Polish Valentine ?


I need some polish translation in order to say to my gf :
"Happy Valentine's day, Honey ! I miss you"

I only know "Kocham cie" ^^

Wasz twarz (wobec) obraża mnie

Somebody might want to clean that up a bit, but it should do the trick :>

ż = z with a dot on top of it.
What do U use to translate that :o hammer pointed at little niggah ?:>
Yup. My Polish skills are really as good as the translator I use :>
It's not even correct.
With PL letters:
Szczęśliwych walentynek Kochanie! Tęsknie za Tobą.
No PL letters
Szczesliwych walentynek kochanie ! Tesknie za Toba.
Some PL letters are like GER o with double dots.... I can help by saying this on vent or ts... :)
This is the one you should follow. The others are total bullshit and mean nothing nice. Good luck!
Twoja matka 0nazwala mnie tygryskiem ostatniej nocy

Warning! Use on own risk :P
n1ce, but risk = high warning !!
Poland <3 Poland twoja stara Poland <3 Poland
virtual GF from poland?
He fell in love with some random Polish Hacker using Lovehax or smth
it's you cause i fell in love with u now as well! =(
Ujebala misia pszczola o ty kurwo misio wola !!!
Za me jeki za me bole rozpierdole wszystkie ule :P
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