pt vs uk

4 - 0 :o ( GG )

lol discuss (or no)
well done boyz

<3 archy!
they had teamplay we didn't, server sucked aswell
You know, I had to look that word up in a dictionary. Imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be a figment of your imagination.
Shut the fuck up.

Examine that sentence please ^

idd, i looked it up too :(
Yeah but you're a retard so no one really cares.
That's not nice.
mztik i hv same opinion ;)

gg anyaway
Wouldn't surprise me if one of those gets busted.
you tell 'em rhand!
that will teach him to use flawed english!
Please, if you are correcting one's English skills, do try and use correct grammar! Thankyou.

(ta 4 the tank btw)
i lol'd what a nerd that guy is .... xD
there was me checking it through aswell :'(
im not correcting any1 dimwit
heard some koto was a real pwnator
koto pwns :)
Yeah, I saw him playing like that in ec4 against phan couple of days back. And to think 6 months ago he was just a normal med+ guy. Nothing special. Now he shoots headshots like a fuckin machine.

But he wasn't the only one.
I didn't watch the game but there are some nice players in pt
true!! tks ;)
And they didn't play. No Sexyhot, no Qkr, no ag0n (<3)...
setup is nice as well... anyway after checking the lineup on gamestv, only koto is a no-name to me...others I have heard or played against
I have played against you as well, does that make me rly skilled? Didn't think so.
I mean, they don't come from nowhere like koto does :P
Well, I just checked Clanbase and I think most of them were just in med+ clans, so nothing special. Oh, but so is Incomplete :o))))

( j/k ;-p )
well I didn't say they are high+ or anything, I just said I have heard the names, but that doesn't exclude the fact that they might hax..

still I'd like to see demo or ETTV replay before judging them :P
rofl, koto is known guy. you cant say hes unknown because you havent plaued him can you?

EDIT: i guess all this shit is directed to KOTO because he shooted some headshots in random match, you all should remember that top plauers WILL SHOOT headshots like hell.. thats why they are on TOP. KOTO DIDNT start playing ET week ago.. hes been in scene somehow AS FAR AS I CAN REMEMBER. JUst the fact he didn't play for dignitas or idle don't make him a hacker. THERE IS PLENTY OF AMAZING AIMERS IN ET, EVEN ALL OF THEM AIN'T PLAYING COMPETITIVE. WITH TALENT (YOU CAN AIM LIKE A GOD TBH). AFAIK I've NOT seen anyone claiming KOTO is a new NIGHT. hes just a grat aimer what is totally understable.

i guess we find some realy nice aimer on pub (pubonlyplayzors) who aimes better than the most of eurocup player but they dont have gameplay

no sarcasm btw
I didn't say he hax or anything, I stated out that he is not known to ME!

and I also said I won't judge him before I see his demos!

But if he really got 82 HS on radar, he must be kinda PRO!

watched just supply on ETTV and wasn't anything suspicious to me, just a pure public gameplay style!
agree! and Rhand is a fucking well known idiot!
k lowskiller
it's not so hard shoot some headshots against some med team.
As easy as it is too lose from some medskillers?
And UK-players aren't exactly medskilled.
as a team they are
We're talking bout aim, and when you encounter someone in a 1v1 it's personal skill that matters and not teamskill.
but this is 6v6... fair 1v1 duels are very rare at this lvl... you will most likely find urself get shot by 2-3 ppl at most times... this is why uk loose, they play to induvidually but maybe they can get more tp later on :)
most of them played in same clan together before, so why would their teamplay suck :S ?
cuz they are fraghunters! ;I
i agree there are many hackers in visuals team most are from NC
NC as NationsCup or NetCoders? :p
netcoders! i have just added bans for 2 of them but he isnt one!
Who are those 2 you mean? Cos I know one of that clan kinda good as he's an ex-clanmate of me (ZeCaToNe)
phunk and fatzeh
oh, 3v3 team.
someone in that team is mbudget but im yet to work it out :)
tell me your result if you got something, so I can laugh about it :>
i lost 2k on you...

not gonna trust any bakedbeanslandish anymore
Wouldn't surprise me if one of those gets busted.
be original pls :<
other? omg!
portugal have high, yes!!
I don't know about the whole of Portugal being high, but you sure seem to have hit the crack pipe hard.
nice hacking koto
port was way better, nice game to spec. didnt understand why all the uk boys had to spec though?
there was no timing from uk, only rush die, rush die, till map ended, atleast on sd

and port needs to backrape more jeez
The great tactical mind, Goliath, to the rescue. A modern day SunTzu, he outsmarts and outwits even the most cunning of opponents, the most vast of armies are laid waste through his deceitful ploys and heightened awareness. Wait, I think I've forgotten something...
koto was a good player, ever since i know him. the true is he was not interested playing in a good clan :x just fun mix
Uh yeah, because your opinion is worth so much, I mean the phrase "he was such a normal guy" has never been uttered; besides, I'd wager anyone who calls himself "sexy" "hot" can barely tie his own shoelaces, never mind spot a well accustomed hacker.
and your opinion? lolol. do u think any1 cares about what ur saying? and i call my self sexyhot? well.. it started with a joke and every single portuguese knows what sexyhot/venus is.. butt. u know, dont act like u know everything. gets embarrasing when people reads your comments
No, people don't care about my opinion; disturbingly, you seem to operate under the delusion that people care what you have to say, the only explanation to this is that you are suffering from a large, malignant, brain tumor.

