so yeah im on there for like no fucking reason
now yawn.be wont remove my mark cause they are like blablablibli appeal your ban
and everyone is crying about my name bein on there

im banned from like everyfucking server there is cause they wont fucking remove my guid

srsly i sware to god these guys are fucking idiots

these kids are just being so retarted

i say tomorrow at 2100 (crossfiretime)

we all spam pbbans.com with fake/accounts and spam their forums and shit

please be with me lalala

oh and fozzer i hope both your parents die in car fire and rot in hell
You didn't even explained us why pbbans should remove it :/
cause i was playing on this TWL and there was this 1 pb list in console.. gg_aim/nc_aim/ec_aim is '' must be equal to 0 ok blabla
so im like lal how stupid is that system.. /nc_aim 1.. uknown cmd /set nc_aim 1nothing.. and 30seconds later i get kicked
haha selfowned imo :D
i did lol especially that the hack thats supposed to be from is from 2005 and doesn't work on etpro :)
lal doesnt it work on etpro?
so if i was using it i should have been kicked for the hack in the first place? and not the cmd
they ban for traces also !
But it's understandable that pbbans don't want to delete it. This story (even it's true) could be told by every cheater.
i think its retarted anyways to ban people for cvars/pk3s.. esp the pk3s
So the only way to ban people is with pbss(pbss blocker) and demos(won't happen), well, acctualy it already is like that.
I like your nick : ) how you pronounce it ? i do it like english '' mishervel'' or polish MISZERWEL
idk i prefer in turkish.. mislambaba
or just mischa verheul in dutch lalal
go join a TWL server/idk w/e public that isnt using that pbbans thingy and try it out
dont have et anymore can't look :(
en je schrijft je in voor team nl:DD:DD
did you miss your lube session today?!
«22:15:28» {@fozzer} seems like since cb got tough we are seeing more and more of this type of thing lol
hax nc_wall haha xD
Noucha :(
hahahehehhaeheh ayou är bög :D:Dd:D:D du har ett katspö? nej so be tyst xD:D:D:D:
jag tar dig to hell ;>
du ska åka till helvetten, bög
Ban this retard.
waarom mica bannen
d0h oneerlijk he:(
en te irritant dat al die servers die lijst ofzo egbruike
laat mica met rust.

ps: hoe was 't vuurwerk?!
heh wel grappig:) ik kan t elk jaar zien vanuit me raam:p
je heKt!
oh the drama...just get a new pbguid
ye, they are awesome

keep up the good work
do not make the mistake of thinking that the nc_ cvars are from some ancient netcoders bot .. the cvars are from recent cheats (mostly private) that can be run outside of the game directory and the features toggled on and off via cvar.

So forgive me if I dont see the funny side of using this cvar for a joke on a public server.

You were spoken to in a professional and courteous manner and invited a ban on the PBBans irc channel by starting to say we were retarded ( I spelt it correctly for you) .. foxdie banned you to stop any further flaming .. it probably would have been a temp ban untill this happened.

[21:15] * Anon4143 ([email protected]) has joined #pbbans
[21:16] <+Anon4143> yo foxdie i hope your fucking mom diesth
[21:16] <+Anon4143> at bitch deserves to get prostate cancer
[21:16] <+Anon4143> that

Now that, coupled with the sentiment expressed in the opening post ( oh and fozzer i hope both your parents die in car fire and rot in hell) make me think the irc ban will be permanent.

Like i said on irc:

[21:11] <@fozzer> u cant prove u were not cheating ..but we can prove u used a known cheat cvar ..its our policy to ban for these detections but its entirely up to the server admins if they want to include cvar catches on their banlist

[21:13] <@fozzer> the problem is there are cheats that run outside of the game dir and the features toggled on and off via cvar .. so very rare this type of violation gets lifted.

Have a nice day

p.s. fox says as far as he is aware women dont have prostates :)
make me think the irc ban will be permanent.

idc about the ban from your channel.. just keep me banned

So forgive me if I dont see the funny side of using this cvar for a joke on a public server.

yeah you werent there but these kids were talking trash cause i kept pre-firing them with my panzer and this was the same day/evening/night i found out that i can get myself kicked by typing /set nc_blabla 1
sounds sweet.
"retarded ( I spelt it correctly for you)"
"p.s. fox says as far as he is aware women dont have prostates :)"

Those were just too funny :D
don't act retarted if he was cheating he wouldn't even do the work to contact you and just get a new etpro/pb guid... but you guys are definetly to smart to figure that out
Why wouldn't he try to get his ban lifted?

What if he is too stupid to get new guids?
im sorry arachon but i already have this etpro guidspoofer and hf w/ that etkey

i just want them to remove my fucking guid from there..
ohhh mischa mischa i was there when this happened xD
ban this guy.
lol, mica hacking? worst player in the internet, funny how you guys thinks he cheats

love you though, bitch
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