With this avi I don't want to change the result of the match mQ - cZar, just want to show that rocky's way of aiming isnt natural.

See for yourself ... I think the 'snapping' is clearly some humanized aimbot. Don't hate me if I'm wrong, just my opinion.
Nice tracking rocky! gg

sorry ziff ik zie t nie
i played vs him 2 hours ago or something.. this guy is becoming strange day by day... (he had 55acc in final of round)...

agre with u...
> me? for sure loled.. rocky > me, yes... but u and your mates? lol cry more cry
i could not care less, czar r a bunch of noobs anyway
Is this a trailer or are you trying to bust cheaters? I like the config, but the crosshair sucks. Looking forward to the full movie!
:) <3 (Shewie made it!)
yep, uber super aim, i played him tonight, he is playing in a team with busted players... like Repsol,
and in that avi, when they are in the final of the bridge, he does a nice switch between 3 pp
same as mAus, but did he get busted? :O
you must be a close friend
nope not really,just attentionwhoring really =)
busted imho, this is just the snapping im used to when i inject my et.exe with etx.exe...

looking forward to cb's reaction.
donka jij moet je bek dicht houde kut cheater
joo vittu vastaa vaa hollanniks, assyil nähää
The force is strong in this one!

Nice video btw, music and quality <3

Tho i hate you and your fellow belgians. </3
I'd like to see some more of your endearing, sarcastic, phenomenal comments, or I'll force the vast, tremendous Kingdom of China to invade your culturaly advanced Japan. <3
No problem, the People's Republic of India has a few great artist left to protect its cultural heritage.

ps: FU communist pig, i hope we once meet in battle
fix your limited beneluxland connection and we might ! ;P
i'll have a look at my router next weekend :P
Please dont use In flames when making movies about fucktards.
strange but not impossible to do. need more!
check braundorf axis, doublekill at flag if u want to see something weird :)
But tbh, he didnt do anything impossible.
let me guess, rocky aka mize pro ownator.NL ?
i think so too but thats not such strange tbh
except he was busted like a month ago or something for using a wallhack :D
yeah but if he was rly wallhacking all the time i ask u why he didnt showed some stupid actions like aiming through walls like in this suspicious demo perfo and qyz posted

imho no hack just a talented player
My point is I couldn't care less about this clip, he was caught using a wallhack, why isn't he banned already? At this clip I can't see shit, and it can't prove any hacking activity, but the other clip which was presented a month ago did.
true the other clip proved that he used wallhack!!!

and he should be banned for that when we ban every cheater out of the scene but we didnt!!

but i trust him with the excuse that he cheated to stop et coz he did it too obviously!!! and he tried it many times before and cant stop :>>> (i talked smth with him about this)

but at least i dont care coz we got to many hackers in our scene :>>>
oprotten jij , hij gebruikt niks en ook nooit gedaan .
rocky aint mize.
No, miSe was playing aswell.
Not even SLIGHTLY suspicious what's so bad about this?
song name ?
btw rocky = random 60% acc guy like you find it in every 3on3 nowadays
where is the problem :D ?
In Flames - Whoracle
No hacks tbh, the only thing suspicious in that clip is how those cZar guys are unhittable. They should be banned for upload abuse imo.
Caught SPEEDHACK (i know it does not exist for ET but anyway)
Caught for some known multihack bot (allthough some years ago)

I don't say he cheats but getting +55 or +60% acc @ telenet makes me suspicous
Soz dude...
are you telling me his ip has been the same for 2 years?
what's strange about that?
rafiki is alwetend en alziend!
i dont see anything rong :S

hes just good

and if you call this hax then prolly all EC players use hax cause you see this all the time on ETTV

and besides rocky aint THAT good ... he has his days like every1 els


(01:30:53) (ag0n`) hMg|_apEx_ there?
(01:33:01) —› part: (ag0n`) ([email protected]) (#Pillars)
(01:33:02) —› join: (ag0n`) ([email protected]) (#hmgaming)
(01:46:10) —› nick: (ag0n`) is now known as (ag0n`off)

plz do NOT start to ask questions about rocky, to me or any of the hMg members
rocky is not in hMg anymore and not for his "cheats" (what he dosent have) but for other reasons
damn, you have discovered the secret of pr0 gaming, cheating

thou shall not spread your knowledge!
i pm u because i want rocky demo for the war that we played... thought he is hmg
demo's or replays, plz
I've been looking awhile now :'(
Rocky is just a strong player !!! He can't cheat ! I am his fan :(

Rocky :<

Ok, he is a cheater :(
dont see the hax in this tbh .. just another "lets whine after we loose omgz the oppo hax" avi

Ati_ /love mine + nade
Niet te naïf jij .... je hebt in het begin van ET nog een tijdje met mensen in je team die cheats gebruikten gespeeld. Ik denk dat je wel weet hoe je ze moet verdedigen!
en jij weet hoe je mensen moet beschuldigen ;x
in mijn team hebben nooit mensen cheats gebruikt .. het werd wel vaak verondersteld door mensen die ook niet tegen hun verlies konden. (zoals mesq)
De enige waar iets over gezegd kan worden is AlexL, die ook onmiddelijk uit het team is gezet zodra er geruchten waren over dat hij cheatte. Hij heeft dan ook geen enkele official war meegespeeld, dus leed zal hij niemand berokkend hebben.
En ik blijf erbij dat die avi die je daar gepost hebt gewoon belachelijk is .. mensen zien gewoon dingen die ze willen zien ..
rocky is just sexy
i lold xDD
nothing strange imo
dont see any hax in this.
who played for mQ anyways
Rocky, Leonneke, Ati_ , Mize, Kitty & me

