Ground 'n pound

Yesterday I was in Netherlands Landsmeer , where I spectated a large fighting event with kickboxing, Thaiboxing and MMA (Amateur & Pro events). The hall was filled with filthy air, hard chairs and stinky sweat smelling peepz. But it was worth the stay, was there @ 15:00 till 20:30 but the event would have been till 0:00 midnight due to 2,5 hours delay. After my good friend Raymond Jarman finished his fight, we (DaN and me) went home. Raymond is in MMA pro class, earning money for fights (more if you win ofc :d)

Here is the Dutch review, a short one though but with nice pics. The redhead guy is Raymond. He pwned the shit out of his impressive looking opponent, who was little heavier in weight. But in technical view, Raymond was the best, like he showed us.

I must say I felt no negative energy at all inside/outside the gym. A lot of impressive looking people + the additional hot chicks hehheheheh
Next fight is in Italy, but I won't be able to spec that :<<<
cute dog
image: 02xk5

the dog prolly looks smth like his owner :))
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