xAv the hacker?

I dont kno myself, but having a interestin convo with (fellow hacker) evan, mind and craz, mind seems to think he hacks, evan and craz seem to believe that he is the best rifle in ET!
Whilst mind thinks he is better then raveneye with rifle, and better at smg then mystic! Even at this ridicoulos hour..discuss..
everyone knows he has wh, so what?
Hi Ahm3d!!! :D

I haven't seen xAv that much, but what I've seen of him I've been impressed atleast. But It's really hard to say if he cheats or not, could be, could not.

But the thing is, he is a kinda new name aint he? And where did he come from? Players that just comes out of nowhere (now this situation I'm not clear on) raises some red flags..
bit like the ones on your yawn!
And who asked you assboy?
actually I remember him being on med+ level more than a year ago
Just dont forget that xAv is playing actually for #team-saphire, with a cheater called "mess1e" aka razu/ekinox from vib.

I don't say that xAv is cheating but .. i don't know what the pleasure to play with some multihackers.
tu n'est vraiment qu'un gros attardé
Eh oui :o)
n'oublie pas de post sur etfr ;) histoire de passer pour un con jusqu'au bout
et toi, t'en es pas un à le couvrir jusqu'au bout ? =)
oh mind said he cheats, ban imo
his smg aim sucks imo but he has a WH, i could have busted him from it but didnt have records on >.<
Neverheard of this "xAv" guy :d
need an interview of him imo but his english sux rly
but she can't a$ she playing @ cpc2 now just like she said!
but she can't give an interview a$ she playing @ cpc2 now just like she said!
but she can't give an interview a$ she playing @ cpc2 now just like she said!
if mind say so..
learn to type nab
Skilled. He spends 4-5 hours per day to play ET, it's normal that he's skilled
not rly ....
ok ok 10 hours a day
i owned him in rifle and smg 1on1

how many times ? xDDD
;D u know that i owned u! i just couldnt pick up the objective coz of warmup!
i played vs. him yesterday with sensor.

first he connected with a wrong guid and said he has to play on his other pc and reconnected with another guid.
and he had some suspicious actions in this war....but i dunno if he cheats or not...maybe he is just skilled...

but in my opinion he will get busted sooner or later :P
other pc is my laptop
xAv hax.

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