NL vs ARG...

... is so boring that even Liechtenstein's fiscal retrenchment is more exciting than this match!

i am confident that the winner of this match will get rekt on sunday
Germany izi winners of WC. NL not even half as strong as Germany
Maybe coz argentina isnt half as weak as brazil was..
I'd rather see the german bench play versus the german starting 11 in the final rather than seeing either The Netherlands or Argentina play. This match is so shitty that I just wish that FIFA could in someway exclude both teams from the world cup for being too shitty and vote forward a team that seemed more eager to play the final but lost early.

Sure, one could speak of a tactical match where both teams, scared of being eliminated keeps the ball within the team not taking any chances, and as soon as any starplayers (see Messi, Robben) in both teams receive the ball there's always three players keeping him busy. The match would easily have this outcome then, which it has gotten.

But what's the tactical triumph in that? Sure, one team will with a 50% chance make it through to a world cup final and will be noted down in the history books. It's a lottery really, nowhere is it possible to distinguish a sense of pride or glory.

The biggest losers are the viewers and the sport itself. The other semifinal was a great example of how unpredictive and fun football can be to watch (based on the German performance). This semifinal is a great example of how incredibly boring football can be.

I really hope Germany oblibirates the team that makes it through to the final. And teach them what football is all about.
You should leave the commentary to people from countries which actually qualified.
It's true though, yearly there are tons of matches like these in every league and only during EC/WC you have tons of self-proclaimed experts popping up who think every match should have at least 5 goals.
Fair enough. I agree with what you're saying but I just dont like people thinking I dont know anything about football because my country didnt qualify (and probably never will). Im not saying it's your case though
Touched a nerve there?

Please, it was my personal opinion. If you truly think that that match was entertaining then good for you. I don't care whether Sweden qualified or not, they would surely not have made it through the groupstage anyways.

I enjoy watching football, and I don't care if there's five goals or zero in a match. It's how the match is played that is interesting for me. And that doesn't really matter if it's EC/WC/Champions League or whatever league there is.

Could you even try seeing it from a non-dutch perspective?

e: I must say though that I enjoyed watching The Netherlands in the groupstage.
Had very little to do with the amazing tactics of the German team. It was down to a fucking pathetic Brazilian performance.
Didn't really say anything about the German performance in particular, I do think they showed great morale and did play at their best though, however it is as you say. It was more a terrible match from the Brazilian side rather than a great from the German side.
Think the final will be a stale mate, similar to what we had last night :(
Yer most likely. We'll probably be looking at a match where both sides won't want to risk anything. Which is a shame, but hopefully it'll be worth remembering for some spectacular reason! With so much at stake there's usually always something worth talking about afterwards, entertaining match or not (:
tbh, a fucking amazing cup so far anyway!
I agree, it's been a blast to watch!
Don't worry, NL with only 1 shot on target in 120mins will reach the finals :) #notdeservedeverymatch

edit: oh nevermind, go home Robben you massive cunt :D

Where Krul ? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
NL out, I'm so happy :D

cu robben ugly faggit
Yeah !! I heard he quits football and joins NL's olympics diving team :D

image: BrUNo5qIcAE90B8
because Brazil Brazil played bad and Germany Germany won with 7-1 against that low Brazil Brazil ?
Brazil Brazil just suck they only won because of the referee's..

Germany Germany isnt really good .. You saw that in the groupstages !

Netherlands Netherlands deserved it to won but yes....

Germany Germany - Argentina Argentina
deserved with 1 shot on target in 120 minutes yeah, of course. They deserved to lose in 1/8 so be happy.

You see this little star ? You'll never get it ;D
this -- mexico was the best tim this wc
NL didnt deserve to win at all

you're biased as fuck. just shut up
My god, you are so fucking biased, I'm glad NL didn't make it through.
Bias and football? Now that's really worth a comment, isn't it.
You could also say football and cleverness.
sadly nl was bad today and would have lost in the final against germany anyway
i pitty ur english teacher, if u even have one.
You pitty?
I pitty tha foo'
yeah really, that no one else complains about the usage of brazilian referees during the whole tournament... what a stupid society
Netherlands deserved to win??? 0-0 was correct in this match imo
" Germany isn't so good? " You got to be kidding me... :P They would have owned NL in the final for sure!
Stop wearing your orange glasses lol :D
you should be a Durex add, my god
NL deserved to win ? :DDDDDDD Did u know smth about football or ?

