Did you know

Did you know ...

-bungalows are teh nice
-revers can play ET while drinking beer and smoking weed at the same time
-Potter stole mystics config
-acozz almost slept with overboost
-dont do drugs!
-Bulldog came all the way to cpc to see mAus being busted
-RTCW is all backrape and siderape
-Bull can have a conversation with a fanboy while playing ET
-Lio + Zeto = unexpected
-Zerobarrier and One Soldier fixed their game to get Zeropoint expelled!
-Reload is planning a comeback with their old lineup
-the average ET LANplayer needs 30 minutes, 2 patches and several config files before he can start playing
-half of them are busy figuring out what the guy before him did to the pc
-your average CoD player plugs in the mouse and starts playing
-they all thought the lan was very NAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSS1111
-ET clans are way to kind to each other © Cash
-The ET lan community is still young
-Blaze smokes an average of 1 cigaret every 10 minutes when playing officials
-toxic, clown, acozz, reload and dokter are LAN only
-Revers likes to party
-His head makes for a good microphone
-Maverick agrees
-Mesqi's mouse was broken
-He liked the mx518
-this LAN will become a milestone in the ET history
-the idle domination finally got challenged
-newskool ET won over oldskool ET
-playing on 76 fps is a bad joke
-cod2 is boring
-if you want to be pro you need a mousemat 1m² big and play with sensi 0.2
-clown, <other dude> and revers were the only keyboard wankers
-sheep wishes to state he invented the lame landmines on supplydepot first part
-winghaven = lottoman
-ronner got owned @poker by a noob
-Belgium & A owned all
-congratz TLR
-tnx to all who made CPC possible
*reserved for later*
drugs -> all
good night over!
Thank you for letting me use your sleeping bag! Plz stop hitting your mouse when you lose :<
2much pressure (thx sol) :(
-acozz almost slept with overboost

It was fucking hilarious, it seemed like a good dream to me. Eventually, it did turn out he wanted to sleep in my bed, lmao.
im gunna come cpc3 so move over and make room for a 3rd
is lekker toch :)
dat is wel vies..
u better be thanking god i don't go to lans ....
I rly don't remember anything but w/e xDDDDD
-chaoz got ownd by humM3L
Nice summary! :D
-revers can play ET while drinking beer and smoking weed at the same time

^^- cool, but not 'wow'
-Zerobarrier and One Soldier fixed their game to get Zeropoint expelled!

-Bull can have a conversation with a fanboy while playing ET

soooo nice!


-GuNner didnt get stoned after 8 joints on one day
-zerender is also known as teh kazachstanian wigger
-toxic, clown, acozz, reload and dokter are LAN only

doh, no lag, malta powar!!!!!!!!!!!11111111
Did you know that k1ck esports missed all my crucial riflenades in our match... I blame them for our loss.
revers is a junkie!
nice calling me lan-only, rLy
its true yes, i can talk to people while playing concentrated, it np
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