
going on holiday 2 duBai for 1 week, so that will mean ur channel is safe and pc is hax-free for 7 days, hf + enjoy while u can! but i think there will be internetz cafe there so i can do abit of haxing if i pay by the hour i guessz.

don't miss me toooo much! oke bibuy <333333
hf in dubai
And you say I can't speak english. The irony.
lololol 2 of the biggest retards @ internetz said kamZzZ can't speak teh engrish loel
have fun with all the hot girls down there.. oh wait, they prolly dont fall for ugly fake g@ngst0rs ;)
yo momma likes iT l0l
the one on the left looks abit like u 8<
haha its kinda true but Loekino has got the biggest egg head ive ever seen and hes ugly :o
hf in duBai

oky bibuy
cu & hf ^^
lol cat looks very retarded and fat
have fun in the sun brown man!!
I'd like to go to dubai!
can i care less?

hf :) send me a postcard
hf mate:D i hope ur plain wont crash XD
I am already planning terrorist attack
hf in dubai make some nice pictures of the beautifull buildings ;)
lets look forward to the greatest week of the internet ever.
exactly! :D
nah im not angry at you :(
bring me back some aids pls
ok bibuy
1 week without u? i dont think i can stand it!!!

bibuy hype <3
HF in DUBAI rich boy
hf ghype
you wouldnt be able to hack computer if it was standing in front of you
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