..."friends" lmao
Everyone in team NL was fully aware of playing with cheaters yet they didn't seem care for years ;)
Like it matters, he knows once he creates an account on CG, he will get banned, regardless of how many silly friends post nonsense here.
finnish community making fools of themselves im disappoint
finnish community making fools of themselves im disappoint
finnish community making fools of themselves im disappoint
i saw more obvious actions in some frag movie than the one with mkks really !! anyone have Fra mansion 2 to upload ?
So im really cheating? :)
i got your back bro!
lol tbh I didnt see anything wrong in the avi and I dont understand the guys saying how can he shoot that guy that "came out of nowhere" when is not like that, you see him jump there outside....the eng wasnt even defusing, to me it would be retarded if he is banned or will be banned for that .avi , also not hard to give all thoseheadshot when no1 is really shooting back at you......
ur such a newb torm :D
it was an aim switch, where aimbot settings are set to nearest enemy and not nearest crosshair player, where u on xfire tho, didnt talk to u in ages.
well to me it looks like the axis medic that he saw jump from the 2nd floor was running towards him so he snap kill him and then went back to check on the engy. All am saying is that sure is possible that is a bot but can we rlly tell from a 20 second clip? I have snap 3hs people a million times and I have seen a million people do stuff like this randomly , there is not even good audio in the clip..
Its easy to spot an aimswitch after so long being in ET, at least it is for me.
Well it doesnt look like an aimbot to me, just a 3hs snap because he was running towards him, no1 was shooting him so why not kill the guy thats coming for you? I am sorry but it doesnt look obvious or anythign at all to me, done this shit a million times and seen it another million.
please show us at least one of your million actions similar to this one
Fucking hell, 2014 and people are defending aimbots
Thats your opinion, I gave mine.
Your opinion is idiotic
Coming from you really?
For me a shitty .avi with no sound where a guy turns and snap 3hs a guy doesnt look like an aimbot just because you or 10 million people say so. I saw the guy jump I knew he was there I would turn and 3hs him as well because no1 else is shooting me..
If the guy is a cheater, which I dont CARE btw, there are probably tons of actions like this where a guy comes near him while he is shooting a target and his aimbot fucks him over.
Thing is, everyone is so fucking hyped about cheating and who is not. People calling each other cheater when they are killed somehow 'suspicious' to their opinion. Get AC and this shit won't happen. In this case, it was also a weird shit vid, but who knows.
who is mkks and what is this
mene sinä mindi vittuun sulta ei oo kysytty mitään
Pete rupes tilittää
mene itte vittun. stop defending cheaters and accept what's coming towards this community of yours you fucking cheater defender..
what's that midget language?
Vahvaa suorittamista
Pretty decent sized list you got there, certainly puts my mind at ease. Feel free to make a CG account so you can play offis, mkks.
wow :D welcome back to 2006 :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

oh god :D obviously cheating
Well its pretty sad to see so many fools and idiots listed (tho specula is mentioned so im not suprised). It was clear aimswitch. There is no human who can make such perfect switch (if u look closely , he is aiming perfectly in the hitbox of head, no head itself). 100% sure it was an aimbot, no doubt.
what was so fking perfect about it? He just 3hs so what? It COULD be an aimbot but for me that is far from obvious and could be a simple 3hs snap.
lol I am aware that this journal is a troll but I still dont think that shit is an aimbot so I wanted to say it, no one here really ever turned around and 3hs an enemy? :S
lol. there is clearly a difference in situations where i had those actions compared to this one. this switch is just unnatural
i think u have completly no clue about how aimbot works mate :)
I think he does since he's /!\
dude, its the switch, u cannot set ur turn so perfectly as this was, its not about random 3 hs, but the fact that not a single skilled person can do such an exact movement exactly on his head, without crosshair going a bit pass his head.
for me it doesnt look like it, also if it was the aimbot aimswitch it would have done it while he was shooting the engy as well, since another medic also came from left and was near his aim range. ...or it would happen 1000x times everytime he plays, right? We would have 1000x .mkks avis to watch this same action. I will say it again, is your opinion, mine is different, I cant say that guy cheats just by watching that demo since I have seen this a million times happen, I guess they all aimbot then. If he is a cheater there is probably more demos, avis or actions to analyze and prove it.
why would u believe on that list? its fake, the fact that im there prooves it
Im really sorry man, removed your name now from the post. Someone told me to put your name there yesterday. Sorry.
dont even know what u guys are on about. i found another video starring him and i must say it shows nothing weird.....
remeber this mode in the past - played there a bit but i was almost always kicked for "cheating" - was giving hs all the time like in this vid - but u cant compare this vid to the vid this thread is about
obroty o 90 i 180 tez robiłeś? :D
>that slowmos
i think its possible with the high sensitivity
Just logged in to say:

you are all a bunch of fucking idiots, the ones who don't see this is obvious or say its not an aimbot need to youtube "ET aimbots" and watch these kind of switches and snaps, Fucking ridiculous that we even ARGUE the fact that he is clean or not, when this is more bright than the sun itself...

