Snubles CPC

Snuble posted this as an article but seeing as EVERYONE else put theirs in a journal and this is written like a journal, I figured I'd move it. All content is written by snuble, he just didnt know where to put it

Day by Day

Thursday night we went out in Enschede. Lunatic was the place to be. It was so crowded that I really didn’t have that much fun, but I think the lads had a great time. PortugalSexyhot was dancing all the time, as he continued to do during the entire weekend. Sexyhot, ur a stud mate=)

Friday. Auxilia was lucky enough to not have any matches before 17.00 cet, so we used most of the morning to sleep, and drink a few more beers. SwedenEddie, TurkeyFireball and me went down to the city, cause I needed knew shoes. I ended up with a big burger, fries, milkshake and Chickenfries. I also ended up buying icecream and a something that was suppose to smell like opium without really being opium.

On our way back to the campus, we bought some beers, energy drink, smoke and bacardy breezer. Back at the campus we chilled before we decided to check out the CineStar.

First game vs Impact, second vs KIH and last match was vs Polar. After the matches, we went right back to the cabins, to drink more. Friday was also the first pokernight for me. As always, I went all in and lost. But that was just for the best, cause I was about to go out on town anyway. We were probably around 10 guys going out on Friday, but not all could get in at the pub we wanted to go to. The pubs name was Paddys. Paddys had a few assholes ass guards, so when Swedenblaze and Swedeneddie wanted to go in, they said no…the reason? Eddie had white shoes.. Unfortunately, we also had a few guys who weren’t 21 yet, and therefore we went to a place called Kings & Queens. NetherlandsBart(polar|aeq), was also with us after he gave me a good surprise by coming to Enschede. So together with NetherlandsBart and AustriaDarky, I went back to Paddys. The music was great there. Both Darky and I found out we were kinda two of a kind when it came to going out. I do hope ill get the chanse to go out with Darky another time, cause we had much fun. Same with Bart. He is abit crazy, so he told this couple who was kissing that they needed to get the hell away. They took up to much space on the dancefloor. Vodka and Redbull was the drink of the night, and we all had a few of those. humM3l came later on, and the 4 of us stayed at paddys until it closed around 04.00cet. At this time, Darky had of course got a girl interested. But it ended out in nothing. To bad for Mr. Austria 2007.

We used the same taxidriver all 3 nights we were out, so it was really nice when we had to get either downtown, or home. I just called him, said it was the NorwayNorwegian and that we needed to get picked up. He was always there like 1 minute later. Good service=)

Friday was the night where most happened really. All our matches got played, we had the best day out on town, and when we got back, we had so much fun with cZar. Around 04.30 cet we were 5-6 guys jumping into the BelgiumcZar cabin, and shouting for Belgiummesq(mesq is btw a really cool guy.) We turn on the lights, and the poor cZar guys and one.soldier(I think), woke up. The lads wanted us to go out, and so we did. But only 5 minutes later, blaze wanted to go back in. The best part was when someone put a table outside cZar door. The intention was to make them no come out, but it ended up with of the one.soldier players hammering the door up, throwing the table away and then he said: DO YOU UNDERSTAND? HUH?? DO YOU UNDERSTAND? He was so angry, while we were probably 20 guys laughing. While this one.soldier guy stood there without anything else then pants on, looking really angry and showing his muscles, Germanykuraigu (Mr. Mike Tyson.. man I love you bro=), just stepped forward and said: HEY, YOU WANT SOME BEEF?

We didn’t see much more from the one.soldier guy who decided to go to bed instead of getting served a bloody steak:>

Later that night, the same joke was done on tosspots cabin. A table, flowers, trashcan and bicycle was all put infront of his door. United KingdomTosspot, the poor guy couldn’t get out on Saturday and had to desperately call someone to help him out.

This night I didn’t get much sleep. NetherlandsAequitas was visiting us, and he had no bed, so instead of sleeping on the floor, he shared my bed. No no, no gaystuff…. But it was a damn small bed for 2 guys who both are 190 cm or taller.

