Best magician i have ever seen!

Seen it but yup thats amazing
lol fake, the reactions would be worse if it was true
what would you do when you would spectate a magician?
you know that there must be a solution
its obvious a fake, there no such magic in the world.
i know, but how would you act when you would be one of the spectators?
i would know there must be a way to explain but at first i would just be impressed
most of them are actually fake and the "spectators" are actors :P
criss angel rox

but beeing drunk too lozll
Hes using mirrors, its really simple.
and smoke
magical Trevor > him anytime!!!
ye, hes awesome :)
but hoiw he is floating about two buidings is unexplainable
i would like to know how the walking on water works...

basically i dont wanna know all the tricks they use, somehow there is always some solution coming into my mind but it is just that absurd that i dont think about it...
i like magic entertainment, once already had the pleasure to watch copperfield live in vienna (out of the first row by accident).
And when i know all the tricks it looses its illusion and its entertainment...
Bewegliche Glasstufen, vermutlich etwas krumm am Boden festgemacht oder an den Seiten des Pools, da ja die Frauen drunter durch schwimmen.
so hätt ich das auch gedacht nur macht der nicht auch so aufführungen für private zwecke? oder eben nur illusionen im großen stil für den fernseher?
aber mit normalen filmeffekten is das ja viel leichter, und irgendwie entfährt dem dann der sinn oder?
deshalb bin ich auch so skeptisch wenn es dafür so simple erklärungen geben soll... aber gut bevor man sich den kopf zerbricht nimmt mans noch eher an und beginnt an magie zu glauben :P
hes seriusly scary :S
i dont get it :XX
yeah midget in a suit
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