Argentina vs Deutschland

Messi gonna try so hard xd
inb4 messi penta
Messi got this !
Nice ref :DDDDDDD Argentina deserves to win but refs don't want to apparently. How could it be a Higuain foul ? lmao.
finally you are right !
blind as fuck or dumb, Argentina deserved to win this, Schweinsteiger new Robben, ggwp
Well paid Angela.
provok you are just a mad cunt, argentinia played like shit.
Seemed to me that Argentina was trying to injure das Übermenschens at every opportunity, so dirty. Still EZ GG :>
Yeah Schweinsteiger really got a beating. Was almost like a fight where only one party knows they are in a fight and the other party is too drunk to reciprocate.
Tbh the referee was quite retarded at some point tho (no side had advantage because of him tho)

lol at tards saying Argentine deserved this, probably they watch the World Cup every 4 years and think they are in.
Congraz Germany.

best Player in WC for me

image: 10423907_10152487635226840_2756136948292881515_n

That Higuain's foul tho :D It must be written in Fifa rules that German goalkeepers could assassinate somebody without any trouble. France-Germany 1982 memories yay <3
penalty for me.
No it's 100% Higuain's foul

He touched the ball and was in the penalty area. Neuer could've had a samurai sword attached to his knee and impaled Higuan it still would've been no penalty.
true that but at least there should be out for argentina
Jup. How else are you going to jump towards a ball as a keeper anyway? Legs stretched vertically? Don't think these guys actually ever tried a sport, let alone one which involved jumping at high speed.
imo he could have watched out for his knee's position by lowering it so he would have hit higuain in the shoulder which wouldn't have caused anything that dangerous as a head hit was. As a GK he has a fair advantage on these sort of situations because he can use his arms. In the end human's health is the most important thing. Luckily Higuain was alright after the collision. Also judging by the collision higuain wasn't expecting Neuer to come out like that, which is weird cause Neuer has been doing that all the time.
True. Though I still think its Higuain his responsability to check if the keeper is coming. That's what all strikers do. They know that if they come into contact with a keeper who goes for the ball, they will ALWAYS get the foul against them. He didn't even think the look.
even more funny coming from a guy called Panda
no foul(s), just out of bounds
goalie got to the ball first, Higuan didn't even have control of the ball, so it's his fault, no card, the end.
Lovely goal by goatze, still was a really interesting game.
Messi best World Cup player this year. Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
who else do you see as the best player? He played just fine and carried his team in most of the games. Even in his worse games he did something extraordinary and was a huge factor for his team. Always having 3-4 faggots around you makes the game a lot harder.

The only one that I think that could have taken is James from Colombia. Maaaaybe Neuer might be up there as well. Germany played as a team and no one carried the team single handely. People saying Muller is just bullshit. He is overrated as fuck. That guy can barely control the ball. And the goals he made could be done by a 10 year old. He also didn't do anything extraordinary tonight.
Muller / James
Neuer/Ochoa etc

Messi best player? yep walking around for 30 minutes and then maybe he can get a sprint for 5 seconds or do a pass... nice player :D

FIFA is a fucking joke.. i bet this italian ref was the best ref also...
Messi once more failed when he had to do important stuff for his country.
kinda hard to carry a team when your the only threat.
Robben or Rodriguez, maybe even Muller.
Oh yeah Mascherano is up there as well.
France Paul Pogba best young player <3
Provok t'aimes pas l'Allemagne, ni les Pays-bas.. t'es sud américain ou quoi? :D
J'aime la non-corruption et le beau jeu.
le beau jeu et l'argentine. Okay :D
I didnt follow every games of Argentina but I found Robben more impressive than Messi
thanks for deleting my comment admin.

Anyway decent match ruined by shitty refs. The match could have gone either way. Especially if higuain didn't fuck up his 1vs1. I feel bad for Argentina tho.....

Gratz Germany and PolandKlose for the record.

e: and the best part of the match was when Vitaly invaded the pitch lol
Totally deserved to win this. Penalty against Neuer? Are you stupid? If the goalkeeper plays the ball, but runs into a striker, it is no penalty.

The ref was PRO argentina today. Maschenaro and Aguero should have gotten a red card. Also no penalty for Kramer in the first halftime.

all nerds are mad here
yes, of course. The second stolen worldcup for Germany congrats.
how dumb are you?
not dumb enough to actually see a red card or ATLEAST a foul from Neuer, not Higuain. Admit it, this is as ridiculous as '82 with schumacher. I don't care about the red cards at the end of match. If Germany lost Neuer, Argentina would have scored before the extra-time. Can't wait to see video-system in football matches, oh wait, Fifa has not enough money to implemant it.

bisounours much.
how was it a foul if he touched the ball? outside the penalty box it would be worth a discussion but inside its just a dumb story made up by some frenchie still mad his algerian buddy benzema cant score, get over it.

mascherano should have been sent off for sure though but no ref is perfect
touched the ball :DDDDDDDDDD
I could fini you so many penalties given in the same way.
T'es con. Y a pas de faute.
Ya faute d'Higuain ? Meme si ya pas faute pourquoi ya pas touche/corner pour l'argentine (pas vu ou la balle est allée) ?
Il y a eu une touche pour l'Argentine jouer rapidement.

Ta comparaison avec 1982 Allemagne vs France ca fait le vieux frustré fr qui a la haine contre les allemands. Avoue quand meme que l'Argentine a jouer comme une merde, meme la Belgique aurait pu win contre.

