i know most of you prolly don't care, but if you some of you will read this i'll prove how stupid you are, and hopefully help you think with your brain.

everything i'm about to write is true, whether you believe it or not, it's all sad but true.
operation "protective edge" started 1 week and 6 days ago, in response to the three israeli teens that were kidnapped and murdered by the hamas, israel arrested hundreds of hamas terrorists. did they all have something to do with the murder? maybe, maybe not, they are still terrorists and they would prolly do the same in the future.
in response to that the hamas has started shooting rockets on israel, hundreds of rockets all across israel everyday all day long. the israeli air force and navy responded with bombing all the rocket launchers and some of the hamas headquarters. obviously - many innocent palestinians have died in these attacks and this is the part all of you pro-palestinians think israel is a country of murderers and most unethical country in the world, right?
this is all because the hamas is a terrorist organization that holds the palestinian people as hostages (most of the time, i know many of them do support them). they are using them as human shields as they plant the rocket launchers inside their homes, schools, hospitals. they intentionally LET THEM DIE, to make the world look at how poor they are and how unethical israel is. they are terrorists - masters of deceiving, they know how to make the media look at them as "Freedom fighters" and make israel look like shit. i guess this is why i'm writing this journal.

the sad truth is the israeli army is the MOST ethical and moral army in the world. none of you prolly know but during all these attacks on gaza, the israeli army keeps sending out humanitarian supplies into gaza, and even take care of the wounded terrorists which i think is completely wrong but this is what an ethical army does.
before every attack they call the palestinians that live in the area of the target and ask them to leave or they will be bomed. you think the hamas is calling me before they try to bomb my house?
there are many videos of the air force aborting attacks because of innocent people being too close. if they dont believe, just ask me and i'll link you one.
now please, use your brain and think for a moment, still think we're unethical ?
so you say "oh only 1 israeli died compared to hundreds of palestinians - u think this is fair?" we're LUCKY it's not fair because we have the iron dome system that shoots down most of the missiles shot from gaza. if they actually got all these missiles to hit the results would have been terrible for us, this is why the israeli army is doing everything in it's power to prevent this to happen and it proves how strong our army is.

what many of you don't understand is that we have nothing against gaza or palestinians, we only want to destroy hamas,
unlike many radical muslims like razzah that were raised and brainwashed to hate israel and jews, i wasn't taught to hate muslims or palestinians, all israel wants is to be left alone and live in peace. all hamas wants is to kill every jew on this planet.

it's very easy for you to sit at home, watch the false media and blame either side for something while you're not experiencing any of it. just remember - you're not here and you don't know what it's like. so sometimes you should just shut the fuck up.

now i dont really care if you believe me or not, i spent the entire week in gaza seeing everything i just told you with my own two eyes. i have no reason to lie.

inb4 all the pics of palestinian kids dead - if you post them - you're stupid.

image: 10352946_809799112376294_7142303326853387450_n

I usually skip such threads but since you're Matan de Dijon I read it. Both sides are retarded.
I saw from my own eyes, there were kids playing on the sand near a journalist hotel when suddenly BOOM artillery in their face. Why would Israel army do this to 4 kids playing on the sand? What's the purpose? All I see is dozens of innocent kids, women getting killed when all they want is peace. There certainly are terrorists in Gaza however is it a reason to make such a massacre? Is it worth killing innocents just to catch couple of terrorists?
It reminds me David and Goliath you can't compare both belligerents. One killed +350 (most civilians) the other one ~15?
That's only because Hamas doesn't have high quality missiles like Israel does. If they did, the numbers would surely be turned around.
Would it be?

But they don't and the fucking Jews still target innocent children and kids, and what you hear in mainstream media? That Palestinian terrorists captured one Jewish soldier...

By the way, the most Israeli soldiers died since 1982, and that counts to 15!!!!
you obviously have NO FUCKING CLUE and i have no idea why im even bothering responding to you since you're a complete moron
1. "fucking jews target innocent children and kids" - it's the fucking israeli army not fucking jews, we target hamas terrorists, and children and kids are the same word you fucking mongol.
go get your facts right before you comment back.
2. only last night 13 israeli soldiers died, that counts up to 18 only in this operation - so how exactly 15 since 30 years?
didn't read that wall of text above (yet), just wanted to point out - since you are the grammar nazi here - "since" isn't the same as "for"
Quoteso how exactly 15 since 30 years?

either "for past 30 years" or "since1982"
okkk thx :)
you obviously dont get the purpose of this entire operation - we dont want to "Catch a few terrorists" - what we want is them to stop shooting missiles at us. how is that difficult to understand?
and yeah, if that means some of their innocent people will die instead of ours, then of course we will do everything we can to do so.
so basically israel punishes innocent kids for some retards shooting missiles at you?
you really don't understand any of this situation mon ami.
1. israel doesnt punish innocent kids - all innocent civilian that dies is on HAMAS hands.
2. we don't seek to kill innocent people
3. "some retard shooting missiles at you" is very easy for you to say as if it's something you can just ignore and continue the rest of your day as if nothing happend. "some retards hooting missiles at you" i'm sure you were never under missile attacks so you don't know what it's like - excpet for the fact it's an actual life danger and you might just die (oh yea, this) it ruins our lives since people don't work or study and the life routine has just stopped.
Well I eventually can understand 2. and 3. but " all innocent civilian that dies is on HAMAS hands. "
what do you mean?
To me it sounds like Israel doesnt give a fuck if civilians die lets just say it's hamas' fault... looks way too easy
im sorry but you really dont understand anything....
I dont pretend to understand, im an openminded man waiting for explanations.When you say "you dont understand anything" you make things actually worse as you make me think you're blinded by your government's propaganda and can't explain clearly why things your country does ARE actually right.

