what will happen to zP

Whats going on really?

will keran and shy be banned?

will zP die or just recruit 2 other players?

Will zP loose their points from the EC matches keran and shy played?

Have tosspot made any comments about this yet?

Have keran or shy made any comments about this yet?

Whats going on? I need info...!!!
why is your english broken? :P
it allways been broken:D
Me 2 , im so confused!
Wanna know more as well.
will they recruit me instead of gifty !
team plasa fo sho!
ik stel de vragen hier
Quote by kErAnBAN! + i lold

kErAn's comment
keran and shy were busted? source pls
Wasn't keran the brother of hatred?
Shouldn't hatred be banned to than?
interesting justice
2nd that =)
well.. according to the rules, they should be banned. but imo they shouldn't!
why shouldnt they?

I dont belive they have used hax in offis.. i really dont..

but if they test on some random pub, they still have used hax..

its like.. i dont rob banks.. i dont, but i sometimes rob a random gas-station..

so i shouldnt be put in jail..

i say they should be banned, just as razz got banned, and everone else..
Lets see...tosspot, we need you
"Have tosspot made any comments about this yet?"

I dont really have anything to do with zP anymore, I was involved because of darky and potter to help my friends to get to lans. That happened, and now they're gone. Anything else that goes on in zP, like roster changes etc, has nothing to do with me.

I find it highly unlikely that these two would have been caught cheating in an official or something, having played on lan before and proven themselves. But I really havent been following the situation, nor spoken to anyone in zP about zP since CPC.
ok. thanx.

I thought u still was manager of zP, so my bad.

I allso dont belive they have cheated in an offi.. and yes, they have proven themselves at lans..

but still, if they used it once on a public.. its still a ban imo..
I mean theyre lan proofed,
but once tried hack -> ban,
even if youve "realskill".
i might be wrong but.... wasnt keran playing at sHg open ?
zucht. snap je et nou gewoon niet of wil je et niet snappen.
beiden.. explain
keran en shy hebben gehackt op pub. snuble vind dat ze geband moeten worden ookal hebben ze zichzelf bewezen op lans. thats it.
ow gehackt op pub.. niet in offi's dus -_-
if the proofs are credible -> ban, no matter if it's a known person or not (also when the person played on lan).

Personally, I don't want to see him [keran] banned (having played with him for a long time.). :7
they have both called it a day ;)
we should use some common sense and not act like a bunch of utter retards

common sense is to ban players who have used cheats.

easy as that imo... it doesnt really matter where they used it.
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