Saturday. Thank god we had more beers. If not this day would be a tough day. Last night was so packed with alcohol and action. But waking up, taking a few beers in the sun, and then going down to the Cinestar to eat, then we really felt we were living a great life. Spare Ribs was nice, and it was plenty of it, so both me and eddie was really satisfied after the first dinner on Saturday. Together with a few large beers and a gin&tonic, made the day perfect.

The rest of the day we mainly drank more beers, and some Fishman shots, before we ended up at Lunatic again. This time sexyhot was really in the mood, and he almost got lucky with one girl, but unfortunately, she ended up to turn him down.

Blaze and SwedenLotix went home Sunday morning. Blaze`s parents was already in Enschede around 06.00 cet, so they decided to drive back to Sweden. Eddie went a few hours later, and so did many others. Suddently it was only fireball, RussiahumM3l, munchies and me left in our cabins. Even kuraigu who had been our mascot and bodyguard (even though I was the one who had to take care of him..) also said bye bye and left. This day I really got in touch with Ronner. The finals of ET was also on Sunday, and we specced it on ETTV on one of the cinemas big screens. Go Planet was right next to CineStar, and they had gocart. It was so fun, but NetherlandsRonner was to good. The man really knows how to handle the cart, and he had the best time among all the ET-players who tried the gocarts. r3vers and jakacz did their best, but in difference from ET, they had to see them beated by several guys.

Dinner on Sunday was on a greek restaurant, cause Ronner said it was so great food there. He was right. It was really good. But it was also close to the gocart place, so after we were done eating, we couldn’t say no to another round of gocart. Ronner again the best, but this time I got second. Gifty tried his best, but didn’t reach the top.

Sunday night. Poker again. I ended up 3rd, after going all in two times without looking at my cards. (I had to go to bed.. cause of the early departure on Monday) I think gifty won, as he did on Saturday. Gifty is a mean poker-machine.

Monday: I was supposed to get picked up by United KingdomEvo and Impact gaming around 06.00 cet. So 05.45 I was up, got everything packed and ready and was walking about outside the house. I gave sheep a promise to wake him up, so I went over to V&E house, but the door was locked, so nothing I could do there. 30 minutes later, and still no impact or Evo, so I decided to go to bed, but stay awake incase I could hear them coming. But after another 30 minutes, I fell asleep. 09.00 cet it was time to get up again, and this time head over to the trainstation. I really didn’t know if I would make my flight at 15.10 cet, since the plans was to travel with Impacts car. I was lucky though. My train to Bremen was leaving 10.26cet from Enschede, so I even had time for some burgers at burger king. My arrival at the Bremen airport was 14.10 cet, so it was actually perfect timed. Talk about being lucky. Unfortunately, I don’t think acozz was as lucky as I was, since im pretty sure he didn’t manage to get his flight. Hope everything is fine with acozz now, and that he is back home.

This was atleast all i can remember=) and thats not bad regarding my usage of beer and other beverage..


Enschede is a nice town. I didn’t get to see to much of it, except the trainstation, burger king and a copple of coffeshops. (no, don’t worry, I didn’t smoke anything) There were one street where all the pubs were (afaik). There we had 2 discos which was very nice. The Lunatic was a place where there was some stupid rules when it comes to buy alcohol. First we had to buy coins, which we then had to use to buy beer and stuff. So if u didn’t use all the coins u bought, u kinda payed for drinks u never took. Just ask eddie and blaze, im sure they have their pockets full of this stupid coins u cant use any other place. My favourite pub was Paddys, where I had so much fun with aequitas, humM3l and Darky on Friday. Great music, nice people etc etc.

Our hostel, Oh la la. Hadnt it been for the cabins, and all the teams sleeping there, this trip wouldnt have been the same. It was so social, and there was “party” outside auxilia cabin every night. I am really happy I slept there, cause of the social part with the other teams. Teams as el vigorZ, zerobarrier, zeropoint, one.soldier, OCTense, TLR etc ( I probably forgot a few teamnames aswell..) all had fun together.

The only problem I had at this place, was the toilettes and the showers. When around 40 guys shared the same 2 toilettes, and the same 4 showers, which didn’t get cleaned one time during the 4 days.. u can understand urself how bad it was. I felt more dirty when getting out of that shower then before I got in. So next time, if ill come to the next cpc, and its at the same spot, ill go for a hotel, with my own shower and my own toilette. Sorry to say, but I care a lot about personal hygiene.. and this was really shite at the log cabins.