I could simply say lelelel you sionist illumaniti since its the interwebs and noone cares but as somebody who tries to have a better understanding you should give proof/facts to support your sayings.

I mean I don't watch TV 24/7 but all we see are hundreds of kids killed and we dont hear anything about missile basements destroyed or whatever its the same when it's said that kids are used by hamas as "human shields" ok why not but where are the proofs? I'd be glad to believe Israel isnt the bad monster over there but the lack of proofs just make it worse for you guys.

ps. not hating i still like u :D

Have fun. Can find you plenty more if you'd like.
i love you man! but honestly i am trying to explain but u dont seem to get it.
what kind of proofs are you looking for? like i said, everything u see on tv is the media trying to twist your mind. poor palestinian kids that die is a horrible sight and makes me feel bad about this war but it's not happening just cos we like killing kids. right? otherwise your government and many other countries government wouldnt support us...what do you exactly expect me to say? what proofs ?
Quote it ruins our lives since people don't work or study and the life routine has just stopped.

Quite ironic, yet u find the time to waste ppl's time here on CF, some internet site where 95% dont care about it....
"waste ppl's time" - like i said most of the people don't care and they don't have to read it... :S
my room happens to be the safest room in our house since the walls are really thick and we don't have any other real shelter so...ye. there was a rocket siren while i was writing this...
why dont you stop to build settlements in palestinian ground than? Why dont you stop cutting of water suply for palestinians? Ofc ppl become terrorists if they have no other way to fight for their own land.
" israeli army is the MOST ethical and moral army in the world"


it's not like it's as evil as often pretended, but surely NOT even close to being a really ethicaly correct army
like i said, whether you believe or not - this is the true, and you just proved me how stupid you are. good bye :-)
well I am sorry for this, but after reading the little article you wrote, it's pretty obvious you are very biased (no surprise there). I understand your points, your anger. But after reading "israeli army is the MOST ethical and moral army in the world" it quite seems you are affected by propaganda atleast as much as all those people you accuse of having completely wrong opinion.
you tell me what army in the world has acted like ours?
sure you might think im brainwashed cos i am israeli and i do serve the israeli army. but i think it's the reality.
It has nothing to do with you being israeli or in the army, frankly I don't really care. I based my statement on your expression of some things.
And since there are not that many conflicts, it's not really easy to call the most "moral and ethical" army. And saying your army is the only correct and the best there is.. plain naïve.
very nice usage of the trema
Thank you! :)
you didnt answer my question - give me an example of any other army that did everything we did.
i'm not being naive - i might be overreacting but our army is definitely very moral and ethical.
You obviously are not getting my point. It's like if there was World Championship in football again and only Thaiwan and Vietnam played. No matter who would win, you still wouldn't call them World's best team. They might be, but the proof is nowhere. It's same here. Conflict like this is unique, and so considering stuff is not easy. I never said you are not moral, you definately are, but calling your army best might lead to fanatism.
And if you really want some examples.. Don't know about army that did ALL of those you mentioned, but honestly, thats stupid argument, isn't it (every conflict is different and different precautions are necessary), but..
Leaflets, for example, were used by nazis in 1940 in Netherlands.
Pinpoint strikes.. don't think carpet strikes were really used in any conflict for very long time (also can't really call this one on your side, since your enemy probably doesn't even have technology to achieve that).
Think you were talking about taking care of captured soldiers. EVERY developed country does that. Ever heard of Geneva Convention?
i get it. this is not a competition and this is not what i meant by saying my army is the best blabla. just saying it's very moral.
i hope you didnt just compare us to nazis.
captured soldiers? what do you mean? when hamas captures israeli soldiers or civilians they either murder them or treat them like shit and return them after 6 years like gilad shalit in return for 1000 terrorists. do you know how terrorists live well in israeli prison? way better than what they can live in their private homes.
what I meant is that even the most moral or ethical things can be used as a weapon (roof knocking, phone calls.. can be abused as psychological warfare as suggested by some Palestinians)
nevertheless I believe your army is doing ethical things
and well, I don't really know what their prisons look like, but isn't this what makes us different from terrorists? that we don't torture people and eventho they are enemies, we still keep their basic human rights?
"its very moral"



Can give you 10 more examples , your army is not MORAL, not ETHIC, you got your brain so fucking washed you should just jump off a cliff fucking jew.
thank you for proving everything i said.

