
0* ghoul| has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hVk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* poFFlar`toxic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-sweexh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Geroke`zZz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Dev`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* erGo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\MulSu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`shizo`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hd4|aNarki has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* goth`weezy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* toOn|oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dev|s1qeR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`botte has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [UoF]TelPer_OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `e-man has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juuti|` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nokve has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4P3Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* manar_98 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* archhyyyyy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`trey has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wi1d has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* devOFF|mtvm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Satyr` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* suXus`GraV has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `Deepra-GiB has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pz|Fnuk[repos] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* numeric has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ragdoll has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vdr4cul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lawei has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `j01Nt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* One2|Snedpipa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pXn|off`Nsk2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESL|syc`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Amy_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Raid3n has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-stkrz`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* waaK- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WUKAS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nD|duKe_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beN198oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wR`off|GrN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* skipper has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bloed has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC[spNk] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* trutz-bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* da^core has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|Wolverine has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* QuiD`et|Darecon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESVKA|HADES|D2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sereya`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sC`GreeD has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* YoOp has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|SunnY_AfK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lard-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mused` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rivz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXar|rise has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|dvl|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`Bizarre`etb has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* piffpaff`zu-3st has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Danster_rubbish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fjellan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Asp1al has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|klumPN` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* krahujec has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Bl4nko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FLEX-vArgen has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hentai` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cVs`Stevji{ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Y4r0`` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* alkaaa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* siq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Kl0b0uK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ``chizz6l has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fRk-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`NobAdI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kozz0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|Arthas^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* arnie||| has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* abrham has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beLu`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XonX-Relay-BOT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Manolo`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BLonD1`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeZoR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|TiACrU`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HAO has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DiGi`OFF|Liev has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`Snow`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|CuiCui`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Xtrm`aLx|Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* e3|aNSWEr`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|Shark`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mustjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* m-Coni`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|SnfZoFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Es- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iNm|kAl`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Horizon-Valko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* IrQ`reAk`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Leon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sYm`kEEJI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|steinmEtz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* future-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adriano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* o1zu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nVOFF`phesix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d`spinOff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ABC|JiM|BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Luck3R^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sadzik`iCup has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ambOs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eVeer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN]kqrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* b2c has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sovi3t has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Switch`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Snake\bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Furious-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v3rtigo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* liorr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* re`away\RaZoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* metrick^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kenri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* origin has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _michL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4X|siNikaway has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [Gs]PicPic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Muz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kN|MoCo|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* unkrAUT|violati has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s0LOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`toni`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cTx|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pro-Pain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`gamp`niema has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|TgrNT`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* just|off|batlh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^arctic|bnc_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* k1ck-Sex`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morfOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hex4 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* myth6s`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kai_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* es-crash`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* chapter|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Abj-Deslock^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4f|Jemser has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cless|Killer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VzN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`vix`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aGu`bigje`911 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|oeRNes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^boi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* smashed-loop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* yacfreak has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* daSchpeida|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _eclipse-tenno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tamiiii has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gimp` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* stubing has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooC-Mosqi^0ff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MAAnzz`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* padi`away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Thug`ET has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SETA`MAN1EK`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tekk|aFK47 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\twidi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M-_-N has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dRs|elfaBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bd|thepnyfactor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* t0b|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SabrOo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* RH`NitroTje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Gv-oponent has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ovr-sAw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [cY-Gaming] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cutty`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* port`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* destiny^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beZje`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-elvzoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exotic-koto`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* \Dman\ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`cin`BNC` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`mirage`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`zetta`BNC_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gtv`mrk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juiced`rfc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sail4life has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4mmuT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Sts`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* qF^zabija has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mQ`ins has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`{{Offuni}} has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beta-pumu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt^Hard has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|sCw`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MaNu^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-vegi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|qbas`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Merowinger\bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Diioo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gokhan`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nutrix^Koe-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fxr`bday has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* seD[cypr] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXavs`oFF|kCr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`fauSt`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [punch`bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ernesto has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`stff`aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`alex`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SPRD|beAsty has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Saami has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|Jolly^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* S has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TeXy^BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dArt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Messiah|ReVa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Timsnake|AFK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Random\\sthBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* snd`Frenky has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s3ct0r`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kwiks\\off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* h3fty`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|Darnok`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _pipsa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spctr`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eyon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Thoenix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FA|f4ll3n`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|Recoil`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Blachta`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pninja has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Showtime|PMCG has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lblbw^away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xquZ|giNtje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`SuP|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ets`cqobra`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-azubiii^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* konqui has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|giNtje^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-peli^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-switch^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* coOlesOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* UF|edain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AD`BETA[BNC] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NG`BNC|Tass has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dazed`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeirdAl`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WAGNOR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aToOF|furman has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sQ`sinnnnnnnnnn has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* quul^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FlixX has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sdw_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SL|masta|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`re4se`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spreCo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^zeta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* StiiTTauS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* InFragTes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadein has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* neliop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* H4nS`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FFo`usKul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DS|BNC|Marc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Mztik^iOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n3toff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exz^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pstarZ|rol has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s^off\ED3L has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xSp|Pasta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AoW|JasI_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zb`zet0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`eXZ`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mousse`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SMP|Zero has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`crea has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Dren has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dan` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iL`FaTaL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dignitas\Jaka has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Todesstern|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* JiPp0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zOiDji has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc-RtD`EU has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Keenorly_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Strider has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HE]imPulse has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zuamasOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* roO|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pilotzor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Left`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-saviour`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_Sinnu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* osmoZ-jeffk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* McGregor|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|kallo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Spartan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Leon`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NoXmi`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tarrek has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dw|starfish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Zyas`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etkar|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|PinBack` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^Galervo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fl3x`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_barclay has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ent3 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-swineyoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `ejno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* athlon|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`fenix`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tron` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Zeku`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FF|Thoro`HS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSrafil|maadz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `iR|jano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Harle_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vG`Masteri`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SKOY has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEM-wuPPer|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXff|ener has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sNejjjjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HS`Svepe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SaQq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _Raptor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* r7B]blAckmAmbA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Lamer^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* couraGe|Dzenan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Stinger`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`chilla has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nasch|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* crG|Flyndre`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `X-tra has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [KG]SiKa^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hApy|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polar`XyLoS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* EU`FrenkyOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`d|noooos has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Alpi`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FleX`Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`verunA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [hYp|bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gotti has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dzm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fov-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* teq`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VKKnarf|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kod|niet has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _wizzel has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|soee`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AmMo`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* caroWaA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyrtzi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* john1979 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polewka`phLa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Neo11 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXeLite`Noekoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* f`sukkajiz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* decoy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rY`off`RoXoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adler`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etp|tRulla^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* u8|Lith has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Final|BNC|Snuit has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sf-elixyr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `CAPS`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEm|sNk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TLYA|SEK-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC|OSEF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AleX^^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* GF|Axcess|TWL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|BtBaM has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BuZZo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* syK`hYPNOTIC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|SiSa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MrWhite has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wdc-mike^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s6`off\d3v has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HENRYAKAEXO] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`i|b3nZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DerGraf has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* resekoC`TnemeLe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ai|cisa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gw-cool`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* big-zeifO has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nabje`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FlyingDJ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* del6bnc\Rezon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* flyos`URT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SEPPOHOVI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pdoFF-warm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* R3ap4r|Offline has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lolli has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oNe|Aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dis_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* skazi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Home`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rTg`HorsT`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mowl|Wolve has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oVa`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r|oFF`crajqe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`Joe|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ColtZeroFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* digniOFF\JaKaZc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rTg`Hutch`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SPRD|pulZa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sF`Aamir-Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* arik`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|don` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NG|Rym`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kasette_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Madmartigan|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hwq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Hix^OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NETR-Robol^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kyono`^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* JuuSod3 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* trey has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN`oFF]shanuh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN]Nyke has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FF|JC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Art_autufligh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nemjon` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* escn-komar`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rApeit`Ati`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`miAMi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`LuKsu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* twidi`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AnTz- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|Smaug has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bfu`ju6 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* p0pe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vessaR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ][pu1se- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* infrag|hellish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* w3st`olBaa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* shoffle has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lam has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spritsi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|HnTr`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* m-octa`` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NippelOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`soul`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ]e[Tarrek has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* noT|^samyZzZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* crittie` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|fl3nd3r has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* uberdrive has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rooK` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* idem`mrozogood has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Solomon-GiB has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* noni has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hazz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* qV|SplodgeBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* UKESN|bobz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* idem`wesq|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`legend`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|KiL0`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aux`Munch`Lapto has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nomac has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|Barut`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`Revenge has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Wesboff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kondis has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`Fouillis has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BBBbBbbblindi- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* QuiD`et|Hierro has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* uC^Nils has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Lowrider- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* LQE`Hathor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MixXx-yrd has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hi2u`nohitz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|Fedro^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MoH-AllDth`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* R`Herk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|MousS`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|sapik`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s3ti has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pimp[BNC] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mausfile has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt`Lawley has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tlr|Atarax has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ss-A-P^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* splash^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s6`off\alpha has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Musck0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rY`off`fear has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXavs`oFF|sido has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* r00t|pff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MIA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eC4`uf0ljeoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bRu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* z-aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pico|OfF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Mikkolo`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DesireOFF`oO` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morb`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SkS|prath`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* PBG|l3de has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* atoOn^polassBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pzyqo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SkS|t0xlc`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BaCk` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HousemaisterOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`w3y`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Zip|Atomic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oct`off|kholic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eMit`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Crab has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rApeit`Ati`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|Super`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt^SvnOFFSIDE has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ness has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hessuuh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* viljamiafk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* syto`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_static has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FLEX-nuBlet`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ind`BenjA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ari`koff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* PhoM`Aweh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MouToFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hd4|decaWii has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |4FuN|nomore has quit IRC (*.net *.split)

just bored, it's not important
1428 * Connecting to bnc.crossfire.nu (9000)
1432 * [10053] Software caused connection abort
Noone cares. :<
0* syto`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)

me was there 2 :D
I aint the f*cking one to blame :< I haven't done anything . Really :x
euh, sry then :|
i have no bnc :D :[
omg retard
not everyone is perfect you know?
