Germans to CPC2...

Does anyone by any chance pass through Bremen on their way to CPC2?

It's much cheaper for the Finns to fly to Germany Bremen rather than Netherlands Amsterdam, only problem is, the train into Holland costs a bomb. Would be nice if some kind soul would be able to pick Finland Lepari, Finland Iron and Finland Squall up from Bremen and take them to CPC2 with you.

Query me on IRC ( [141`et]Sheep ) if you would be kind enough to do so.
are u their dad and their manager? n1ce job for sure
They pay me in buttsecks ;)
haha wasnt "a friend" good enough ;D. a better edit th0
Damn you, fast refresher.
i'll pick up squall

i dont trust the others
iron is the only one not cheating (2low)
well i dont know about sqzz, i mean lepari, but squall is 2high for cheats
lepari is mystic, I'm sure u want mystic in your car!
we both know thats not true cos it would be really boring if i had to talk to myself all that time :[
its worth it to go check out amsterdam!
I live in Bremen and want to go. So anyone there who could pick me up from there as well? :D
You're 23 years old! Buy a car and drive there yourself (picking the guys up on the way of course).
the car I drive is owned by my gf, and she doesn't want me to drive on the Autobahn with it, cause the engine is supposed to die at velocities above 50 mph :D
btw. Everyone who comes from Scandinavia by car HAS to pass Bremen.
QuoteIt's much cheaper for the Finns to fly to Bremen rather than Amsterdam

rent a car. If you divide it shouldn't be this expensive.
i have a bike you can rent it
train from bremen to enschede ~ 50-60

meet me after 1 hour in lohne nP
Ich fahr vermutlich über Osnabrück und steig dann um in den Intercity, keinen Bock auf Münster.

Cheapest Train from Bremen to Enschede is 4 hours btw :P
lohne => OS ICE bis münster => bimmelbahn nach enschede ~ 3:40 38 €
Osnabrück! Komm mich besuchen :D
I will fly to Dusseldorf and someone will drive me to Enschede, nP for me.
ye but them finnish guys dont like to suck dick
This joke wasn't very funny, duroh. :(
one of the worst ive ever read on xfire, to be honest.
:O) i tried sorry
hum... i lol'd @ it :D
if anyone lands in dortmund i might be able to pick him up if i get the car for the weekend
how much does it cost to go from Frankfurt by IC train or smth?
50€ one way, lol.
The system is a bit complicated in Germany. There are many special tickets and stuff. You should be able to get it cheaper.
around 50€
but if want exact costs you have to phone them due to the country change
Huh what a price, and one way only. :(

Quote from seppo räty suits here "saksa on paska maa".
there is a solution :O
there exists something called "Niedersachsenticket".
5 persons for 26€ across the states of Bremen and Lower Saxony for a whole day on regional trains. From Bremen to Osnabrück for 5.20€ is not that expensive, at least if you get 5 people.
Austria head will go to Germany chaoz by Poland car, then they will take the train to munich meeting Anonymous me, taking the train to collogne, gathering up with Germany Uli Schulze aka. FlyingDJ, who will drive us to Netherlands Enschede
cu there!
du hast melkohr vergessen
what are the exact dates for the lan again ?
and if possible the address too
I would drive them if I had a car and lived in Bremen ( or close ) Just to be nice...! ;)

GL on ur search
you live near bremen tbh
I heard sheep is shitting in his pants cause he will get raped at lan. HF THERE!
i can pick you up in belgium sheep :-) :d
if anyone of them have a driving license they can rent a car in bremen and drive by themself :>>>
wieviel kostet das
was willste fahren?

wenn du mit ner s-klasse fahren willst is es natürlich teurer als ein opel astra preise
4tage = 4x65euro is ja tuerer als zug
gibt sicher noch günstigere angebote bei vorbestellung und so nem smart 4 aber damit hab ich mich jetzt zu wenig beschäfitg (mein tip örtliche autovermietung sprich keine sixt europcar etc pp.)
smart LOL, wenn ich über die autobahn fahre, dann bitte mindestens 160kmh
in Netherlands vmax 120 :> hF mit den strafzetteln :>>>
enschede liegt doch sowieso an der grenze, die meiste zeit fahr ich über deutsche autobahnen :<
welche mittlerweile auch auf 130 beschränkt ist :(

aber cya :DD
bremen - amsterdam 51,10 EUR

verstehe jetzt nicht, was daran teuer ist. Gruppenermäßigungen/Bahncards/etc noch gar nicht berücksichtigt
Going by bike is even cheaper
lets meet in gemany and then lets rent a bus or smth :X
I live in Bremen too, and I can just verify the answer of Cutty. Just buy the ticket called Niedersachsenticket which provides full support for 5 people [imho within 24 hours], with this you drive to Osnabrück.
After that you have to invest money for a normal train ticket which will be probably around 20 to 25 €.

30 € each person, sounds like a good deal?!
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