A good speech to sum up the backround story from a pretty much objective and unbiased sight. It's obvious that you won't agree with most of it since you were born into a community as a direct descendant of the jews who put their foot on this land again after such a long time (in which the palestinans lived in this area in peace and are deffinitely not responsible for the disappearance of jews two thousand years ago) and you did not experience what was going on there when the jews made their way back yourself. And since most of your media are controlled by rabbi and very offensive zionists it's unlikely that you ever stood a chance of hearing different opinions on the whole thing going on, which is not your fault, and I doubt people will blame you for it, but they can blame you for not accepting the fact that there are people who think other than you, for obvious reasons, and unless you start to question everything you were tought, your opinion won't have much value in the international community. From all I can see at the moment you are immediately going fully mad at people disagreing with you, take some time, get your information from different international sources and then talk to us again, either your opinion might remain in the way it is, or it won't, however, at least then you earned yourself the right to raise your own opinion, and not what you were tought to spread around, period.
Thanks, this + the vid frop posted shed some light on the most moral and ethic army :D
Hope Jews view this and counter argument!
i wouldn't say i'm definitely one-sided and my mind is set on something that will never change, because it already has....
before i joined the army (~2011) i wasn't so much in favor of all the things our army and government do...honestly. but seeing the things i saw during my service and the 2 operations that happend since have just proved so much that i figured out what's right and what's wrong.
there are many israeli that protest against israel and our army now days which is really sad. so the dude in the video does not surprise me at all... these people are basically wishing for the death of their own nation, which is really sad if you think about it..
also, what i wanted to talk about in this journal is the current operation and not the entire israeli-palestinian situation, and yes i know of course it's the reason for the operation but it's not the main issue, it's just an excuse for people to become terrorists and try to murder innocent people - even if we "STOLE" their land, you think it's a legit reason to murder innocent people? is this the way to "get their land back" ?
it's ridiculous how those terrorists are being supported by so many people, and you can also see it here, people just approve terrorists as if it's totally normal.... leaves me speechless everytime i see it.
bwahahaha usual faggot pretending he is god and knows alone the truth.. everyone who thinks different is an ignorant. and posting smilies at the end when in reality he is raging hard with his fist aganst the wall.. mad like an ape on hydrophobia cuz ppl are against his country. you would proof more brain if you would admit some shit your country does. Turn down your national pride dude, cuz governments all suck. Some more, some less.
lol, seems like the raging guy is you and not me...i honestly couldnt care less about people being against my country, it's not like i don't know people hate israel.
what you don't actually get is that you are so pro-palestine and hamas that you are the one that won't admit about the shit that our enemy does. of course i admit some of the things we do is wrong, but they are justified at the end of the day. you stupid baboon :))))
I dont hate Israel... i rly dont care about all you apes there in the east. underdeveloped poor baboons... I just amuse myself while reading posts likes yours where lil worthless creatures enlarge their e-penis cuz they dont achieve a single shit in life and add smilies to fake their mood while they are raging. And as long you think we are the baboons all is ok in your illusory world of a little useless jewish fagglet.
No need to reply anymore.. won't even read your boring shit. Had my fun already.
how can you think i'm mad if you keep making me laugh :D?
lol, people with suicidal tendencies. In this world we should live without bombs, guns, knifes or swords... only with our hands.
Well what you describe is a bit similar to current situation in Ukraine which is really fucked up. I mean if hamas is using civilians buildings there is no good solution to stop them other than killing as many of them as possible so all the civilians actually see how stupid it is to support them. Btw please post the videos that support what you say.

That being said I still dont like your nation for trying to control everything you possibly can :D
only that if you kill civilians aswell while killing hamas, it might make other civilians not see it is stupid to support them but actually make them hate more and support terrorist even more. fucked up situation.

+1 to
QuoteBtw please post the videos that support what you say.
Doesn't have to be video tho, articles, pictures, anything would suffice.
Well obviously relatives of those that were killed will be mad forever but others should see the correlation between "they helped hamas and their house got bombed". But I guess with Islamists you never know, they would rather die in the name of their religion than live in peace. That is ofc only true if Isreal really is the good guy just willing to live safe and help civil palestinians ;D
If people were that rational, then you would be right. But I am afraid many are not :s Especially in a war. Fear, propaganda, death of people you knew.. makes it all unpredictable.
Well, in conflict like this, it's hard to say which side is the good and which one is the bad (what I mean is what their motives are, not HOW they perform their actions), if either side is the good.
Yeah, probably you are right, war is a total mess to human behaviour.
Still waiting for OP to provide us with more materials to support his claims other than "look I am in ISR army you gotta believe me".
I dont have to provide you with any material. if you don't want to believe me, it's too bad...
You tried to convince us about your truth with this journal. Tried to prove we all are wrong, then why not add data that would support your case? You sound pretty dogmatic to me.
open your eyes, this journal is filled with links, videos and more proofs.
now destiny posted some things to back stuff up, but after our messages, so no need to be offensive ;)
im not being offensive :D!
also like i said in the post, if you want any videos just ask and i'll link them...and i did link a couple of videos in a comment
QuoteI dont have to provide you with any material. if you don't want to believe me, it's too bad...

Quoteopen your eyes
but to this I believe was meant non offensive. language barrier.
i really have no reason to be offensive towards you, you're cool
Most of the civilists, apart of public institution ( schools, medical centers ) are relatives of Hammas itself, their families and such that would gladly give their life just to make Israel look bad news wise.
98% of people here, including me, dont actually even know the difference between Israel and Palestian and gaza and hamas and so on. Sorry. To me its one another conflict in the world which is ripping itself into pieces, so to be very honest with you, I haven't even bothered to figure out who are fighting there and why.
And even if I wanted, I couldn't get good view from main stream media nor anywhere else, I would need to go there myself and just dig into it and that would take couple of years, so no, I don't know why people are fighting there and I don't want to figure it out.
I don't know much about it but I am guessing it is some religious bullshit conflict. "My religion is better than yours"
short and simple.

Israel announced in 1948, all arab countries don't recognize it, they want Israel's land to be their own and make it an arab country and remove all Jews/Israelis by killing them.

Israel just defend itself. u can say that I'm biased all u want, but I live here, I served in the army, still do in the reserves.. and I watch the world news sometimes, and yea, it all lies there.. I don't get how people believe those arabs.

and some tl;dr facts:

if hamas terrorist will surrender to idf soldiers, idf will take him hostage and put him to jail in israel where he get food and bed, if idf soldier surrender to hamas, hamas will burn him alive, cut his head or whatever.. and celebrate after that.

1. few days ago during the battles, a hamas terrorist acted like he is injured, he cried for help, idf soldiers approach him to help him with medical assistance, he then turned around and pulled a grenade and tried to suicide on them, idf reacted quickly and shot him.

