sad but happy

my brother bought me logitech g15 keyboard! but it's so big that now i can't play anymore in my weird position! :( sad!
So sorry!
use ur old 1?
thats not nice to hes brother
oh shi-

i was just planning to buy g15 plz tell me if its good or not
i have it. its not worth of the euros. well ye its nice.. with showing day and time, ram and cpu usage and now playing in the mp3-player @ lcd-screen. those G-buttons are not that usable rly(waste of space) this is quite big so its hard to handle and @ lans it takes maybe too much space :< But it looks nice and the backlight is nice if you play in dark room. also the 2x USB-ports in is is quite usefull.. but the wire is too small (atleast too small for me)
okey thnx for info ill think that new sound card will go to primary postion now ( x-fi elite pro or Xtreme Gamer )
no problem mate =)
Got a G15 too and i like it very much, the only thing i hate is that the Display isnt working for ET :) but it's good to see CPU + RAM usage ingame.
pictures or stfu
image: 2398
pic of the Keyboard :d
but all other works fine in ET?
ye for example i got my FOV script and Name script on the extra Key's (left side)
pics or GTFO*

image: a340%20cockpit%20at%20night
nice desktop you got !
That's a G15 keyboard, man.
I know, got the same. Nothing is impossible!
That was the original line, yes!
my bro bought me an Razer control pad last year but it was to big for my desk so now im playing on a diddle mouse pad !
sinds wanneer heb jij een broer :DDDDdddddddddddddddd
mmh had vader moeten staan
;p , weleke clen zit je nu :[
nergens , maar hadde gij zin in een 2on2ke : (
nice mr. x !
When I got my chair I was like omg... I just couldn't find a position how to sit on it and how to have the chair oriented (it is too big for the table:D). But now it's ok... not perfect for gaming, but I got used to it. And I wouldnt change this chair for the old one because i can lie on this one :D
It can be quite confusing to work out how to sit on a chair!
Ye, it rly is! But then I like found out that there's only one way how to sit and that reorganising the stuff on the table was the way to feel comfortable while playing! :D
i have this kind of keyboard: image: fdcc85efeba424e691a9b67d7b6fb0d41-resized200
Nice Key's. How much fingers u got, if i may ask ?
keyboard on lap for you
image: FunnyPart-com-windows_keyboard

This one is all you need in windows!
omg, you got owned
my keyboard rocks ur pants ;>

image: G-310

EDIT: See, i dont even need a mouse, i just turn around from the button that selectes the microphones and i move with those 4 turning buttons ;> my binds are on the strings
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