Boycott CB ?
22 Jan 2007, 11:29
Many players wrote about this. And I'm agree with the fact that without us, CB (ET part) is nothing.
I know ET admins from CB didn't take the decision about cheating, but I think the solution is to boycott ET competition on CB.
I mean can we still play a competition where there is obviously no respect over community ? Noone in CB cares about identified cheaters, or at least, that's the feeling everybody should have.
There are a lot of competition and leagues ... don't play CB opencup is not a problem, there still will be many official wars.
And perhaps, after have seen that nobody agreed with their decision, CB Cheat & Abuse section will change that, as they have already changed for the 5o5 stuff.
Discuss ...
I know ET admins from CB didn't take the decision about cheating, but I think the solution is to boycott ET competition on CB.
I mean can we still play a competition where there is obviously no respect over community ? Noone in CB cares about identified cheaters, or at least, that's the feeling everybody should have.
There are a lot of competition and leagues ... don't play CB opencup is not a problem, there still will be many official wars.
And perhaps, after have seen that nobody agreed with their decision, CB Cheat & Abuse section will change that, as they have already changed for the 5o5 stuff.
Discuss ...
But if CB changed their mind once for 5o5, I think it's possible that CB C&A change their mind too...
For other games CB is nothing more than a big joke - so why should we keep it alive for ET?!?
ESL, Warleagues and a xfire-organized EC/OC/NC and our calendar would be full anyway :)
and i like bullvox idea to spam the chiefs, that would be usefull to make ´em recognizing how fast their ET-corner is dying!
What makes their competitions better than others, I can't see what.
Oh and even if it is only 500euros for ET or something... at least they pay the money... not like the CB... i would care about something like that... cause that says it all imo about the CB... not paying the Eurocup winners etc.
And as far as i know, this conserns not only the ET EC Winners, also some other Teams/ppl in other Games who did not recive their promised money from CB... (there was a article at esreality some time ago i think...)
Words from [CB]Killerman
money makes the world go round...
Anyway 500 euro split between 6 people is about 83 euros, which will get you a new set of sennoheisers or something else...
not paying = embarrassing
This is what Clanbase is mostly nowadays... embarrassing
They also do alot of anti-cheat stuff and they have a strict anti-cheat policy with 2 years ban etc.
They also check for multiaccounts etc etc...
ESL >>>> CB
as u can see in 90% of the Onlinegames nowadays. I am not a "ESL-Fanboy", but ESL is way more professional then clanbase (and clanbase will ever be...)
Just spend 30min time on the ESL Page, check their features with trusted accounts etc, check their competitions like EPS,WC3L or IPS etc., and i bet u will agree with me that ESL is way more professional than Clanbase or anything else...
Same as you cannot blame the CB ET admins for the clanbase behaviour (about the cheat stuff etc...)
I just said I don't like the page.
But i like the ESL Page more, cause it looks way more professionell with the Teamsheets and Playersheets etc etc...
The CB Page is like u said just "easy" ... and imo "old-fashioned"
but every cheater can write one dumb essay and get unbanned
So the cheater is at least 1 year banned
But if, u can easily open a support ticket with a link to the xfire threads with the proofs, and they will definitly get banned.
They won't be the first ones getting banned by the ESL for cheating in a different league/cup or something.
500+ mails! im sure they will notice it
and then we need to make sure we all got the same in the mails.
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
ESL is growing if you look at their ET section and their coverage of the IPS was great, we had over 10000 ettv slots and some thousands more at the Giga Streams.
And the ESL has the better "prize money" system. You can get some euros for winning the matches.
If you look at the ESL EPS a CS Team gets 500 euros for winning a match. A single Match.
I know ET is not CS, but if the ESL is keeping up their good work and the ET community is getting rid of CB ET will be CS in the future.
but again u guys are starting to fuck CB and make ESL bigger. Cant you just use your own power instead of saying "CB sux u c now! come to us"
It is only the GERMAN LAWS, they have to send ET after 23cet.
The fact that ET is a freeware and has never been rated by the FSK (German organization to rate the age u have to be to buy a game), makes it 18+ in germany, so GIGA is not allowed to send it before 23cet (cause the Game is 18+ according to german laws)
Oh and i wanna point out i am just a "Player", i have nothing to do with the ESL neither with the CB (admin work or something).
It is just my personal oppinion as a player, that ESL > CB.
Paying for accounts is ok imo, if you can get 500euros for a win. And mostly the MGC's are paying those accounts. No Team, who played IPS in ET had to pay anything.
The fact that giga isn't allowed to stream ET before 23cet is not their fault, they are trying to get it earlier, but the german law is against it at the moment.
lol, ET is 2% of clanbase. If all of you stop playing in cb, they wont even see it xD
they dont care, stop whining and play there.
examples about other games:
SoF2: Capture The Flag 3on3 activity 152, 633 clans
CS: finnish 4on4 ladder: activity: 2.087, 8.428 clans
50% of the games beats ET in activity mate.
Et is so shitty in CB's opinion that they dont give cash @ EC anymore and doesent give a fuck about cheaters, so boicot if you wanna, they wont care or ask ''pls come back play''