ET boring to watch?

Isn't it ?

Compare ET invitations to CS. for example. in ET in direct invites we have 8 teams and every of them has got Europe european line up. In CS, there will be 48 teams playing and theres 0 teams like this!

so why its boring?
For me, en exemplar. I'm watching ETTVs from time to time when teams like NETR, FF are playing. Cuz im polish and its normal I prefer to watch polish.. And always im hoping polish to win. And now when I'll have to watch Europe taking on Europe and I wont really care and I wont watch it.. everyone prefers to watch teams from his country, its usual. Its like you are watching Champions League match and you want your team to win.. And isnt it boring that you know dignitas will win before match stars ? EC would be more exctigins if there are no eu teams...
2nd why.
Maps - exemplar? Radar, what do we see? Axis are making a crossfire for 12 minutes and keep the gold [or whatever it is] and nothing happens.., Wont it be more exciting if they ll have to play a fast and a little bit lotto map twice instead of radar? like dubrovnik ?

My own feelings, greetings
'Maps - exemplar? Radar, what do we see? Axis are making a crossfire for 12 minutes and keep the gold [or whatever it is] and nothing happens.., Wont it be more exciting if they ll have to play a fast and a little bit lotto map twice instead of radar? like dubrovnik ?'

/cg_sarcasm 1

y right, take lotto maps! lotto maps are the best maps for taxx and skills! grush and radar are shit maps! They ARE NOT lotto. u DONT need skill, u DONT need tactics!

/cg_sarcasm 0
a little bit lotto is never bad for the show
But it is for the game, if there's only lotto maps the game sucks, if the game sucks, the crowd doesn't care, if the crowd doesn't care, the Multi-Gaming Clans don't care, if the MGCs don't care, the players don't care, if the players don't care, the game dies / is dead.
That clear enough?
when the game dies, everyone gonna plays cs!!! OMG, we cant let cs overtake the world!
no idd it isn't, but then again, why would teams want to improve and practice alot if they can loose everytime just cuz the other team is lucky
ja, to the country thing.
since when was cs interesting to watch?
camper strike is such a cool game...
I didnt say its, only said ET would be more exciting if teams are made like in CS, by nations..
well, football teams don't have players from the same nation, but I think that's kinda same.

People will have a favourite team or player to follow, and anyway, watch skilled match is better than nothing.
That's the worst example I ever heared...

Since when do football teams not belong to any nation?
since they have all kind of nationalities in their team...
It doesnt work in ET
Let's get a random flag for european team and there will be some ppl happy... OH YEZZZZ MY COUNTRY IS PLAYING OMAGAD !!

Im actually against it
That was a joke...
Almost every nation has an own cup where the team play in and there are even limits how many foreign players can be in a team (at least in germany).
im sure there are no limits for players in Europe , only maybe for non-eu players .
In every 'bundesliga'-club at least 12 german players must be signed
In the match-squad?
In the what oO
11 players + 7 substitutes = match-squad.

Are there 12 germans in the match-squad, or just 12 germans with the team?

There was a restriction for match-sqads earlyer but as I can't find it anymore I think it is no more
lol, only 12 germans in the team? What a nice initiative...
There is NC imo
tbh if non-european teams play in EC than EC isnt an EC anymore ;p
Actually those "lotto maps" killed much of the fun I had watching ET matches. I'd rather see how a team's tactics play out (and if they came up with something new, etc), than random screwups.

I also thought CS is a decent game to watch, although I never much liked to play it.

You might have a point about the local teams, I never really looked at it this way. But personally I'd rather play in a EU team than a german team, it's just more fun... At least fans can often identify with clans, which usually are located in a certain country (even if the actual team has not a single member of this country... it's almost the same in football anyway).
belive me its not the same..
In football they live in the country, they play in local league, they eat their food, they show in local TV, they are just the part of the country...
in ET its only flag change on gamestv or cb
Quote by wildcatMaps - exemplar? Radar, what do we see? Axis are making a crossfire for 12 minutes and keep the gold [or whatever it is] and nothing happens.., Wont it be more exciting if they ll have to play a fast and a little bit lotto map twice instead of radar? like dubrovnik ?

The reason why it's going slow is because the team that is holding back the other one has trained his ass off to do so and the fact that u don't know what's the objective on radar makes me question your game knowledge...
however i respect ur vision :D by posting this journal u should ur "braveness" ;)
sorry for my english btw
Yes CS is twice as interesting to watch.
I watched NETR -v- zP on ETTV last night and it was a cracking game, and I'm English so didn't identify with any of them.

I thought oic was superb, some extremely timely 'nades at the Tank on Goldrush, a few ninja defuses, and a few l337 take-downs had me saying WOW out-loud.

I wasn't cheering for NETR cos they're Polish (correct?), I was appreciating the skill on display and the fact the game was so close and needed a decider, and the fact both teams really seemed to be going for it.
"everyone prefers to watch teams from his country"

Not really.
Our Europe community is a big box of love :)
I don't like the idea of nationalism and such strong patriotism as it is usual in football.
u might have a point, but et is still very interesting to watch imo, compared to cs for example

tbh: i never watched a cs match, but i played it, and i cant imagine its very interesting :/
only rushing and camping, always same objectives, no pf/rifle-multikills, etc
Maybe Polish guys are patriotic, but 80% of Europe isn't. Look at the wild mix zP against Impact. Excellent entertaining game and nobody gave a shit if they were from different countries or not. For people who are patriotic, God invented Nationscup.
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