you are such a turd
as I keep saying, this kid understand shit about football :XD
cu nl hehehe
If only robben would start playing a lot more simple football, maybe the score would have been different, but no, lets try and get the ball thro the goal line, stupid cunt. Watching for every touch on him instantly towards ref and crying like some little baby.
Because "getting the ball trough the goal line" isn't the objective in the game and endlessly passing the ball around is?
U play to make game simple, not to be forcing urself with the ball to fail on every possible situation u are presented with, thats the exact thing Robben has been doing entire game, he had two great chances that could of ended a lot better, but he rather decided to solo fail than pass / shoot earlier. Two passes are still far more dangerious than a pointless forcing into every single block of opposition.
Did you even watch another Dutch match this WC?
Should i even answer to that? Any decent person who actually knows a thing or two, would agree that Robben has been playing like that since ages..
It seems the defensive/counterattacking strategies are here to stay... Don't cheer for Germany yet, despite how stacked the odds are in their favor. Don't forget that a European nation has never won the World Cup while it was hosted in South America.

But in the meantime.... SCHLAAAAAAAAAND.
That statistic is meaningless

Argentina deserve it! Messi deserve it!

I still think Germany are the favourites but I hope that Argentina can pull it off. I actually think that people seem to overrate Germany. Yes they did destroy Brazil but it was more Brazil fucking it up than Germany playing amazing. With a decent defence and a strong offence I actually think it will be a closer match than most people think.
how did they deserve it? neither nl or arg did deserve to win this match. w/e still got further than idk where u from [flag=shit] country!
atleast they actually tried to do something. You had fucking one shot on goal the the entire game. You wanted the game to go to penalties from the start.

I'm living in Denmark btw. Just start flaming the country if you want. But I just want to remind you that Denmark owned Netherlands last time we played in the euro 2012.
yes we didnt even try and made it to half finals, gg faggot
what are you talking about? you got last place in the group with 0 points that year.

If you're talking about this year - good to hear that you didn't even try cause you didn't even play well.
and still got further then ur shitcountry, thanks. ur so anti-holland in every comment, so pathethic. we played great against spain, did very well against argentina. Nobody expected us to get this far, what the fuck is the point ur trying to make?
Quotedid very well against argentina

If you call one shot on goal "very well" then alright.

QuoteNobody expected us to get this far

You were in the last WC final, why wouldn't anyone expect you to go this far? You might not have been one of the biggest favourites but you weren't underdogs for sure.

I have nothing against Holland, I just think they played shitty and boring football(besides the match against Spain). Besides I dislike some of your players. Players like robben, van persie and de jong are pissing me off.
You know what pisses me off? When I see what you write, I know you're one big piece of shit with a cancerous fuckface.
nice to meet you too
You're a complete and utterly disgrace to mankind
u mad bro ?
Of Course I am mad, I'm proud of my country. Obviously you weren't mad since your country didn't deserve it anyway, only thing you deserve is some Algerians demolishing your country.
lost 0-1 to germany , and dominated the match, so yeah I'm not mad about our performance :D
Well I'm not mad about our performance either, just some clowns writing here.
Why so offensive? Unfortunatly Holland wasn't that good and imo didnt deserve to win. Anyway would have got raped in final cuz Germany unstoppable
obviously a case of mad cuz bad. sucks that [flag=shit] will never win and will never come close to winning anything in football. Next time just stay neutral just like ur used to.
well you obviously know nothing about football. Denmark have won the euro twice.
im talking about the future my man. you cant seem to see that holland played the same as against spain this match. only it didnt work out this time. still in this, bronze medal here we come. Where is denmark, oh yeah right.
How do you know that we will never come close to anything in football? We do have some upcoming talents that might be able to improve the team. We might not win the WC but I'm pretty sure we have a bright future.

And you did the same as you did against Spain? Atleast in that match you actually tried to score some goals. Besides you played against a much weaker defence. Since that match you've mostly been playing boring football.
cuz ur youth is shiat.
we played the same tactic indeed. still jelly as fuck, dont know what some dutch guys did to ur anus but i feel sorry for you :<
yeah our youth is shit. That's why you keep buying danish talents to eredivisie and some of them carry your best team.

I haven't been touched by any dutch guys sorry. I'm not into whatever you're into.

true legend.
yeah a true legend....

