(23:19:05) (@eVo`i[EM]) guys final decision
(23:19:12) (@eVo`i[EM]) Battery replacing frost

so battery will be replacing frost_final now on the next round of etmasters cup!

lul, now we just gotta start praccing/learning battery instead of frost_final, doesnt really matter for us then h3h3!
learning? nice being new sk00l giftwrapper
i actually just wanted to make clear that we dont know frost_final yet :-( did i miss that hard?
Make sure you all have the map downloaded!
Hey, Jasper.

Ik vond het weer is tijd om eens gezellig met jou te praten. Ik vroeg me dus af of jij nog steeds naar de CPC #2 gaat... als je gaat dan stel ik voor dat we lekker samen van een lekker koud biertje gaan genieten. Ik hoop dat je belangstelling hebt.

met vriendelijke groet,

Hey damir,

dat lijkt me een uitstekend idee.


Spring op je bezem en bol het af!
bad news! :<

I smell a Panzer movie. :p
well this was not a decision i made on my own, i did have mass conversation in the private channel with all the clan leaders and we all agreed on this since current version of forst final is just a total full hold map
tnX for listening -.-
But why battery?
Battery is completely the opposite of frost_final. One is a fast paced map which teams don't really know yet, the other has been played and spammed into perfection. One will give you quick rounds, and who wins can depend on lotto. The other will just mean double fullholds.

I agree with replacing frost_final, but I don't think Battery is the right map to replace it with.
? now ur saying battery is a lotto map?

im not so sure about that mate.. dont really agree!
Battery is anything but a lotto map, read more carefully. ;O)

Frost_final is a lotto map, Battery is just a map where you'll see loads of fullholds.
good day for enemy territory!
Sounds good, battery has always been one of my favorites
oldschool map ownz
what a day, what a night for the enemy territory community, eVo saved the people from disaster:D
good, frost_comp is the biggest bullshit map in ET's history.
hf img :DDD
Frost_comp is shit, but i hate battery as well :(
battery > all
mystic > all
battery > mystic
mystic is already > all so what your saying doesn't make any sense
yes it doesnt :]
you wont go to cpc2 anywayz
frost_comp isnt shit at all
the new version just fucked everything up
need to fix the fixes and it might have potential

and <3 battery
agree with u totally, the map has potential, just not b3
Battery keeps you going!
battery will be the default map however will be played with 0 mines which is not typical in current config. Thats a fair play agreement and if teams dont stick to the rule they will forfeit the map. So nobody gets to say i accidently dropped a mine which caused a 6 man kill (directed at you here hummel).

However since it is late notice to change the map if both teams agree on an alternate map then they may play that. If they cannot agree battery is forced.

I think other admins of different cups (clanbase?? hehe), should see what u do...

U took all the players in charge of the clans participating and talked with them, about a problem that obviously was the map frost_comp,and u listened to them, and solved it very well.

Thanx mate. well done!
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