CB and their policy of bans right now

Reading the following forum post: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=5233

my first reaction was of course joy, finally some random players who keep coming back with cheats (eg. Switzerland hill) could be banned from CB. The thing that struck me then, was mens0 commenting the following:

mens0 on 28/04/07, 14:40:53 PM | Reply

Althought I don't understand dutch, I can imagine what you have said. The act of banning takes more time on Clanbase than on ESL, because chosen as an directly Admin can do it faster. The amount of players you can see listed will rise as hell. Just have patience...

Twinza on 28/04/07, 14:49:01 PM | Reply

so Mize get banned on CB to. + the other old hackers who are not banned yet are going to be banned to righty

mens0 on 28/04/07, 14:50:47 PM | Reply

If we can prove it - yes.

Now watching the forum post and the demo with which mize got busted:
date: 16th October 2006

It would just be complete madness to still ban mize after such a long time. Let's take a little look at the rules of clanbase:

Seeing as mize presumably cheated in a friendly 3on3 prac, we can conclude the following: mize would get banned for 6 months according to the following In-game cheating outside ClanBase:

* On a Public / Clan server: 6 month ban
* In any tournament, ladder or similar not organized by ClanBase: 12 month ban
* However ClanBase will only act if the evidence of the cheating is brought to us in full and the identity of the cheater can be determined with certainty. If the evidence is unclear or incomplete, the report will be discarded. Clans will not be held responsible for the actions of their players on public servers unless the cheating player is the clan leader. Read the FAQ for the procedure to report external cheats.
. If mize would get banned as soon as possible which is probably immediately (16 October) this means that 6 months later his ban would have expired and he would be allowed to play on CB again. 6 months later equals 16th of April 2007 which means his ban would have expired by now.

I'm not saying a ban would be totally unjustified, I'm just saying that his ban should have been made WAY earlier so he would be allowed to play CB again right now. Following the policies on bans from CB it would be the most righteous decision to not ban him at all; furthermore I know mize had a few conversations with [CB]Adacore who according to mize told him that there will be thought about the length of his ban seeing as mize didn't get banned even after 2 months he decided to talk to one of the CB ET admins.

So what am I trying to reach here: I hope that the new C&A banner Bulld0g thinks a bit before he bans people. I know he tries to collect as much proof as possible such as a solid IP proof (is that even there in mize's case? I didn't believe so but I might be wrong) which is all very nice of course but he must think about the banning times and especially not ban people for cheating on a practice for 2 years if the CB rules state that he should only be banned for 6 months ie half a year.


Now onto the rocky case:
looking into the latest forum thread about Bulld0g, Belgium rhand posted the following:

Rhand on 28/04/07, 14:38:45 PM | Reply

Haha, mize and rocky banned on ESL for 2 years. Only clanbase now <3

This seems like utter bullshit to me as well... let's look when rocky got busted for hacks:


That's right. nov 5 2004, almost 2 and a half years ago. Why wasn't CB able to ban him back then and are willing to ban him right now even after a pretty good performance on LAN (at least what I saw from him!) and thus showing that he isn't online only? I don't know if you were about to ban him, but if you do so..

..then there are a LOT more people playing on top level which deserve a ban. Such as our almighty speedy gonsalez(o).

better late then never maybe? But still, even if it does take the bazillion years, it should be you cheat and you get caught you'll get banned, so you can't exactly say it's unfair to ban them even after 2 years or so. People need to pay the consequences for their actions, even if the consequences are so prolonged.
They still cheated, I really don't see the problem.
just ban all
ma ne useh :DD
aja rofl :X
perfo, that is just bullshit, i got banned for 8 months old etpub hack which i tried on some server.