Apart from that, the only thing who also wasn’t to good was the lack of cheers and toilettes. But I got a solution for that the second day. Unfortunately, that solution ended up with a filed policereport. The owners of the table and cheers we got weren’t to happy that we borrowed it…


What can I say about cpcII? First of all, it was a great tournament when it comes to the social. All the computers where gathered around this bar, which was great. Short way to get a beer, hotdog, coke or whatever ur desire was. It was also in a huge cinema, where there were greek restaurants, sportsbar, pizzaplace etc etc. We didn’t lack anyting. And there was a gocart track nearby. It all was perfect for the time you didn’t play. All the time u spent at the cinema without playing went pretty quickly, cause you always had something to do, and something to eat (I ate A LOT..gained 4 KG on those 4 days..)

The admins did really their best to make the entire event a successful one, and I would say they managed exactly that. Well done adacore, tosspot, cash and everyone who worked on making this come true.

The finals on the big cinema screen was also a great idea. To bad tosspot refused to do what the entire audience wanted. To have hitsounds on. If tosspot refused it because it will disturb him while shoutcasting, its not a problem. But if he refused it just because people hadn’t asked for it earlier, then that’s bad. Anyway, I wish I could watch more ET matches on such a big screen, cause it was really nice.

Then over to what who wasn’t that great. Call it whine if u want, but I can say both positive and negative sides about this tournament, and now its time for the negative.

WZZRD is a new gamingcenter. GAMING!!!!, have the management of WZZRD ever played games themselves? The computers couldn’t even handle 125 fps. We had to play with 76 fps, if not it lagged like hell. The screens.. widescreens and no CRT. Those screens aren’t made for gaming, they have been chosen cause they look nice. Ofcourse CRTs would take up more space, but imo, they had room for it. And the tables. The tables was so high, that I didn’t have a chanse to play as I normaly do. Atleast if u want higher tables, get bigger chairs.

Omg the heat. Have the dutch people heard about aircondition? It was so damn warm inside the wzzrd center, that it was almost impossible to be there more then the time u had to. No wonder the smell was more of swet then of anything else. Ahhh, about the swet… people, no offence, but please, a shower and a deodorant will help a lot. Even gamers can put on some good smell without being looked bad upon.

The groups:D OK OK, enough whine has been written about this already. But tosspot. No offence to pingwins, they deserved playoff since they beated 2 of the teams in their group, but would it be more fair if there was 1, 2 , 3 and 4 seeded teams in every group? Instead of 1, 3 , 4, 4 seeded in one group? Netrunners was if im not wrong a second seed. Then the best 3rd seeded should get 2nd seed, and kih or the best 4th seeded should get 3rd seed, and octense should then get 4th seed. This way a lot of the groups had changed, yes, but u would still have fair groups.. atleast imo. You can maybe say that I don’t know what im talking about, and maybe I don’t, but the line “Tosspot and friends”, is something ive heard over and over again for the past few days. And its not a good “rumour, reputation or w/e” for you atleast.


A little information about the people ive met. I just want to say sorry to everyone I already forgot. Remember ive talked to so many at cpcII, and its hard to remember every name, every face and every team.

Thanx mate, for turning up on Friday, and staying to Sunday morning. It was really fun to see you, and I hope we can keep in touch even after we quit gaming. You are welcome at my place in Norway anytime.

Thanx mate, for being such a great guy. First night I came over to you guys, and asked why you weren’t together with the rest outside auxilia house. You looked abit angry and said: why aren’t u there urself? And who the fuck are you? My answer: im snuble, I just wanted to say hi…(sad panda). After that Ronner was a really really fun guy to hang around.

Ronner is the nr1 gocart hero. He has a great personality, and I really do hope ill see you again.