0* hVk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* poFFlar`toxic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* Geroke`zZz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Dev`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* cadre\MulSu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* dev|s1qeR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`botte has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [UoF]TelPer_OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* Juuti|` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* devOFF|mtvm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Satyr` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* suXus`GraV has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* pz|Fnuk[repos] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* numeric has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ragdoll has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vdr4cul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lawei has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* One2|Snedpipa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pXn|off`Nsk2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESL|syc`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Amy_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Raid3n has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-stkrz`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* WUKAS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nD|duKe_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beN198oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wR`off|GrN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* BNC[spNk] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* da^core has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* rT|Wolverine has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* QuiD`et|Darecon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESVKA|HADES|D2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sereya`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sC`GreeD has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* YoOp has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|SunnY_AfK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lard-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* bioXar|rise has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|dvl|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`Bizarre`etb has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* piffpaff`zu-3st has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Danster_rubbish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* Asp1al has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|klumPN` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* Bl4nko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FLEX-vArgen has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hentai` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cVs`Stevji{ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Y4r0`` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* siq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Kl0b0uK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ``chizz6l has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fRk-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`NobAdI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kozz0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|Arthas^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* arnie||| has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* abrham has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beLu`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XonX-Relay-BOT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Manolo`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BLonD1`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeZoR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|TiACrU`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HAO has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DiGi`OFF|Liev has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`Snow`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|CuiCui`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Xtrm`aLx|Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* e3|aNSWEr`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|Shark`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mustjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* m-Coni`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|SnfZoFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Es- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iNm|kAl`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Horizon-Valko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* IrQ`reAk`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Leon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sYm`kEEJI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|steinmEtz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* future-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adriano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* o1zu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nVOFF`phesix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d`spinOff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ABC|JiM|BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Luck3R^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sadzik`iCup has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ambOs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eVeer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN]kqrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* b2c has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sovi3t has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Switch`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Snake\bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Furious-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v3rtigo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* liorr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* re`away\RaZoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* metrick^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* origin has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _michL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4X|siNikaway has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [Gs]PicPic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Muz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kN|MoCo|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* unkrAUT|violati has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s0LOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`toni`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cTx|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pro-Pain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`gamp`niema has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|TgrNT`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* just|off|batlh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^arctic|bnc_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* k1ck-Sex`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morfOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hex4 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* myth6s`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kai_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* es-crash`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* chapter|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Abj-Deslock^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4f|Jemser has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cless|Killer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VzN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`vix`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aGu`bigje`911 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|oeRNes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^boi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* smashed-loop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* yacfreak has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* daSchpeida|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _eclipse-tenno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tamiiii has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gimp` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* stubing has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooC-Mosqi^0ff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MAAnzz`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* padi`away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Thug`ET has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SETA`MAN1EK`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tekk|aFK47 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\twidi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M-_-N has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dRs|elfaBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bd|thepnyfactor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* t0b|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SabrOo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* RH`NitroTje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Gv-oponent has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ovr-sAw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [cY-Gaming] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cutty`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* port`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* destiny^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beZje`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-elvzoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exotic-koto`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* \Dman\ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`cin`BNC` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`mirage`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`zetta`BNC_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gtv`mrk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juiced`rfc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sail4life has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4mmuT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Sts`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* qF^zabija has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mQ`ins has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`{{Offuni}} has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beta-pumu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt^Hard has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|sCw`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MaNu^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-vegi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|qbas`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Merowinger\bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Diioo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gokhan`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nutrix^Koe-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fxr`bday has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* seD[cypr] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXavs`oFF|kCr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`fauSt`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [punch`bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ernesto has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`stff`aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`alex`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SPRD|beAsty has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Saami has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|Jolly^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* S has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TeXy^BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dArt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Messiah|ReVa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Timsnake|AFK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Random\\sthBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* snd`Frenky has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s3ct0r`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kwiks\\off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* h3fty`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|Darnok`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _pipsa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spctr`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eyon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Thoenix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FA|f4ll3n`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|Recoil`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Blachta`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pninja has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Showtime|PMCG has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lblbw^away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xquZ|giNtje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`SuP|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ets`cqobra`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-azubiii^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* konqui has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|giNtje^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-peli^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-switch^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* coOlesOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* UF|edain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AD`BETA[BNC] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NG`BNC|Tass has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dazed`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeirdAl`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WAGNOR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aToOF|furman has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sQ`sinnnnnnnnnn has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* quul^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FlixX has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sdw_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SL|masta|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`re4se`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spreCo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^zeta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* StiiTTauS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* InFragTes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadein has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* neliop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* H4nS`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FFo`usKul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DS|BNC|Marc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Mztik^iOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n3toff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exz^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pstarZ|rol has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s^off\ED3L has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xSp|Pasta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AoW|JasI_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zb`zet0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`eXZ`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mousse`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SMP|Zero has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`crea has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Dren has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dan` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iL`FaTaL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dignitas\Jaka has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Todesstern|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* JiPp0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zOiDji has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc-RtD`EU has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Keenorly_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Strider has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HE]imPulse has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zuamasOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* roO|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pilotzor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Left`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-saviour`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_Sinnu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* osmoZ-jeffk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* McGregor|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|kallo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Spartan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Leon`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NoXmi`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tarrek has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dw|starfish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Zyas`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etkar|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|PinBack` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^Galervo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fl3x`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_barclay has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ent3 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-swineyoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `ejno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* athlon|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`fenix`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tron` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Zeku`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FF|Thoro`HS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSrafil|maadz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `iR|jano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Harle_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vG`Masteri`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SKOY has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEM-wuPPer|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXff|ener has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sNejjjjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HS`Svepe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SaQq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _Raptor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* r7B]blAckmAmbA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Lamer^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* couraGe|Dzenan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Stinger`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`chilla has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nasch|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* crG|Flyndre`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `X-tra has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [KG]SiKa^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hApy|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polar`XyLoS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* EU`FrenkyOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`d|noooos has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Alpi`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FleX`Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`verunA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [hYp|bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gotti has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dzm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fov-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* teq`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VKKnarf|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kod|niet has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _wizzel has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|soee`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AmMo`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* caroWaA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyrtzi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* john1979 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polewka`phLa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Neo11 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXeLite`Noekoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* f`sukkajiz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* decoy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rY`off`RoXoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adler`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etp|tRulla^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* u8|Lith has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Final|BNC|Snuit has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sf-elixyr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `CAPS`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEm|sNk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TLYA|SEK-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC|OSEF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AleX^^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* GF|Axcess|TWL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|BtBaM has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BuZZo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* syK`hYPNOTIC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|SiSa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MrWhite has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wdc-mike^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s6`off\d3v has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HENRYAKAEXO] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`i|b3nZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DerGraf has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* resekoC`TnemeLe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ai|cisa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gw-cool`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* big-zeifO has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nabje`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FlyingDJ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* del6bnc\Rezon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* flyos`URT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SEPPOHOVI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pdoFF-warm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* R3ap4r|Offline has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lolli has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oNe|Aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dis_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* skazi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Home`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rTg`HorsT`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mowl|Wolve has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oVa`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r|oFF`crajqe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`Joe|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ColtZeroFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* digniOFF\JaKaZc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rTg`Hutch`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SPRD|pulZa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sF`Aamir-Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* arik`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|don` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NG|Rym`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kasette_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Madmartigan|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hwq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Hix^OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NETR-Robol^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kyono`^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* JuuSod3 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* trey has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN`oFF]shanuh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN]Nyke has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FF|JC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Art_autufligh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nemjon` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* escn-komar`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rApeit`Ati`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`miAMi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`LuKsu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* twidi`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AnTz- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|Smaug has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bfu`ju6 