Hope @ CPC2

So I've been there on saturday and sundaymorning and it was quite fun to meet some people there. This is me Yes, I was drinking booze!
Really unexpected that most players were actually pretty nice irl in comparison to the big mouths on the Internetz.
Some people I enjoyed meeting were Overdrive, wuKas, ovie, overschie, frsh, k1ck-esports team and ofcourse TosspoT.

I just gonna rant a little about some stuff about players and moments now..

Best overall player
Belgium mAus
He was shooting 2 hs a kill with 40+% acc on each map, holding some key positions for Europe TLR, contributing in their victory over dignitas and over impact which won them the CPC2-ET =]

Most dissappointing player
Netherlands Rocky
After seeing him play online with always 40+% acc and highest damage, he had a really dissappointing performance at CPC2. Getting ~25% acc in some matches and only a few headshots. He hasn't been able to proof he had the same skills offline as he does online.

Unexpected performance
Germany v&e
After 2 players of their line up did not come to CPC2 they had to find 2 replacements in short notice. The finnish powerhouse Finland Lepari played really well as did the last minute replacement Netherlands BuLL. Even with the last minute change in line up, they showed some skill after winning over polar and getting themselfs a 4th spot in the end.

Most dissappointing performance
Sweden zeroPoint!
The team that ended 2nd in last EuroCup season has seem to be losing skill ever since then. The team that had to replace Sweden Fette with Germany shy really couldn't show us the level of skill and teamplay they had in the EuroCup season.

Best moment
Saturday night 2.00 am: United Kingdom TosspoT knows a shortcut to the bungalow park through the woods. 'I thought there was a shortcut around here..' We ended up walking the wrong way and chaoz got stuck in the woods ^^

Random things
- Gunner smokes weed for the taste, he never gets high!
- FF used dynatimer and got a warning
- fireBall gave a headbutt to keran after making some stupid comments about his mother
- I haven't slept since 9.00 am saturday morning

Here ends my ranting!
All and all it was good fun and nice people. There were a lot of exciting matches at the CPC2 and hopefully the ET-scene will no longer be ruled by one dominating team, but several strong teams which makes it all the more worth while watching the matches! I'm looking forward to the EuroCup season!

Special thanks to bullvox, Lightning, abort, dr3am, GuNner, zerender for letting me hang out till 5.00 am at your hotel, drinking some beers and having a laugh <3
Also thanks qraizu, humM3L, fireBall for offering me a bed at 6 am in their bungalow =]
nice :D
fette with lotix? fette with shy you mean
oops my bad, no sleep gets to me :<

edit: editted!
nicely written ! ;D
LoTiX didn't play for zP, shy did.
is it uuuuu?/?&/?/?/?/?/?/
TosspoT doing doublecast was cool aswell :)
Hope, je vergeet dat we heel de dag hadden gechillllt :p
lol @ ChaoZ @ Woods

lol @ hummel/fireball/qraigu @ Bed Offering

nice :)
nice read
need pics with names
Random things
- Lio didn't beat up anyone!

Huh ?! I don't remember lio saying anything like that :(
Maybe it was someone else then? =o
Probaly, yes :P
I'll remove it then and make up some other random fact.
it was fireball
rocky > *
- FF used dynatimer and got a warning

Die hope jonge, rookt sigaretten op de lopende band :P
2 pakjes in 2 dagen aight!
haha, en toen we irl gingen strafen lal xDD
fireBall is the man
a 17year-old man asfaik xD
wait till night is back and it will be boring again. though i havent watched a single match coz i was on 2 18-parties, one after the other, i think it was kinda obvious that if not dignitas, then it must have been tlr.
Quote- fireBall gave a headbutt to keran after making some stupid comments about his mother

avi's/pics or it never happened.
No pr00f will be provided before payments in 100 euro bills per photo per person oknp
credit card number? :D
i guess no pb_ss but maybe someone got a demo if noT many guys saw it and he already addmit it :o
Quote - fireBall gave a headbutt to keran after making some stupid comments about his mother

imho _shy played pretty well :o
he is talking about the whole team zP! and not the single player shy
but i talk about _shy and his performance :o
nice story :D
hope ;D u came home save ^^
Uiteindelijk wel ja xD
jij kwam thuis opslaan.
Gunner smokes weed for the taste, he never gets high!


he already told us 2 weeks before cpc2 that he will give keran a headbutt if he says something stupid xD -with announcment-
fireball hält seine versprechen !
h3h3 sounds fun
this is frustrating
Post a picture of yourself dude, maybe I met you and didn't even knew it. I forgot to ask your number before I left for CPC.
But there's only a photo where I look teh gay :<
edit: Updated journal with some pics ^^
nice hope! =D
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