Hey, you want some beef? Ill never forget that mate. You don’t look like mike Tyson, mike Tyson looks like you. 4 sure. It was so fun to be with you mate, even though the words: WHERE THE FUCK IS KURAIGU, was coming out of my mouth pretty often. I thought u would be my bodyguard, instead I was the one to “take care” of you. But I did as I promised, I did get u home safe.. (it wasn’t easy mate:D) we will share a cold one later mate.

humM3l is a big guy, but just like Mother Theresa, he has an even bigger heart. He always wanted to make sure everyone was ok. Ive never seen anyone sleeping(or atleast being in bed) for so long, but at night time, he always went out party with the rest of us partyanimals. Its gone be even more fun to play with u online now.

What can I say? This guy is just hilarious. When he was riding the bike (he stole??), in the middle of the night.. I think our entire cabin was laughing. The bike worked out pretty good for Sexyhot, until humM3l decided to try it:D after that, it did its best hanging over tosspots door. Sexyhot was mr dancingking. And he almost got lucky aswell. See you in Portugal mate. We will come=)

Eddie. Allways a pleasure. You so chilled, but at the same time so fun to be around. I really felt I knew you from way back. Hope we will get together later for some night out on the town, or just chilling with some beers and a barbeque. But you need to buy some black shoes., White shoes doesn’t do good out on town in NL atleast=)

You are one funny character. You are so kind, you are so funny and you are so…blaze… its kinda hard to explain, but its all positive. Your just the guy everone should get to know, so at next cpc. Eveone who haven’t met u yet, should do an effort for saying hi to mr. Blaze!!! Psst.. lets go to a coffeshop:D

Fatih(ma), u surprised me a lot. I wasn’t sure how we would get along, but it went out great. When I first arrive at Enschede and heard u had headbuttet keran, then I thought.. god damit, am I next?. But u turned out to be a great guy. Im so happy I met you in real life, now I can listen to ur whine on ventrilo without getting pissed or angry:D

Hey mate=) It was really nice to meet you. You are such a nice guy tbh. Oh, btw, I never hit on kitty:D. Flirting and hitting on is 2 different things. And to all who read this. I did tell wesbo that I would flirt with kitty, but that he had to tell me if I went to far. No problem. Wesbo is a nice guy and im really happy I met him. Kitty is lucky to have you, as you are lucky to have her.

What can I say to you? You are a wonderful girl. You are fun, you are nice and you are….hot…. oOO.. can I say that? Wesbo, don’t kill me mate:D Anyway, it was really nice to meet you, and I do hope I will meet both you and wesbo later. (cpcIII maybe??) We will stay in touch on ze internet (aslong as its no problem for wesbo that is… :>)

It was really great to finally meet you. It was nice to have someone I could talk abit Norwegian/Swedish with, since blaze never understood a word of what I said. I got a little hint for you. Next time, make sure u can party on Saturday. (don’t get to stoned :D:D:D..hehe) You are such a nice & sweet girl, so I do hope we will meet again.

Mr. Austrian 2007 imo. Darky, with his sunglasses is just one hot stud. It was so fun to go out with u on Friday, to bad u didn’t wanna go on Saturday to. (damn poker..)

I do hope we will get a chance to party again some time. When we were out on Friday, I really felt we was kinda 2 of the same. (not in a gay way.. don’t worry.. but in a buddy way)

Didn’t talk much to you, but gotta give u a shoutout for being the most stoned guy ive ever seen. And its so fun that all the 3 or 4 times ive said hi to you, I had to say who I was, and everytime I said Snuble, you answered: huh?? Who?? Or something else in the same direction. Didn’t make me feel like the biggest star in ET (which im not anyway), but it gave me a great laugh:D. Cya @ next lan.

It was great to meet you again aswell. And this time we got the chanse to say more then just hi, and bye :> (shgopen). I don’t think ive ever seen getting so “close”, so often, in poker. It was really fun=) I bet I see you at the next event.

nice to meet you to mate. I felt really bad for you on my way home, when I saw that u wouldn’t make the airport in time. One hint though. Next time you stay in Amsterdam airport the entire night, take a trip to red light district. Im sure u can find someone who can warm u up a little=). Amsterdam cant be the worst place to get delayed 24 hours:> Anyway, nice to see that you got back

Good boy. You were a nice lad the entire weekend. Well done mate, its good to see that you are learning=) Was fun to meet you again, and next time, lets hope fini is with me so u can say hi to him to.