2. hamas uses world's money that is sent to palestine to aid the country. if money stopped to arrive, hamas again shoot to israel so israel shoot gaza again and then world cry for gaza again and send money that goes again to terrorists. happened, happens and will keep happening.

3. palestine people dont want war, hamas tells them to stay in homes so they will die and hamas will have civis dead to film and show the world how bad israel is.

- about those 4 kids that died on the gaza beach. why would there be so many cameras filming the kids? and exactly when they are about to die? btw, those were hamas rockets that failed to hit israel, instead, hit themself.. so yea, poor kids but.. hamas are stupid.. just trying to make israel look bad. btw, israel provide gaza food, water and power. if it was up to me, i'd supply them nothing but shit and tell them, here we "free palestine", have fun on ur own. what do u think will happen?
What you say about kids on beach makes no sense. You first suggest that it was planned by palesine and then say those were hamas rockets that FAILED. Make up your mind.
2 questions:
Why would mainstream media harm image of ISR? Its not like they are controlled by arab countries, quite the opposite in fact.
Why was Jasir Arafat poisoned? Wasnt he the guy that wanted peace?
1. Sorry, typed fast, will try to explain again.. they shoot Southern Israel with mortars, and sometimes, since their mortars are home made, the riockets fail to reach Israeli territory and land in their own territory, when they hit their own people, they blame it on Israel cause the world would think like "Why would someone shoot his own people." - So they just took that idea and made it more brutal.

2. Arabs don't want peace. The civilians are poor and want the war to stop, but when we cease fire, they just go out to the streets again and yell "FREE PALESTINE, KILL ISRAEL". Dumbs as fuck..

and 3. About Jasser, I know he signed some peace terms with Israel or that Oslo contract but he was also the guy leading and planning the suicide bombers into Israel.. and started a mini civil war among Arab-Israelis and Israelis inside Israel.
I guess its possible but the problem is you cannot prove it? Matan said "there are many videos of the air force aborting attacks" but didnt provide a single one.
As for Israeli made weapons/inventions I know Jews are responsible for a tooon of inventions so ofc US benefits from it as well but I am still pretty sure you receive more money than you give back to the world.
http://www.youtube.com/user/idfnadesk - IDF official YouTube Channel

yes we get more than we should but most of this money not going to Israeli population, it goes to engineers to keep inventing stuff for the world and it also goes to world aid. most of Israeli tax money we pay goes to either IDF or world aid..
Quote98% of people here, including me, dont actually even know the difference between Israel and Palestian and gaza and hamas and so on.

Please, not everyone is seemingly as uneducated as you are.
Quotewhat many of you don't understand is that we have nothing against gaza or palestinians, we only want to destroy hamas,

just use their land and pretend palastine doesn't exist...
of course, that's why we retreated back to the 67' lines in 2005. get your facts right.
what is with the time before 1967?

whateva l'chaim and so on..
if you have nothing to say just don't reply pls. wasting my time
sorry that i wasted your time by asking you something about the country of palastine before 1949-1967 and now you come up with nothing...

when you don't have a asnwer so why wasting webspace with your shit propaganda
I'll leave this question here: if Hamas uses inhabitants as human shields to protect their rocket launchers, knowing that, why Tsahal acts like it does not matter if they kill these people considering there's supposedly a rocket launcher in their house? They know they'll kill the people used as shields and yet they still kill them. Yes yes they called before but obviously people don't move. Does Tsahal consider it's ethical to kill people who were warned they were going to get bombed and didn't move? That's very hypocritical in my opinion: "look we called them but they didn't care to move. We can ethically kill them now."
in many cases when they really dont move then the attack is aborted. but do you think we randomly pick houses and bomb them? i dont understand the first few sentences.
and yes, if some innocent people on the other side have to die to stop the threat on million israelis. yes. it's required and ethical. nothing else we can do - we will not sit like ducks in shelters and wait to die from missiles.
1. say IDF not Tsahal, you making it look wierd.
2. Did you know that Hamas are calling out for the Palestinians to stay in their homes while Israel bombs it? Why? cause they want to have photos to show how "bad" the IDF is.
3. Yea, if Civis are in the area the IAF aborts the mission but sometimes shit happenes. - That's one reason why IDF has started a ground assault, to minimize civilian casualties.
4. Hamas uses UN / RedCross ambulances to hide in and shoot from, same goes for UN schools, civilian's homes, hospitals, churchs and what else. am I biased? no. I've been there myself and I have many friends that are in there now as I write this.

Where do you get ur facts from? please. enlighten me. I'll be more than happy to explain.
It's a known fact that the Hamas forces people to stay by death threat and the IAF is aware of that, and yeah, a ground assault seems like a decent reaction to that, but the fact that there are multiple videos published daily, showing defensless people who are very likely to be regular and peaceful inhabitants who are clearly being abused and beaten up often until death by Israeli soldiers, in fucking awefully brutal ways shows the flip side of your so called "ethically correct army". I know this does not apply for the majority of IDF soldiers, but yet the amount of videos is scary! And please don't come up with the "these videos are fakes" kind of responses...
Kill or be killed imo, when the war is on, u wont care if they will move out or not, if u are being treaten from certain place with rocket launcher u will take it down for every price possible, regardless of human casulties, thats how wars are.
"war", that's a strong word and implies both countries were in possesion of armies who commit aggressions against their opposit army, but what is going on there is, in my opinion, rather to be considered as suppression, since the hamas is unable to come up with a serious threat to the land of israel, mainly due to israel's advanced defensive systems which do clearly make an invasive intervention unnecessary

image: 984156_746506745395325_8225787539091824081_n
Quotea state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country.