Get some eyes and learn how to spot cheats, Thank god none of you are in the democrew, ET would really be dead then.
Agreed. There's too many fucking idiots as it is.
Ye, its time to say something,, Well ye, Webe sorry, i need a drink now. Am i sober? Or am i drunk as fuck? U decide.. So i wanna first post this shit My saying isnt proof in this case but ive been playing with these guys A long time.I started playing this best FPS game in 2003 and stopped it 2007 january. My friend SR asked me to come play few wars about 1y ago and i wanted to dl et and play again few wars. It was nice and i enjoyed it and its been fun to play again this awesome game. Im not gonna make long statement now, but when IF im continuing playing this game, im going to write journal about this *** whats going on. And everyone who wants to know or they already think they do, i havent cheated and i never will.

So, started playing 03 and stopped it 06-07 and now i have been playing with fintards and european guys. Anyone has some suspicious moments about me? btw. dont link that 3hs link.. its old and makes me go crazy and wild.

Yes yes, i need more excuses.... Well, im not gonna give one, so just take a nice position and watch that avi. U call it cheat? i call it luck.
fuck off cheater
I also hate cheaters, but i love u too man!
So many brainwashed faggots in that list, or they are just trolling, most of them are fintards ofc.
seeing jacker, purska, kolibri and fucking swani on that list.. just fucking makes me sick.

Why so mad?
SR whoever you are, why would u put my name on that list? I dont even know you or mkks, The demo is pretty obvious imo. Next time dont make fucking fake lists, seriously wtf.
jeztorr cocklover :D
Im really sorry man, removed your name now from the post. Someone told me to put your name there yesterday. Sorry.
you and everybody in that list is beyond retarted
Just high/+ skill
All these guys on that list should get banned also for being completely dumbasses
wat about me
im doing same so
You too if you wanted to be on that list
Preferably punky

man, just admit you cheated. Wtf all these 15 yo pussys.

the first switch was really really really inhuman also, but maybe it's possible in very very very rare cases, but the second one is just obvious aimbot.
i will judge,
can someone link me .avi?

At first I didnt know what to expect, but after seeing it..

it doesnt get more obvious than that..

the fact that the community supports him, make you all poro douchbags,

ban the poro, vittu
yep, cheats.. so obvious
LMAO ! xDDDDDDD makes me wonder about SR and all his mates xDD how obvious was that :D
:D Pretty much sums up the response of our entire teamspeak channel when we heard that people were having a very serious discussion about this clip.
I thought I was going to have to analyse some avi in fucking slow motion.

Next thing I know, I see this blatant piece of shit of an excuse rofl burst out laughing as soon as 420 blazed that motherfucker in the head
Also: Read the comments of the people defending him and think about how many of them are trolling and you'll come to the conclusion that nearly every single one of them is very fucking serious. ( Though now that they notice everyone disagrees with them they try to back out like this Torm guy in my journal. )
entertainment value 1/5
Etfinland is serious business.
mkks clean
he was using an obvious aimbot. dunno what are you trying to achieve here.

also specula cheater lover hahahah
i played with bsturz so what do u expect :SD

well i just cant believe that he cheated... since i know him when he started with et again and played with us couple of times
Quotesince i know him

Ye, because u know him he probably didnt cheat. Fuck logic
dude i guess u missunderstood my sentence :S

this "since i know him" wasnt supposed to be an argument why he isnt cheating its just ye normal sentence, idk how2explain it
you cant believe? man just watch the fucking video, pure aimbot.
you called us cheaters when we played vs you , yet no one of us did some shit like this + we are like 100x more known and more skilled than some fucking mkss or whatever his name is, but it didn't stop you to whine at us.
and now you still defend some trash like him and you say you can't believe he cheats rofl
I think he meant "I can't believe it" like in "omg i am so dissapointed how could you do that mkks", not "he does not cheat in that video"

Quote also specula cheater lover hahahah

coming from you that's pretty funny and ironic
I never said I don't like cheaters? I play on cheats every day so why would I?

also you don't even know why I wrote this so do us a favor and stop trying to be funny
Not sure if stupid or massively stupid
no AC= world paranoia
LolLoL cheats, fuck off
just highsens so beeing jealous
that can be the only situation for this journal lol
I trust mkks
Not going to choose sides here as it seems rather pointless. That move does indeed scream inhuman though.