You partyanimal=) Was fun to go out with you mate. To bad we didn’t get in all the places, but don’t worry about that. Lunatic was a fun disco. Hope to see you to at cpcIII

Man... you really impressed me. We didnt talk to much at the lan, but I still wanna give u a shoutout for playing as well as you did. I said before the Lan that i thought it would be really hard for you to play as u do online, but u managed... You are imo the nr1 aimer in ET atm.

haha.. my nubmer one hero:D I never thought u would be such a nice guy.. atleast not after all the time uve taken me out with panzer and strikes.. You are so funny to be with, and as I told you, im still doing what i can to learn from your way of playing. I still got alot to learn:> btw.. next time u invite a girl over, dont get so stoned=) just a tip mate=)

As allways fun to meet you Zerom, and the lads in your team. Nice that im not the only norwegian going on these lans.. Next cpc, i do hope we will be a few more:D

More??? There are plenty of people ive met without mentioning them here. Either I haven’t said anything cause I already forgot all the people ive met, or I just feel ive written enough by now. Anyway, to those who feel left out, im sorry. It was so great to meet you all, and I do hope I will see every single one of you at the next big event.

This is the final words from Snuble this time. Hope someone enjoyed reading it abit.
spam is not the answer
snuble who?
thursday > friday
Well, acozz 's column doesn't differ much from this!?
Winners prize!
Tosspot. No problem for me that that u mooved it, but why?

its so much written here, and it does look abit better with the different pages to have the info on..

now its all just one big mess.

what else u wanted me to put in to make it good enough for an article?

and another thing.

u want people to contribute.

ive used pretty much time on contributing this.. now it will just dissapear after an hour...
Parent this is an article. Its objective, well written, well formatted and content orientated.

This journal is not!

To summarise:

You werent happy when you first loaded crossfire this morning, and you wont be happy you go to bed, so you can reflect on a sense of stability in your life.
Allright tosspot. no problemo.. if i ever mind writing this much again, ill either post it right away as a journal (or collum maybe? since that seems ok for u.. or maybe it depends who writes it? if not ill make it better so it will fit ur article rules.

You werent happy when you first loaded crossfire this morning, and you wont be happy you go to bed, so you can reflect on a sense of stability in your life.

wtf is this? I wasnt happy when i first loaded crossfire this morning, and i wont be happy when i go to bed?? reflect on a sense of stability in my life?

really.. nice comment.. was that really needed? really stupid imo.. and ur allso talking about shit u aint got any knowledge of.. dont act stupid please! you just get pissed evertime someone writes anything thats negative about you or ur decisions/behavour..
What do you mean? You always have something that makes you unhappy on this site, so just another point of unhappyness should make you...happy? And if I got pissed everytime someone posted a negative comment about me I'd be suicidal :)
how can you say that?

Im really not the one who are unhappy with this site.. i enjoy reading it, i think u guys who run this site does a brilliant job..

i dont think ive ever said anything bad about except earlier when i was fed up about all the flaming.. flaming i dont care about anymore..

again.. ur saying stuff that isnt true.. if i allways had something negative to say about this? then why should I use it? I like, and i will continue to both read and post on it.. as I said.. i think u guys do a brilliant job here.. except the "who we like and who we dont like mentality from your side maybe."

edit: and good ur not suicidal mate=)
QuoteLater that night, the same joke was done on tosspots cabin. A table, flowers, trashcan and bicycle was all put infront of his door. Tosspot, the poor guy couldn’t get out on Saturday and had to desperately call someone to help him out.

I think that explains why he moved it :D

yeah.. maybe=)

but if thats so, alot of people should be "worried"..:X
and u didnt take the "matches" with u from the article either....

only topic..matches. but not what ive written about.. never mind now, since the journal is gone in 10 minutes anyway..