Not sure if ur being a troll or just bad at english words, but regardless of hammas not having as advanced weapons as Israel has, is no less war than the thing going on between Ukraine and Russia at the same moment. When two parties engage with deathly weapons against each other and regardless of other party in this case Israel having very good defensive mechanism its still called war.
Not to mention Hammas is by far not alone in this situation, as i mentioned already before Siria has involved themselfs already into this conflict by shooting missiles over at Israel and god forbids that Iran starts as well, cus we can pretty much enjoy the end of our days.
As much as I dislike Israeli people I agree with you.
<3 Israel <3 IDF. Let IDF win!

"Free Palestine" - That's funny.

Did you know that Israel provides food, power, water, toys, blankets, wood, well.. everything.. to Gaza on a daily basis? there are over 1,000 trucks going across the boarder (That is gaurded by Government groups and not the IDF) with supplies to the Palestinians. Did anyone on the world media show it to you? So you know what, yea, I'm up for it! FREE PALESTINE. - Cut them off our power, don't give them anything. Let them live on their own. Just don't come back crying for help afterwards.

And for you, the rest of the world. - Do you know how much Israel has done to aid the world? We're like 0.01% of world population and yet, you see Israeli flag on every big tournament in the world, even if we don't participate in it, you (YES, YOU, ALL OF YOU.) use Israeli inventions EVERY DAY. On every major world disaster, Israel has sent medical aid and more. Israel saves milliones of lives pretty much every day. But yet, people hate our guts. So guess what? It is now our time to hate back. So FUCK ARABS, FUCK PALESTINE, FUCK GAZA, FUCK HAMAS, FUCK THEIR CIVIS AND KIDS AS WELL. World would be better off without arabs anyways.. if anyone disagree fuck him as well. Worry about the oil? Israel already making inventions that doesn't require oil. PROBLEM SOLVED. WORLD WAR 3? YES PLEASE.
Its nice you support other countries but do you know how much money and military support you have received from US?
As for WW3 please and kill all arabs I think we are starting to see the real picture here :)
Yes and we thank them for it but it wasn't for free we got those stuff. You know how much the US or world armies uses Israeli made weapons/inventions?
Shall we go into story how ur precious Jews fucked up Tesla cus he didnt want to sell his inventions to your ancient buddies?
Im arab and i fuck u bitchies
son of Hamas's founder:


and keep going through the related videos.
Not a Jewish video nor Israeli.
by Jew you meant me? well, after I'll kill you the world will say I'm bad. but here are the facts, you tried to kill me cause you wanted me dead, why? cause I'm Jewish. I just defended myself.. did I say "FUCK U NOT JEW? DIE." no. I'm being civil and talking to you, trying to explain my situation and want you to understand and just leave me alone.
raciste de merde

As an Arab I feel offended. Don't say you are being "civil" when you talk like that. I don't care about jews at all, I was just trying to make you realize which words you used towards Arabs and how hard it was.
sorry, but u are a giant retard.
ur just another fanatic sorry
theres a fucking wall around gaza, theres no ressources there, people have to go to isreal to work etc..
How are they supposed to live alone?
in my oppinion the only way for peace is to create fair circumstances, and that would mean to create a actual souvereign palestinian state, stop settling everywhere etc.
Have you ever suspected, that your government NEEDS this war to go on to stay in power? Its not only the hammas who "profits" but also high rank isreali politicians/ people in power/ big corporations, and civilians on both sides loose because they die and live in fear.
Not even to mention the profits of the israel defense industry, these new weapon technologys need to be tested dont they.Of course they will say they develop and produce all these weapons out of neccessity but its real money thats earned with by exporting these technologies later. And you the israeli people even pay for that with your taxes and make the war go on.
Iam completely not saying that the hammas is better, they are just on the other side of this fanatic war, and what you say about them is most likely true.
iam not as informed as i used to be about this conflict, so correct me if iam wrong
Not for one side or another but I think this is worth mentioning : image: palestine-carte-2
image: tricko-meme-poker-face-panske

It's mine now, god told me just yesterday :)

If you want to I can write it down for you, so it has as much relevance as those religious scriptures you're relying on....
Are you Israelis actually serious about this? You do realize that reciting 2500 year old books as a means to own land doesn't play well in the modern world.

I don't mind stupid people, but this is on a whole new advanced level of stupidity. I refuse to believe you guys are this dense.
Agree on that point
you post a picture that has some information in it and lacking the entire background story. go read about the history of israel and then you will understand what you just posted.
Bring the light on me
you lazy? do it yourself.
Yes I am lazy ;-(
Dennis Prager is a known extremely right winged zionist jew, so please, do your research before you post such stuff
Better than being a socialist wanker :)
I'm not defending palestine, but from what I've seen in past independent documentaries, Israelian youth is being brainwashed just as much. The things that were considered normal there, were not normal to me. Both sides always have shown an overwhelming amount of zealotism and nationalism. I think Oxy his poster sums it up nicely.
not sure what documentary you watched but kids are raised to believe in peace and avoid wars, all "anti-violence" campaigns in schools blabla,
while hamas teaches kids to fire weapons (no joke. kids ~5 year olds)
Maybe that changed over the years. Been awhile since saw that documentary. A big part of it was about how the nationalism, zealotism and militarisation of the Israelian society really messes with the minds of the Israelian youth. Weren't you the one who was extremely eager to join the army by the way?

Anyways, it's always the same over there. A few idiots on either side do something disgusting and everybody starts retalliating. Maybe this time some palistinian morons started it, but it's always the exact same story on both sides.
There are 46 Muslim countries in the world + 56 countries that have a large amount of Muslims in them but there is only 1 Jewish nation, Israel. About 25% of the world is Muslim, there are only about 15-20 million Jews in the entire world. What is it, 1% maybe? maybe less.. only 6 million Jews are living in Israel.