Anyhow, doesn't that move resemble the move from mAus taking down kot on supply in the Fragarea 3 movie? Just pointing out that they're quite similar and that I guess it could be possible if mAus can do it :3

Have a look around ~2.13.
Jesus, i dont know how many ppl already said that, but its edited by author. Have a look @ normal reply @ gamestv. This switch is made in sony vegas or other program
Cool, I wasn't aware of that. As I was saying though; "resemble".
u are comparing maus with some random fintard, fuck logic.
Aniky mad coz mkks godlike?
"move" "resemble" ":3"
Pathetic cunt die in a bicycle crash
mkks is just hodor skill dont know why u whining noobs
Dunno who this guy is, but after watching the .avi i don't see the point to start backing up this dude, ooobviouus 8)
people have been banhammered with less than even a video proof, and you guys still try to back him up even after obvious .avi?
LOOOOL just watched that video and that is the most obvious cheat i have ever seen and that coming from a guy who played et for 8+ years is saying alot.

You guys must be joking right?

Ban this tard and his "friends"...
There is not much to ban coz he doesnt have CG account
ban him from life
How could someone say he's no cheating, this is ridiculous. It's even faster than what mAus did @ LAN on supply (in FragArea 3 movie or smth...).
I decided to watch the clip and was gonna try to defend mkks but that was some next level shit man :(
I would like to see stats from that game.....
I'm not commenting until I hear SnowStorms expert opinion.
Not sure if community is trolling or really that retarded that they can't see the hack.
Im dissapointed punky :(
Every time i visit this journal i feel more and more dead inside.
you are not alone lol
Sens under 1, low/med dpi, high mouseaccel, years of practise and there isnt anthing suspicious anymore. also i cant believe, such an oldschooler may start cheating when there isnt anything to achieve anymore. Clean and skilled certified, u can add my name to the list.
Oh ok, btw there is no anticheat anymore, what could be a better reason? smirzz didnt start playing a week ago also... dumbfuck that shit is obvious
Irony: the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.

Thx for destroying my ultimate toll :/
Oh ok, you're polish so i thought u wouldn't be smart enough for irony. I give you credit for that.
Hey, I don't support this!
We dont care, cu.
ban yourself naow!
Yes you are.
The first action on the avi tells even more than the second one.
mkks is too low for cheats! him is clean you know lowbobs?
can i get efame aswell please

Anyone who honestly claims that it isn't an aimbot in this clip is utterly retarded.
ehamo has spoken :x
Hahaha that's one of the most fucking retarded aimbot settings I've seen in all my fucking life.

If you're going to cheat at least spend 5 minutes of your life to set up a cvar so the aimbot only works when it's in a range of ~5 fov.... SO YOU DON'T GO SNAPPING YOUR FUCKING CROSSHAIR 24/7 LIKE YOU ARE ON FUCKING XTC RETARD.

and btw he's using aim toggle, as you can see when he's in desperate situations (lock in a corner) gets godlike aim, when he feels safe trying to backrape an engie and fucking fails the easiest 5 bullets of his life, he gets tense again, backs off a bit, readjusts his xhair to the defusers head and puts aim toggle on, and the xhair snaps to the engie behind him cos he was fucking closer LMAO #1 settings EU
aim_fov 5? that will snap mucho, should go with 1-2 max
Boy, does that sounds familiar
Hi all, I think so this situation which is on ETPro scene is only because do not exist (now) anticheat for ETPro mod.
I think so this situation will worse and worse, because alot players which was before scared use cheats, use it now without fear.
Next problem is so players do not believe each other now. Sure so they can not believe each other without anticheat. And from that starting flame wars and insulting .

I hope so ETPro mod will have anticheat soon as possible. Only new functional anticheat can solve cheating problem on ETPro mod.
the proplem is.. Most of us are Adults since this game is old as fuck... And for me i just think its completely retarded to cheat in this game since u gain nothing by it and it spoils all the fun. I would rather be low as fuck and improving to low+ than to cheat like those semi down syndromed people. They just need to grow up and realize that they aint normal, get some help on a proper institution and then maybe play Tetris vs the Doctors.
Yes you are right. But I think so on ET game is not much new players. I think so alot adult ET players use cheats.
But is not adult as adult :-))). Some peoples are adult only age, but their brain stay on children age :-)) and this "adult" ET players use cheats :-)))))

Yes that is also my opinion: better be still low skill than med with cheats.
Killerboy has spoken, ban
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