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* p0pe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vessaR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ][pu1se- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* infrag|hellish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* w3st`olBaa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* shoffle has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lam has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spritsi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|HnTr`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* m-octa`` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NippelOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`soul`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ]e[Tarrek has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* noT|^samyZzZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* crittie` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|fl3nd3r has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* uberdrive has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rooK` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* idem`mrozogood has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Solomon-GiB has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* noni has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hazz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* qV|SplodgeBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* UKESN|bobz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* idem`wesq|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`legend`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|KiL0`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aux`Munch`Lapto has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nomac has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|Barut`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`Revenge has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Wesboff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kondis has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`Fouillis has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BBBbBbbblindi- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* QuiD`et|Hierro has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* uC^Nils has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Lowrider- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* LQE`Hathor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MixXx-yrd has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hi2u`nohitz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|Fedro^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MoH-AllDth`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* R`Herk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|MousS`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|sapik`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s3ti has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pimp[BNC] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mausfile has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt`Lawley has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tlr|Atarax has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ss-A-P^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* splash^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s6`off\alpha has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Musck0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rY`off`fear has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXavs`oFF|sido has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* r00t|pff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MIA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eC4`uf0ljeoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bRu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* z-aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pico|OfF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Mikkolo`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DesireOFF`oO` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morb`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SkS|prath`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* PBG|l3de has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* atoOn^polassBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pzyqo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SkS|t0xlc`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BaCk` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HousemaisterOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`w3y`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Zip|Atomic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oct`off|kholic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eMit`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Crab has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rApeit`Ati`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|Super`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt^SvnOFFSIDE has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ness has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hessuuh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* viljamiafk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* syto`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_static has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FLEX-nuBlet`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ind`BenjA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ari`koff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* PhoM`Aweh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MouToFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hd4|decaWii has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |4FuN|nomore has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hVk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* poFFlar`toxic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-sweexh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Geroke`zZz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Dev`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* erGo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\MulSu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`shizo`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hd4|aNarki has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* goth`weezy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* toOn|oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dev|s1qeR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`botte has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [UoF]TelPer_OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `e-man has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juuti|` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nokve has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4P3Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* manar_98 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* archhyyyyy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`trey has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wi1d has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* devOFF|mtvm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Satyr` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* suXus`GraV has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `Deepra-GiB has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pz|Fnuk[repos] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* numeric has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ragdoll has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vdr4cul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lawei has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `j01Nt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* One2|Snedpipa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pXn|off`Nsk2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESL|syc`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Amy_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Raid3n has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-stkrz`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* waaK- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WUKAS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nD|duKe_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beN198oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wR`off|GrN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* skipper has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bloed has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC[spNk] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* trutz-bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* da^core has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|Wolverine has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* QuiD`et|Darecon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESVKA|HADES|D2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sereya`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sC`GreeD has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* YoOp has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|SunnY_AfK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lard-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mused` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rivz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXar|rise has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|dvl|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`Bizarre`etb has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* piffpaff`zu-3st has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Danster_rubbish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fjellan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Asp1al has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|klumPN` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* krahujec has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Bl4nko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FLEX-vArgen has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hentai` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cVs`Stevji{ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Y4r0`` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* alkaaa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* siq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Kl0b0uK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ``chizz6l has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fRk-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`NobAdI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kozz0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|Arthas^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* arnie||| has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* abrham has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beLu`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XonX-Relay-BOT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Manolo`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BLonD1`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeZoR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|TiACrU`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HAO has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DiGi`OFF|Liev has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`Snow`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|CuiCui`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Xtrm`aLx|Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* e3|aNSWEr`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|Shark`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mustjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* m-Coni`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|SnfZoFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Es- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iNm|kAl`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Horizon-Valko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* IrQ`reAk`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Leon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sYm`kEEJI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|steinmEtz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* future-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adriano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* o1zu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nVOFF`phesix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d`spinOff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ABC|JiM|BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Luck3R^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sadzik`iCup has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ambOs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eVeer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN]kqrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* b2c has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sovi3t has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Switch`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Snake\bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Furious-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v3rtigo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* liorr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* re`away\RaZoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* metrick^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kenri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* origin has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _michL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4X|siNikaway has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [Gs]PicPic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Muz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kN|MoCo|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* unkrAUT|violati has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s0LOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`toni`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cTx|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pro-Pain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`gamp`niema has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|TgrNT`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* just|off|batlh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^arctic|bnc_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* k1ck-Sex`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morfOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hex4 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* myth6s`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kai_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* es-crash`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* chapter|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Abj-Deslock^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4f|Jemser has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cless|Killer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VzN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`vix`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aGu`bigje`911 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|oeRNes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^boi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* smashed-loop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* yacfreak has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* daSchpeida|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _eclipse-tenno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tamiiii has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gimp` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* stubing has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooC-Mosqi^0ff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MAAnzz`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* padi`away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Thug`ET has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SETA`MAN1EK`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tekk|aFK47 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\twidi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M-_-N has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dRs|elfaBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bd|thepnyfactor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* t0b|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SabrOo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* RH`NitroTje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Gv-oponent has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ovr-sAw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [cY-Gaming] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cutty`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* port`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* destiny^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beZje`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-elvzoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exotic-koto`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* \Dman\ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`cin`BNC` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`mirage`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`zetta`BNC_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gtv`mrk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juiced`rfc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sail4life has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4mmuT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Sts`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* qF^zabija has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mQ`ins has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`{{Offuni}} has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beta-pumu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt^Hard has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|sCw`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MaNu^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-vegi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|qbas`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Merowinger\bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Diioo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gokhan`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nutrix^Koe-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fxr`bday has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* seD[cypr] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXavs`oFF|kCr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`fauSt`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [punch`bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ernesto has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`stff`aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`alex`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SPRD|beAsty has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Saami has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|Jolly^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* S has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TeXy^BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dArt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Messiah|ReVa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Timsnake|AFK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Random\\sthBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* snd`Frenky has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s3ct0r`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kwiks\\off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* h3fty`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|Darnok`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _pipsa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spctr`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eyon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Thoenix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FA|f4ll3n`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|Recoil`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Blachta`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pninja has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Showtime|PMCG has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lblbw^away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xquZ|giNtje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`SuP|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ets`cqobra`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-azubiii^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* konqui has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|giNtje^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-peli^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-switch^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* coOlesOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* UF|edain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AD`BETA[BNC] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NG`BNC|Tass has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dazed`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeirdAl`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WAGNOR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aToOF|furman has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sQ`sinnnnnnnnnn has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* quul^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FlixX has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sdw_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SL|masta|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`re4se`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spreCo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^zeta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* StiiTTauS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* InFragTes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadein has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* neliop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* H4nS`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FFo`usKul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DS|BNC|Marc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Mztik^iOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n3toff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exz^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pstarZ|rol has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s^off\ED3L has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xSp|Pasta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AoW|JasI_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zb`zet0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`eXZ`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mousse`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SMP|Zero has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`crea has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Dren has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dan` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iL`FaTaL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dignitas\Jaka has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Todesstern|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* JiPp0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zOiDji has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc-RtD`EU has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Keenorly_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Strider has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HE]imPulse has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zuamasOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* roO|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pilotzor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Left`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-saviour`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_Sinnu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* osmoZ-jeffk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* McGregor|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|kallo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Spartan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Leon`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NoXmi`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tarrek has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dw|starfish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Zyas`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etkar|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|PinBack` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^Galervo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fl3x`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_barclay has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ent3 