PS. Stop protecting cheaters you fucktard.
There is no need to randomly throw insults, and you aren't the only one that's being banned for etpub cheats
yea sry, but it's fucking unfair to me if mize doesnt get banned, I'm fucking gonna demand that my ban must be removed then.
dunno about your case but i remember you were busted for etpub cheats in 2005 or smth? would be weird then as well, but it's not my fault (and I say that there are a lot more cases that need to be reverted as well then)
But if mize wouldn't get banned, then 50% of CB bans should be unbanned immediatly.
perforator, he made his point.

It is not bcz they are med+/high you should protect him.
They wanted to cheat, let them feel the consequences --> ban for 1 year.

ben je bang ?
Well you are right, but still mize shouldnt be allowed in any CB cup because he joined morrigu before that date. So is shy getting banned as well? bb EC for zP!

rocky was crap most of the lan wasnt he?
yes, rocky got 20 acc with 1 hs per map on average
once caught is enough for a lifetime ban imo
nultolerantie ftw!!!!!
moesten ze iedereeen bannen die ooit gecheat heeft , ben ik nog maar de enigste in de community dusja...
nee we zouden met twee zijn, kunnen we constant 1o1 spele
lifetime ban for all hackers, (especially mize and rocky) nP
Lifetime ban for retards as well, BB!
lifetime ban for all dutchies, bibuy!
says the one with yawn warnings
atleast i didn't use WH in a clanwar...
This guy speaketh the truth.
how can u defend a cheater :s especially when this guy played EC/NC etc .. known players that get catch should get lifetime ban :x
ban first, ask questions later
Thinking the american way!
well bulldog is the one I wouldnt trust in that position, loads of half assed evidence for some people that he sees as proof
haha examples? If you would know the clanbase restrictions, then you wouldn't believe that an innoncent would get banned.
examples such as yawn errors that show a pb kick thingie without a reason, so just a kick # without any file mentioning
Yawn is not used as an evidence. They just link to sites such as pbbans or punkbusted. And these both sites are definitely serious proofs.
Thanks for your support Hkrep lol.

I know which ban you are going on about and there is no need to have any files. It was a evenbalance pbhack kick. I spoke to Evenbalance to verify its validity and its 100% an attempt from that IP to mess with PB Anticheat software. Am i supposed to say sorry you have it wrong and it was just an error hes really a nice guy he couldnt possibly cheat. Then the whole system itself would be even more laughable than it already is.

Im sorry that your friend will be banned maybe you should chose them more wisely!
you do know that there were loads of bugs back then with videocard drivers giving such messages.

I for one do know that that message is bullshit and doesnt say anything, I therefore do not trust you at all with being in such a position, since you have many people rightfully disliking your attitude and socalled proof, you will just go picking out the smallest errors.

If you can tell me what the message means and what exactly he got kicked for(messing with pb... right nev is such a pro coder)
Which pb deny ! How am i supposed to tell whos inncocent and whos guilty. He could always raise a good old support ticket the dates etc are on the ban. They have a extensive archive and will be able to say more than i can. I can only go on the evidence i was given in the cheater report and follow it up.

Its not a witch hunt !!
youre the one banning people, do research after it, I find a kickmessage saying pbhack and no exe/dll files mentioned a bit weird.

but cant talk you out of this anyway, gl with finding more solid proof like this.


just look at the amount of times he got kicked for it, constantly reconnecting because he didnt know what was going on, and when he reinstalls drivers it suddenly goes away.
And your evidence doesn't fit your case. It's a simple error which I fixed.
I really don't see why I am getting banned. I format my pc, try and play ET get kicked constantly for error 'PBHack' reinstall my ET and newest graphic drivers. The error goes away, and now I'm getting banned? Please look at my yawn entries on dates AFTER the kick. You will see, I have no other kick warnings? Also since I got my new PC with a new guid, I have no kick warnings. So what's really the problem here?
I'm youre fanboi ! =/
really.. I just totally agree =)
pretty good performance on LAN ?