I don't think this is an aimbot, but I would say show it to the admin and let him judge.
You can't get bused for scenes like this. But I wouldn't be surprised if he uses a humanized aimbot. They are so tuned that you can't detect them nowadays.
i've looked at it and although suspicous i cant issue ban's for this kind of evidence, his snapping is very quick though but a lot of top players are just as quick, this is a selection clip of a whole match he played in which i have reviewed and cant find anything to suggest aimbot. At this time rocky could be just a very good player and i wont rule that out.
I know you can't issue a ban for this, but it's not up to me to decide that now is it?
i just watched it i coulden't see anything that made me curious about aimbot i tried to see what you were talkin about how hard is it to aim at someone whos not even shotin back :/ he had all time he needed and i could see the enimes at the same time and even myself could have traced like that
ps if he was cheatin :P that pistol sucked cock ^^ :P seems like a great player
wel sielig om zo met je verlies om te gaan
no cheats, dont cry bb
ging gut rA1n
who was rocky anyway?
didnt see anything that made me think he used hax.
i hate you because you are wrong...and about the "snapping", please... you lost to a better team
het gewhine komt altijd na het verliezen
iig, iedereen kan dit ;o zoals fuchs al zei
als je rocky egt wilt busten laat dan pb screens zien ofzow
dan geloof ik het pas.
alsof er iemand stom genoeg is om een cheat te gebruiken die geen clean pbss feature heeft :x. op die manier kan je dus nooit iemand busten
jonge.. ph4ge dikke mongool, hoe zijn al die anderen gebust dan met pbss ;o iig.. wat ik wil zeggen is, kom met bewijs en niet met een .mp4 die alleen maar laat zien hoe hard hij eund want iedereen kan wat hij daar doet ;o jij dan weer niet :P maar ik wel =D
fusenbust? mensen gepakt omdat ze in tracker zaten? vanq heeft nooit een vieze pbscreen gehad hoor? mize had ook gewoon schone screens volgens mij. de beste manier om zulke mensen te pakken is door demo's samen te vatten, hoewel dit natuurlijk geen sterk voorbeeld is :p
jonge omdat jij niet zo kan tracken betekent het niet dat iemand anders die het wel kan in eens cheat ;o imo ga je heel dignitas eerst (proberen te) busten ofzo lol want die tracken allemaal zo.. niets verdachts aan, het leuke is.. dat alle lowskillers denken dat het hax is maar iedereen die die een beetje highskill gespeelt heeft er niets verdachts aan ziet ;o
man wat lul je nou, ik zeg toch nergens dat rocky een cheater is? ik zeg alleen dat er meer mogelijkheden zijn om mensen te pakken naast pbss
die manieren die jij bedoeld bewijzen niets, dat probeer ik te zeggen
1) dit is geen gewhine
2) ik had duidelijk vermeld dat dit niks te maken had met het resultaat vd match.
3) ieder team heeft wel eens een mindere dag
aimbot op een ss?
most obviously mulsu and rocky use the same hax!!11
no cheats imo o_o

btw mQ > mesq het zag er niet uit gisteren
looks strange to me, i'd say upload more demo's
No one was shooting back at him and there was like 6 allied players, the flicking happens sometimes when there's that many enemies and you dont no which one to shoot at so you switch in between them all
he isnt cheating and he always plays for his acc not more <3
aimonly is so retarded, no gamesense at all
why should i be jealous on a noname aimonly tard?
noname lol'd your noname to me + many others...
did you actually try to flame me?
not rly noname
He is banned by Clanbase for using cheats, how can a clan want to play with him? and how can the admins of the cup allow him to play?
afaik he is not banned by clanbase, if you have information to the contrary then please by all means give it to me
He is not? Well thats a bit strange, there was a demo out 1-2 months ago that clearly showed that he used wallhack, nothing like this demo xD, and he admited himself that he used wallhack when the demo was published. So if he now dident get banned something is wrong with the system imo.
Blaze i am relying on CB C&A to determine bans, much like crossfire dont have the resources to do it themselves for CPC2 neither do i for ET Masters, i had never heard of this guy, afaik he is not banned @ CB so thats why i had no issue with him playing. The demo of him playing is "dodgy" yes but its so impossible to determine the reality when it comes to aimbots that he may or may not be using, not enough for me to ban on at the moment
Ye i understand mate, tbh i toght he was banned and therefor it seemed very strange. have a good time mate xD
You're talking about mize not rocky... And that demo was posted 5 months ago now ;o
who is rocky then? o_?
Another Dutch guy..
uhm about who are you talking?
rocky isnt mize
you should see the scene, where he tracks one guy through wall at the big radar spawn house
this is called aiming, maybe you can learn from it
you should be ashamed by keep on playing ET =)
atleast i have aim to keep on playing ET, which is some sort of goal cant say that about you so why are you still playing?
oe dies hard :D
nah, ik ben 3x zo hard nP
cya @ enschede kleine rakker, we praten daar wel verder

edit: cheats =/= aim .... eens een cheater altijd een cheater kleine hiawatta
Als er iemand niet kan komen en wij mogen dat team vervangen zullen we je zeker zien in Enschede :) wees daar maar zeker van!
blij dat te horen :)
His aim_fov is too high. Spec him on braundorf and you will see the aimbot. Ah ok you are a cheater too...
that's not an aimbot LoL
Rocky for team NL imo.
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