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-swineyoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `ejno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* athlon|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`fenix`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tron` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Zeku`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FF|Thoro`HS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSrafil|maadz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `iR|jano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Harle_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vG`Masteri`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SKOY has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEM-wuPPer|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXff|ener has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sNejjjjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HS`Svepe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SaQq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _Raptor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* r7B]blAckmAmbA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Lamer^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* couraGe|Dzenan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Stinger`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`chilla has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nasch|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* crG|Flyndre`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `X-tra has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [KG]SiKa^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hApy|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polar`XyLoS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* EU`FrenkyOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`d|noooos has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Alpi`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FleX`Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`verunA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [hYp|bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gotti has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dzm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fov-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* teq`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VKKnarf|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kod|niet has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _wizzel has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|soee`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AmMo`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* caroWaA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyrtzi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* john1979 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polewka`phLa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Neo11 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXeLite`Noekoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* f`sukkajiz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* decoy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rY`off`RoXoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adler`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etp|tRulla^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* u8|Lith has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Final|BNC|Snuit has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sf-elixyr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `CAPS`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEm|sNk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TLYA|SEK-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC|OSEF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AleX^^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* GF|Axcess|TWL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|BtBaM has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BuZZo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* syK`hYPNOTIC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|SiSa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MrWhite has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wdc-mike^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s6`off\d3v has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HENRYAKAEXO] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`i|b3nZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DerGraf has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* resekoC`TnemeLe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ai|cisa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gw-cool`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* big-zeifO has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nabje`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FlyingDJ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* del6bnc\Rezon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* flyos`URT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SEPPOHOVI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pdoFF-warm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* R3ap4r|Offline has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lolli has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oNe|Aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dis_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* skazi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Home`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rTg`HorsT`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mowl|Wolve has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oVa`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r|oFF`crajqe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`Joe|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ColtZeroFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* digniOFF\JaKaZc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rTg`Hutch`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SPRD|pulZa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sF`Aamir-Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* arik`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|don` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NG|Rym`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kasette_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Madmartigan|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hwq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Hix^OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NETR-Robol^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kyono`^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* JuuSod3 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* trey has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN`oFF]shanuh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN]Nyke has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FF|JC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Art_autufligh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nemjon` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* escn-komar`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rApeit`Ati`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`miAMi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`LuKsu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* twidi`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AnTz- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|Smaug has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bfu`ju6 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* p0pe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vessaR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ][pu1se- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* infrag|hellish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* w3st`olBaa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* shoffle has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lam has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spritsi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|HnTr`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* m-octa`` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NippelOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`soul`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ]e[Tarrek has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* noT|^samyZzZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* crittie` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|fl3nd3r has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* uberdrive has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rooK` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* idem`mrozogood has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Solomon-GiB has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* noni has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hazz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* qV|SplodgeBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* UKESN|bobz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* idem`wesq|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`legend`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|KiL0`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aux`Munch`Lapto has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nomac has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|Barut`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`Revenge has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Wesboff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kondis has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`Fouillis has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BBBbBbbblindi- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* QuiD`et|Hierro has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* uC^Nils has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Lowrider- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* LQE`Hathor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MixXx-yrd has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hi2u`nohitz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|Fedro^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MoH-AllDth`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* R`Herk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|MousS`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|sapik`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s3ti has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pimp[BNC] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mausfile has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt`Lawley has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tlr|Atarax has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ss-A-P^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* splash^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s6`off\alpha has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Musck0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rY`off`fear has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXavs`oFF|sido has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* r00t|pff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MIA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eC4`uf0ljeoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bRu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* z-aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pico|OfF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Mikkolo`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DesireOFF`oO` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morb`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SkS|prath`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* PBG|l3de has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* atoOn^polassBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pzyqo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SkS|t0xlc`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BaCk` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HousemaisterOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`w3y`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Zip|Atomic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oct`off|kholic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eMit`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Crab has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rApeit`Ati`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|Super`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt^SvnOFFSIDE has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ness has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hessuuh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* viljamiafk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* syto`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_static has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FLEX-nuBlet`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ind`BenjA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ari`koff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* PhoM`Aweh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MouToFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hd4|decaWii has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |4FuN|nomore has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hVk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* poFFlar`toxic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-sweexh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Geroke`zZz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Dev`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* erGo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\MulSu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`shizo`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hd4|aNarki has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* goth`weezy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* toOn|oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dev|s1qeR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`botte has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [UoF]TelPer_OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `e-man has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juuti|` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nokve has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4P3Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* manar_98 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* archhyyyyy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`trey has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wi1d has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* devOFF|mtvm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Satyr` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* suXus`GraV has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `Deepra-GiB has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pz|Fnuk[repos] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* numeric has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ragdoll has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vdr4cul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lawei has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `j01Nt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* One2|Snedpipa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pXn|off`Nsk2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESL|syc`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Amy_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Raid3n has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-stkrz`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* waaK- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WUKAS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nD|duKe_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beN198oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wR`off|GrN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* skipper has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bloed has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC[spNk] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* trutz-bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* da^core has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|Wolverine has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* QuiD`et|Darecon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESVKA|HADES|D2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sereya`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sC`GreeD has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* YoOp has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|SunnY_AfK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lard-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mused` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rivz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXar|rise has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|dvl|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`Bizarre`etb has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* piffpaff`zu-3st has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Danster_rubbish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fjellan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Asp1al has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|klumPN` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* krahujec has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Bl4nko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FLEX-vArgen has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hentai` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cVs`Stevji{ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Y4r0`` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* alkaaa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* siq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Kl0b0uK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ``chizz6l has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fRk-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`NobAdI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kozz0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|Arthas^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* arnie||| has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* abrham has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beLu`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XonX-Relay-BOT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Manolo`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BLonD1`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeZoR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|TiACrU`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HAO has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DiGi`OFF|Liev has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`Snow`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|CuiCui`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Xtrm`aLx|Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* e3|aNSWEr`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|Shark`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mustjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* m-Coni`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|SnfZoFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Es- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iNm|kAl`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Horizon-Valko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* IrQ`reAk`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Leon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sYm`kEEJI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|steinmEtz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* future-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adriano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* o1zu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nVOFF`phesix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d`spinOff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ABC|JiM|BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Luck3R^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sadzik`iCup has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ambOs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eVeer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN]kqrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* b2c has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sovi3t has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Switch`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Snake\bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Furious-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v3rtigo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* liorr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* re`away\RaZoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* metrick^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kenri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* origin has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _michL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4X|siNikaway has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [Gs]PicPic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Muz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kN|MoCo|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* unkrAUT|violati has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s0LOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`toni`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cTx|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pro-Pain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`gamp`niema has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|TgrNT`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* just|off|batlh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^arctic|bnc_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* k1ck-Sex`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morfOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hex4 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* myth6s`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kai_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* es-crash`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* chapter|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Abj-Deslock^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4f|Jemser has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cless|Killer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VzN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`vix`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aGu`bigje`911 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|oeRNes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^boi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* smashed-loop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* yacfreak has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* daSchpeida|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _eclipse-tenno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tamiiii has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gimp` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* stubing has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooC-Mosqi^0ff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MAAnzz`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* padi`away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Thug`ET has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SETA`MAN1EK`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tekk|aFK47 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\twidi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M-_-N has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dRs|elfaBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bd|thepnyfactor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* t0b|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SabrOo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* RH`NitroTje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Gv-oponent has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ovr-sAw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [cY-Gaming] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cutty`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* port`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* destiny^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beZje`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-elvzoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exotic-koto`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* \Dman\ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`cin`BNC` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`mirage`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`zetta`BNC_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gtv`mrk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juiced`rfc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sail4life has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4mmuT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Sts`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* qF^zabija has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mQ`ins has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`{{Offuni}} has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beta-pumu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt^Hard