ze new maps!

i have always been against new maps, but i must admit that bremen is a good map for competition. a great mix of balanced stages and a little luck factor which makes a map interesting

but karsiah? i've never seen such a map with unbalanced stages. it might be fun on public. but it's surely no map for competition. we need a rebellion like we had when clanbase wanted to force 5on5 =DDD====D =D=D=D= =D=D

well, at least i would like to see oasis back (doesn't matter old or new). this is a map which requires a lot of skill in the form of teamplay and tactics. tho' u have the better individual player u can get raped on that map. some guys would say that oasis is easy to defend, especially in the back. u even have to think about detailed offense tactics and gain experience as the offence team. this is a good map because it supports the stable, not the 2 weeks teams.

karsiah is good
karsiah is not very good ...
I've played both maps in some mixes and the occasional 3v3, bremen is nice but kersiah needs some work still i think.
the maker of bremen is going to adjust the map, and that will screw the map for sure. dont know why poeple why about mg etc, if you cant take down a simple mg try lower teams
full agree
karsiah have a lotto factor, it just doesn't happen that often.. its not the best out there but since we have frostbite/braundorf in maplist, i wont complain about karsiah/bremen :p
i rly hate braundorf.
frostbite is okee.. but braun :X
Karsiah is like 10x times better than Bremen already. I cant understand why people still play Bremen and Frostbite when you got Karsiah and that "new" Frost-map to pick instead.
Bremen is overrated, it's not balanced and map is way 2 opened. You can be backraped everywhere. Karsiah is nice, it's not lotto if you fallback at time and with some bug fixes it will be a very nice map. still,supply is better than both of em,and I agree with u on oasis part. And, bremen is kinda ugly.

Btw, shouldnt be a reply,just a comment,sorry lotiX.
backraped at bremen plzzz
well, there is much space at bremen. but it gives you the possibility of developing much crossfire. moreover i really can't understand why people wanna play good looking maps. go and play far cry if u like amazing sceneries.

1st stage might be balanced (maybe even hard to get for allies if the defense is good)

at 2nd stage it's not possible to defend both north and south...u can give up south and hold allies easily at north!
That's the whole idea of karsiah. You have to choose which documents to defend, just like in radar you can't defend both radar parts for ages. According to your logic radar is an unbalanced and crappy map as well.

Personally, after praccing karsiah a bit, I think it's a nice and refreshing map and when compared to crap such as frost, braun, adler, it's way better and should stay in the maplist.

But yeah, since the majority of ET community favours these zero-brain lean-only maps, I can understand why a bit more complicated ones aren't treated as they should be.

(Haven't played bremen yet so can't say shit about it.)
bullshit...you can't compare radar with karsiah. there is much space in radar which allows u to build a good crossfire by shooting trough almost the whole map in the back....thats is absolutely not possible in karsiah
there is space,but it needs a lot of developing I think, and I'm not crying about looking,I'm just saying its not good looking at some other maps. Karsiah has a space too, and taking flag isnt that hard if you attack properly,and about 2nd part, why does it matter if u cant defend 2 objectives? Karsiah is fresh map, it needs some attention from the teams and I'm sure it can be a good map.

And I agree with Nizou's comment above.
I rly hate Karsiah...
Karsiah is pretty good in competition
I love bremen!
I dunno about karsiah, haven't played it that much, but from what I noticed the north parts are kinda easy to defend by axis.

Bremen is (imo) a really good map. I don't know why ppl say it "doesn't look nice", but I guess Dersaidin can easily fix that =)
bremen is nice but karsiah just sucks ..
oasis back i agree
remove karshia
You should consider Special Delivery 2. It is a great map, if the spawntimes get adjusted.
It can be a bit lotto, but still a nice map.
100000% agreed
Bremen is n1, haven't played karsiah that much yet but from the looks of it it won't be one of my favorites, still better than braundorf for example. And please, the word oasis should be banned from this site, hf making your "organised offences" when you get killed and gibbed 3 times while executing.
Bremen is nice, Karsiah is just crap.
Karsiah > Bremen
Bremen > Temple_final > silly_ctf > karsiah
bremen imo best map atm
After allies catch the flag on bremen and blow main it needs to be changed there allies are in a bottle neck and just get raped by mg,arty and floating heads. Even the side way is shitty roof is so low you cant jump/strafe properly which meaning a well placed riflenade and it wipes you out.
bremen supply grush radar karsiah best 5 maps atm, braundorf is a nice 6th

frost sux
Don't let sd in this ugly list pls. :[
But agree , frost sux !
bremen sure is better than karsiah...
Bring back the old maps( sw_oasis, even fueldump maybe :) ), i would like that too, but CB admins sure won't listen...
karsiah is lotto as hell, opponent set 5 min 1 sec vs us, then held us @ flag 3 min. We grabbed south, and got north @ 40 sec of the end. With 20 sec left i ran out and in 18 sec i was at transmitter, 4.59 gg
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