
Why no extra news + column + interview etc for his comeback to fight against dignitas? <3

impact gaming .:. mystic, Xpaz, Tiigeri, Raveneye, Mztik, teKoa, Mikza
n1 fanboying
write some. Wanna know everything about it :O
sign his dick with your nick =)
is he back again?
For what team is he playing? :o)

lolol they got the real mystic and the faker :D
I heard he is replacing you in zP, but ich hatte angst to post about it. :)

update: Nah, why did you write lineup? It isn't secret anymore, omg :(
butchji 2 evo (impact manager): "will you kick mystic for me?"

the answer was yes, OLOLO !
lies.. i never answered yes at all, mind who i was playing with said yes :P
so it seems that he comes back cuz he will find the ultimate quest ? (aka challenge* :DD)

i wish him good luck

we will see what he can do against dignitas
when mystic was playing wars, i was playing ET on public's only
n1 lineup

<3 teKoa!
overrated boy

du aber auch loekinO
seriously; never "heil" him or he'll start growing a little mustache and talking in austrian tongues!
mät loekäno hätten wär den krrieg nächt verlorrren!
where's Torspo?
ye! we need more men like him! 8[
i stopped playing actively. rew-sfx match was my last hicimatsi.
no jauhis no win :(

looking forward to his panzer skills
second that!
I might start watching ETTV again with these new revelations.

I for one, welcome our new Finnish overlords.
hauska läppä.
Too much finnish ppl. 2 weeks
Mikza ? LOL pls:(
mystic and mztik combined will wil in it allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
image: dvic493
get shine back and you might just win :P
Wonder how they separate mystic and mztik in comms!
easy, just mystic and hmzzzzz tik
or just use their irl names?
Seems someones got our comms bugged who do you work for? CIA or FBI?
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