has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|sCw`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MaNu^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-vegi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|qbas`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Merowinger\bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Diioo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gokhan`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nutrix^Koe-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fxr`bday has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* seD[cypr] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXavs`oFF|kCr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`fauSt`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [punch`bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ernesto has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`stff`aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`alex`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SPRD|beAsty has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Saami has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|Jolly^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* S has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TeXy^BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dArt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Messiah|ReVa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Timsnake|AFK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Random\\sthBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* snd`Frenky has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s3ct0r`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kwiks\\off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* h3fty`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|Darnok`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _pipsa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spctr`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eyon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Thoenix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FA|f4ll3n`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|Recoil`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Blachta`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pninja has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Showtime|PMCG has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lblbw^away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xquZ|giNtje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`SuP|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ets`cqobra`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-azubiii^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* konqui has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|giNtje^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-peli^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-switch^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* coOlesOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* UF|edain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AD`BETA[BNC] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NG`BNC|Tass has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dazed`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeirdAl`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WAGNOR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aToOF|furman has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sQ`sinnnnnnnnnn has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* quul^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FlixX has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sdw_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SL|masta|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`re4se`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spreCo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^zeta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* StiiTTauS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* InFragTes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadein has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* neliop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* H4nS`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FFo`usKul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DS|BNC|Marc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Mztik^iOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n3toff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exz^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pstarZ|rol has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s^off\ED3L has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xSp|Pasta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AoW|JasI_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zb`zet0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`eXZ`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mousse`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SMP|Zero has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`crea has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Dren has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dan` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iL`FaTaL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dignitas\Jaka has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Todesstern|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* JiPp0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zOiDji has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc-RtD`EU has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Keenorly_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Strider has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HE]imPulse has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zuamasOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* roO|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pilotzor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Left`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-saviour`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_Sinnu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* osmoZ-jeffk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* McGregor|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|kallo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Spartan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Leon`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NoXmi`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tarrek has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dw|starfish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Zyas`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etkar|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|PinBack` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^Galervo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fl3x`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_barclay has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ent3 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-swineyoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `ejno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* athlon|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`fenix`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tron` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Zeku`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FF|Thoro`HS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSrafil|maadz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `iR|jano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Harle_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vG`Masteri`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SKOY has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEM-wuPPer|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXff|ener has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sNejjjjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HS`Svepe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SaQq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _Raptor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* r7B]blAckmAmbA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Lamer^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* couraGe|Dzenan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Stinger`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`chilla has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nasch|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* crG|Flyndre`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `X-tra has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [KG]SiKa^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hApy|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polar`XyLoS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* EU`FrenkyOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`d|noooos has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Alpi`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FleX`Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`verunA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [hYp|bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gotti has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dzm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fov-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* teq`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VKKnarf|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kod|niet has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _wizzel has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|soee`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AmMo`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* caroWaA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyrtzi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* john1979 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polewka`phLa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Neo11 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXeLite`Noekoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* f`sukkajiz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* decoy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rY`off`RoXoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adler`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etp|tRulla^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* u8|Lith has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Final|BNC|Snuit has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sf-elixyr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `CAPS`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEm|sNk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TLYA|SEK-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC|OSEF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AleX^^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* GF|Axcess|TWL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|BtBaM has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BuZZo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* syK`hYPNOTIC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|SiSa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MrWhite has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wdc-mike^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s6`off\d3v has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HENRYAKAEXO] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`i|b3nZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DerGraf has quit
0* hVk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* poFFlar`toxic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-sweexh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Geroke`zZz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Dev`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* erGo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\MulSu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`shizo`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hd4|aNarki has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* goth`weezy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* toOn|oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dev|s1qeR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`botte has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [UoF]TelPer_OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `e-man has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juuti|` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nokve has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4P3Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* manar_98 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* archhyyyyy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`trey has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wi1d has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* devOFF|mtvm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Satyr` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* suXus`GraV has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `Deepra-GiB has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pz|Fnuk[repos] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* numeric has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ragdoll has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vdr4cul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lawei has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `j01Nt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* One2|Snedpipa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pXn|off`Nsk2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESL|syc`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Amy_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Raid3n has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-stkrz`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* waaK- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WUKAS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nD|duKe_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beN198oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wR`off|GrN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* skipper has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bloed has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC[spNk] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* trutz-bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* da^core has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|Wolverine has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* QuiD`et|Darecon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESVKA|HADES|D2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sereya`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sC`GreeD has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* YoOp has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|SunnY_AfK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lard-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mused` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rivz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXar|rise has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|dvl|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`Bizarre`etb has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* piffpaff`zu-3st has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Danster_rubbish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fjellan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Asp1al has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|klumPN` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* krahujec has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Bl4nko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FLEX-vArgen has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hentai` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cVs`Stevji{ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Y4r0`` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* alkaaa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* siq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Kl0b0uK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ``chizz6l has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fRk-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`NobAdI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kozz0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|Arthas^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* arnie||| has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* abrham has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beLu`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XonX-Relay-BOT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Manolo`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BLonD1`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeZoR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|TiACrU`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HAO has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DiGi`OFF|Liev has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`Snow`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|CuiCui`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Xtrm`aLx|Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* e3|aNSWEr`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|Shark`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mustjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* m-Coni`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|SnfZoFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Es- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iNm|kAl`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Horizon-Valko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* IrQ`reAk`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Leon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sYm`kEEJI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|steinmEtz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* future-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adriano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* o1zu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nVOFF`phesix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d`spinOff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ABC|JiM|BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Luck3R^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sadzik`iCup has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ambOs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eVeer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN]kqrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* b2c has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sovi3t has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Switch`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Snake\bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Furious-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v3rtigo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* liorr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* re`away\RaZoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* metrick^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kenri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* origin has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _michL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4X|siNikaway has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [Gs]PicPic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Muz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kN|MoCo|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* unkrAUT|violati has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s0LOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`toni`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cTx|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pro-Pain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`gamp`niema has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|TgrNT`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* just|off|batlh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^arctic|bnc_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* k1ck-Sex`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morfOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hex4 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* myth6s`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kai_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* es-crash`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* chapter|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Abj-Deslock^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4f|Jemser has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cless|Killer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VzN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`vix`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aGu`bigje`911 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|oeRNes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^boi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* smashed-loop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* yacfreak has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* daSchpeida|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _eclipse-tenno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tamiiii has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gimp` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* stubing has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooC-Mosqi^0ff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MAAnzz`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* padi`away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Thug`ET has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SETA`MAN1EK`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tekk|aFK47 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\twidi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M-_-N has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dRs|elfaBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bd|thepnyfactor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* t0b|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SabrOo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* RH`NitroTje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Gv-oponent has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ovr-sAw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [cY-Gaming] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cutty`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* port`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* destiny^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beZje`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-elvzoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exotic-koto`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* \Dman\ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`cin`BNC` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`mirage`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`zetta`BNC_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gtv`mrk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juiced`rfc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sail4life has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4mmuT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Sts`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* qF^zabija has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mQ`ins has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`{{Offuni}} has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beta-pumu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt^Hard has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|sCw`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MaNu^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-vegi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|qbas`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Merowinger\bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Diioo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gokhan`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nutrix^Koe-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fxr`bday has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* seD[cypr] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXavs`oFF|kCr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`fauSt`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [punch`bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ernesto has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`stff`aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`alex`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SPRD|beAsty has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Saami has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|Jolly^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* S has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TeXy^BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dArt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Messiah|ReVa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Timsnake|AFK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Random\\sthBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* snd`Frenky