Are u joking or what :D ?

his performance was the poorest the Lan had :P

and I don't care when they suffer their bans as long as they do suffer them.
Actually I'm not joking there were a lot more worse players on lan
talking about yourself xD?

ok I was joking now... but in earnest his performance was really bad compared to how he plays online
unhaxspected !
Did he still play a "competitive" level or just plain worse? Cause I didn't see any matches.....
I watched one game and he was lower than med skiller tbh

I heard he got acc 20 and like 1 hs per round in every game
Hmm, that's indeed a little suspicious. ;p
Though he wasn't banned he couldn't play the EC with us =) therefore he got his punishment and so he served his time.
i heard we just need a few new admins...
Here I am!
fair point, i agree, gj perfo ;o
Iedereen probeert altijd zijn matties te redden maar andere cheaters bannen mag wel.. achja je kent het zero-policy beleid. Imo zelfde zaak als bij bijvoorbeeld frzn, banned voor yawn dingetje van ong 1.5 jaar geleden.
Ik vind dat andere 'cheaters' die onredelijk zijn geband ook geen ban verdienen, zoals Meez
why do ppl have to cheat in the first place :S

i dont get that
die rocky was barslecht, heb hem niet eens zien tracken zoals hij het normaal online doet, maak jezelf toch niets wijs, ik stel voor dat je hem eerst ns gaat speccen op een demos online en dan op een demo op lan.
bullshit, who cares when he cheated the point is that he cheated. And thats by far reason enough to ban him and his descendants. you're defending cheaters as a player who plays on toplevel and is plagued by them day in day out.

Imo Clanbase should pay fireball to travel through europe to headnut all cheaters.
German NC Team 4 #1
maybe he's a nice guy on vent xD
Insulting fireball leads to a header, be prudent! :D
Go outside plz. -.-
It does teach a lesson to these cheats though, don't get caught next time.
Cheat & Get Banned, don't care when.
ook als je het gewoon voor de fun deed, zoals de meeste onder ons?
voor de fun?
Well... cheaters should just literally have both their hands cut of (in real life).
Dude! I cut my beard!
Don't hold an axe when you're tumu plz :D
I have been banned for 19/20 monhts now !
why the fck are u defending cheaters/cheating perfo? Even if they are your friends. I wouldnt feel sry for any of my mates if they got banned for cheating, they only have themselves to blame.
jup, he should better spec his on line demos and then his off line.
Ben het voor deze keer met je eens !
omg i agree with u.

there r so many known players who r cheating and they r lauhghin for sure right now. :(

too bad u can't caught them all..
The difference between mize and other cheaters btw is that mize didnt play any CB game between his bust and now and other cheaters just went on with playing so he basically sat out his ban didn't he
The point is he was able to play it all that time so he did not suffer the ban.
so when cb says you're banned you can't play practise games?
OFFICIALS, We are talking about CB here.
He didn't play.
Can't you read or what? I wrote "he was able to play".
The thing is HE WASNT ABLE to play. We wouldve let him play against uQ he even connected and adacore told us he couldnt play although he wasn't banned.
Get informed twat

"oh noes my friend is getting banned cos he cheated 2k4". he surely asked CB to ban him earlier so there wouldnt be any probs in future, didnt he?

I cant see the problem, he cheated, he knew the consequenses(?), he gets banned
it's not only about my friend
havent seen you bothering to whine and moan about any other cheater
ain't i moaning about rocky now as well
what Ive heard is that rocky played bad on lans
the .avi about rocky on radar is similar with agrippas hax-trailer (an obvious aimbot on tc_base), changing targets all the time, that's why I think he hax and deserves to be banned [went little off topic]

real reply: yes, any others you've been complaining about?
I've been moaning about a lot of (presumed) cheaters but most of them never got banned I think. It's about the same as being on the netcoders list and not getting banned
are we talking about you defending cheaters or assaulting to cheaters?
both, i didnt find the ban for razz (1 year) justified as well but luckily for him it turned out that he got banned shorter
how ever razz got banned for an external program, mize used a wh or some other bot that is designed for ET, I think that is worse thing to do.