35-40% of Muslim population wants the Jewish people and the Israeli nation to be dead. Not to metnion some Christians as well.. for some reason.. but anyways.. from those 35-40%, like 5-10% of them are actually supporting or even participating in terror acts against the Jews, against Israel and even against the US.

So thats what? _ONLY_ 250-300 million muslims against 6 million Jews in Israel?

Are you saying we're brainwashed? We just got to a point where defending ourself is a way of life.. we join the army at the age of 18 for 3 years, till we're 21 useally.. and then we are moved to a reserved units and called up from time to time to defend our country when needed. But in the rest of the time we work, we study, we have fun and just live.

The Muslims on the other hands, do this:

many more if you keep searching...

So, who is brainwashed?
This is exactly the problem which keeps the never-ending spiral of violence alive. Nobody is questioning your right to self-defense, eventhough I'd say that retalliation isn't exactly self-defense. At the same time, everybody knows that Hamas is beyond fucked up. Yet, it's exactly this "us versus them" rethoric which is so engrained in both your societies which prevents any form of rapport between both sides. I don't think Hamas would find that much support if so many people weren't looking for an "answer" to the constant violence. Often, when given a peaceful resolution, the support for Hamans dwindles. So they try to provoke Israel again and Israel retalliates and Hamas in turn gets more supporters again. Same old story over and over. To think Hamas is the prototype of the Islamic world just shows how out of touch with eachother both sides are.
after Hamas there will be another terror orga, nothing will change.. point of this journal is just to either make u undertand the situation more or just stop all the support for terror orga (support that is suppost to go to gaza is taken by hamas if u didn't know and palestinian people get nothing from it)
Hamas is classified, and publicly recognized, as a terrorist organization by most Western countries. However, Hamas isn't all there is to Palestine. It's comparable with how the USA was criticized for invading a few countries for harboring and 'supporting' Al Qaeda members. I'm not saying which side is right or that I know how else to proceed, all I know that both sides have done some horrible things.
cuz you pussy ass fools got america and europe behind yo back.
remember islam will win this war against these zionism.
America and Europe is nothing, when the big boys unite :)
Big boys? Can you elaborate as this sounds really stupid :)
Being said this way, it does somewat, once North Korea, Iran, Siria, China, Russia unite together, not so anymore :)

Reason u dont see direct US involement into all this Israel/Palestine war, since they know, if Iran starts, everyone will start and we can pretty much call it a day.
What the hell, North Korea Iran Syria? These boys need to grow up before they can play with adults :D US would rape em all, maybe in 50 years China will match them.
Eh man, u are so blinded by mainstream media, if that was the case, why theres no US involvement into this conflict already, why there's no US army at Ukraine/Russia conflict, cus they know good enough if they involve, Russia itself has a decent reason to start what we hope will never come to, WW3. Believe me, entire Europe and US is fearing China and Russia alone, not to mention North Korea, who has been waiting just to start all this stuff, Japan recently invested couple bilion dollars into their defence just because they fear fast growing China and are clearly aware that they re in no match of protecting themselfs. Iran has so many nuclear weapons that can wipe half globe apart, rather not even starting on Russia, who has even publicly provoked US minister at some meeting not so far at past.
Why is US not involved in Israel or Ukraine conflict already? They are just not with direct military use, lol. Why are they not sending army? Because that would obviously mean WW3 and no one wants that. I am positively sure US and Europe can wipe out all those countries you mention in direct confrontation but it would still cost so many deaths that no one wants it to happen. Btw I am assuming no nuclear weapon used - if its used it really doesnt matter who is on top, we are all dead anyway ;D.
Thats the entire point, WW3 wont be with any armies, it will simply be like playing with PS joystick, pressing buttons, thats all as its gonna be, as noone wont waste time with ground soilders, when u can simply press a button and wipe out entire country. If u realized, US was always involving themselfs everywhere, same with Afganistan and Iraq, most of the reasons they provided for attack, was just cover for some entire different thing ( as we are all aware of oil at Iraq ) and thats the reason they do not involve themselfs now at Israel, as they are fully aware of risking WW3. Also as out of curiosity, i am not 100% sure on this, but from what i know is that at the coast of Palestine, they found a big oil findings that would be estimated as one of the largests by now, so that could also be one of the reason for this entire stuffs coming up as a side way.
Dunno how is WW3 gonna look like but I still think regular army will matter, as I said no one is dumb enough to use nuclear weapon (hopefully). I believe US is directly involving when it's really worth/needed (Iraq), there is absolutely no reason to get involved in Isreal right now as they are doing great on their own, I am pretty sure Jews would rape Iran if needed too.
As for Ukraine sending military forces there would be open aggresion against Russia so just plain dumb, thats why they support them indirectly :)
There will be nuclear weapon, if it ever gets to WW3, reason everyone is stacking with them, if it comes to that, otherwise it would be pointless to waste all that cash on developing it, Iraq was plain and simple, from start till end it was all about oil, the terrorist organisations was just a cover up to that. As for Iran, dont be so sure mate, everyone knows that if Iran starts this as well, Israel is pretty much done.
LoL North Korea, Iran and Syria can throw rocks and that's about it. Besides that these countries have very little in common with each other as a group (Iran-Syria-Russia have relations with each other) China might have the manpower but regarding equipment they are very limited.