has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s3ct0r`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kwiks\\off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* h3fty`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|Darnok`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _pipsa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spctr`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eyon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Thoenix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FA|f4ll3n`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|Recoil`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Blachta`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pninja has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Showtime|PMCG has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lblbw^away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xquZ|giNtje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`SuP|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ets`cqobra`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-azubiii^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* konqui has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|giNtje^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-peli^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-switch^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* coOlesOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* UF|edain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AD`BETA[BNC] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NG`BNC|Tass has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dazed`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeirdAl`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WAGNOR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aToOF|furman has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sQ`sinnnnnnnnnn has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* quul^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FlixX has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sdw_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SL|masta|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`re4se`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spreCo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^zeta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* StiiTTauS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* InFragTes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadein has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* neliop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* H4nS`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FFo`usKul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DS|BNC|Marc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Mztik^iOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n3toff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exz^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pstarZ|rol has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s^off\ED3L has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xSp|Pasta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AoW|JasI_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zb`zet0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`eXZ`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mousse`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SMP|Zero has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`crea has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Dren has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dan` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iL`FaTaL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dignitas\Jaka has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Todesstern|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* JiPp0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zOiDji has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc-RtD`EU has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Keenorly_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Strider has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HE]imPulse has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zuamasOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* roO|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pilotzor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Left`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-saviour`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_Sinnu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* osmoZ-jeffk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* McGregor|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|kallo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Spartan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Leon`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NoXmi`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tarrek has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dw|starfish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Zyas`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etkar|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|PinBack` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^Galervo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fl3x`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_barclay has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ent3 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-swineyoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `ejno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* athlon|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`fenix`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tron` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Zeku`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FF|Thoro`HS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSrafil|maadz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `iR|jano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Harle_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vG`Masteri`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SKOY has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEM-wuPPer|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXff|ener has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sNejjjjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HS`Svepe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SaQq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _Raptor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* r7B]blAckmAmbA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Lamer^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* couraGe|Dzenan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Stinger`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`chilla has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nasch|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* crG|Flyndre`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `X-tra has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [KG]SiKa^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hApy|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polar`XyLoS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* EU`FrenkyOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`d|noooos has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Alpi`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FleX`Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`verunA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [hYp|bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gotti has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dzm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fov-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* teq`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VKKnarf|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kod|niet has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _wizzel has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|soee`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AmMo`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* caroWaA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyrtzi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* john1979 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polewka`phLa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Neo11 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXeLite`Noekoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* f`sukkajiz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* decoy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rY`off`RoXoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adler`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etp|tRulla^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* u8|Lith has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Final|BNC|Snuit has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sf-elixyr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `CAPS`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEm|sNk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TLYA|SEK-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC|OSEF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AleX^^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* GF|Axcess|TWL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|BtBaM has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BuZZo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* syK`hYPNOTIC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|SiSa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MrWhite has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wdc-mike^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s6`off\d3v has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HENRYAKAEXO] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`i|b3nZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DerGraf has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* resekoC`TnemeLe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ai|cisa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gw-cool`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* big-zeifO has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nabje`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FlyingDJ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* del6bnc\Rezon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* flyos`URT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SEPPOHOVI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pdoFF-warm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* R3ap4r|Offline has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lolli has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oNe|Aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dis_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* skazi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Home`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rTg`HorsT`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mowl|Wolve has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oVa`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r|oFF`crajqe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`Joe|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ColtZeroFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* digniOFF\JaKaZc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rTg`Hutch`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SPRD|pulZa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sF`Aamir-Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* arik`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|don` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NG|Rym`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kasette_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Madmartigan|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hwq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Hix^OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NETR-Robol^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kyono`^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* JuuSod3 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* trey has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN`oFF]shanuh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN]Nyke has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FF|JC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Art_autufligh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nemjon` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* escn-komar`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rApeit`Ati`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`miAMi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`LuKsu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* twidi`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AnTz- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|Smaug has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bfu`ju6 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* p0pe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vessaR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ][pu1se- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* infrag|hellish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* w3st`olBaa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* shoffle has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lam has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spritsi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|HnTr`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* m-octa`` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NippelOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`soul`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ]e[Tarrek has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* noT|^samyZzZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* crittie` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|fl3nd3r has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* uberdrive has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rooK` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* idem`mrozogood has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Solomon-GiB has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* noni has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hazz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* qV|SplodgeBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* UKESN|bobz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* idem`wesq|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`legend`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|KiL0`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aux`Munch`Lapto has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nomac has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|Barut`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`Revenge has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Wesboff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kondis has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`Fouillis has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BBBbBbbblindi- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* QuiD`et|Hierro has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* uC^Nils has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Lowrider- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* LQE`Hathor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MixXx-yrd has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hi2u`nohitz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|Fedro^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MoH-AllDth`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* R`Herk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|MousS`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|sapik`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s3ti has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pimp[BNC] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mausfile has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt`Lawley has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tlr|Atarax has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ss-A-P^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* splash^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s6`off\alpha has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Musck0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rY`off`fear has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXavs`oFF|sido has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* r00t|pff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MIA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eC4`uf0ljeoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bRu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* z-aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pico|OfF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Mikkolo`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DesireOFF`oO` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morb`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SkS|prath`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* PBG|l3de has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* atoOn^polassBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pzyqo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SkS|t0xlc`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BaCk` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HousemaisterOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`w3y`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Zip|Atomic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oct`off|kholic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eMit`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Crab has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rApeit`Ati`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|Super`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt^SvnOFFSIDE has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ness has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hessuuh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* viljamiafk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* syto`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_static has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FLEX-nuBlet`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ind`BenjA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ari`koff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* PhoM`Aweh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MouToFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hd4|decaWii has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |4FuN|nomore has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hVk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* poFFlar`toxic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-sweexh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Geroke`zZz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Dev`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* erGo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\MulSu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`shizo`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hd4|aNarki has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* goth`weezy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* toOn|oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dev|s1qeR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`botte has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [UoF]TelPer_OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `e-man has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juuti|` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nokve has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4P3Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* manar_98 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* archhyyyyy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`trey has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wi1d has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* devOFF|mtvm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Satyr` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* suXus`GraV has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `Deepra-GiB has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pz|Fnuk[repos] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* numeric has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ragdoll has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vdr4cul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lawei has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `j01Nt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* One2|Snedpipa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pXn|off`Nsk2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESL|syc`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Amy_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Raid3n has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-stkrz`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* waaK- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WUKAS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nD|duKe_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beN198oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wR`off|GrN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* skipper has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bloed has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC[spNk] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* trutz-bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* da^core has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|Wolverine has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* QuiD`et|Darecon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESVKA|HADES|D2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sereya`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sC`GreeD has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* YoOp has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|SunnY_AfK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lard-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mused` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rivz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXar|rise has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|dvl|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`Bizarre`etb has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* piffpaff`zu-3st has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Danster_rubbish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fjellan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Asp1al has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|klumPN` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* krahujec has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Bl4nko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FLEX-vArgen has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hentai` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cVs`Stevji{ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Y4r0`` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* alkaaa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* siq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Kl0b0uK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ``chizz6l has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fRk-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`NobAdI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kozz0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|Arthas^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* arnie||| has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* abrham has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beLu`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XonX-Relay-BOT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Manolo`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BLonD1`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeZoR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|TiACrU`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HAO has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DiGi`OFF|Liev has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`Snow`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|CuiCui`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Xtrm`aLx|Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* e3|aNSWEr`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|Shark`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mustjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* m-Coni`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|SnfZoFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Es- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iNm|kAl`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Horizon-Valko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* IrQ`reAk`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Leon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sYm`kEEJI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|steinmEtz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* future-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adriano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* o1zu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nVOFF`phesix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d`spinOff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ABC|JiM|BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Luck3R^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sadzik`iCup