ET Like Spectator Sport?

Do any of you support clans like sports teams? I mean, we can all watch them on ETTV, so do you have favourite clans to watch and hope that they win in tournies?

tbh, Dignitas were always the clan I supported until they disbanded. Now it's a toss up between zP! and Dignitas. I support zP! when they play each other though ;D

Ye zP! ftw!

old uq-team, gunslingers, parodia, dsky, old wA! and ofc old dignitas were nice as well ;)
lets all buy caps with "zP!" on it
Definitely NOT CwG, let's keep that straight... Otherwise, it's zP!, they are the only ones able to defeat Idle/Dignitas, in about 6 months.
I always support the team with the less arrogant players
so u support only low-teams?
I know many low teams with arrogant players :P
Knö I Hörn != arrogant
no there are med-high :>>>

but u are right the kih guys are more funny than arrogant
only clan i was ever interested in watching @ ETTV was parodia.
only watch Mystic @ ETTV
When they play, Impact. :)
rtcw-times i'd used to support rewind and gamepoint the most. ET-times not that much support except last/this season i was rooting for amenti/cdap
Agreed with rew
I love you !
GMPO > rew imo
Teams changes to often to see get supported like sport teams are.
And if there were 5 or 6 teams always fighting for the top and not only idlingnitas owning everybody, it would be easier have a real following of events as supporters.

btw, when I was a new born ETplayer, I supported wArning! and my Spaindr3am was to join them. Now it's all over.
I was and still am a RaZiel fanboi :(
The only thing i saw from raziel in ET was mamarosa, and it's not enough to be his fanboy.
You can't capture natural skill on a frag vid ;)

The guy was a fantastic aim, if not the best at the time. Plus his RtCW and CS:S stuff was awesome too.
I dont really have some1 that is a must...

But like zP! couse of the players there and the gamestyle they are playing...+ all members are skilled AND nice! ;)
old parodia and clans that my teammates play with (141). when bored, speccing dignitas raping some other team and speccing night ofc !
wtf, dont you spec lepari?
I'm an impact-gaming fanboi since Juha plays there!
I thought you are a mystic fanboi. :)
A true fanboi knows the real name of his idol!
juha = soup slovenian
i only spec lepari on ettv, and perfo if i want a shoutout
i used to watch almost all ettv games of kreaturen and parodia
i dunno, murso is one of the teams that i really enjoy spectating, very underrated team with nice guys.
tbh i like watching 141
amenti ftw
DSky and oldschool wArning was nice.
old 141 <3
Dsky was teh best!
They were good, but I didn't like their attitude ingame though...
old negative-image in battery! the ettv chat on those games was just so fucking hilarious :D
141 and zp

and any clan that might be able to beat dignitas cause imo its bad for the game that they are on top for such a long time
Im sure team-latvia has the most supporters, we are rly UBER pros.
all perfo games!
i support the better one
butchji is clearly a delight to spectate :O
Impact and KiH!

EDIT: Oh, and NETR, if kot reads this...
i support mystic! hes the best that ever lived it, the best that ever did it!
DTEKT. <333
mth vs. plan-B
i support the team with the mouthiest players . or the funniest - usually the same thing
clans i know someone in, anything else is rarely worth watching. I've always saw ET to be too slow and boring to be a spectator sport, get fun to play of course but watch, no. The game doesn't need faster maps to fix this, it needs faster movements with more blow n' go maps as apposed to the blow and end maps we have now.

darky potter fan over here :D
I like to watch low skill clans :>
I usually cheer for people I know pretty well.

I think I really started cheering for teams back when parodia was here; I don't remember cheering for any clans before that, well maybe besides old dignitas (I was a fanboi). At the moment I am cheering very much for zeroPoint, cause I know most of the guys there and the same goes for Impact gaming :)
DSky.grip, sae.:sic & Drc/Mirage! :o
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