I wouldn't mind if Iran provoked a war because then they could finally blow that place up sky high.
I have no idea why u guys re all so blinded by this newstream media, Iran and North Korea can alone wipe out anyone who they would want to, as for Russia and China, its entire new story, all of the countries mention above from my original post, dislike US so much, that if the WW3 ever happens, they would gladly join up with Russia ( who we all know is just waiting to start things off with US - have seen so many provoking from Russia side ), as for the Iran Siria and Russia, they re like brothers, reason its been said couple of times, if Iran starts to involve themselfs into this Israel war, Russia will probably follow as well if needed.
Any country with nuclear weapons can wipe out any other country they want
True, but not any country is willing to go into wars like this.

Russia / US pretty sure have the systems disabling any kind of nuclear weapons already set up and ready in case this thing would actually start, but still, the consiquences of the gas would be disaster.
Even if both of these countries have systems to disable nuclear weapons, none of them want to go into another WW. There is just so much to lose for both side
That's true, but its getting to the point, the hatred cannot be stand anymore between particular countries. the entire Earth is so corrupted by so many things, that sooner or later (hopefully never) is going to start by pressing that button and thats all thats needed for starting the WW3.
As mentioned above, Russia has been publicly provoking US, even claiming that they posses the system that would fire missiles to every large US state sistematicly.
there is also politics that dont involve national states. theres also economic interests that matter much more than what a parlament decides. Noone will start a global war. this is all theater and small wars/conflicts between the influence spheres. divide et impera
Go blow yourself up man. Preferably with no people around you.

They are turning prophets in the name of profits
Everything we had, I guess we lost it
And all this god shit, it's enough to make me vomit
Keep your redemption, I don't want it

Under god one nation
Load the rocket launchers, lead us not into temptation
And we'll roll our tanks right through the gates of heaven
Singin' praise the lord and pass the ammunition
Are you jews getting paid to post israeli propaganda every week?
Develop your thinking to this this millennium. Fuck you and your holy land. This kind of propaganda shit doesn't belong to this site, admins please delete this journal.
This again...
i simply just cant stand this fucking bullshit all over the internet anymore, you faggots need to put your time into something more productive than spamming the shit out everyone. nobody gives a shit so please fuck off already.

if you really care that much then go over there and do something about it. its like one of those *like for respect* i see all over facebook. christ.
Hopefully u realized that Siria started to get involved into this war as well, u could ask urself why's that and its just matter of time when Iran joins into this as well, then its pretty much over already, cus as soon as Iran starts, Russia is right at their back.

U are talking so much shit over Palestine/Hamas and all that crap, but at very bottom, they prolly have more support than Israel has and its just matter of time when its gonna show up.
lol what is this a zionist internet sensibilisation campaign? once the media has its eyes turned on the Malaysian plane crash you launch a bunch of missiles on people
i bet my left nut the hype will be over in a month just like any other disaster.......the truth is people eventually wont give a shit lol.
i bet my right nut news wont have anything better to talk about
you are really a funny guy
1st of all tell me one army wich u can call ethical ?? this two words are like water and fire - an ethical army will never exist
2nd u really belive palestinians have army camps from where they can fire up the rockets on israel ? or do you belive israel will allow hamas build some army camps and rocketlunch places so the hamas ccan stop fireing the rockets from school building or hospitals ?
3rd -- u write u live there and we dont know -- i belive u live in israel and not in gaza or ramallah and u never been there am i right ? you sitt down in your house with clean water electricity and a shop few meters from ur home where u can buy more food than u can eat - i was i gaza i know how they live there how much water they recive per person per day (everything controlled by the jews ofc) i know how hard they must fight the day to get food for their familly --- you also have a swimmingpool @ your house ? for sure its nice to jump into the fresh cold water ?
but next time u do it please remember the children in palestina fighting for their basic needs
peace Shalom
thanks for the compliment!

an ethical army is a defending army, this is why our army is called IDF - israeli DEFENSE forces - i assume you speak a little english so you should understand this.

i really don't understand the question "do you really believe palestinians have army camps from where they can fire up rockets on israel?" do you think the rockets are dropping from heaven or something? i am not making this up.
you don't really understand the purpose of my post, i said i have no problem with palestinian people, only the hamas, and this has nothing to do with the povery of children in gaza - this is actually caused by the hamas taking all the money that is being sent to the palestinian people and instead of rebuilding and having basic needs they use it to buy more weapons.
also, you have to know the difference between israelis, jews, palestinians, hamas, and muslims. you said "controlled by the jews" and "palestinians army camps" - and you ask me about being here? you clearly have no idea about anything in this situation even if you have been 40 minutes into gaza. and yes, i have been an entire week in gaza in reserve duty, and i have lived in israel for the past 21 years, so yes, i know more than you do, and no, i dont have a swimming pool.

hope you read this with an open mind and don't be offended too much. just work on your english..
Quote by jewunlike many radical muslims like razzah that were raised and brainwashed to hate israel and jews, i wasn't taught to hate muslims or palestinians, all israel wants is to be left alone and leave in peace. all hamas wants is to kill every jew on this planet.

i feel discriminated

admins i want him to remove this from his journal. It is against the rules of cf. you could also just ban him. also fine with that.
you just proved everything i said....well played m8.
what the fuck is wrong with you? you don't know ANYTHING about me. Nice judging me over the internet. I don't give a shit about israel and palestine. Fuck them all. I live in germany and everything is fine here. Why should I care about you idiots bombing each other because of religious reasons. I dont even believe in god. srsly..

A world without religion would be a safer place.
found that picture in the web and posted it here. so what? doesnt mean i believe in that shit
Shut up you terrorist.
Shut up you poor tzazikiface
This is not, despite what you may have heard, primarily about religion. On the surface at least, it's very simple: the conflict is over who gets what land and how it is controlled. In execution, though, that gets into a lot of really thorny issues, like: Where are the borders? Can Palestinian refugees return to their former homes in present-day Israel?