has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ambOs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eVeer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN]kqrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* b2c has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sovi3t has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Switch`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Snake\bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Furious-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v3rtigo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* liorr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* re`away\RaZoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* metrick^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kenri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* origin has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _michL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4X|siNikaway has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [Gs]PicPic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Muz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kN|MoCo|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* unkrAUT|violati has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s0LOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`toni`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cTx|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pro-Pain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`gamp`niema has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|TgrNT`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* just|off|batlh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^arctic|bnc_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* k1ck-Sex`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morfOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hex4 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* myth6s`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kai_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* es-crash`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* chapter|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Abj-Deslock^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4f|Jemser has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cless|Killer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VzN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`vix`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aGu`bigje`911 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|oeRNes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^boi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* smashed-loop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* yacfreak has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* daSchpeida|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _eclipse-tenno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tamiiii has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gimp` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* stubing has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooC-Mosqi^0ff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MAAnzz`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* padi`away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Thug`ET has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SETA`MAN1EK`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tekk|aFK47 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\twidi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M-_-N has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dRs|elfaBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bd|thepnyfactor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* t0b|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SabrOo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* RH`NitroTje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Gv-oponent has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ovr-sAw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [cY-Gaming] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cutty`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* port`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* destiny^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beZje`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-elvzoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exotic-koto`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* \Dman\ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`cin`BNC` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`mirage`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`zetta`BNC_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gtv`mrk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juiced`rfc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sail4life has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4mmuT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Sts`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* qF^zabija has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mQ`ins has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`{{Offuni}} has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beta-pumu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt^Hard has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|sCw`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MaNu^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-vegi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|qbas`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Merowinger\bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Diioo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gokhan`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nutrix^Koe-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fxr`bday has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* seD[cypr] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXavs`oFF|kCr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`fauSt`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [punch`bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ernesto has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`stff`aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`alex`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SPRD|beAsty has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Saami has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|Jolly^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* S has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TeXy^BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dArt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Messiah|ReVa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Timsnake|AFK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Random\\sthBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* snd`Frenky has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s3ct0r`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kwiks\\off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* h3fty`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|Darnok`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _pipsa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spctr`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eyon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Thoenix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FA|f4ll3n`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|Recoil`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Blachta`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pninja has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Showtime|PMCG has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lblbw^away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xquZ|giNtje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`SuP|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ets`cqobra`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-azubiii^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* konqui has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|giNtje^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-peli^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-switch^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* coOlesOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* UF|edain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AD`BETA[BNC] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NG`BNC|Tass has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dazed`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeirdAl`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WAGNOR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aToOF|furman has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sQ`sinnnnnnnnnn has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* quul^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FlixX has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sdw_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SL|masta|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`re4se`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spreCo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^zeta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* StiiTTauS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* InFragTes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadein has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* neliop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* H4nS`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FFo`usKul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DS|BNC|Marc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Mztik^iOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n3toff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exz^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pstarZ|rol has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s^off\ED3L has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xSp|Pasta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AoW|JasI_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zb`zet0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`eXZ`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mousse`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SMP|Zero has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`crea has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Dren has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dan` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iL`FaTaL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dignitas\Jaka has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Todesstern|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* JiPp0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zOiDji has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc-RtD`EU has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Keenorly_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Strider has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HE]imPulse has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zuamasOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* roO|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pilotzor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Left`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-saviour`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_Sinnu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* osmoZ-jeffk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* McGregor|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|kallo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Spartan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Leon`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NoXmi`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tarrek has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dw|starfish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Zyas`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etkar|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|PinBack` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^Galervo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fl3x`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_barclay has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ent3 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-swineyoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `ejno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* athlon|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`fenix`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tron` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Zeku`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FF|Thoro`HS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSrafil|maadz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `iR|jano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Harle_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vG`Masteri`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SKOY has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEM-wuPPer|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXff|ener has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sNejjjjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HS`Svepe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SaQq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _Raptor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* r7B]blAckmAmbA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Lamer^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* couraGe|Dzenan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Stinger`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`chilla has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nasch|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* crG|Flyndre`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `X-tra has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [KG]SiKa^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hApy|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polar`XyLoS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* EU`FrenkyOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`d|noooos has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Alpi`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FleX`Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`verunA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [hYp|bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gotti has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dzm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fov-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* teq`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VKKnarf|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kod|niet has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _wizzel has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|soee`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AmMo`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* caroWaA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyrtzi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* john1979 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polewka`phLa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Neo11 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXeLite`Noekoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* f`sukkajiz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* decoy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rY`off`RoXoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adler`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etp|tRulla^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* u8|Lith has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Final|BNC|Snuit has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sf-elixyr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `CAPS`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEm|sNk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TLYA|SEK-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC|OSEF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AleX^^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* GF|Axcess|TWL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|BtBaM has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BuZZo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* syK`hYPNOTIC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|SiSa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MrWhite has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wdc-mike^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s6`off\d3v has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HENRYAKAEXO] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`i|b3nZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DerGraf has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* resekoC`TnemeLe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ai|cisa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gw-cool`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* big-zeifO has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nabje`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FlyingDJ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* del6bnc\Rezon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* flyos`URT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SEPPOHOVI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pdoFF-warm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* R3ap4r|Offline has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lolli has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oNe|Aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dis_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* skazi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Home`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rTg`HorsT`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mowl|Wolve has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oVa`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r|oFF`crajqe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`Joe|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ColtZeroFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* digniOFF\JaKaZc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rTg`Hutch`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SPRD|pulZa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sF`Aamir-Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* arik`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|don` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NG|Rym`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kasette_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Madmartigan|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hwq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Hix^OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NETR-Robol^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kyono`^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* JuuSod3 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* trey has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN`oFF]shanuh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN]Nyke has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FF|JC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Art_autufligh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nemjon` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* escn-komar`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rApeit`Ati`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`miAMi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`LuKsu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* twidi`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AnTz- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|Smaug has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bfu`ju6 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* p0pe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vessaR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ][pu1se- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* infrag|hellish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* w3st`olBaa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* shoffle has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lam has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spritsi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|HnTr`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* m-octa`` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NippelOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`soul`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ]e[Tarrek has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* noT|^samyZzZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* crittie` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|fl3nd3r has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* uberdrive has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rooK` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* idem`mrozogood has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Solomon-GiB has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* noni has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hazz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* qV|SplodgeBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* UKESN|bobz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* idem`wesq|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`legend`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|KiL0`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aux`Munch`Lapto has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nomac has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|Barut`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Aero`Revenge has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Wesboff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kondis has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`Fouillis has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BBBbBbbblindi- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* QuiD`et|Hierro has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* uC^Nils has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Lowrider- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* LQE`Hathor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MixXx-yrd has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hi2u`nohitz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|Fedro^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MoH-AllDth`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* R`Herk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|MousS`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TUR|sapik`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s3ti has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pimp[BNC] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mausfile has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt`Lawley has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tlr|Atarax has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ss-A-P^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* splash^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s6`off\alpha has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Musck0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rY`off`fear has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXavs`oFF|sido has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* r00t|pff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MIA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eC4`uf0ljeoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bRu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* z-aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pico|OfF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Mikkolo`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DesireOFF`oO` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morb`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SkS|prath`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* PBG|l3de has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* atoOn^polassBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pzyqo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SkS|t0xlc`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BaCk` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HousemaisterOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`w3y`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Zip|Atomic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oct`off|kholic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eMit`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Crab has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rApeit`Ati`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* D|Super`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt^SvnOFFSIDE