omg >.< cheater

- I played last night with my clan 3on3 against med or med+,and i discovered that we were playing against a cheater.

- guid: 2188AC18E1570A4D5AAB990F052983E64C39CCA9

- link:

- name : aka destiny

- he was proud about it :[
oh noez

btw ot_logo = old :>
wat een retard ben jij , lol

cheaterSSSSS ? ik en paris hekde sowieso niet en die gozer ken ik niet :D dus ja , zo vreemd schoot/deed die niet maargoed

nais 1 bust btw ot_logo
wat mij betreft wel een bust ja, wtf doet ot_logo = 1 anders in iemands cfg?
ikheb eens het verhaal gehoord dat alle israeliers die cvar hebben omdat LION hem in zn cfg had staan ;)
toen we tege hem speelde viel het miss. nie op dat hij cheate maar ,Tis gewoon het feit dat hem cheat/ge cheat heeft.


(am I that stupid to use cheats on a brand new pc?)

toch wel :x
Tis gewoon het feit dat hem cheat/ge cheat heeft.

ok welke cheat?

zet jij is voor de grap ( WEL DOEN ) /ot_logo 1 in je config
en dan ff je yawnen enzo , kijk je yawn
hoppa zelfde melding :]]] ->>> FUKKING CHEATER
I guess you said that I got ot_logo 1 on my config.. well I dont have it on 1.. I have it on 0.. that's the fucking problem..
( 05:55:01 ) <+luger{destiny> tell them that this is my new pc.. and im not that fucked up to cheat with it
( 05:55:33 ) <+luger{destiny> and here is the link tomy old pc yawn stat.. only a month ago: yawn
Hey m!das thanks for helping.. now listen you guys.
here is the link to my old pc yawn: Old PC Yawn
and here is the link to my new pc that i've bought only a month ago: New PC Yawn
now, am I that stupid to use cheats on a brand new pc? i'm playing ET for like 4 years now.. I dont need that stupid hax..
and that ot_logo shit is on 0 on my cfg.. I dont know why it's on 1 @ .. maybe some bug or smth.. I tihnk 'cArt' had that problem a few days ago.. I remember smth with that that I was looking for an explanation..
well.. that's all I have to say to you.. cu'zz
So you've played ET longer than it has excisted?
uhmm ET is from 2001 :=
I think you got some dates wrong mate :)
Oké 3 and a half years.
Release date: May 29, 2003

so it can be almost 4 years :P
I know wikipedia says that, but are u sure that's true... I recall trying ET already like november 2002
and I started playing ET actively on publics spring 2003 when it wasn't brand new game anymore
maybe, was there one?
think there was one but I'm not 100% sure of it.
I started to play 1 month after ET released.. it's about 4 years ago i'm not counting.. so 3.9 or smth..
why the hell is ot_logo in your cfg anyway
Quoteand that ot_logo shit is on 0 on my cfg..

why the fuck did he put it in his config in the first place???
I dont know really.. :P
ok, but why do you (cheat) with your new pc and not with your old 1. If i buy a new pc i'm not going to (cheat) with it.
i will do it with my old 1, imo

so (maybe i bust him) o.O
dikke saas!
old. *edit, edit, edit*
on my new PC I got alot more FPS then the old one.. so now I can aim perfectly.. and schNee I dont belive you saying that on me! i'm an old delite6 player! and you'v seen me play alot of times
and im guessing that u were that allies covertops on TC_Base.. am I right? <3
pls dont tell me its rly u? btw i wasnt the cov.

maybe im wrong and all the others too, because i dont believe that u cheat at the time we played together.
ye it is me.. u know im not cheat. you saw my ability on delite6.. and I told u that I got lame FPS.. now I got like 125 stable FPS on TC_Base and I can aim alot more better.. and on the old PC I had like 30 FPS or smth.. ;/ it crashed so I cant check now..
i know about ur probs with ur lame fps......... so guy i believe ya. <3
btw how r u? :)
i'm kinda pissed cuz of that low skilled JIMINI.. ;/ but my new PC make me feel better :P how 'bout ya?
(but my new PC make me feel better)

:O no wonder
fine thx. so no worries, have fun with ur new pc. cya
thx cu <3 at least the best looking girl in ET belive me ^^
LOL, you saying JIMINI is lowskilled.. so you the 4 year hard practiced man who played in "delite6" like to play lowskillers.. is that how you get skilled?? gg
if i'm playing 4 years so i'm not allowed to play with my friends vs low skillers?.. and how can I find a high skilled match @ 5 o'clock in morning?
I'm not saying it's not allowed. After 4 years you know Mirc I hope, there you will find a nice match to play..(but that high skilled.. don't think about it!)
lol.. stfu man.. IRC quakenet.. and lets see you finding a match @ 5 o'clock @ morning.. im playing vs alot of high skilled and im pwning.. ZP AUX NETR SUB VIB isnt skilled enought?
im loosing cuz im playing with 2 med-/+ players.. but I still owning.. if that what u want to know ;/
im loosing cuz im playing with 2 med-/+ players.. but I still owning.. if that what u want to know ;/

OMG now I loled!!!

I though you were saying that they were low skilled..
it's the same shit.. ;/ low-med look same to me..
and that's what I said: i'm not allowed to play with my friends vs low skillers?
so big deal.. I wrote low and not med skillers.. it's the same in game
jimini is not the cheater ...
well.. i'm off to bed.. good "night"
happybirthday LERAXT ! ! ! <3
HI SUP hax0r?
how ya 'doin? :P
cheaters should get banned from cb and esl and other leagues for like 8months or more , like razz
if this is that destiny that used to play @ cesky&slovensky server, then he is surely not a cheater
no im not that destiny . . .
cvartriangl for attentionwhores, sure he didnt cheated but gl with a CB ban :D
Played vs. them yesterdayeve as well. Didn't cheat.

ye ye :)
he pwns zP,,Aux,,Vib .. why we dont see him @ ETTV or sumthing..?
remember the Allu's story :)
maybe aux are just naabs :/ ?
you'll hear about me in the future :)
what can I say.. unlucky? it just that not all like jews on they clans.. and cuz no one heard about me so they dont want to take me on a highskilled clan.. that's all the big deal.
stupid retards looking for cvar bans.
they proof absolutely nothing.
agree every drunk retard can type /ot_logo 1 in console and get baned then :D
Hi brother
I'd like to play against him and see teh cheat
we will play sometime :)
ok, last question;

if it was a joke why he play then for a hole mond long with the config on public and clansrv.??

-and the old pc you played like 2 monds ago.
I didnt got the question ;/ what joke are u talking about?
why I played with the command OT_LOGO on the new pc?
I didnt played with the commad on "1" it was on "0".. never mind.. all ur bullshit talking crap.. now i've fixed it an I start a new page on Yawn crap..

and where the fuck u see that i played only 2-3 monthds ago on my old pc? look @ the dates again IMO..

*EDIT* the config that im using on the new pc is the same config that i had on the old pc.. i copied it to my mp4.. and i got that config for a year or even more.. so i added that command sometime for sure.. i cant remember the reason.. ;/
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