The conflict has been going on since the early 1900s, when the mostly-Arab, mostly-Muslim region was part of the Ottoman Empire and, starting in 1917, a "mandate" run by the British Empire. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were moving into the area, as part of a movement called Zionism among mostly European Jews to escape persecution and establish their own state in their ancestral homeland

The latest round of fighting was sparked when members of Hamas in the West Bank murdered three Israeli youths who were studying there on June 10. Though the Hamas members appear to have acted without approval from their leadership, which nonetheless praised the attack, Israel responded by arresting large numbers of Hamas personnel in the West Bank and with air strikes against the group in Gaza.

Plus you also have the fact that Gaza do not accept the religious of Israel.
The jews did something with the desert they were living on and turned it into fertile land through irrigation. The nomad Palestinians don't have the intelligence nor funding to make this happen and they are jelly about it. People who say that Israel took all the good land are talking total bullshit.
Basically jews were moved there cus of their protection when the things were going on with Hitler and they were protected specially at first place because of their intelligence as US and UK knew they would be a useful nation later on for new inventions as it can be seen quite clearly at modern times.
Hamas is retarded for firing those rockets. But what do you expect when you basically run a giant prison?

Now you are making new terrorists by killing the children of people who had nothing to do with firing those rockets. Im sure if someone killed your children you would excuse that because it was done by the worlds most moral and ethical army.
Never mind the retarded Youtube title, but this is an interesting point of view as well.

What Israel is doing is not defence at all.Period.
How many kikes does it take to switch a lightbulb?

You don't need to switch the lightbulb, the pile of burning kikes in the corner lights up the place just fine

Quotethe sad truth is the israeli army is the MOST ethical and moral army in the world

I'm pretty sure the civilians in Gaza would be inclined to agree


Kicked out of most countries since the ancient times, and still everyone but the kikes are the problem

Knock on roof technique. Before the first explosion they send messages in that area followed by a small non lethal grenade explosion on the roof. The actual missile only hits after 15 minutes(video is edited) they DO NOT want to kill or injure innocent citizens, all they are doing is targeting hamas targets. Hamas uses children as a human shield in order to be able to accuse Israel of human rights violations. They use this method almost every single time when bombing hamas targets and they are extremely accurate as you can see that the neighbouring buildings have almost no damage whatsoever.
ah music to my ears

well only because my ears can understand that the horror images you put are from syria and iraq lol #nohomo
aren't you at least a little embarrassed ?
Shut the fuck up Jew
Hopefully Israel gets nuked
Do you want me to draw you a picture of allah for you ?
this would be blasphemy
Yeah I know but thankfully I am an atheist.
usually i rly try not to get involved in these kind of conversations for few reasons:

unless we the israelis will have thousends of ppl dying each day - we wont be humain lol
even then, some ppl will hate us regardless what we do

the fact that we need to do explaining, is also bad because its useless
what does it matter if we are right or wrong?

look at putin, he fucking stole a WHOLE FUCKING city under your hands and you dont do shit lol
"he" also shot down a plane, with death toll more than people died in current conflict.

no one here care or open posts about the 300k dying in syria or even more @ iraq

no one cared that uk or usa bombed civ at shit-hole-STAN

haters will hate
there will always be haters (eurofags/muslshits) who will hate.

thats why (and i advice it to my fellow israeli brothers) i dont care what other think
words are winds

if you explain yourself you are prolly "brainwashed" :p

btw a-sisi from egypt destroyed and kill all the ppl for about ~10km from his boarder and gaza cuz he also hate them lol

no media :P



The role media play in todays conflicts are quite interesting and definitely worth thinking carefully about.

The biggest war/conflict since the world wars, next after the Korean war, but before the Vietnamese, in casualties is the one being fought in Kongo-Kinshasa right now. It's been going on since 1998, and practically no media whatsoever is covering that conflict, and there's millions of people dieing.
media is neutral.
it is owned by ppl which have interests.

just follow the money trail
hello Xfag,

if you look at the biblograpy of half of these people, you will find out most of them are not jewishLOL

haters gonna hate
All conflicts in the world suck, I think we can all agree on that point. I won't even try to build an opinion on what I should believe based on links spread here and over the social media. Most conflicts are far more complicated than just stating a fact that 'we're right and they're wrong' or 'we're the good guys and they're the bad guys'.

I know several facts about the war itself, but I'd be stupid to confine myself to those and spew out my opinion on the war when we should all just realise that there's more to it, and in the end people are just plain stupid. There will always be idiots in the world, everywhere, that due to unfortunate historical circumstances, for one reason or another, will kill each other and refuse to live in peace.

Discussing and debating this here won't lead to anything more than a few pointless arguments.
couldn't agree with you more
Thats your opinion, I'd rather debate this than some football games or other pointless crap :D It's definitely not gonna solve the problem but helps me to understand it :)
I don't mind debating it, but I'd rather debate it with people who're capable of seeing things in a few varied perspectives, perhaps like your self and the OP or whoever. I'm not saying that all people here are stupid, it's just that this place really isn't the ultimate place for these type of debates. There's just too many trolls, selfish/stupid pricks on here that really have no clue.

I'm all for having a sensible discussion, but either I'm just too cynic and just can't see myself making any sort of difference by discussing it here or it's just as I stated that I really don't know enough to throw myself into a very infected conflict like this one with a solid opinion.
Israel army best, much ethics. Not killing civilians at all. They are killing themselves. Dumb Palestinians bombing themselves lOLOLOLOLo lOGLOL HEHEH JEWBACCA
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