telenet ownz

60 minutes ban for me, becuz i was covert with sten :<
k im sad now :<
sad panda ?
covert with sten = 100% cheat

u should know that

poor u
sad but tr00
u tracking ppls behind the walls.
i was banned for 1month 2
i'll join back after 55 mins and i'll be covert with FG42
there were some cheaters on there with nc bots, and well i couldnt take it any longer and turned my own bot on, reconnect and owned the shit out of them for a few minutes, then on the second round someone tipped off the admins and someone came onto that server! i was like oh shit, now im busted, but i turned it off real quickly, the wh and aimbot and well all the other nc-fucks got kicked :D and i was still there, im so fucking happy that that admin didnt check my stats, i could swear to u, it was 60 acc or smth and more than 50 hs in 1 round :P (ps. there were like 4 guys on each team, so ... and i played for 5 minutes or so, so dont call my bot a noobbot!)

thx for listening, i really feel relieved now that someone knows my dirty little secret !
i connected some days ago and renamed to a nick i have played with on a mix with some n-play team or what they were callled...
i only saw that one of them was on the server and after about 5 seconds on that server i got banned for 60 minutes... without a reason...
i know you cheated me down in q3!
i know that! :D
1 week ban here for being a lame panza :[
telenet has no soldiers
Telenet 2 has asfaik
i got banned for 1 week when there still were soldiers
collecting bans @ gmc todeszone for lolling
Schäme dich für diese Flagge!
was soll das denn heißen? >_>
Er hatte vorhin noch die italienische :/
i have 79 bans from there
i got lifetime ban @ wolftigy :<<< im sad
ip pls?!?
smells like revenge imo
stop cheating on a pub then !-!
It isint so easy!!1 it is like drugs!!11

i always get kicked because of my m_yaw & m_pitch settings omg rofl
Geez, didn't you know that sten was cheat-protected? So lame! Adman will punish you.

And there is an easy way to solve such problems- just reconnect Neostrada!

*love this stuff in Lagland!
Did you have more than 40% accuracy with Germany Sten? It's Sweden illegal at Netherlands Telenet
United KingdomSten and BelgiumTelenet you mean
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