we all know that CB is slow to ban anyone tho there have been few expections (to show that CB is doing something against cheaters imo), you, mize and rocky must have been spamming CB admins to ban rocky and mize asap so there wouldnt be any unwanted suprises in future!
Actually we did spam the CB admins to ban him asap :/ but they didn't react to it at all...
and you just stopped spammin to [CB]Ada`bnc or what? you tried but you didnt try enough (imo)
we tried enough actually, adacore even said he would tell it to the admins of C&A but the ban didnt come, and at one time you get tired :P
then all you can do is to say "CB sux"
ban fets
nop he didn't
i agree unban
Perfo dit heeft niet zoveel zin, mize is een aardige kerel maar hij heeft duidelijk gecheat en is nog niet gebanned geweest, jij en ik weten allebei dat ie het 1x heeft gedaan maarja....
i would ban them all for hole life tbh...

btw what do u need to proof that someone is a cheater?
yawn warnings, demo, different ip's??

because i dunno. :/
did rocky really perform good at the lan perfo? i heard he didnt play good at all:<< but i never speced him, so its only what ive heard.

i allso heard (still havent speced him), that he own online.. so..dunno :<

rumours rumours..
het is wel lullig voor twinz weetje, maar het is een klootak, hij verdient het xD
What a fucking bullshit.
Ban mize maybe he regred he cheated but I dont care. He should be threated like all the others, many have been banned for hacks that are on pbbans from like 1 year ago so please this is bullshit. Go defend some more cheaters pls.
All of a suden you care about clanbase hacks, stop protecting mize he will get what he deserves.
If rocky gets banned for performing bad at the CPC2 then I don't know why I am still allowed to play. ( el vigorZ match wasn't broadcasted so no proof for a good performance.)
It's not about how good he played on lan, It's about the 2 year old bust :D:D
you forgot rocky.avi
Wanna kidding me?
well, in PGA you played very good :(
I don't know the exact same thing!
life is hard, get over it
Perfo ik ben het met je eens maar denk niet dat er veel zal veranderen :|
man, krijg eens ruggengraat en ga niet mee met 'high'skilled players
ik bedoel het feit dat de ban vrij lang geleden had moeten gebeuren, maakt niet uit of ie highskilled is of niet, ik zeg men eigen gedacht, ze waren eigelijk allebij in de fout.

Iedereen heeft zo zn vriendjes , en niet iedereen is op tijd gebanned, maar in de 1ste plaats was het wel fout wat ie deed..
wat bedoel je?
RoLLFFFF only amer1c4n n00bZ 2ez
well i had a tryout, and his demos uhmmm 2 hs every kill(also on radar), screenshots are clean, but new etproguid, new crossfire- and cbcaccount, 3 different ips.

but it seems it's still not enough proof to bust him. :/
just ban
since razz got banned, everyone else should get banned aswell
No tbh, wall hack is acceptable, but rivia tuner is just not!
im more for once OFFICIALLY busted, with PROPER cheats, stay banned
but the current rules are for 6months and a year
sooo since mize already didnt play for 6 months dont see why he should get banned
why didnt he play for 6 moths?
wasnt allowed by CB Sups since well, everyone knew he hacked, so he served his 6 months without being banned anyway
just say "CB sux"

its summer, he can do other things for 6 months
so true gettin banned in the summer isnt bad @ all.
In all fairness regardless about the ban there probably isn't enough proof to ban mize anyway. I mean yeah you can prove he was on the server at the time but he doesn't get kicked for anything so there is no evidence to say that was more than an elaborate hoax. Not to mention that he was stopped from playing last EC with Morrigu, cant really see how he can be banned. Rocky on the other hand, I couldnt give a shit tbfh.
haven't seen the demo where mize got obvious wh?

no one can deny that demo as proof

(even mize himself said it's him with wh)
I have, but CB don't use demos as proof. Without mize admitted it (good job for that) then whats to say that the game was not an elaborate joke and they were all on vent ? (I know obviously that didn't happen but you could claim that). ET crew knew they couldn't ban him offically, so they stopped him playing and he has served his time.
Quotethen whats to say that the game was not an elaborate joke and they were all on vent ?