Snuble cu@portugal (lets make some porno) :D
lol @ sexyhot. fking prick!
xd sexy =))

SNUBLE! ;( was nice to meet u again mate, u were kinda different than at shg when u were with dtekt! (in a good way ! :D)
well.. shgopen was a totaly different tournament..

we didnt really have the social part there.. and i allso were to tired after 40++hours without sleep when i arrived, and didnt get to much sleep during the event either.

but it was really nice to meet u again now=)

the snuble u met in CPC is the real snuble=) the one at shgopen was just a shadow..
Jeg og vil på lan! Virker skamfett! :<
Men bra skrevet.
column imo
i made it an article, but tosspot removed it.. now its all just one big mess.<<<
nice read
hahah best journal ever. btw im first in shoutout list nP4me...

Same dude, we have all infos, so prolly im coming to oslo this summer!@
The PC's were fine, i ran 125 fps without any problems :) I think there only were some problems with soundcards which didnt allow you to play with more than 76 fps without lag, good that i had my usb soundcard :P Anyways, those lcd's werent that bad, appart from being widescreen, which made my sens feel fucked up and picture stretched(blurry).
I got used to them after using custom resolution(no blur) and dunno rly about the fps, its not that much different since those TFT's could only do 75hz anyway.
Tosspot is a partyanimal.
Hope to see you at cpcIII mats;)
indeed Esther. =)
I was sure our first encounter would've scared you away with me blowing you off and moose locking us on the hood of my car ;-) but im glad we got to hang around a lot on sunday! You're a great guy snubz and I absolutely hope to see you on cpc3!

And yes.. I own @ carts :P

PS: stop hitting on kitty :P
it takes abit more to "blow me off" :D

Moose...haha.. lucky im such a nice guy.. if he did same stunt on fireball...oh la la..:D

your a great guy to:> tell me if u ever get to Oslo in Norway and ill arrange a big party... (go with aequitas this summer..come on:DD)
haha I'd love to, however I also promised darky and potter to drop by Austria some time, which I might not even get to do this year as well since I got about 2 holiday-days left :S
come to norway, and lets go together to austria:D
nice detour-skills!
oh.. if u and darky allow me to come along that is:<<<
just come :>
would be fun mate=)

we will see..
Ye stop hittin on kitty, she's ours!
u suxs , pure luck only !
lol plz.. you got pretty much last on all races we did :D
cu@CPC3. :O)
Haha =) you can flirt with her all day long in the end she'll be in my bed anyway! And the "nice hitting on es" was a joke and you knew it! Was fun to meet you =) and I will hopefully see you again!
nice .... give foto of kitty !!!!!!
i have one, but if i show it to anyone, wesbo will be mad.. because the photo is es in the shower.. together with me=)
I have that picture too!

=D oh well! :( exams soon! After that going to es =o)
:> say hi from me=)
hah will do! It's her birthday on monday =P
well she played CSS right ? :) Give some other PIC :P I wanna see if she is hot/hotter than my kitten !!! I think you undestand me well :P
N1 leaving-me-out-of-your-shoutout skills! :P

Was nice finally meeting you, since you where all arrogant at shgOpen :D

I never replied to your comment??

well, its allmost 4 years ago, but it was cool to meet you to, even tho i dont remember much anymore:) And im never arrogant, just ignorant:) haha..
Nice story m8 :).

Quote Around 04.30 cet we were 5-6 guys jumping into the cZar cabin, and shouting for mesq(mesq is btw a really cool guy.) We turn on the lights, and the poor cZar guys and one.soldier(I think), woke up. The lads wanted us to go out, and so we did. But only 5 minutes later, blaze wanted to go back in. The best part was when someone put a table outside cZar door. The intention was to make them no come out, but it ended up with of the one.soldier players hammering the door up, throwing the table away and then he said: DO YOU UNDERSTAND? HUH?? DO YOU UNDERSTAND? He was so angry, while we were probably 20 guys laughing. While this one.soldier guy stood there without anything else then pants on, looking really angry and showing his muscles, kuraigu (Mr. Mike Tyson.. man I love you bro=), just stepped forward and said: HEY, YOU WANT SOME BEEF?

that wasn't someone from one soldier, it was Belgium sil :D.
yo mate =)
was fucking nice ye, nice review aswell =) :P

+ I would visit amsterdam downtown for sure, but it's kinda useless if you don't have any money !
<3 snuble

was nice meeting you
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