Sinon en 1982, si tu regardes, le gardien a vraiment, vraiment fait une grosse faute, il allait pas sur la balle du tout. Ici en 2014, tu vois qu'il a boxer la balle :P
le haine s'empare de lui
non ya eu faute d'Higuain. L'Argentine a eu plus d'occasions de but même s'ils ont tout mis a coté, ils ont mieux jouer que l'Allemagne pendant 90 minutes puis en prolongations ils se sont fait roulés dessus. Dommage qu'il n'y avait pas Di Maria ça aurait pu être un autre match :)
ouais juste, la faute d'Higuain c'était un peu lame mais ça dépends du referee ça.
u notice there should have been 2x yellow-red card against argentina before that?
Argentina had a deserved loss after missing like 3 HUGE opportunities. Germany only needed one. Argentina defended so well but too bad Messi was only walking and was surrounded by faggots teammates.
No idea how these argetinian attackers are worth that much. They didnt do shit :P
The Higuain fail was insane... And others attackers were shit too, Lavezzi was ok tho. I think Argentina would have scored if Di Maria had played the match :/
Germany had a few more than one. Also people assume that these strikers would have passed Neuer even IF they had shot on target properly. That's not giving a lot of credit to this goalkeeper who has proven himself over and over. Shooting properly is maybe one third of the battle, passing Neuer is the hardest part.
Well, Germany hadn't one as clear as Higuain's for example. True about beating Neuer but I think that Higuain would have scored it nonetheless if he had put down the ball and went for the duel!
Header from Höwedes against the post? that was one pretty huge opportunity
Oh, forgot that one, right
Ofc they didn't have, when Argentina was defending most of the game, while Germans had to break that defence, Argentina was just waiting for counter attacks, no wonder they had better chances, when the german defence was all split up.
If you're a worldclass striker, you should pass any goalkeeper in a 1vs1. No matter how good the goalkeeper is, 1vs1 is always the strikers advantage. Too bad that Higuain isn't a worldclass striker anymore.
I'd only agree on that regarding the Higuain chance because he had no pressure from the defenders and he had Neuer who couldn't close in on him. I'd argue that all the other chances weren't so open because the defense was coming down on the strikers and Neuer had closed to gap nicely.

I do think that worldclass keepers actually are good enough to stop any striker if he doubts for just one second. If you allow them to close to gap and let the defense come down on you, they will most likely stop you from scoring. There's a reason why Courtois and Neuer pretty much only got passed by unsuspected instant shots on target.
Deserved win in the extra time for Germany, Argentina got tired in the end. Playing defensively is a lot more exhausting than going on offense. This game would have been different with di Maria, their left flank supply of passes was horrible tonight. Argentina should have scored, but missed some huge chances. I didn't understand the Argentina subs, they clearly suffered because of them.

Nope, no penalty for Higuain, Neuer clearly touched the ball. However, the goalie is not protected there, it should not have been a foul against Higuain.
Germany's win feels even better when PROVOKed nerds get mad
easy. mvp Götze .... the most hated guy by myself... :D ... about the guys who whine about Neuer .... what happend with Kramer first half?! ... its 1:1 ... surly no penalty... both players watch the ball then such shit happens.. The referee was a joke... and was surly not for germany!
Still how could this be a Higuain foul ? Even if no penalty Argentina should've get the ball when Neuer pushed it of the limits. This was ridiculous, don't deny it.
No penalty for Higuain ? Neuer touched the ball ? Ok guys,

Massive kappa's here
Stop bitching already. Garay knocked out Kramer, which should've at least been a penalty, maybe even a red card; not to mention the deserved 2nd yellows 4 Mascherano and Kun. Referee was a joke, once again.
oh and btw people saying Neuer shouldn't have been sent of because he touched the ball. That's plain bullshit. Yes he played the ball but he could have fucking killed Higuain. That should have been a clear red card no matter if he did touch the ball or not.

This bullshit also happened in a chl match between FC Copenhagen and Barcalona. Valdes didn't get any card either even if N'Doye was unconscious. If FIFA doesn't punish fauls like this, someone can be hurt badly.
image: 1289237440_victor-valdes-vs-ndoye-dame-face-kick-foul
so wierd. they will only react when somebody will get killed

that kick tho... :<
This is something entirely different. In your .gif, the keeper is outside of the box and barely plays the ball with his leg.

The Neueur one is completly different. Do you realize that if he doesn't jump like that, he will most likely lose balance as soon as he touches the ball and chances are he will land VERY hard on his back or even head? There's a reason why the attackers are supposed to look out for the keeper when they are close to the box, most of these scenarios are more dangerous for them than they are for the attacker.

That's why it's always called in favor of the keeper. Though this one is completly different from the Neuer one.
- "G" is the 7th letter of the alphabet
- Germany starts with "G"
- The name Germany contains 7 letters
- Germany was in Group "G" or Group "7"
- Germany ended group stage with 7pts
- Germany scored 7 goals in group stages;
4 vs Portugal
2 vs Ghana
1 vs U.S.A
- Germany scored 7 goals vs Brazil
- Its July, 7th month of the year
- Winning goal was scored 7 minutes (113') before the end.

It was all planned.
haha someone has been knock knock knocking there ;)
the true mvp of wc !!

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRlZLjBuJaPZVgyf-M8E4RVaF_GR2sv42q7hwmKOL0cDHQLQprR
Wasn't really interesting game, would be prolly If Di Maria played, as they lacked some more offensive passes, Messi didn't do that bad, but considering the fact, he was covered entire game with at least 2 opposing defenders, its hard to do any plays. Sadly that Higuain and Messi missed the chances, but well thats football, as on the other side, that jump of Neuer was indeed strange as hell, as it was kind of dangerous to seriously hurt Higuain on the other side. If none the less, at least could be out for Argentina, but at the end it was deserved win for Germany, as they were basically controling the game entire time, while Argentina was defending and waiting for counter attacks, which didnt pay off at end.
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