He was an analyst of some WC games and he said so much shit...
NL never won WorldCup so don't be so mean to other countries :D
so much cognitive dissonance in this comment
shut the fuck up you embarrassing fuck
I was mad and dissapointed u french fucking inbred
not even close to be french, well played cocksucker
téma la gueule du mec image: N-01d-jw_180x240

j'ai du google vu que j'connaissais pas

c'est dégeulasse :/
c'est du rap français quoi...
c'est meme plus du rap ça
Even ozbiliz who was not good enough for Ajax can score against your team right now.
And the only skilled player in your team: Eriksen learned how to play properly here.
wow gratz you found our worst match in history. We played terrible at that time but stepped up in the last matches. We were seconds from winning against Italy and actually qualifying for this WC.

And saying that Eriksen is our only skilled player is just bullshit. He is our best player but we have some other decent players and upcoming talents.
Pierre-Emile Højbjerg e.g
yeah that guy is a beast! Glad that he choose to play for the danish national team.
Yea we have many upcomming talents aswell. One played a few times this worldcup Depay just 20 years old.
Don't forget Eriksen is still a upcomming talent, he is only 22 years old.
Imagine how good he will be after a few more years!
This journal goes to kAPOT and Frop!
/q frop close journal, a lot of cancer retards here.
After 120 minutes of practising defensive tactics to face Germany, Argentina won on penalties.
moi neekeri
moi ystävä
joku vaihto mun lipun, en ees huomannu, gg
Mulla sama.... Ihmeellisiä tapahtuu
:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd deal with it son
Picking your number 1 Keeper who has never saved a penalty in his professional career for the world cup is beyond risky and plain stupid. With the likes of Krul and even Stekklenberg to choose from picking someone who cannot save a penalty doesn't cut it with me. Heard the argument "He played really well through out the games" is a useless argument anyway, I thin Krul is way ahead of this keeper.

Basically, Picking a keeper that can't save a penalty is like picking a winger that cannot cross or striker that cannot shoot (Hello Heskey! :D )
do not agree -- when a keeper is good in penalties doesnt mean he is good as keeper in game - and a bad penaltie killer can be a superduperherooverskilled keeper in game
I have seen Krul and Stekklenberg both play in matches. They control their box and defenders much better than this keeper they used. He has not had much to do this tournament and I feel he did nothing spectacular, unlike many other keepers this world cup.

I presume you have never watched either of these keepers play before?
yeah i never watched em play a game - i was just talking in general
Stekelenburg didn't play enough
Vorm,Krul, Cillessen. They are pretty much equal but the coach choose Cilessen for a reason I guess. He also played good in the champion league this year.

The save against Spain in the first half was crucial.
Forgot about Vorm!
reading these journals where retards argue about football games is really fun
Why so much hate on NL here? I would have rather see Netherlands in final, because, at least, THEY played football. Don't get me wrong, they played shitty yesterday, but they were one of the last remaining team trying to play.

This Argentina is a shame for football. They have so many good players and they play so bad. None creativity, very slow in the game, I can't stand to see that anymore. And contrary to NL, they played like that the whole tournament.

So, if there is like a justice in football, Germany will bash them. Don't expect many goals tho, Argentina has a very good defense.
We had Vlaar and they had Mascherano, otherwise there could've been a few goals on either side. Germany has been as mediocre as The Netherlands and Argentina except for when they played Portugal (I'm not even counting Brazil, any team that made it to the 1/8th final would've beaten that defence). Unless Argentina's defence buckles the final might as well end exactly the same.
Quote(I'm not even counting Brazil, any team that made it to the 1/8th final would've beaten that defence

that's just a naive fallacy
I don't understand it either.
We don't have the players right now to really shine and play 4-3-3 attacking football, because of losing Strootman. But we allways try to attack. The second half against Spain showed that, Argentina never showed such good football.
came here to tell frop, that it is too hard to hit something else than the goalkeeper from 11m distance :-*

But Finland lost to Russia @hockey final :(
some poeple taking football far to serious.

NL lost cuz they played "bad" and passive vs argentina and thats fact
yeah some of those NL kids take it way too personally and have a hard time facing the reality.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
We didn't play bad. We couldn't really do it better against a good defending team. Most of our players are just plain average. And it's great that they advanced this far.
at least we dont burn our own flags and tshirts like brazil ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The final will be Argentina defending for 120mins and somehow Germans not scoring after lots of chances. Argentina will then win on penalties.
to be fair, all "good" teams sucked balls. Germany had 1 good game agasint brazil, the rest of the games were pure shit. If Netherlands didnt have Robben, they wouldnt go so far also. He carried so hard and in my eyes the only player that really tried to win and would deserve the cup (i hate him though). Spain out, italy out....Brazil only played good agasint noob teams, argentina wins 1:0 in 92. minute by lucky shot of messi... Not sure if the "good" teams just went sucky or the noob teams just went pro...
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