boy vs girl fight in NL

what a pussy
the girl looks like you
rofl... bekloppte holländer
suprise suprise it was ngr who was beating that girl
ga jij eens naar bed, een chronisch slaaptekort is sneller opgelopen dan je zou verwachten!
she fuckin pwn hes ass fo sho!
[was kinda hot :P]
and i thought she would beat him :(
nice gay fight
die durft:D
merkt die later wel, als er een paar man voor zon deur staan
stupid kids
what a fucking dickweed, like you should hit a girl, faggot
Suprise suprise, it's some wannabe kiddo again. And when he meet someone who kicks his ass he calls all his brothers and their friends and go beat someone up 20v1.
Yes ofcourse, when a white guy says something negative about some Arab he's a racist? Please, go hug some trees or something.
no but when you're insulting a whole community for the actions of severals, then yes.

And yes I did hug a tree this week-end, no rly i was at some teambuilding camp :/
I wasn't insulting a whole community? I was describing a small/big part of a community :)
when a white guy says something negative about some Arab he's a racist?

do u notice how u used 2 groups in 1 sentence
and now plz stop responding with a "smart" comment.

U'r a racist be proud of it !
I'm no racist.
for 1 time rhand i fucking agree.
Just a sad retarded boy i hope they came back for him the next day only not with some girls ;D
add me as buddy?
haha fucking lame fight he cant even hit ::D
donker en een bontkraag, how unexpected
Quoteaphesia: wukas en chamire komen naar cpc2 met een bontkraag en een pyama broek.

who of the 2?
Tjah daar staat dat volk om bekend, zijn nogal goed in vrouwen slaan.
stupid black kid
xD waaaat een nerd xD
lame to hit a girl, fucking niger kid thinks he's cool , he better get the fuck out of this country
why your guys are they saying BLACk kid and not kid ? do we say white guy when a white guy is making a shitty thing ? that guy is an idiot sure but your guys are acting like racists .
beating a girl... low- :/
Beating a girl is lame, and I would probably never, ever dare to hit a girl either. I get a funny feeling :D

But I do hate when girls act all fucked up just because they know you wont do anything about it. In some cases I almost get the feeling I want to beat her up just to teach her that :<
he started to grab her...
dumb boy
Wie zijn die omstanders om te zeggen dat ze moeten stoppen... Mongolen :(

Vorige week zondag had ik hier ook een gevecht, niemand die in uberhaupt iets durfde te zeggen xDD
Lol at all of you saying I would never hit a girl, get some fucking balls. If some hoe is giving you trouble, you give her a slap!
ye or kill here, so your sure she will shut up heh?
I see it like this

- She is older
- She is bigger and most likely heavier
- She started it

Where is the problem ? In the same situation i would have done the same although i would have probably tried to restrain her.
Well , maybe when his mommy/sisters gets smacked up by daddy a lot, this behaviour may be normal to him..
What did that hindu want? I thought budists are all calm...
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