Sexyhot means you're an idiot, although perhaps not in portugal, but seriously, who gives a shit about Portugal?
Ffs, stop fighting over me! Both of you!!11!!
sexyhot > sock

But idd no-one cared about Portugal until a man called Cristiano Ronaldo was born 22 years ago :(
when i checked ur age in ur profile i was surprised.
Emo kid, go cry.
koto hack 100%
It's stupid to discuss the score of a praccy. It was a practise, so what?

I'll praise when they win in real matches. This is such a Portuguese attitude, when winning a practise we are instantly champions. Let's wait and see.
lindo.. quem fez disto os melhores do mundo? :x apenas quis ver reaçoes.. Vai com calma! foda-se... criticas a minha atitude mas n vou perder-m a criticar a tua.. acontece a todos amigo! ;)
Vamos a ver o que dizem eles. :D
"It was a praccy, so what?"

Uhm it was a showmatch, on ettv, presenting the best players from two nations, except your nation had nothing to offer but a joke of skilled players.
Quotepresenting the best players from two nations,

Ok... sexyhot, QkR, d0g arent good players anymore
That's what I'm saying, they should be playing instead of these new pro gamers.
no way koto is clean... his playing was too different from time to time in this match.. 1 time he had perferct tracking.. the other time he shot some dudes feet..

i did play before... a long time ago and like sexyhot said i never cared for playing seriously in any top clan.

i just played for fun and mixed a lot with my m8s :)

btw spirea...

as u can see i didn't start today, it's the 3rd competition i'm playing with my national team.


portugal ftw
truee dat.. too funny ppl think you are a haxor because you have't played for'known' clans or so..
ppl think that chmpp is a haxor too!
That's not the reason I think he's hacking.
why do u refer to me saying u hax?
I said u are not known to me and therefore come from nowhere (still for me)
I didn't say u hax or anything I merely said I'm interesting to see the demo where u got 82 hs on radar before I judge u

I watched ETTV replay from yesterday in supply, u got a nice pub aim, don't think it was any suspicious... not so wice gaming sense and poor movement watching floor all the time when moving etc.. but well played anyway
are you ok spirea?? where in my post did i mention that you said i hacked?

go open your eyes please you're starting to sound ridiculous

btw, should I know you? i'm no1's fanboy and i won't ask you for your config anytime soon like other wannabe's for you to know me anytime soon.

as for my aim, let me worry about it ;)
if u got a need to show me that u aren't a random I would consider that as an excuse of prooving me that u aren't haxing, wouldn't u?

and I said my opinion about your gameplay barely stating out that u didn't look a haxer to me unlike many ppl have claimed around here

and yes, I'm kinda ok, are u? at least u seem kinda aggressive.. just hold your horses dude and relax

btw, what does it matter if u know me or not?
really man u should just go and get some sleep. staying up all night watching crossfire will make you rumble on and on without making any sense.

bb take care
I didn't stay awake whole night, far from that... but if u want to apologize and don't find anything else to say, I can accept it
u don't care about the comments of some low+ guys :]
wp portugal!
You either cheat, or you have alot of cheaters among your gaming friends.

YAWn! - Nice 6 different PB guids, and two "Koto"'s with etBot red triangle warning, both located in Portugal, Porto and Coimbra.

Clanbase: Team-viSual - Nice clan of busted cheaters, atleast three of them (etBot tracker) .

wow... u found 2 guys who live 1 in Porto and the other in Coimbra who faked my nickname and didn't even bother to fake my etpro guide...

you my friend must be Holmes... Sherlock Holmes

btw i don't live in any of those 2 cities as many can confirm here in portugal*
koto is from Aveiro lol. what a moron :< btw who the fuck is lakai?
Yawn isn't referring to the place where you live, merely to the place where your connection is coming from or something.
and why would someone fake some random public guy?
My real account name @ netcoders is sexyboy_69, so that picture is fake...
Are you a cheater? :<<
How recent is that ss? I played with that zecatone for 2 or 3 months.
wp guys.
Portugal did a great match with nice teamplay, gg to you :).

I enjoyed a lot specing IuR with a very agressive gamestyle. Give us more pls :p
LOL THE APOCALYPSE COMES :{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{

stop posting on xfire and get to working on movie nub! :D
Koto just rocks..

eC4 :*
wp portugal. was in favour of u, but rly thought england would win.
Foda-se é como o Koto diz!! Ele ficaram com uma azia do caralho!!!
portugal has nice teamplay and uk has to many players jumping around like monkeys lookin for multikills rather than goin for the win... expected
Koto becoming new mAus but who the fuck cares.. let the guy play
Eu até fiz login na puta da conta so para responder a estes ingleses retardados. OIÇAM LA OH CABROES DO CARALHO, who gives a shit about portugal? Levaram nesse cu e agora tao aziados? sempre será assim, em futebol, et, tudo. Vocês são a maior merda que alguma vez pisou o planeta terra, cambada de filhos da puta. Ok?

Pa proxima.. get skill. fodam-se.
gg wp

portugal and england
gg PT

rennie imo
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