Sprint Script

I have reinstalled my ET. Forgot to send my cfg etc to my e-mail. Thats why i wanna ask if any of you who has the sprint script, could send it too me , or post it here.

thnx in advance

GrTz SpaceKees
bind shift +speed
download cfg from ur profile
what kind of script u mean?
/bind x "+attack; +sprint; -sprint; -attack" - Replace sprint with whatever the command for sprinting is.

It's something similar to that anyway, although I find it disgusting that you use such a thing, Mr Outlaw, given our history - You are truely defiling what it means to be sly, or perhaps your epitomising it, hmmm, this bears some consideration.
bind MOUSE1 +vstr shoot noshoot"
set shoot "+attack; +sprint"
set noshoot "-attack; -sprint"
set sprintOn "+attack; +sprint"
set sprintOff "-attack; -sprint"
BIND x "weaponbank 7; cg_autoreload 0; cg_drawgun 1; bind mouse1 +attack"
BIND x "weaponbank 6; cg_autoreload 0; cg_drawgun 1; bind mouse1 +attack"
BIND x "weaponbank 5; cg_autoreload 0; cg_drawgun 1; bind mouse1 +attack"
BIND x "weaponbank 4; cg_autoreload 0; cg_drawgun 1; bind mouse1 +attack"
BIND x "weaponbank 3; cg_autoreload 0; cg_drawgun 0; bind mouse1 +vstr sprintOn sprintOff"
BIND x "weaponbank 2; cg_autoreload 1; cg_drawgun 0; bind mouse1 +attack"
BIND x "weaponbank 1; cg_autoreload 0; cg_drawgun 1; bind mouse1 +attack"

BIND x "kill; forcetapout; weaponbank 3; cg_autoreload 0; cg_drawgun 0; bind mouse1 +vstr sprintOn sprintOff"

//east jump
bind x "com_maxfps 85; set pmove_fixed 1; +movedown; +back; wait 17; -back; -movedown; wait 80; +sprint; +forward; wait 4; +moveup; wait 90; -moveup; -forward; -sprint; com_maxfps 76"

//depo jump
bind x "com_maxfps 85; +forward; +sprint; wait 8; +moveup; -sprint; wait 24; -moveup; wait 80; -forward; com_maxfps 76"
wtf is depo and east jump sd? :(
noob script, for those who cant do the back/east jump at sd :)
it just makes the jump more reliable. there nothing more sucky the wasting 10 seconds on a jump you didnt make.
10 seconds for the east jump? xD 2 seconds imo but nexus helps me a lil bit
got a reliable sniper-script too? :)
ye, m_pitch 40
dit is de geheim outlaw 007
i want to have your toggle-aimbot script ;)
what I saw, yes its pretty damn good.
so i need it 2 :D
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hoi pim
outlawie leider!
and I thought multihack would be enough, guess I was wrong :(
hi loekino
CHMPP my friend :D

ik wist wel dat die overdrive me zou helpen !

thnx man ;)

Hi to Aeqz!

<3 to Loekino !
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