Lol? That doesn't matter as he used a wallhack which is a cheat. There are a lot of examples with situations in real life that starts as a joke but then doesn't end as they like =)
i know it was far fetched but it was just an example of what he could claim :P
I don't think claims help too much
I know but if cb tried to re-ban him. This time officially i think i would be a little pissed off after serving a ban "unofficially".
The cops couldnt find the murderer, after 1 year they found him but they let him go cause he surved his jail period.
mize wasn't allowed to play ec last season though, so he should be punished twice because cb couldn't ban him officially and he went along with being banned ?
Mize should be banned imo, he stopped playing active after his bust but still he could play cuz he wasn't banned.

He deserves his ban, but maybe it's a bit late to still ban him.
Mize should be banned imo, he stopped playing active after his bust but still he could play cuz he wasn't banned.

He wasn't allowed to play last EC.
that was a decision of the cup admins not a ban ;)
And what happens if he didn't agree and went to the top of cb ? He would have been allowed to play without a doubt, so you should at least be a bit more respectful of mize for agreeing to "sit out" and serve a ban when he didn't have to.
oke you're right about that, didn't think about that option.
alles scheisse
Bullshit, just ban him. And the "he didn't/couldn't play in EC :<<" excuse, lol, unexpected consequences I would call that.
Next time if he cheats to quit ET, he shouldn't come back. Pathetic guy.

And it's Belgium R[/u]hand. Ty.
Ban _all_ hackers, np
Whether Mize should or should not be banned is not the question in this case. The question is 100% evidence.

1. Demo (no guids or /guids in demo)
2. Yawn on the server (yawn only showed he was there not player number)

My point is im sure it was him but if you went to court for instance its all circumstancial evidence. He wasn't banned at the time and im sure he wont be this time.

Although we know different, anyone can /name Mize and make a demo without hard evidence its impossible to prove it was actually him.
congrats on making the first good decision in your new post ;)
U are just wasting your time tryin to get a game cheater free.
And lets just ignore the things we know plz.
Sad but true idd. It takes clanbase 10 months to ban someone while it takes the cheater 5 minutes to circumvent the ban -.-
Well even 100% aimbot in .avi with ETTV demo is not a proof for ban. Bullsh1t.

he is kicked, but its not enough. :(
one more cheater who isnt banned
Didn't happen, what game?
u were watching someone else because this really didn't happen
jaa-a vaikee uskoo koska oot ainoo joka väittää tommosta :P
maybe it was cod2 or somthing.
Play more promode!
oh, hill cheats? it must be hard to still suck with hax :(
did you ever have a girlfiend outside the PC ?
We didn't use mize in the EC qualifier ;s
Mize cheated several times, so he deserves to get banned, even after such a long time. It also doesn't matter if he's a nice person irl or not. He's stupid/gay enough to cheat, so he deserves to get punished.
that´s what i though :)
ban him and all the others, 6 months ban is nothing they should really make it more, the fact that he hasn't played for 6 months doesn't mean he shouldn't be banned simply because it doesn't work that way.

and also i can't see how people still play with him or cheaters in general, alexl etc
so what, mize has still not served his 6 month ban, he's been playing for the last 6 months
We need to set some examples, if one guy who hacks obviously on purpose to get banned and doesn't, how the hell will the potential hackers react? "I can't get banned anyway, even if i try to, so np!"
die rocky was barslecht, heb hem niet eens zien tracken zoals hij het normaal online doet, maak jezelf toch niets wijs, ik stel voor dat je hem eerst ns gaat speccen op een demos online en dan op een demo op lan.

rocky is worser then worse, didn't even see him track once like he does online, don't fool yourself, I propose that you first spec some demos of his online performance and then watch a demo from the lan.

Happy that atleast someone agrees with me here btw!
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