has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ness has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hessuuh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* viljamiafk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* syto`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_static has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FLEX-nuBlet`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ind`BenjA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ari`koff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* PhoM`Aweh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MouToFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hd4|decaWii has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |4FuN|nomore has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hVk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* poFFlar`toxic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-sweexh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Geroke`zZz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Dev`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* erGo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\MulSu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`shizo`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hd4|aNarki has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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0* toOn|oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dev|s1qeR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`botte has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [UoF]TelPer_OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `e-man has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juuti|` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nokve has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4P3Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* manar_98 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* archhyyyyy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`trey has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wi1d has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* devOFF|mtvm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Satyr` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* suXus`GraV has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `Deepra-GiB has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pz|Fnuk[repos] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* numeric has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ragdoll has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vdr4cul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lawei has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `j01Nt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* One2|Snedpipa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pXn|off`Nsk2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESL|syc`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Amy_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Raid3n has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-stkrz`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* waaK- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WUKAS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nD|duKe_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beN198oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wR`off|GrN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* skipper has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bloed has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC[spNk] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* trutz-bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* da^core has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|Wolverine has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* QuiD`et|Darecon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ESVKA|HADES|D2 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sereya`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sC`GreeD has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* YoOp has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rT|SunnY_AfK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lard-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mused` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rivz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXar|rise has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|dvl|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`Bizarre`etb has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* piffpaff`zu-3st has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Danster_rubbish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fjellan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Asp1al has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|klumPN` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* krahujec has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Bl4nko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FLEX-vArgen has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hentai` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cVs`Stevji{ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Y4r0`` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* alkaaa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* siq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Kl0b0uK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ``chizz6l has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fRk-- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xT`NobAdI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kozz0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|Arthas^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* arnie||| has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* abrham has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beLu`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XonX-Relay-BOT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Manolo`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BLonD1`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeZoR`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|TiACrU`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HAO has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DiGi`OFF|Liev has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`Snow`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|CuiCui`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Xtrm`aLx|Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* e3|aNSWEr`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* F|Shark`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mustjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* m-Coni`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|SnfZoFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Es- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iNm|kAl`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Horizon-Valko has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* IrQ`reAk`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Leon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sYm`kEEJI has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|steinmEtz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* future-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adriano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* o1zu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nVOFF`phesix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d`spinOff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ABC|JiM|BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Luck3R^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sadzik`iCup has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ambOs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eVeer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [TN]kqrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* b2c has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sovi3t has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Switch`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Snake\bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Furious-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v3rtigo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* liorr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* re`away\RaZoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* metrick^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kenri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* origin has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _michL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4X|siNikaway has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [Gs]PicPic has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Muz` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kN|MoCo|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* unkrAUT|violati has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s0LOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`toni`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cTx|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pro-Pain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`gamp`niema has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|TgrNT`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* just|off|batlh has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^arctic|bnc_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* k1ck-Sex`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* morfOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hex4 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* myth6s`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kai_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* es-crash`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* chapter|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Abj-Deslock^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* j4f|Jemser has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cless|Killer has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VzN has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* evol`vix`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aGu`bigje`911 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tUs|oeRNes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^boi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* smashed-loop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* yacfreak has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* daSchpeida|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _eclipse-tenno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tamiiii has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gimp` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* stubing has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DooC-Mosqi^0ff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MAAnzz`afk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* padi`away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Thug`ET has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SETA`MAN1EK`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* tekk|aFK47 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadre\twidi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M-_-N has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dRs|elfaBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bd|thepnyfactor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* t0b|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SabrOo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* RH`NitroTje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* nrs has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Gv-oponent has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ovr-sAw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [cY-Gaming] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cutty`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* port`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* destiny^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beZje`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-elvzoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exotic-koto`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* \Dman\ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`cin`BNC` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`mirage`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* T4Ce`zetta`BNC_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gtv`mrk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Juiced`rfc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sail4life has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* M4mmuT has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Sts`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* qF^zabija has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mQ`ins has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`{{Offuni}} has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* beta-pumu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adpt^Hard has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|sCw`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MaNu^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-vegi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* voodoo|qbas`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Merowinger\bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Diioo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gokhan`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nutrix^Koe-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fxr`bday has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* seD[cypr] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXavs`oFF|kCr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`fauSt`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [punch`bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ernesto has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc`stff`aw has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* oxid`alex`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SPRD|beAsty has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Saami has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|Jolly^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Q has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* S has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TeXy^BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dArt has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Messiah|ReVa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Timsnake|AFK has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Random\\sthBNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* snd`Frenky has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s3ct0r`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kwiks\\off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* h3fty`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|Darnok`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _pipsa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spctr`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eyon has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Thoenix has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FA|f4ll3n`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TG|Recoil`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Blachta`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pninja has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`bNc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Showtime|PMCG has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* lblbw^away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xquZ|giNtje has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`SuP|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ets`cqobra`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-azubiii^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* konqui has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|giNtje^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* midas- has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-peli^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* jia-switch^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* coOlesOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* UF|edain has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AD`BETA[BNC] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NG`BNC|Tass has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dazed`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WeirdAl`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* WAGNOR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* aToOF|furman has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sQ`sinnnnnnnnnn has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* quul^oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FlixX has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sdw_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SL|masta|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dnb`re4se`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* spreCo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^zeta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* StiiTTauS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* InFragTes has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cadein has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* neliop has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* H4nS`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FFo`usKul has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DS|BNC|Marc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Mztik^iOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n3toff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* exz^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* pstarZ|rol has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s^off\ED3L has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* xSp|Pasta has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AoW|JasI_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zb`zet0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vital`eXZ`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* mousse`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* |SMP|Zero has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* v`crea has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Dren has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dan` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iL`FaTaL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dignitas\Jaka has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Todesstern|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* JiPp0 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zOiDji has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Apoc-RtD`EU has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Keenorly_off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Strider has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HE]imPulse has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zuamasOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* roO|bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Pilotzor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-Left`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* n0-saviour`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_Sinnu has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* osmoZ-jeffk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* McGregor|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* XquZ|kallo`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Spartan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Leon`BnC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* NoXmi`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tarrek has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dw|starfish has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TFW-Zyas`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etkar|away has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* zen|PinBack` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* ^Galervo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fl3x`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyri has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hustler_barclay has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Ent3 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vae-swineyoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `ejno has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* athlon|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VgS`fenix`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Tron` has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Zeku`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FF|Thoro`HS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSrafil|maadz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `iR|jano`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Harle_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* vG`Masteri`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SKOY has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEM-wuPPer|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* bioXff|ener has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sNejjjjoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* HS`Svepe has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* SaQq has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _Raptor has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* r7B]blAckmAmbA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Lamer^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* couraGe|Dzenan has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Stinger`OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `shiNe`chilla has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Nasch|BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* crG|Flyndre`oFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `X-tra has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [KG]SiKa^BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* hApy|OFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polar`XyLoS has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* EU`FrenkyOFF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`d|noooos has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Alpi`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* FleX`Bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* d6`verunA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [hYp|bnc] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* gotti has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* dzm has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* fov-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* teq`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* VKKnarf|off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* kod|niet has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* _wizzel has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* iSf|soee`off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AmMo`Off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* caroWaA has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Jyrtzi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* john1979 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* polewka`phLa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Neo11 has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* eXeLite`Noekoff has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* f`sukkajiz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* decoy has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rY`off`RoXoR has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* adler`bnc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* etp|tRulla^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* u8|Lith has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* Final|BNC|Snuit has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* sf-elixyr has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* `CAPS`BNC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* rEm|sNk has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* TLYA|SEK-off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BNC|OSEF has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* AleX^^ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* GF|Axcess|TWL has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BtK|BtBaM has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* BuZZo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* syK`hYPNOTIC has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* U-35|SiSa has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* MrWhite has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* wdc-mike^off has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* s6`off\d3v has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* [HENRYAKAEXO] has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* cs3r`i|b3nZ has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
0* DerGraf has quit
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