licid is teh love

btw I want to thank licid in specific for helping us out.

When melkor's powersupply blew up his pc and his video card was damaged licid immediately gave us him his spare video card to play with

<3 thats real sportmanship imo

thumbs up

oh and the fucking bella center airco fucked up my lips and also perfo's

(15:06:14) (fanperfo) what you doing..? you have nice body, nice face..
gogo licid
i wanna thank marijn :d
lentokone is back! btw we are in finals now :P!
yes. we won efax, zak and qyz with Exe :d
Licid was really nice also @ CPC (even I met his gf :o)
you looked in the mirror? ;-)
licid is always nice

nicest guy of ET tbh
you forgot me :<
no i didnt
dont lie :'<
Sorry to Keran (I think) that I had to plug out my power socket you borrowed =D
Generous guy!
love is in the air
and hate is everywhere
Quotegave us him his

whine! :-d
knoop in je zakdoek
thank you rbnt & (rest) for the journal
and for a fun event!:)
LiciD you are so nice <3
Quoteoh and the fucking bella center airco fucked up my lips and also perfo's

TBH we need 2 thank you more otherwise the polish wreck crew had no pc's 2 play on THX
kot owned on perfo's pc, but he removed his hacks :(
Licid makes me so horny...
He even makes me do naughty things...
you still have the 518? i still got the 500:P
Yup, I treat it tenderly... :p
my lips are fcked too ;D
licid my hero! :P
I want to thank one of the coke chiks for making me a little bit happier every time i looked at here xD
lol blaze xD
hoi rbnt
Quote(15:06:14) (fanperfo) what you doing..? you have nice body, nice face..

i lol'd
licid mag ik je handtekening?
Nice thanks licid! :-D
LiciD for Crossfire-Verdienstkreuz! <3
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