Clanbase is killing ET!

With all the controvercies regarding ET decisions in the past from hackers to changes in the map pool, their is only 1 direction to point at, no its not crossfire , its clanbase!

Who wanted to change from 6on6 to 5on5 but couldnt due to the rejecting community --> Clanbase

Who is not tough enough on cheaters, causing all the controvery it does within the crossfire community --> Clanbase

Who has decided to remove supply from its map pool for the upcoming OC and EC season --> Clanbase

The whine surrounding the OC groups --> Clanbase

Yeah what im saying is obvious, but why have leagues such as ESL and WL not recieved the same crticism? Its obvious clanbase are going wrong in many departments in trying to run this game, personally im not that fussed, but its obvious their are many people out their that clearly are bothered by the actions of this organisation.

The constant deprive of the game is very much in their hands, so i dont see why people often tend to point the finger towards TosspoT or crossfire in general.

If you want to stop the demise of this game, then its only in the hands of 2 groups, clanbase, and the community, but it is in the hand of the latter to help control the decisions made by what are you waitin for, backup ur speech by actually tryin to do something about it..
why would you rip ET it is allready a free game ://
It wasn't a serious comment man :p just don't brake the chain
U got a point there m8 ...

this kind of point ?
i knew it !!! =P <3
what oc div r you with kps?
should be fun
i think lars/ kip rated us as 1 or 2 or smthing like that

what group are you in ?
4, anyways gl man
this journal wont change anything ...
I think bSTURZ are just about fine in 3rd div tbh.
after seeing us in some pracc you dont want to have us as an opponent in premier league?
You got me confused there, grats.
lol me to

nice engrish
all play COD2 !!!
nice journal u hit the right point m8
ban clanbase
blabla, love the flame every CB season
Cb is making some big mistakes atm, true
Lol, Warleagues did also a lot of things wrong. People just care more about Clanbase than anything else.

Imo, Clanbase should be happy about the amount of whine they get. It shows that the community still massively care about what they do. The day CB doesn't get any whine (or not that much), they should be worried.
gij stomme neger (<3randdebielen)
smeukie, ga is op vindieceejtor whine.
QuoteWho wanted to change from 6on6 to 5on5 but couldnt due to the rejecting community --> Clanbase

Who was the only one who dared to give it a real change and then changed it back to 6on6 by listening to the community --> ClanBase

QuoteWho is not tough enough on cheaters, causing all the controvery it does within the crossfire community --> Clanbase

Do you know how hard it is to ban cheater with 100% full proof evidence. Have you ever thought for ONE second if you would get banned because someone faked proof. ClanBase wants to be 100% sure so ppl don't fall victim of pranks. Busting cheaters takes time. Over the past weeks over 67 cheaters have been busted in ET. Join up @ if you still think it isn't going too fast. Starting doing something yourself.

QuoteWho has decided to remove supply from its map pool for the upcoming OC and EC season --> Clanbase

Perhaps you might not like it, but the whine considering supply is out is REALLY LOW and that can only mean one thing...most players agree.

QuoteThe whine surrounding the OC groups --> Clanbase

OC groups are made by only a few people that have limited information and HENCE why they have stated that changes can and will be made. The amount of hours going into making these groups is more than you can ever DARE to imagine. These guys work well into the nights to get this shit ready for YOU...

Quit fucking whining and just enjoy for one second that despite the things that you consider as flaws, they are doing this hell of a task in their free times to give you the best possible fun in ET. Quit whining, start playing.
QuotePerhaps you might not like it, but the whine considering supply is out is REALLY LOW and that can only mean one thing...most players agree.

That's an ignorant assumption, as I'm fairly confident a poll would show... Not sure why one hasn't been made yet, people have probably come to the conclusion that it's too late to change or something.
i agree with most of your points.
but can you explain me how they do such groups?
i mean last year VP was in premier division until they made new groups. and now clans like PMCG are in the 1st div, clans who never played a single ET CB offi and clans who made it to the playoffs of the premier group last season have to play 2nd divison now?
i know that it is hard to make such groups, cause most of the clans are pretty unknown...but better work 1.2 days longer on it and make fair groups. groups, wehre clans with a "good former OC results" are playing in the highest divison.
is it that hard to look at the previous season and realize:
oh that clan played pretty well in the premier divison according to the results, so i will put them in the premier div again this season.
et is doing fine
i only play public so
TosspoT is always right, bad community... rly :-(
still lallling about some teams in some div. brb :D
Not happy about the whine itself, happy about the amount of whine you retard.
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