Funny storyZ

Ok guys tell me ur funniest storyz

I'll start...

Me and a few friends wanted to barbecue.. So we bought a lot of beer steaks and all that c00l stuf. The party started and i was liek lol only n00bs here i gonna pwn em.. I went to the kitchen and stole a glass of nutella...
image: nutella

I took the glass 2 zeh toilet and started to bedaub all the toilet with the fucking nutella. I waited like 10 mins so they thought "oLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOl Heidenreich teh noob shitZ roflflflflflflf". After that i came out of the toilet and started to whine "omgomg it wasnt me... not my mistake.. the whole toilet is full of shit.." at that point my hands where full of nutella.. That was just awesome.. all the faceZ: OMFG WHAT A NERD RUN GUYS THE SHITHEAD IS COMING! NO PLS DONT TOUCH ME! GO AWAY!..
A few guys went to the toilet to watch what i've done... and everyone was just shocked.. I'll never forget their faces :DDDDDD
They where a bit drunk but they quickly realized that the "shit" was only nutella..
We had a great laugh and they helped me to clean the toilet..

kk now is ur turn.. go ahead..

image: tarquinou-au-nutella-gauffr
gimme admin rights 24/7 avi and i delete fagcomments like the one above me.
I'd lick it clean.
you have a nice bday yesterday ?
nothing special, some alcohol and no hangover today.

but tomorrow starts real party. :-}
nice, know how you feel. Got a stupidly sore throat from drinking last night, doesn't stop me from drinking again tonight though >:D

have fun tonight mate :P
Damn last weekends vacation omg nah you had to be there.

just picture 8 guys in one vaction cottage with to much bacardi.
lol, best story ever
a true Nutella moment :)
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